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John Kalucki

Jul 15, 1991, 2:44:11 PM7/15/91

Has MIPS announced anything about X11R5 yet? I've heard a rumor of another
R4 release from MIPS sometime in September, but the R5 version will be
available to X consortium members at the end of this month.

-John Kalucki

David DiGiacomo

Jul 19, 1991, 4:21:57 PM7/19/91
MIT's X11R5 distribution will include server support for MIPS workstations.
We believe that the clients and libraries will build properly on RISC/os
but have not yet attempted to verify this. If patches turn out to be
necessary we will make them available via ftp.

RISCwindows 4.10 is based on X11R4 and Motif 1.1.1, will support
RISC/os 5.0, and is scheduled to be released later this year.

RISCwindows 5.0 will be based on X11R5 and Motif 1.2 and will be
released in 1992.

Notes: MIT X11R5 will not be supported by MIPS. RISCwindows is our
supported X product. Motif version numbers may vary.

David DiGiacomo
RISCwindows group

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