N.b.: I realize there's an X-windows vncserver that runs on Darwin, but
I'm looking for the Aqua version.
Daniel E. Sabath, M.D., Ph.D.
UW Department of Laboratory Medicine
> At one point, there was a reasonably active project developing VNC for
> MacOS X. Has anyone heard of any recent progress. The website
> <http://www.osxvnc.com> seems to have vanished into the ether.
> N.b.: I realize there's an X-windows vncserver that runs on Darwin, but
> I'm looking for the Aqua version.
To my knowledge, very tricky or currently impossible. Some windowing
mechanisms simply don't lend themselves to being hooked in the way that
VNC needs. BeOS was one of those. So was OPENStep.
d> At one point, there was a reasonably active project developing VNC for
d> MacOS X. Has anyone heard of any recent progress. The website
d> <http://www.osxvnc.com> seems to have vanished into the ether.
That's too bad. I tried it a little bit a while back and it
seemed to work well. I don't know if you've tried it but you can
still grab it from:
The executable itself is at:
Another place you can try is:
Gregorio Gervasio, Jr.
> >>>>> On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 10:51:43 -0700, "Daniel E. Sabath"
> >>>>> <dsa...@fastmail.fm> said:
> d> At one point, there was a reasonably active project developing VNC for
> d> MacOS X. Has anyone heard of any recent progress. The website
> d> <http://www.osxvnc.com> seems to have vanished into the ether.
> That's too bad. I tried it a little bit a while back and it
> seemed to work well. I don't know if you've tried it but you can
> still grab it from:
Have you tried it in 10.2?
> still grab it from:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20010722185624/http://www.osxvnc.com/
Which version? (I can't get there from here)
> The executable itself is at:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20010613221737/www.osxvnc.com/OSXvnc-0.6.dmg.gz
I use version 0.7 at home - works good, I think.
But I got it from the lost web site.
Wes Groleau
d> At one point, there was a reasonably active project developing VNC for
d> MacOS X. Has anyone heard of any recent progress. The website
d> <http://www.osxvnc.com> seems to have vanished into the ether.
>> That's too bad. I tried it a little bit a while back and it
>> seemed to work well. I don't know if you've tried it but you can
>> still grab it from:
t> Have you tried it in 10.2?
I just tried it for a few minutes last night. It still runs
but I didn't try to do much with it.
>> still grab it from:
>> http://web.archive.org/web/20010722185624/http://www.osxvnc.com/
w> Which version? (I can't get there from here)
Version 0.6 is there.
>> The executable itself is at:
>> http://web.archive.org/web/20010613221737/www.osxvnc.com/OSXvnc-0.6.dmg.gz
w> I use version 0.7 at home - works good, I think.
w> But I got it from the lost web site.
What changed in version 0.7?
Hmmm, looks like VersionTracker has a link to a version 0.7
but this one doesn't seem to have come from the original author. This
one seems to have support for additional encoding modes. I'll try it
later tonight.
Mine isn't working properly, but I'm glad to hear it's still possible! :)
I just got it working on 10.2. Make sure you activate port 5901 in the
Sharing preference pane. I could get a VNC window from localhost and
from a remote Linux box. The only thing that's odd is that I was not
asked for a password from the Linux login. I have an /etc/osxvncpasswd
file and am using the -rfbauth /etc/osxvnc-passwd option in
Yeah -- I opened the port already, but the screen is all garbled, as if
I were watching tv over the airwaves on a channel that wasn't quite
coming in. :(
I'll mess with it more. ...
I've been using VNCViewer with pretty good success. It's
available at: http://homepage.mac.com/kedoin/VNC/VNCViewer
Jason Perez | "Frodo Lives!" "Gig 'em!"
Austin, TX
Actually, I (the OP) was looking for the VNC Server rather than the
viewer (client). Thanks to others, I found it and it works. Here's the
URL in case you missed earlier postings:
Clarification please -- do you want VNC Client or VNC Server?
> N.b.: I realize there's an X-windows vncserver that runs on Darwin, but
> I'm looking for the Aqua version.
If you want VNC Server, what the heck does it matter if it's
Darwin or Aqua? You aren't going to be looking at the UI much,
since it ought to be a background service.
> If you want VNC Server, what the heck does it matter if it's
> Darwin or Aqua? You aren't going to be looking at the UI much,
> since it ought to be a background service.
VNC is a remote control/view server.
So the UI that it echoes to the remote
does matter.
> > If you want VNC Server, what the heck does it matter if it's
> > Darwin or Aqua? You aren't going to be looking at the UI much,
> > since it ought to be a background service.
> VNC is a remote control/view server.
> So the UI that it echoes to the remote
> does matter.
True, but the VNC server doesn't control that -- it simply displays
whatever you choose to display on your monitor.
The Darwin version will only let you access X-windows by remote control,
not the entire desktop.
As you've doubtless discovered, Dan McGuirk has disappeared from the
net; I pray he is well occupied outside the net.
http://versiontracker.com/moreinfo.fcgi?id=14616&db=mac has version
0.7 from a new author, Dan's latest version was 0.6, now at
I wonder if things will work differently with Quartz? In some ways one
would think Quartz would lend itself to remote control software.
The new author does provide the source code in a package on his web
site. I hope he or others will continue!
[meta: 020914, mac os x, vnc, vncserver, osxvnc, open source]