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PB configuring "file dropping" on app's icon ?

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henri delebecque

Oct 22, 2003, 4:50:30 AM10/22/03

I have written a small application, both on OS X and OS 9 platforms,
and have the following problem:

In the "open" and "kind" resources, I have placed all the signatures
(a four ascii characters value) my application is able to read.

But, when I try to drop files on my application's icon, only
the first kind of doc seems to be accepted. Moreover, the problem
is not exactly the same on OSX.

Where should I put the good information ?

In the same idea, I have choose to configure the popup menu,
displayed when the user wants to open a file, without the
"kNavSelectAllReadableItem" flag, to accapet all types of documents.
It works on OS9, but not on OSX. Any hint ?

Thanks for your help

henri delebecque

Oct 22, 2003, 4:51:11 AM10/22/03

David Phillip Oster

Oct 23, 2003, 12:25:19 AM10/23/03
In article <3F9644FF...@supelec.frNOSPAM>,
henri delebecque <> wrote:

> In the "open" and "kind" resources, I have placed all the signatures
> (a four ascii characters value) my application is able to read.

You also must have a correct BNDL resource, with a signature resource,
that references appropriate FREFs, and you must clear the Finder's cache
of its obselete information about your app.

henri delebecque

Oct 23, 2003, 11:21:25 AM10/23/03

Thanks a lot.
May I ask how to purge the finder's cache ?
Reboot should do it, but is it the sole way ?
Best regards

Reinder Verlinde

Oct 23, 2003, 1:23:20 PM10/23/03
In article <3F97F1F5...@supelec.frNOSPAM>,
henri delebecque <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks a lot.
> May I ask how to purge the finder's cache ?
> Reboot should do it, but is it the sole way ?

It isn't even _a_ way. The Finder caches the data inside files that will
survive a reboot.

You will have to 'rebuild the desktop'. On Mac OS 9 and earlier, you can
do that by holding down command and option when the Finder launches.

For tips on the Mac OS X way to do it, see <>


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