Last do i get the "All Readable Documents" to show up if
i'm using the 'popupExtension' method? i only get "All Documents," and
only after i specify the 'kNavAllFilesInPopup' flag in the dialogOptions.
do you only get the "All Readable Documents" if you use a TypeList
handle? (i'm not using one...)
In article
david ralley <> wrote:
> > what if i want to make the
> > "All Documents" item the default selected item when the "Open File"
> > dialog appears instead of one of my "custom" types that i've specified
> > in the 'popupExtension' field of the NavDialogOptions structure?
> You need to install a Custom Event Proc which responds to the kNavCBStart
> event (when the dialog is being shown), which switches the popup
> to the item you want.
> Here's mine for "All Readable Files":
> static pascal void
> MyNavEventProc(NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector,
> NavCBRecPtr ioParams,
> NavCallBackUserData /*callBackUD*/){
> switch (inSelector){
> try{
> case kNavCBStart:
> SInt16 theKind = kNavAllReadableFiles; //change the popup
> menu to "all readable"
> ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSelectAllType,
> &theKind);
> break;
> }
> catch(...) {} // Can't throw back through the Toolbox
> }
> Now, if you could figure out how to change the title of the extra
> items in the popup that say "All Known Documents" and "All Readable
> Documents" to something more understandable under OSX, I'd be
> appreciative.... :)
> david