For some reason they are not set the way I want....
defaults write com.apple.ProjectBuilder
PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions '{ "ORGANIZATIONNAME" = "Acme
Widgets and Gewgaws, Inc." ; }'
In article
<noone-E9D719....@nntp.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com>, Peter
> Project Name is set by the name of your project. The organization name
> is contained in the com.apple.ProjectBuilder default file. You can
> change it by something like the following from the Terminal or by
> editing the pList using Property List Editor and looking through the
> file for the PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions dictionary.
> defaults write com.apple.ProjectBuilder
> PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions '{ "ORGANIZATIONNAME" = "Acme
> Widgets and Gewgaws, Inc." ; }'
Thanks for your reply but as I said I know how to do it in PB however as
the subject line states this is XCode.
I had found com.apple.Xcode.plist in Users/pteeson/Library/Preferences/
folder but there are no immediately obvious entries to modify and I am
not able to find the XCode documentation that explains the implications
of adding or modifiying them.
I understand that you are using xCode; nevertheless, I believe you will
find that the "macros" that you are looking for are found in
com.apple.ProjectBuilder.pList and that if you modify that pList, it
will change the defaults in xCode.
In fact there is no com.apple.ProjectBuilder file in my Panther
installation - probably because it was a clean install rather than an
update. Although there is still the old one in my Jaguar install on a
separate volume.
However there is com.apple.Xcode.plist in
So I did the simple experiment of adding the dictionary that you
recommended - PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions - to that file along
with the "ORGANIZATIONNAME" entry and bingo it works as hoped for.
I do remember doing that for PB (after having found documentation about
it somewhere) so I guess it makes sense to do so for XCode.
My thanks for your prompting and patience.