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Info-Mac Digest V7 #166

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The Moderators

Sep 17, 1989, 2:02:35 AM9/17/89

Info-Mac Digest Sat, 16 Sep 89 Volume 7 : Issue 166

Today's Topics:
[DCGQAL]GER.XSE0010!BroadCast 1.2
Banner-making Programs
Big, fast hard drives
Color Quickdraw Colortables under MPW with TMLPASCAL
Cricket Graph plots
DataFrame XP-20 on an Amiga?
Helvetica Fractions Laser Font
Info-Mac Digest V7 #159
Lautrec font
Microemacs source.
Radius 16+ accelerator
Request for INIT/CDEV
SitReport v1.0
the whole apple II line.
Using Modal Dialogs with the THINK C Class Library

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

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any password) in the info-mac directory on
[]. Help files are in /info-mac/help. Indicies are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

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Date: Mon, 11 Sep 89 10:09:22 PDT
From: "[DCGQAL]GER.XSE0010" <>
Subject: [DCGQAL]GER.XSE0010!BroadCast 1.2

BroadCast 1.2 fixes all known problems with the "answer" button,
as well as a couple of other cosmetic bugs. "answer" is now always
enabled, unless you remove or rename the file, or there are to many
files already open.

For those who don't know...

BroadCast is a tool to exchange short messages between Macintoshs.
It is installed by dragging it into the system folder. To send a
message, open the chooser and select first broadcast, then one or
more recipients. Click OK and enter your message. You may select an
icon to accompany the text. Voila. The receiver will get a dialog
on his screen. The dialog shows the icon, text, the time the message
was received, the sender and two buttons: OK and Answer. The answer
is used as the direct path back to the sender without opening the

There is a Columbia AppleTalk version available to REGISTERED USERS
ONLY. It consists of a daemon that registers all the users of one
box, and of a tool that allows unix users to send messages to other
unix or macintosh users.

BroadCast is shareware: it costs $25 per zone, or $100 per entire
appletalk network. Send your money (check), and you'll receive the
disk with all the necessary files. Btw, registered uses will get an
invoice, a license and a disk.

Joachim Lindenberg, Sommerstrasse 4, 7500 Karlsruhe 1, West Germany

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/broadcast-12.hqx; 28K]


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 15:06:55 EDT
From: "Roger D. Parish" <>
Subject: Banner-making Programs

In the IBM PC world (ooooh, what he said!), there are lots of programs
for producing banners. They print large block letters sideways (longways)
on dot-matrix printers. Are there any such in the Macintosh world? Any
PD or shareware programs in the archives?


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 09:40:00 MDT
From: Bob Bolt <>
Subject: Big, fast hard drives

I am looking for a new hard drive to be used on my AppleShare file server.
It needs to be blazingly fast (under 20 ms) and between 100 and 200 megs.
It also needs to be reliable and come with some decent software.
Does anyone have any experience with drives that meet these criteria?
Thanks in advance.

Bob Bolt Bitnet: BBOLT@UALTAVM
Instructional Tech Centre CI$: 75410,2754
University of Alberta AppleLink: BB...@UALTAVM.BITNET@DASNET#
B117 Education North Voice: (403) 492-3926
Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2G5


Date: 15 Sep 89 14:40 +0200
From: MetIV <>

I have a CDROM unit SONY CDU-6100-01 with a 40 pins conector,
a a set of switches to set device number (0 to 7), WAIT/DQR and terminator
on/off. (If you are thinkig on the Ibycus CD drive, you all allright). It
seems prepared to a IB,so i suposse it must be some standard...

The question is: Can I conect this unit to a Mac II. How?

two secundaries questions are:
What xxcsdyzyx! that port is?
What is the format of the SONY CD disks?


Alejandro Rivero
Zaragoza Univ - Spain



Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 10:09:01 -0900
From: "Chris Hartman" <>
Subject: Color Quickdraw Colortables under MPW with TMLPASCAL

Is anybody willing to help this lost user? Here is the problem. I am using
TMLPascal under MPW for graphics uses on a Mac II. (Nothing important, just draw
ing, etc.)
I would like to use Color Quickdraw, which I have been able to do, but the
lookup table is using the best match to the 8 colors that are default for the
color imagewriter. I found (in Inside Macintosh, Vol 5) the function to load
in a new colortable (can't remember it exactly right now...) but it needs the
handle to the color lookup table, and that handle is under the window
structure. As far as I can tell, I can only access things in the structure
below ThePort. Do I need to open a new window? All I am looking for in an
answer is a very quick example, for instance, it ought to be about five lines
to draw in say, purple. I can figure out the rest from looking at the manuals,
etc. (I am pretty handy with computers in general, and picking the manuals for
real information. Please respond to me directly, as I do not read this list.
Chris Hartman


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 10:37:24 edt
From: (Hisham)
Subject: Cricket Graph plots

"" asks about Cricket Graph plots.

According to Rich Norling (co-author), Cricket Graph does not take any extra
steps to support plotters. In other words, it will not do clipping of
overlapping regions, font substitution, etc. It only supports a plotter to the
extent of the plotter's own intelligence and built-in fonts.

For decent output from Cricket Graph, you are better off using the LaserWriter
or ImageWriter II (for color).

Hisham A. Abboud

Bitnet: ABBOUD@CUA |


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 5:41:08 PDT
From: cpdaux! (Steve Lemke)

I don't know if this will get to you - if you intend people to respond to
a message, you really should include a real mail address in your message.
(I'm carbon copying this to Info-Mac besides attempting to mail it to you.)

That aside, I've worked with the GW Instruments Mac Adios II board, and it
seems to be a pretty slick unit. I'm programming it in THINK Pascal, though
it also has drivers for THINK C, Turbo Pascal, MPW, and Quick BASIC amongst
others. If you don't mind programming the Mac interface yourself, it's not
so bad - although I'd recommend something like Prototyper to write the actual
Mac program for you, after which you can add the specifics for MacADIOS. If
you actually get this and you have any further questions, please feel free to

----- Steve Lemke ------------------- "MS-DOS (OS/2, etc.) - just say no!"
----- Internet: cpdaux! GEnie: LEMKE
----- Or try: apple!cpdaux!steve CompuServe: 73627,570
----- Quote: "What'd I go to college for?" "You had fun, didn't you?"


Date: Fri 15 Sep 89 10:41:08-PDT
From: Brodie Lockard <>
Subject: DataFrame XP-20 on an Amiga?

Can a Dataframe XP-20 disk drive (made by SuperMac) be used with an Amiga 1000?
What hardware or software would I need to make this work?

Brodie Lockard


Date: Sat, 16 Sep 89 12:25:58 EDT
Subject: doMenu

Does anybody know how (I guess IF should go first) it possible
to pass parameters to "doMenu" in HyperTalk. Specifically, I am
interested in passing a "New Stack..." with the new filename so
that the file dialog doesn't appear. I have tried what seemed
like the obvious:

doMenu "New Stack...", "test"
doMenu "New Stack..." with test

And some perhaps a little less obvious and a lot more absurd
(permutations of the above).


David Detlefsen
University of Michigan
Chemistry Department
Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Date: Thu, 14 Sep 89 23:20 CDT
From: "Sandro Corsi, Univ.of WI-Oshkosh" <>
Subject: Gatorbox

I asked Sandro to clarify his remarks in Info-Mac Digest 7/162 about
his experience with
limitations of the GatorBox AppleShare/NFS protocol conversions.
I also asked whether it made any difference whether the Macs were
EtherTalk or LocalTalk connected. His reply was very helpful:

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The relationship between the Suns and the Macintoshes is not symmetrical in
the sense that any transaction must be initiated on the Mac side. You
cannot be sitting at the Sun workstation(s) and down/upload files to/from a
hard disk hooked up to a Mac. In fact, you cannot even "see" the regular
AppleShare volumes running on Mac hardware.

For a while we had a Macintosh on EtherTalk, but this did not affect any of
the foregoing. In fact, it didn't seem to speed up AppleShare access to the
Sun, either. It did, however, speed up considerably FTP transfers to the
same, through TELNET logins.
We never had an EtherTalk Mac running AppleShare -- but there's nothing in
the GatorBox manuals to suggest that it would make matters different in any

I still think that the GatorBox was a good purchase, given our specific
needs. After all, we only have to cross the hallway to get to a Mac and
do all the transfers we need -- and we try to do the bulk of our
interactive work on Macintoshes, anyway. But it might be too limiting if
you need a peer-to-peer arrangement.



Date: Sun, 10 Sep 89 23:11:41 -0900
Subject: HackScore

Here is a stack called HackScore
This is a HyperCard Stack to help out with the NetHack
game which was just posted. It is a great game but it
occaisionally does not produce a high score list after
a gaming session. To remedy this I made this stack.
All you have to do is put it in the same folder as all of the
other NetHack stuff. If you open it it will read in the
top twenty scores from the "records" file. The main script
is in the stack script and may be of interest to people
who want to find out about importing text information into

By the way does SuperCard work like this too?

Have fun.
Dan LaSota

PS The fall colors are already at their prime up here in

[Archived as /info-mac/game/nethack-score-stack.hqx; 10K]


Date: Thu, 07 Sep 89 06:02:20 MST
From: Bruce Long <>
Subject: Helvetica Fractions Laser Font

This is the Helvetica Fractions laser font. Shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/helvetica-fractions.hqx; 25K]


Date: Sat, 16 Sep 89 09:12:37 CST
From: Bill Hayes <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V7 #159

Does anyone have experience with the Apple Token Ring Card and Token Talk?
We're acquiring an evaluation Mac IIcx and TR card from Apple ed. reps this
week. Unfortunately their SE will be in Culpertino, so I'm looking for
an additional someone to call if we run into problems. We'll be hooking
into an IBM TR net (running IBM PC LAN) which has gateways into an IBM
4381 mainframe, and from there to an ethernet backbone with connections to
VAXes, etc. Our goals are to see if we can (a) use IBM micros as MAC file
servers, (b) run a 3270 session, (c) bypass the IBM mainframe and go directly
via TCP/IP. I realize that we probably can't accomplish much without extra
software, so what's out there in the way of TCP/IP software, etc??? Also,
what companies make Token Ring cards for SEs? What would be the minimum
hardware requirements for SEs running Token Ring cards???

Thanks in advance

Bill Hayes


Date: Fri, 08 Sep 89 07:08:49 MST
From: Bruce Long <>
Subject: Lautrec font

This is the ToulouseLautrec laser font, very artistic.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/toulouse-lautrec.hqx; 33K]


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 7:43:33 EDT
From: Kenneth Sussmann (PBMA) <>
Subject: MacWeek

> This is not precisely a Macintosh question, but it is one people here ought to
> be able to respond to intelligently. I've not received my MacWeek for this
> week, or the previous one; nor have my co-workers. Is it just the fabled DC
> Post Offices (they are taking lessons from the DC Ambulance Service I guess
> ;-)) or has something happened to this publication I (1) did not
> notice or (2) did not know?

I noticed the same thing and wondered if my subscription was cancelled.
However, when I checked a back issue and read the fine print on the inside, I
discovered that they don't publish the last week in August and the first week
in September. Another mystery solved.



Date: Sun, 10 Sep 89 03:07:45 -0400
From: (Earle R. Horton)
Subject: Microemacs source.

This is a BinHex-encoded StuffIt 1.5.1 archive containing the source
to the version of microemacs 3.9e that runs on the Mac. I compiled it
with Aztec C 3.6c and with MPW C 2.0.2 last week. You have to do
funny things to make it work with MPW C 2.0.2, but these should make
it easier to use MPW C 3.0. Once upon a time, an ancestor of these
sources was compiled with LightSpeedC 2.15. This distribution
contains only those files necessary to compile microemacs for the
Macintosh, and supporting documentation relevant to the Macintosh.

This was my first real programming project on the Mac, and I have been
playing with this code for a long time. This means that portions of
the code diverge somewhat from the official microemacs maintained by
Dan Lawrence. It also means that there may be portions of the code
which do not reflect my present ideas of good coding practice. If you
see any of these, give me the benefit of the doubt and assume it was
something I did three years ago.

If you want to compile these sources, read everything that looks
like documentation first.

Earle R. Horton

[Archived as /info-mac/source/c/microemacs-39e-part1.hqx; 185K
/info-mac/source/c/microemacs-39e-part2.hqx; 185K]


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 6:00:28 PDT
From: cpdaux! (Steve Lemke)
Subject: Radius 16+ accelerator

}Koala Video digitizer is the only thing that's had bad problems.
}Sounds you need the Radius INIT (provided) Memory no different
}than before. There software seems to do a great job of compatibility.

For what it's worth, a representative from Koala recently visited Radius
for the purpose of testing their Video digitizer with an accelerated Plus
(with Full Page Display) as well as an accelerated SE (with Two Page
Display). From what I recall, I don't believe the current software had
a problem with the Plus, although there was a definite problem with the SE
accelerator. This was easily solved, however, by rebooting, holding the
mouse button down (possible only with the SE accelerator) and turning off
one of the caches (I think it was the Code cache). This is due to some
strange code they have written, and they intend to fix that in their next
release. Also, my memory is not entirely clear on the Plus test, but if
there was a problem, it was identified and will (hopefully) be fixed soon.
They also had a problem with our (stock) Mac IIcx, which they intend to
look into, and may have already fixed.

}Only programs I've had any problems with are the OLD ones. Every thing
}reasonably current runs w/o any problems.

As a member of the Radius Engineering QA team, I often assist other Mac
developers in testing compatibility between their products and our products.
This can be done by sending us their products, or (in some cases) by loaner
samples of Radius equipment being sent to the developer (though we don't
often send out things like Two Page Color displays - sorry). This makes it
easier for them to fix any compatibility problems, often before a product
(theirs OR ours) is even announced to the public.

----- Steve Lemke ------------------- "MS-DOS (OS/2, etc.) - just say no!"
----- Internet: cpdaux! GEnie: LEMKE
----- Or try: apple!cpdaux!steve CompuServe: 73627,570
----- Quote: "What'd I go to college for?" "You had fun, didn't you?"


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 13:53:53 EDT
From: (B. Kirsch)
Subject: Request for INIT/CDEV

~~r tomac2

I would like an INIT/CDEV that presents a modal dialog box when copying
files that, instead of saying "Replace items with the same names with the
selected items?" have the message say "Replace <filename(s)> with a(n)
<newer/older> version of <filename(s)>". The CDEV would have options to have a
prompt for each file to be replaced or replace all. The CDEV might also have
the option to automatically replace old files with new ones and only prompt if
an oldfile will replace a newer file. This will save me time by not having to
Get Info, or changing my Finder's View from Icon View.

Does any such INIT/CDEV exist? If not, could someone out there write
this useful little utility?

Thanks in advance,
Barry Kirsch


Date: Sat, 9 Sep 89 15:35 +0200
From: "Sven (Sciz) Axelsson" <>
Subject: SitReport v1.0

SitReport v. 1.0 - A utility program to generate useful reports
on the contents of hierarchically maintained StuffIt archives.

By Sven Axelsson, Gothenburg, Sweden

[Archived as /info-mac/util/sit-report.hqx; 25K]


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 13:15 CDT
From: <>
Subject: the whole apple II line.

I have some time to kill and I feel like airing a gripe.

I think that apple should kill the whole apple II line. Instead they
should implement II in a mac or some such standard on every machine. That way
they could still support the environment without wasting alot of development.
Some say they still have a place in the high school - but the truth is they
are loosing popularity. The way to continue them is to slowly integrate the
macs into the schools as apple II clones and a whole lot more. Just a thought
>From the bored...


Date: Wed, 13 Sep 89 08:59 EST
From: <>
Subject: Using Modal Dialogs with the THINK C Class Library

Using Modal Dialogs with THINK C Class Library?

After having read and used the THINK C Class Library I am very pleased with
what they have done to implement this useful subset of C++. The Class Library
is well put together and documented. Anyone who has been confused by the
Library should not give up...reread manual, often. Turn on the Debugger
and follow the flow of logic, this cleared up many questions for me.

My question is about implementing modal dialog boxes. Not finding either
an example or a subclass I assume one of two possiblities. 1) A modal
dialog subclass needs to be created as a special Window/Director combination
or 2) Modal dialogs are to be handled in the "old fashsion" way.

Any ideas out there?

P.S. Special thanks to THINK C and Gregory Dow for the Class Library. Good job.

William Gilbert
Whitehead Institute
Cambridge, MA


End of Info-Mac Digest

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