Iraq vet tears into Barack Obama and his disrespect of our country and
military -
Over 10 million views for this touching video as seen on CNN.
One brainwashed moron expresses his retarded opinion.
Here are just a few excerpts from letters to Michael Moore by soldiers in
Iraq, and there are many more moving letters on his website. From Michael
First, a poem written by a soldier in Iraq preparing for his death:
Your hero is talking
I didn't die for my country, I died for his greed.
Blaming some "enemy," making us follow his lead.
I knew it was my duty, to fight in our wars,
But I trusted in him to take the right course.
I guess I was wrong to think he valued our creed,
To deter war if at all possible, fight only in need.
A great lesson is learned by watching our man,
He acts on his own and endangers our land.
Stand by the soldiers that signed up to serve,
Vote for justice and our lives to preserve.
I am not a pawn to be lost while the "king" simply kneels,
His party striving for power, while our country reels.
Pray to Allah this murderous plot comes to an end,
For God's name is marred with every troop that he sends.
I would have gladly paid taxes and bought gas at two-seventy-five,
To have a better economy and still be alive.
Don't blame the "enemy" for my shortened life,
Reserve that blame for the one that concocted this strife.
Osama Bin Laden was the one we fingered for blame,
Saddam Hussein was not even in the game.
I see the connection between your father and you,
If I were alive, I could tell you the truth.
Keep fighting YOUR wars with American lives,
But shiny new boxes can't comfort our wives.
To elect someone else is my only hope,
You should be glad that dead men can't vote.
"Dead American soldier"
Another letter:
...My time in Iraq has always involved finding things to convince myself
that I can be proud of my actions; that I was a part of something just. But
no matter what pro-war argument I came up with, I pictured my smirking
commander-in-chief, thinking he was fooling a nation. I discovered that the
result of the war and the actions of G.W. cannot be treated as the same
issue. Bush accidentally did a good thing for the Iraqi people. After the
fact he's starting to claim humanitarian intentions for going to war -
obviously bullshit. But he realizes that that is the only positive outcome.
I could explain what I've seen here; a people forced into poverty &
ignorance - but I'll spare you. I try not to think about the ultimate future
of this place. I'm sure we'll cause them to fall victim to Banana Republic
and Joe Millionaire, with a puppet president and monopolized oil industry.
But there will be plenty of time in the future to worry about those
...You'd be surprised at how many of the guys I talked to in my company
and others believed that the president's scare about Saddam's WMD was a
bunch of bullshit and that the real motivation for this war was only about
money. There was also a lot of crap that many companies, not just marine
companies, had to go through with not getting enough equipment to fulfill
their missions when they crossed the border. It was a miracle that our
company did what it did the two months it was staying in Iraq during the
war. As an MP company, we need hardback humvees so we can mount weapons such
as 50 cals and mk19's. When our company got there, there were mostly worn
out vehicles from the last war, and everything was completely disorganized.
It amazes me with all the money our government spends on the military, all
the foul-ups and screwed up things we've had to put up with during this
wow, 130,000 troops on the ground, nearly 500 deaths and over a billion
dollars a day, but they caught a guy living in a hole. am i supposed to be
And another:
... I would like to tell you how difficult it is to serve under a man who
was never elected. Because he is the president and my boss, I have to be
very careful as to who and what i say about him. This also concerns me a
great deal... to limit the military's voice is to limit exactly what America
stands for... and the greater percentage of us feel completely underpowered.
He continually sets my friends, my family, and several others in a kind of
danger that frightens me beyond belief. I know several other soldiers who
feel the same way and discuss the situation with me on a regular basis...
Are you sure the vid's not a McDonald's burger commercial? lol
Fuck the troops who go into the military just to kill someone they don't know
just for the sake of killing something...
Victory-Victory-Victory says Dumbya, HEY DUMBYA - that's ahhhwhat we
call "stuck on stupid" boy...
I've no idea whether you'd recall it, but I was *deluged* with losers in
ABusenet telling me I couldn't possibly have been a Naval Officer or
Aviator, merely because I stood my ground and resisted the entire 'w'
what is and what isn't a "patriot", bit. That wormy little fuck in the
White House and all the garbage he surrounded himself with, were poison
and they appealed to toxic humans filled with hay88.
Obama and crew are going to be cleaning up a hurricance mess for 2-3
years straight. The damage done to the cohesiveness of this Union and
her ideals can be undone only by the longest term cure- death. Just as
was the case with the hay88 crowd following the Civil War. It will never
be entirely extinguished...they breed it in their households and new
generations are born. Fortunately, every cloud has its silver
lining...the economic situation and world derision America now suffers
will be put into historical perspective and labeled: NEOCON.
Conservatives / GOP's will look at their own hous and have to do their
own cleaning, just as the Germans had to do with the Nazi SS. They will
eventually come to repeat,
"never again".
The next 2-3 years will be gratifying *only* in terms of watching the
likes of Hannity, Limbaugh etc. etc. lose listeners...nonetheless, these
people became absolutely filthy $$$ rich and their family $$$ will carry
on for many, many generations right along with every other old money
"executron" thief and "religious" evangelist pc. of _______.
If only man was as capable of moral ethical learning down through
generations as we seem to be technologically...
John McGowan, professor of humanities at the University of North
Carolina, states, after an extensive review of neoconservative
literature and theory, that neoconservatives are attempting to build an
American empire, seen as successor to the British Empire, its aim being
to perpetuate a Pax Americana. As imperialism is largely seen as
unacceptable by the American public, neoconservatives do not articulate
their ideas and goals in a frank manner in public discourse. McGowan
Frank neoconservatives like Robert Kaplan and Niall Ferguson recognize
that they are proposing imperialism as the alternative to liberal
internationalism. Yet both Kaplan and Ferguson also understand that
imperialism runs so counter to American's liberal tradition that it
must... remain a foreign policy that dare not speak its name... While
Ferguson, the Brit, laments that Americans cannot just openly shoulder
the white man's burden, Kaplan the American, tells us that "only through
stealth and anxious foresight" can the United States continue to pursue
the "imperial reality [that] already dominates our foreign policy," but
must be disavowed in light of "our anti-imperial traditions, and... the
fact that imperialism is delegitimized in public discourse"... The Bush
administration, justifying all of its actions by an appeal to "national
security," has kept as many of those actions as it can secret and has
scorned all limitations to executive power by other branches of
government or international law.
The George W. Bush administration is accused of political denialism,[51]
as well as hundreds of secretive flights with ghost detainees in the
extraordinary rendition program in association with the War on Terrorism.
Conflict with Libertarian Conservatives
There is also conflict between neoconservatives and libertarian
conservatives. Libertarian conservatives are ideologically opposed to
the expansiveness of federal government programs and regard
neoconservative foreign policy ambitions with outspoken distrust. They
view the neoconservative promotion of preemptive war as morally unjust,
dangerous to the preservation of a free society, and against the
principles of the Constitution.
According to libertarian Republican Party congressman and presidential
candidate Ron Paul, neoconservatives want permanent revolution, want to
use force to redraw the map of the Middle East, believe in preemptive
war and using armed forces to force American ideals on others, believe
that the ends justify the means, do not oppose the "welfare state" and a
powerful federal government, endorse an "American empire" and
progressive imperialism, and unconditionally support Israel.[52]
Bill Kristol dismisses Libertarian Conservatives as "the extreme right".[53]
Friction with Paleoconservatism
Main article: Neoconservatism and paleoconservatism
Disputes over Israel and public policy contributed to a sharp conflict
with "paleoconservatives", starting in the 1980s. The movement's name
("old conservative") was taken as a rebuke to the neo side. The
paleocons view the neoconservatives as "militarist social democrats" and
interlopers who deviate from traditional conservatism agenda on issues
as diverse as federalism, immigration, foreign policy, the welfare
state, abortion, feminism and homosexuality. All of this leads to a
debate over what counts as conservatism.[citation needed]
The paleoconservatives argue that neoconservatives are an illegitimate
addition to the conservative movement. Pat Buchanan calls
neoconservatism "a globalist, interventionist, open borders
ideology."[54] The open rift is often traced back to a 1981 dispute over
Ronald Reagan's nomination of Mel Bradford, a Southerner, to run the
National Endowment for the Humanities. Bradford withdrew after
neoconservatives complained that he had criticized Abraham Lincoln; the
paleoconservatives supported Bradford.
Criticism in Popular Culture
The Rolling Stones' song "Sweet Neo Con", from the A Bigger Bang album
(2005), is critical of American Neoconservatism, with references to the
Iraq War, Halliburton, George W. Bush, and Condoleezza Rice.
Pro-Pain has a song critical of neo-conservatives entitled, "Neo Con".
NOFX has a song entitled "Leaving Jesusland" which contains the line
"neo-conservatives run outta town"
Wet Dentist has a song entitled "Neocon Stomp" from its 2004 CD
Telepathy Rounds, a release that explores the early history of the War
on Terror in the form of NeoNewWaveElectroProg
Related Publications and Institutions
American Enterprise Institute
Bradley Foundation
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Henry Jackson Society
Hudson Institute
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Project for the New American Century
Weekly Standard
[edit] Magazines with neoconservatives
Front Page Magazine
The National Interest
National Review
Policy Review
The Public Interest
See also:
Clash of Civilizations
Liberal Hawk
Jewish right
Neoconservatism in Canada
Neoconservatism in Japan
Neoconservatism and paleoconservatism
Neoliberalism in international relations
Sidney Hook
Seymour Martin Lipset
Daniel Bell
Irving Howe
Nathan Glazer
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Lionel Trilling
Leo Strauss
Allan Bloom
Francis Fukuyama
Saul Bellow
Ben J. Wattenberg
Plato's Republic
Traditionalist world view (American)
Globalization and Health
> Imperialism and Secrecy
> John McGowan, professor of humanities at the University of North
> Carolina, states, after an extensive review of neoconservative
> literature and theory, that neoconservatives are attempting to build an
> American empire, seen as successor to the British Empire, its aim being
> to perpetuate a Pax Americana.
They have a bit of a way to go. We had over a quarter of the surface of
the earth at one time, not to mention control of the oceans. Then came
the rise of socialist ideology and the commonwealth was pissed into the
Oh well.
> TruthSeeker wrote:
>> Imperialism and Secrecy
> Oh well.
I bought this on Ebay:
It'll make a nice addition to the lapel of one of my leather jackets
beneath the shield design badge with Sir Oswald Mosley at Earls Court in
Make that two...
Eric B.
I am very very offended by the simpletons that vote for him because he will
says he will give them something. Can someone scream "Bread and Circuses".
You vote for people or not in my case with OBama due to their politics. I
am further offended when I am told I am a racist because I do not vote for
him. Voting for someone due to their color is an act based upon race, that
is called racism, and the person is a racist. He does not care because he
just wants to win and does not care how. If you are voting for Obama
because you "feel" comfortable with yourself because you are so open minded
and liberal because you are voting for a Black Gentleman, you are the
ultimate misguided person. You are being played for a fool by that process.
Define the hope, define what change, when, why and with him ALWAYS ask...who
da hell pays for it!?
Stop and think, re-evaluate and think about why you do something. You might
just realise that you are being played for a fool. Vote for a guy that
resisted and overcame pressure during one of Americas greatest times, the
Vietnam War. Most of the younger people do not even remember it and know it
from the lopsided propaganda of the time. Was the war wrong, I think it was,
but it never the less existed and McCain endured torture. I bring this up
because he is not promising you anything for your vote except a great
President that values honor and his country. He does not try to be slick,
or belong to and participate with organizations like ACORN that caused this
problem that we are temporarily in. Yes, we will pull out and do fine as
such is our nature. We are hardheaded Yanks, we are Americans. I CAN is
not in that word by accident.
I vote for McCain, and encourage to take a constructive step doing the same.
Well, unless you want a check from Uncle Sam more than you love your
Deo Patria (God and Country)
<> wrote in message
Is that why Obama is leading in campaign contributions from people in
the military
Honestly man, somewhere in my early 40's I concluded that there's
nothing wrong with man that a sufficiently large asteroid won't
ultimately cure *long* before the local star supernova's. I think man
will go out in one huge blast of filth. Great name for a tune too. Blast
of Filth. :-) mvm, 51
“It is not sufficient that I succeed - all others must fail.”
-Genghis Khan
“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God
would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”
-Genghis Khan
“If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.”
-Genghis Khan
“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them
before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them
bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”
-Genghis Khan
Americans voting for Obama is like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.
You posting that, was like a gnat fart in a hurricane. mvm
>Americans voting for Obama is like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.
I believe the original quote was from the father of JC Watts, who said
"a black man voting Republican is like a chicken voting for Col.
Sanders." But feel free to adapt if you found that it connected.
As for 'chickens', who did you vote for? And look who's in the deep
fryer right now.
A link to the exact sources, please. Better yet, give us a matching
video with a counter view-point. Otherwise, you're just a LIAR in my
BTW... the first person the muslim hoards will kill if they ever come
to power here will be Michael Moore
That's bullshit because McCain made all the same objections to Clinton's
handling of Kosovo. McCain himself said that air force bombers were
flying so high they couldn't see the villagers they were bombing ...
exactly the same disrespect that he's now laying on Obama.
The guy's campaign is coming apart and he has to resort to dirty
Timberwoof <me at timberwoof dot com>
People who can't spell get kicked out of Hogwarts.
One thing I've noticed about Obama supporters. They don't care that he's a
committed Marxist, they don't care that his mentors are known terrorists, I
suspect that they wouldn't care if he were a convicted murderer. How do you
account for that?
> One thing I've noticed about Obama supporters. They don't care that he's a
> committed Marxist, they don't care that his mentors are known terrorists,
> I
> suspect that they wouldn't care if he were a convicted murderer. How do
> you
> account for that?
Distrust of the Republican Party?<vbg>
Nah... it is probably the ability to think rationally and draw conclusions
that are based in fact rather than fear.
George L
It's 'cause we're all actually Marxist terrorists. Yep, I wasn't
supposed to say anything, but there it is. We're all looking forward
to the day that all your guns get taken away, and Ahmedinejad gives us
all bombs that we'll use to blow up the entire country. (He's ummm, a
Marxist terrorist too.) It's really gonna happen.
We're just waiting until we finish turning your kids gay, first.
Here are some samples of the example our fine US soldiers set for the
Iraq people.
Doesn't it just make you feel proud to be an American.....shit.
Nope. It's none of those things. You simply have poor judgment. That's
all. You have no moral ballast in your lives, since most of you were
raised during the time since God and morals and the love of country
(i.e.: belief in something larger than yourselves) became things to be
shunned. So quite naturally you don't recognize real trouble when you
see it. And that's also why we do. Most of us have the ballast that
your kind lacks to keep us running straight.
So is that your fault that you’re so fucked up? Yes, because you’ve
been reasoned with and you still cling to your mistaken beliefs. Even
in the face of overwhelming truth, you still cling to your lie.
Why...? Because to you, it feels good to be ‘bad’. That’s why.No
accountability. No rules. Just right. The devil's creed.
“If you could not see, you would be blamless. But because you say "we
can see", your sin remains"
Jesus Christ
Nope. It's none of those things. You simply have poor judgment. That's
all. You have no moral ballast in your lives, since most of you were
raised during the time since God and morals and the love of country
(i.e.: the belief in something larger than yourselves) became things
to be shunned. So quite naturally you don't recognize real trouble
when you see it. And that's also why we do. Most of us have the
ballast that your kind lacks to keep us running straight.
So is that your fault that you’re so fucked up? Yes, because you’ve
been reasoned with and you still cling to your mistaken beliefs. Even
in the face of overwhelming truth, you still cling to your lie.
Why...? Because to you, it feels good to be ‘bad’. That’s why. No
accountability. No rules. Just right. The devil's creed.
“If you were blind, you would be blameless. But because you say "we
"IBen is a dickless racist pissant." --- Jesus Christ
This is the classic liberal view of the American soldier.
Very Kerry-like.
Thanks for that...
> Here are just a few excerpts from letters to Michael Moore
Good to se your universe of knowledge still doesn't extend beyond MM,
the Huffington Post and the Daily KOS.
Everytime you mention Mike Moore it's like you raise your hand and
say, "Hey everybody, I'm a blind dumbshit follower."
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq
No WMDs Yet...
An American soldier was in my shop an hour ago. He is on leave from Iraq
and is looking forward to going to Afghanistan in 2 weeks. He says that our
troops are making a positive difference in Iraq. His words, not mine.
<> wrote in message
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq
These old liberal draft dodgers don't have a clue to the discipline
and connection people in the military have because they weren't there.
They just search screwtube until they find some video that fits their
perspective and post it like it is the world view....dumbasses!
Michael Moore..the archtypical cut and paste propagandist.
Here you are:
Define Marxism, explain its evils and prove that Obama
is a Marxist, you Foxaganda dupe.
BTW, the weathermen made absolutely sure every place they
bombed was completely vacant of humans. Ayers has repented.
Why does that make him a terrorist in the present tense?
BTW2, there is also a McCain/Ayers connection:
Does that make McCain a present day terrorist?
Very Kerry-like.
Thanks for that...
So all of those letters written to Michael Moore from
soldiers in Iraq are fake?
Prove it, you dickless chickenhawk.
Anecdotal, not empirical.
Michael Moore and democratic wings. Yeah. Right. Did you really think
for two seconds that I would swallow that? Try that one on one of your
fag friends, cum-wad.
If however you really want me to take you seriously, then come up
with a new source. And it better be a conservative one. Not some
trumped up story that a fat greedy pig created to get people like you
to come and see one of his half-truth riddled movies.
See… It’s people like you that people like Obama needs. The kind that
doesn’t think before they issue a brain fart. You just open your mouth
and all of that diarrhea comes rolling out.
Michael Moore, my fucking ass.
The Nice Mean Man
> One thing I've noticed about Obama supporters. They don't care that
> he's a committed Marxist...
Because he's not. If you want to convince anyone otherwise, you might
want to post *proof*.
> they don't care that his mentors are known terrorists
Which "mentors" would that be?
> I suspect that they wouldn't care if he were a convicted
> murderer. How do you account for that?
I suspect you're an idiot, and I've got much more documentation of that
hypothesis than you do of any of your absurd claims.
Care to prove Moore's invalidity, ape parrot?
If however you really want me to take you seriously, then come up
with a new source. And it better be a conservative one.
Like Foxaganda or Newscraps Weakly?
They have the validity of sales slut in a hooker convention.
>Not some
>trumped up story that a fat greedy pig created to get people like you
>to come and see one of his half-truth riddled movies.
Have you seen any of his movies or are you simply parroting
some swill from some retardicon opinion site?
BTW, if you ever bothered to read any of his books, every
statement he makes is documented in the back of his books
that have been carefully examined by fact checkers, lawyers
and a token right winger. But evidently, you prefer fantasy
over reality - most numbnut neandercon chumps are like
that for some strange reason and when confronted with
the fucking truth, they don't even want to hear it, much
less evaluate it while re-examining their own predisposed
conditioned beliefs of dipshittery and refuse to acknowledge
the failure of the neocronycon ideology.
See… It’s people like you that people like Obama needs.
I never said I would vote for Obama.
I've been a registered Independent for over 30 years,
but along with that I preserve my impartiality to facts
and reality, not propaganda, not emotional outbursts,
not parroting AM hate-spewing loudmouths like some
pathetic dittoshithead who needs someone else to do
his thinking for him.
At this point, I am still undecided and will most likely
vote 3rd party, but I think it's unreasonable of too
many republicon rubes to falsely accuse Obama
or any democrat of being "America-haters, traitors
and the like based soley on guilt by association or
emotional issues and outright lies. More than half
of your fellow Americans are registered democrats.
That doesn't mean they are all godless aethiests,
commies, pinkos or America-haters. They are
just regular people like you think you are. So enough
with the obstinate, arrogant, more patriot than thou
flatulence and realize as Americans we have to
work together to get through this crisis. We can
do it. We've done it before.
>The kind that
>doesn’t think before they issue a brain fart. You just open your mouth
>and all of that diarrhea comes rolling out.
>Michael Moore, my fucking ass.
Well, it sure was fun texting with a close-minded twat
who's most likely never seen a Michael Moore film or
read any of his books, but knows how to knee-jerk
with condemnation initiated by operatives who's sole
purpose is to destroy the credibility of the messenger
so all of the DUHbya sycophants will automatically
assume all of Moore's statements are simply invalid.
Sad and pathetic.
The Nice Mean Man
Jesus Christ
"Most of you"? To which "you" are you referring?
So quite naturally you don't recognize real trouble when you
> see it. And that's also why we do.
And who is this "we"? The people who insist that Obama is a
terrorist? I'm happy to say you're an ever shrinking group.
Most of us have the ballast that
> your kind lacks to keep us running straight.
> So is that your fault that you’re so fucked up? Yes, because you’ve
> been reasoned with and you still cling to your mistaken beliefs.
Which beliefs? You're speaking in generalizations, and I'm curious
which beliefs I have stated, and which ones you find to be mistaken.
> in the face of overwhelming truth, you still cling to your lie.
Again, generalizations. What overwhelming truth do you know, and what
lie am I clinging to? You make a lot of claims on pretty much zero
> Why...? Because to you, it feels good to be ‘bad’. That’s why.No
> accountability. No rules. Just right. The devil's creed.
> “If you could not see, you would be blamless. But because you say "we
> can see", your sin remains"
> Jesus Christ
I think Jesus would find you to be a sanctimonious and judgemental.
I laugh at all those that eat up every word Oafbama says as if it were
the gospel truth. He's still promising the world even after the
bailout mess ("It will be delayed a little bit later in my first
Makes you wonder about the IQ level of the average Obama voter and if
they know what a politician is...
> You vote for people or not in my case with OBama due to their politics. I
> am further offended when I am told I am a racist because I do not vote for
> him. Voting for someone due to their color is an act based upon race, that
> is called racism, and the person is a racist. He does not care because he
> just wants to win and does not care how. If you are voting for Obama
> because you "feel" comfortable with yourself because you are so open minded
> and liberal because you are voting for a Black Gentleman, you are the
> ultimate misguided person. You are being played for a fool by that process.
> Define the hope, define what change, when, why and with him ALWAYS ask...who
> da hell pays for it!?
> Stop and think, re-evaluate and think about why you do something. You might
> just realise that you are being played for a fool. Vote for a guy that
> resisted and overcame pressure during one of Americas greatest times, the
> Vietnam War. Most of the younger people do not even remember it and know it
> from the lopsided propaganda of the time. Was the war wrong, I think it was,
> but it never the less existed and McCain endured torture. I bring this up
> because he is not promising you anything for your vote except a great
> President that values honor and his country. He does not try to be slick,
> or belong to and participate with organizations like ACORN that caused this
> problem that we are temporarily in. Yes, we will pull out and do fine as
> such is our nature. We are hardheaded Yanks, we are Americans. I CAN is
> not in that word by accident.
> I vote for McCain, and encourage to take a constructive step doing the same.
> Well, unless you want a check from Uncle Sam more than you love your
> country.
> Deo Patria (God and Country)
> Don
> --
> <> wrote in message
> > The video Howard Dean, John Kerry and Barack Obama DID NOT want you to
> > see as reported by CNN.
> > Iraq vet tears into Barack Obama and his disrespect of our country and
> > military -
> >
> > Over 10 million views for this touching video as seen on CNN.- Hide quoted text -
There will always be the few who joined the military for a free
paycheck, not knowing they would actually have to fight if called
upon. Those aren't soldiers, those are liberals looking for a handout.
> Makes you wonder about the IQ level of the average Obama voter and if
> they know what a politician is...
Step one: Read
Step two: Weep.
Mike Schway | [Picture your favorite quote here] |
> There will always be the few who joined the military for a free
> paycheck, not knowing they would actually have to fight if called
> upon. Those aren't soldiers, those are liberals looking for a handout.
Then there are those who join because Daddy won't give them any other
I've no idea whether you'd recall it, but I was *deluged* with losers in
ABusenet telling me I couldn't possibly have been a Naval Officer or
Aviator, merely because I stood my ground and resisted the entire 'w'
what is and what isn't a "patriot", bit. That wormy little fuck in the
White House and all the garbage he surrounded himself with, were poison
and they appealed to toxic humans filled with hay88.
Clear up your thoughts, you appear to be confused.
> Obama and crew are going to be cleaning up a hurricance mess for 2-3
> years straight. The damage done to the cohesiveness of this Union and
> her ideals can be undone only by the longest term cure- death. Just as
> was the case with the hay88 crowd following the Civil War. It will never
> be entirely extinguished...they breed it in their households and new
> generations are born. Fortunately, every cloud has its silver
> lining...the economic situation and world derision America now suffers
> will be put into historical perspective and labeled: NEOCON.
> Conservatives / GOP's will look at their own hous and have to do their
> own cleaning, just as the Germans had to do with the Nazi SS. They will
> eventually come to repeat,
> "never again".
Dramaqueenery and lots of it.
> The next 2-3 years will be gratifying *only* in terms of watching the
> likes of Hannity, Limbaugh etc. etc. lose listeners...nonetheless, these
> people became absolutely filthy $$$ rich and their family $$$ will carry
> on for many, many generations right along with every other old money
> "executron" thief and "religious" evangelist pc. of _______.
> If only man was as capable of moral ethical learning down through
> generations as we seem to be technologically...
Get off your soap box. You sound stupid.
> mvm
> >
> >
Observed first hand = empirical.