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lots of stuff for sale

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Jan 27, 2024, 8:58:17 PMJan 27
Hello y'all,
i have given up using my MCA-stuff.
As announced in the "subject" i want to sell (most of) my stuff.
It comprises a good m a n y things, among them ones that can be easily
"shipped", but also not few others that are so big that shipping would
be at unease, so to speak.
I offer 2 categories of big hardware:
8580-towers twice (1x 386 & 387!; 1x IBM-486, win98 installable)
9595-servers 8-fold (some with 486-ers, some w/ P1)
9585-server once (486-66)
One of those is even equipped with 6 of the T-shaped memory-modules (32
MB each) plus 2x4MB = 200!.
I also have 2 (Hitachi?think_so)-SCSI50-HDDs with 1.3 Gigas, shaped &
sized like a brick!
Please announce interest in details only if you really feel a
buying-bias, because providing detailed infos would/will cost me a real
LOT of time!!

(Maybe i would/will keep one of the servers for all-time-use of NT 4.6
with word '97 or 2k.)
One of the servers is even equipped with 6 of the T-shaped
memory-modules (32 MB each) plus 2x4MB = 200!.
I also have 2 (Hitachi?)-SCSI50-HDDs with 1.3 Gigas!
Please announce interest in details only if you really feel a
buying-bias, because providing detailed infos would/will cost me a real
lot of time!!!
'Friendlily' greeting y'all:
Thomas W.
Please remember: I have much more MCA-stuff 'in stock' than mentioned
here! - He who wants to gain up to four 21-inchers (CRT) is invited to
come and grab.
Please be aware: I, a pensioner, am situated in the comfortable state
of deceleration!! Hence i administer my internet-stuff NOT on a daily
basis!! Please reckon with many days before you'll receive my answer!!

Louis Ohland

Jan 27, 2024, 9:33:48 PMJan 27

It is always a good thing to spread the wealth, but shipping is a beach.


Jan 27, 2024, 10:40:54 PMJan 27
> It is always a good thing to spread the wealth
YES! But not all co-members of humankind think thus..... (Gates,
>but shipping is a beach.
a beach? Äääm[aeaeaem], i am a German and hence don't know this proverb
/ metaphor
{ Shipping g o e s to a beach, okay..... }

> Location?
shiiiii....... for the both of us

This question came to my mind: Dost thou (plus thy group-companions) see
my email-address? (It ends ".de")

Didn't i submit my MCA-soundcard-findings to thee about seven years ago?
I don't remember absolutely "coz" i have turned away from MCA completely

Louis Ohland

Jan 28, 2024, 8:58:02 AMJan 28
"Beach" is play on words. Shipping is exorbitant, and it sux.

DE as Delaware? A state on the east coast of the US? :)

Address comes through. Are you a Shrubberer, by chance?

I've had two total system crashes since then. The dead hand of the past
does not clench around my throat...


Jan 28, 2024, 9:13:37 AMJan 28
May I ask where you would be shipping from as the vast spaces of water
between continents serve as insurmountable mountains of knowledge exchange.

Louis Ohland

Jan 28, 2024, 9:17:59 AMJan 28
It's not the fall. It's the sudden stop.


Jan 29, 2024, 5:00:34 AMJan 29
If I get it right that you're located in Germany, I would love to help you with the monitors and possibly systems, depending on your precise location :-)

No, at least I cannot see your email address.

Pertti Helander

Jan 29, 2024, 5:56:07 AMJan 29
maanantai 29. tammikuuta 2024 klo 12.00.34 UTC+2 holzachr kirjoitti:
> If I get it right that you're located in Germany, I would love to help you with the monitors and possibly systems, depending on your precise location :-)
> No, at least I cannot see your email address.

Are you located in Germany! I´m interested to buy one of your 9595 servers.
I had before a 8595 server but it went broken and I must recycle it.
I live in Finland and it was quite cheap to ship in EU from Germany to Finland by DHL or others.


Jan 30, 2024, 2:11:42 AMJan 30
> DE as Delaware? A state on the east coast of the US? :)
:-) funny
Down there thou writest:
> Address comes through.
Thou surely meaneth: My email-address cometh through.
It endeth by ".de"!!!
Thence thou caneth recognize surely that i do N O T mean
Delawhatsoever but the top-level-domain of DE utschland........
Because you are an extremely intelligent person i conclude: You wanted
to dupe me by asking "Delaware"........
This was N O T nice.........

>Are you a Shrubberer, by chance?
I learnt what a shrub is ("Strauch"). But since i'm not living in thy
"land of the free", i don't know what "shrubberer" means---not even what
it might mean.
(Inhowfar areth thou capable of a foreign language, ha??? Declare
thyself insofar!!! Name and apply thy other languages!!! We all
(group-members) will read and check!


Jan 30, 2024, 2:40:33 AMJan 30
> If I get it right that you're located in Germany, I would love to help you with the monitors and possibly systems, depending on your precise location :-)
Hallo Herr/Frau Holzapfel,
ich bin in ULM (zentrumnah), Karlstraße 52/3.
Meine TelNr ist 0731-37935880 .
> No, at least I cannot see your email address.
--> &
Doch BITTE verwenden Sie meine TelNr, wenn es "schnell gehen" soll,
denn ich rufe e-mails im Extremfall nur nach drei Wochen ab.......
(Klar: Geduld bei e-mails ist auch ein Weg.)
Grüße von Thomas Weber
("holzachr" bedeutet H. Christian, richtig?)


Jan 30, 2024, 3:35:04 AMJan 30
> It's not the fall. It's the sudden stop.
(I being) > > situated in the comfortable state of deceleration
"Aha", we say in DE, meaning: I see......
Thou, Louis, apparently associateth my state of deceleration (pensioner)
with "the sudden stop"!!!
This means exitus / death or alike!!.........
Absolutely obviously (everyone see your 2nd line!) you referred the 1st
line to me.
For this kind of indirect and/or cryptical notes you are f a m o u s
on this group........
You most probably are a Cynic of the u t m o s t kind

Meditate about yourself INDEPTH!!!..........
Do this for many weeks, months and years!!!
Do stop only after you (might have) recognized your character "all in

Do you want to stay thus as so far for the rest of your life?!?!?
(I would not recommend.......)

Please respond AFTER mid of February---but then thoroughly.


Jan 30, 2024, 5:14:02 AMJan 30
> May I ask
Yes, you are welcome to ask
>where you would be shipping from
I would and will ship from DE (meaning Germany (.de)).

>the vast spaces of water between continents serve as insurmountable mountains of knowledge exchange.
--> 1) Yes, you got it, the vast spaces of water [..] are (serve as????)
insurmountable mountains for those having no boat or ship.
--> 2) Are these vast masses of waters insurmountable borders of
knowledge-exchange?!? Formerly yes, nowadays NO!!
Haven't you heard or learnt that for "a couple of" decades informations
can be sent r a p i d l y around the globe via satellites and
sea-based wires?!? Haven't you?!?!?
Apparently to Y O U the vast spaces are an insurmountable limit of
knowledge in this respect:
The knowledge of d e c e n c y and of not trying to dupe / fool
"neighbors", as Jesus allegedly named them, meaning A L L of our
co-humans, so to speak.

In the (at least former) eBay-language transporting was named
To this term i refer.

"Man oh man!" Will YOU ever try agaain to dupe me???
I hope: no!!
Do you feel superior to (many) others?!?!?

Man, you ain't a good one!!!
You're on the brink to misanthropy!
Practice self-reflection!!!
Will you?
assumably: no


Jan 30, 2024, 7:34:34 AMJan 30
> Are you located in Germany!
YES, you understood, but L.O. didn't, he assumed Delaware.
Or did he try to dupe me??........
Looks like........

The city is ULM (140 km from Muenchen: in nearly the exact westerly
>I'm interested to buy one of your 9595 servers.
> I had before a 8595 server but it went broken and I must recycle it.
Tip: Keep a l l of the parts possibly usable in the future!!!
> I live in Finland and it was quite cheap to ship in EU from Germany to Finland by DHL or others.
This surprises me!! Because the distance is quite 'horrible', isn't it?
I wonder how to pack one server (size & weight!) and to ship it via DHL
to anywhere........
Please also note: Most of my servers are NOT "up and running"! But one
is (the formerly used one). It contains several HDDs plus several
NT4-installations plus 2 CDroms plus 2 FDDs........

As i indicated: I have such a lot of stuff 'whirling about', so to
speak. Maybe it now is almost too late to sell it, hmm??........

It would be best for those interested to lastly come by and load and
take away their wanted stuff.

Very unluckily the MCA-stuff cannot be used on the internet any more
because the installable NT 4.6 doesn't provide a basis any more for the
contemporary browsers!!!
He who just wants to use relatively old office-software (up to 2k; but
without DOCX etc) can use MCA & NT4.6 & old printers (e.g. LJ4 & LJ5).
For regular internet-use, the MCA with winNT4 is nowadays useless
because the there (NT4.x) usable browsers are unable to display all of
today's things!!! (The development of HTML proceeds s i l e n t l y, no
one informs you about this! The development proceeds in absolute

Therefore, i repeat, be aware that using MCA-stuff makes sense only more
when using relatively old office-software.

For the internet, today win2k has turned useless because the browsers
compatible wirh it are unapt/unable to display a l l of today's
contents (--> permanent and silent (!!) extension of the HTML-norms)!

Using email-programs that can run under NT4.6 are the last resort, BUT:
These programs have to be able to implement all the 'stuff' that your
email-provider 'demands'!!!

In short: NT4.6 w% office 2k (without the ...x-stuff) will be
usable---plus integrated drivers for old Laserjets like e.g. 4 and 5.

If anyone absolutely needs .docx, he then absolutely needs win2k,
because only for this OS an M$-update-file exists! (I have it, he who
wants it can have it from me (file-name? not available to me
immediately; would have to look).

Louis Ohland

Jan 30, 2024, 8:56:00 AMJan 30
As long as one does not have to use and abuse the current releases of
apps that supposedly increase office productivity, then MCA does quite
well. WfW 3.11, the last great OS, crash it so hard it bounces, boot
with a floppy that has Edit on it, fix WIN.INI, and you are up again.

Yes, WfW runs on top of DOS... don't be CPT Obvious...

I foundt NT 4.0 SP6a to be dependable, but not as flexible as Win98SE.

Ever notice that RTF documents from the early daze can be opened with a
current app, but try opening a *.DOC from the early days. Word 2.0? Then
Word 6.0, 97, 2003, usw... It is a worthy goal to switch to RTF in order
to help future users...

Louis Ohland

Jan 30, 2024, 9:02:06 AMJan 30
Many of us here seem to be cynical optimists... we say it's going to
fail, but if it works, woo-hoo! We win both ways, the first, we have the
cold satisfaction of being right, the second, who cares?

MCA tends to beat arrogance out of one. Lots of experiences of coming to
a complete stop.

Ever hear of "Laughter through tears"? Should be the meme for this group...

Jan 30, 2024, 5:18:03 PMJan 30
Do you have a P90 Y-Complex for sale? I see one for sale on a site over on your side of the earth. Is that you? I don't know if I can swing €299, but I offer a forever home in Upstate NY for a bit less.


Pertti Helander

Jan 31, 2024, 7:26:13 PMJan 31
ex-ibm-mca-user wrote:
The city is ULM (140 km from Muenchen: in nearly the exact westerly
>I'm interested to buy one of your 9595 servers.
> I had before a 8595 server but it went broken and I must recycle it.
>Tip: Keep a l l of the parts possibly usable in the future!!!
> I live in Finland and it was quite cheap to ship in EU from Germany to Finland by DHL or others.
>This surprises me!! Because the distance is quite 'horrible', isn't it?------------------------
>I wonder how to pack one

I bought last year my 9577 from northwest Germany and shipping to Finland by DHL costs only 45 €.
9595 servers are more hevier and ULM is in southern Germany but it is still cheaper to ship inside EU than overseas.
And without customs and VAT in EU. Must check shipping costs for this.
I kept some parts from my broken 8595 and some I giveaway or sell.
And I am looking to buy 9595 from Europe.

Ryan Alswede

Feb 5, 2024, 11:59:07 AMFeb 5
If you are selling any Pentium based complex 4s I'd gladly pay you for them and shipping costs to Texas.


Carsten Lyng

Feb 8, 2024, 7:08:32 AMFeb 8

If you have any planar / Mainboards for Model 56/57 and 76/77 ( Bermuda and Lacuna )I would be interrested in
a couple of them. Also a couple of XGA-2 cards or other graphics card would be great.

I´am located in Denmark, so shipping is not so expensive :-)

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