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What kind of RAM should I buy?

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Jonathan Klein

Aug 27, 2003, 1:04:18 AM8/27/03
I have an IBM ThinkPad 600E (2645-4AU). I am thinking about putting in
either a 128MB or 256MB stick of RAM.

I had read some posts about compatibility problems with certain brands of
RAM with certain laptops. Can anyone comment on what brands of RAM are known
to be the best or, more specifically, what brands of RAM are known to work
in a TP 600E?

I have found a couple of brands locally, Infinion and Azen. I think these
are "generic" brands. Does anyone know if these are any good. In particular
I would like to know about the Infinion. A local store is selling a 256MB
stick for CND$69.99. It sounds like a screaming deal to me, but I am
concerned that this brand could be junk.

-Jonathan Klein

Aug 27, 2003, 6:15:16 AM8/27/03
"Jonathan Klein" <> wrote:

I have just slapped a 64MB 144SODIMM PC100 NP CL2 stick of Kingston RAM in
a 600E which works just fine.

Only reason it was Kingston was the fact that it was the cheapest available
at the time.


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