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Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

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May 31, 2018, 12:45:36 AM5/31/18
The 3rd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

22.0 Young Tigers [H3.6]
Sea of Dragons Battleset - The Chinese Sea

It did not take long for the full import of the U.S. withdrawal from the Philippines to become apparent. U.S. presence declined in the South China Sea and this allowed other navies greater freedom. The PLA(Navy), under strict orders from Beijing, stepped up its patrols around the Spratley archipelago. The Vietnamese and the Philippines vigorously protested this action, but not much was done to help them. By 1998, the Chinese felt confident enough to make a determined push for the whole of the island chain. By controlling the Spratleys, the PLA(Navy) would be in position to threaten busy shipping routes; the forces assigned there would also cover the Chinese invasion of the Philippines. Once the Philippines had fallen, no one would be able to oust the Chinese from their sea.

Much was carried out to ensure the smooth running of the initial stages of the operation. Vietnam was bribed into hamstringing the ASEAN response and the Philippine communist insurgency was expanded and financed by the PRC. Chinese Special Forces were clandestinely inserted to advise the guerrillas. All that was needed was a spark.

This scenario was inspired by the situation depicted in the Sea of Dragons publication from Clash of Arms.

1.0 SitRep:

The Thai fleet has set sail for the disputed region. This fleet is believed to be aiming for a rendezvous with other ASEAN fleets. A combined task force would be difficult to attack successfully, so it has been decided to attack the elements separately and sequentially.

The picture is much clearer now that ASEAN has thrown back its cloak of deceit. Indonesian and Malaysian forces met at a rendezvous point and are now heading north. They must be stopped from linking up with the Royal Thai Navy.

Author: Herman Hum

22.0 Young Tigers [H3.6]
Sea of Dragons\YTigers0.SCN

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