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Xmos Usb Audio Driver 23

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Georgie Haper

Dec 5, 2023, 2:57:36 AM12/5/23
This driver enables ASIO support, provides the ability to view and adjust Buffer Settings (latency), supports 16/24/32-bitrates, and adds full DSD64-128 support to Atom DAC+, EL DAC II+, and Element III.

v2.1.2 (Released Nov 09, 2022)
* Mute output when USB audio is inactive, to prevent unexpected sounds from Linux or Android systems

v2.1.0 (Released Feb 23, 2022)
* Updated core XUD, USB, and I2C libraries
* Move to RAM based-settings developed for Element III
* Enforce de-emphasis OFF in USB mode, and Auto de-emphasis in S/PDIF mode
* Improved error handling when USB Host is in standby
* Instant mode switching between USB & S/PDIF: Eliminated LED toggling and 2s delay
* Changed auto standby timeout from 15min to 5min
* Changed default DPLL from 5 to 7 to improve general compatibility with 4k TVs
* Improved UAC1 Descriptors to support Nintendo Switch
* Disable operating system volume controls by default: Support PS4/PS5

xmos usb audio driver 23
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Just received my objective 2. Everything from packaging. Weight. Material and most of all the audio quality is 10/10. Even was caught off by the esd bag it was contained in. I'll be back for any possible audio needs

Thanks for user has the following suggestion for windows 8 driver installation. Problem solved - I was using Windows 8 which needed driver signing to be turned off in order to get the install working. You should note this on your instructions as Win 8 just fails without any message about driver signing!

I tried to connect my dac with xmos usb audio 2.0.
I tried any set is possible, with mixer type.
No sucess.
The dac switch everytime between 44K, 176k, 192k without music
The DAC gives music with Windows 10 usb connect.

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