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XCOM demo on wuarchive

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Paul L Fincke

May 5, 1994, 3:13:23 PM5/5/94
Get at

From America OnLine, this is a playable demo of Microprose's upcoming
XCOM: Terran Defense Force (already released as UFO: Enemy Unknown in
Europe). This demo has a *completely* different (and more complex)
mission than the UFO demo, and some other minor graphic differences
from the UFO demo exist.

Make *SURE* you unzip it with '-d', as there are several sub-directories
that need to be made.

PS. Miroprose's rep on AOL said: "The US version has been playtested,
and several of the problems present in the European release have
been fixed." He didn't get specific. Also, he said that there
are *NO* plans for a CD ROM version of XCOM.

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