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Adult Bisexual Tube Sex Videos Hidden Cam.

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Georgie Haper

Dec 5, 2023, 3:10:16 AM12/5/23
Silk of 2 colonies of Antipaluria urichi on lichen-festooned bark in a citrus orchard in Trinidad's Northern Range (top). The silk structure includes a sheet-like covering over tubular galleries that build up as individuals move from central resting positions to lichens where they graze at night. The adult (bottom) is shown within the silk guarding an egg mass (drawing by EC Rooks). In a typical pose, her middle legs are hooked into the roof-like silk covering. The bulge in the foreground is the egg mass (averaging 53 eggs), hidden by a covering of gathered materials topped with thick silk. A parasitoid wasp perched on the silk covering awaits a chance to dig in and probe for host eggs, which she cannot do in the presence of an egg-guarder. For scale, note that adult A. urichi females average about 1.6 cm in length. High quality figures are available online.

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Antipaluria urichi resident egg-guarder in the experimental arena responding to a female intruder positioned just inside the silk tube at the lower right of the video. The resident is hidden by silk but her movements are obvious once she does a U-turn and faces the intruder. The resident displays a few snapbacks. Click image to view video. Download Video
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