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SC2000 Bad pilots?

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Chia-Hao Chang

Mar 20, 1994, 5:26:02 PM3/20/94
Lately as my SimCity has grown larger, and my airport is now surrounded by
zones, I've been getting a LOT of air crashes. I have all low-density zones
around the airport to prevent any plans from crashing into towers during
takeoff/landing (which may or may not make a difference in the game). But, I
still get very frequent crashes. I've gotten crashes that by the time I've put
out all the fires in the airport, ANOTHER plane crashes! I mean, come on,
let's actually try to land the plane on the runways.

I know I can turn off disasters, but it's no fun that way. Then again, it's
not that fun just cleaning up plane crashes.

Another thing is that since my airport is quite large, the 'police power' is
really low over the airport. Does this really matter? Are the crashes and
crime connected? Are the criminals stealing wheels off the planes? Are they
stealing other vital aircraft parts and selling them in dark alley ways?
"Hey, bud, youse wanna jet engine? OR maybeez youse looken fer only a turbo
prop? Hows about a radar? No serial numbers!"

Any clues? Thanks.

Jeff Bannister

Mar 21, 1994, 8:29:29 AM3/21/94
to (Chia-Hao Chang) writes:

>Lately as my SimCity has grown larger, and my airport is now surrounded by
>zones, I've been getting a LOT of air crashes. I have all low-density zones
>around the airport to prevent any plans from crashing into towers during
>takeoff/landing (which may or may not make a difference in the game). But, I
>still get very frequent crashes. I've gotten crashes that by the time I've put
>out all the fires in the airport, ANOTHER plane crashes! I mean, come on,
>let's actually try to land the plane on the runways.

I had the same thing, my planes were hitting large commericial buildings
surrounding the airport. What I did was watch the planes fly in and out and note
the flight paths, then I demolished any high buildings on the flight path and
hey viola no more plane crashes !!!!!,

Good luck JeffB.
__ J.Bannister, __
| _____ ___ _____ ___ | : #include <std_disclaimer.h>
| | | |___| | |___| : flames ! > /dev/null
| | | | | __| | :
|__ ( __| :

Mar 21, 1994, 3:46:06 PM3/21/94

In article <2miihq$>,
<> writes:

> Lately as my SimCity has grown larger, and my airport is now surrounded by
> zones, I've been getting a LOT of air crashes. I have all low-density zones
> around the airport to prevent any plans from crashing into towers during
> takeoff/landing (which may or may not make a difference in the game). But, I
> still get very frequent crashes. I've gotten crashes that by the time I've
> out all the fires in the airport, ANOTHER plane crashes! I mean, come on,
> let's actually try to land the plane on the runways.

By the time you put out all the fires, a couple of years could have gone by.
One or two crashes a decade may not be too unrealistic. The best thing might
be to relocate the airport.

Ed Peace

Jason O'Rourke

Mar 21, 1994, 8:33:52 PM3/21/94
thankfully Arcologies are well built, and planes just bounce off them in
a ball of flame. Happens a dozen times per minute now...hilarious.


Marcoux Patrick

Mar 21, 1994, 11:24:25 PM3/21/94
In article <2miihq$> (Chia-Hao Chang) writes:
>Lately as my SimCity has grown larger, and my airport is now surrounded by
>zones, I've been getting a LOT of air crashes. I have all low-density zones
>around the airport to prevent any plans from crashing into towers during
>takeoff/landing (which may or may not make a difference in the game). But, I
>still get very frequent crashes. I've gotten crashes that by the time I've put
>out all the fires in the airport, ANOTHER plane crashes! I mean, come on,
>let's actually try to land the plane on the runways.
>I know I can turn off disasters, but it's no fun that way. Then again, it's
>not that fun just cleaning up plane crashes.
I think SC pilots are pure 100% drunks. Jeez! They're a real bunch of
crash test dummies! Let's hope we're not alone and that these twits will
get their winges before the next version of SC comes out.

Joris Alkema

Mar 22, 1994, 9:05:07 AM3/22/94

Try building your airports on hills. They fly over the buildings in that way!

Joris Alkema

Chia-Hao Chang

Mar 22, 1994, 3:10:26 PM3/22/94
So, it wasn't just bad pilots, huh? Bad planning & zoning too. I do have a
couple large buildings nearby, I'll knock them down. I wonder why the
buildings don't get knocked down too.

Version: 2.3a


[ Chia-Hao Chang ] [ Internet : ]
[ "I took my car in for a re-alignment and it came back chaotic-evil." ]

Chia-Hao Chang

Mar 22, 1994, 3:14:57 PM3/22/94
Unfortunately, there are also other people in the planes too! I think that the
pilots are a little distracted in flying! If they were actually sober and
paying attention to their flight path, they would tend to avoid those large
buildings that are in front of them. They seem to crash into everything that
is taller than a speed bump.

Mar 22, 1994, 7:40:05 PM3/22/94

In article <2mnjk1$>,
<> writes:

'Course if there was a Sim-FAA maybe no one could build
anything taller than a speed bump in the glide path.

Ed Peace

Chia-Hao Chang

Mar 23, 1994, 2:19:39 PM3/23/94
In article <2mo35i$>, <> wrote:
>'Course if there was a Sim-FAA maybe no one could build
>anything taller than a speed bump in the glide path.
>Ed Peace

Why do I believe you? =) It causes the game to become really costly. The fly
around, crash into a building and then I get to rebuild the roads beneath it.
Or the special zones that the fires destroy. I guess they don't have good
flight simulators to train the pilots. Just do on the job training I guess.

Mar 23, 1994, 6:53:26 PM3/23/94

Last night, after my second crash into a highway three squares away from my
airport, I moved it to the top of a second level hill. In less than twenty
years, I had two more crashes. Both times into the side of the hill. Seems
like you can't win. Maybe next time on an island.

Ed Peace

Chia-Hao Chang

Mar 24, 1994, 5:51:20 PM3/24/94
No, if it's an island, they'll fall into the sea. =) Maybe you'll just have
to make city with only low density and an airport. But, I bet they'll find
something to crash into still. Maybe you just need to make an airport with
nothing else!

We present: SimAIRLINE - you start off with an airline that has nothing.
Build it from the ground up - WAY up. You need to not only buy airplanes, but
you actually have to TRAIN them. Use creative training techniques such as
commercial flight simulators. Buy all sorts of air planes from single engine
private planes, to commutors, to large Jumbo jets. Then when you are done:
Import the airline into SimCity 2000 to get rid of those annoying drunk pilots
who fly straight into buildings. The pilots who won't deviate from a flight
path even if there happens to be another airplane coming the opposite
direction. Imagine playing SimCity 2000 without having plane crashes more
frequently than all other disasters combined!

Insert =) and ;) where needed.

James Clayton LDC 2210

Mar 25, 1994, 11:09:42 AM3/25/94

I've built mine on a spit of land i created and I've since not had any crashes


Wilfred Ling

Mar 29, 1994, 5:58:23 AM3/29/94
Have anyone noticed that it takes a few months for the plane to land
eventhough the plane is very near the airport?

And have anyone noticed that the Mayor practically live forever?

I am bored with the game now. I wonder why there isn't any 'military'
option where you can attack others and others attack you.


Markus Stumptner

Mar 29, 1994, 10:17:02 AM3/29/94
In article, (Wilfred Ling) writes:
>I am bored with the game now. I wonder why there isn't any 'military'
>option where you can attack others and others attack you.

Actually, to me that is much of its appeal. It's no more intended for
killing and maiming (actively killing and maiming, that is - after all,
you have disasters) than Master of Orion is intended as a graphics package.
If you want a military game with cultural trappings, try Civilization.
It's very good.

Markus Stumptner
University of Technology Vienna vexpert!
Paniglg. 16, A-1040 Vienna, Austria ...mcsun!vexpert!mst

Marcoux Patrick

Mar 30, 1994, 9:41:15 PM3/30/94
I've tried the island solution and have not had a crash at the airport in
more than 250 years. The cityscape still seems to be a problem, though.
Also, the traffic helicopter does not quite get along with arcologies...



Mar 31, 1994, 2:43:00 AM3/31/94
Wilfred Ling ( wrote:
> I am bored with the game now. I wonder why there isn't any 'military'
> option where you can attack others and others attack you.

This is out of the spirit of the game (as another poster said, SC2000
is a mayoral simulation, not a wargame), but "military invasion" would
make a great scenario. Ye traditional SimCity destruction of buildings,
combined with skyrocketing crime, wildly fluctuating commerce and
industry, and the problems caused by established residents fleeing as
refugees pour in. Hmmm... Anyone know how to alter SC2000 scenarios on the

-- Coyote

I used to do this thing with my mouth where I looked like my granny, so
Nora started to do it too, until I told her that it made her look like my
grandmother... or a frog...
And then she started to do it more.

Adrian Tymes

Mar 31, 1994, 7:04:51 PM3/31/94
In <2nduu4$> (Coyote) writes:

>Wilfred Ling ( wrote:
>> I am bored with the game now. I wonder why there isn't any 'military'
>> option where you can attack others and others attack you.

> This is out of the spirit of the game (as another poster said, SC2000
>is a mayoral simulation, not a wargame), but "military invasion" would
>make a great scenario. Ye traditional SimCity destruction of buildings,
>combined with skyrocketing crime, wildly fluctuating commerce and
>industry, and the problems caused by established residents fleeing as
>refugees pour in. Hmmm... Anyone know how to alter SC2000 scenarios on the

Why not just trigger the "riot" disaster? It would be the same type of
situation [just ask anyone who's had a decent riot recently :) ].
Note: all opinions are the author's own...
so you *know* they're FUBAR...

Apr 11, 1994, 12:11:15 PM4/11/94
In article <>, (Mark Busby) writes:
> Well personally I have built my aitport right on the edge of my city. The only
> crashes I've had have been "on runway". Execpt one which crashed into a arcology
> (Draco) which caused no fire (!?!?!)

Um, you mean Darco (de-urbanized arcological construct)

I noticed that, some arcos just don't catch fire easily. I also noticed if I
dispatch a lot of fire protection before the plane crashes, there's a good
chance you can smother it before it starts.


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