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Taco Palace Fan Boy Defends Derek's Forging Racist Email

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Louis J.M

Oct 3, 2001, 5:42:54 PM10/3/01
In article <> , "Derek Smart
(3000AD)" <> wrote:

> For many, many months, I have not posted on here in a flamewar. This
> will not be a start as it will be the only post I make related to this
> matter. Flaming is one thing. A concerted, intentional libelous
> onslaught with NO end, is not a flame, its just that, harassment and
> cyberstalking (which *is* legally actionable, btw) that has gone on
> since 1996. NO MORE!
> To this end....
> I just wanted to say that a few people have contacted me about
> launching a massive unprecedented counter-attack on these stalkers,
> harrassers and otherwise libelous idiots. To this end, I will be
> making available to these people, all investigative material we have
> so far gathered on these people, including Bill Huffman. The website
> will also be moved to proper ISP and I will personally pay to have it
> as a search criteria on all online search engines.
> The intent is to create a digital trail and an unprecedented amount of
> factual data, pointing to Bill Huffman and friends cyberstalking,
> online harrassment and apparent theft of company resources. NCR told
> us that they needed proof of Huffman using their resources for his
> personal vendetta. We have that proof - A LOT OF IT - but weren't
> willing to divulge it until a lawsuit of sorts was filed against him
> and NCR.
> To begin with, punch this into your browser. Thats the first evidence
> of Bill Huffman using company resources to attack me online and for
> personal gain. We have others.
> As the recently created website is updated, it will contain ONLY
> factual LEGAL material, and material made available to us by law
> enforcement, investigators and the legal system. These will be scanned
> and posted on the site as time goes on. There will be photos and any
> an all legal materials allowable by law.
> I had WARNED Bill Huffman for MANY MANY years to back the fuck off me
> and LEAVE ME THE HELL alone.
> I had also told him that once I got this project out of the way, that
> he would be in a world of legal and financial hurt. As usual, he has
> SEVERELY underestimated me. Make NO mistake, NOBODY will be spared
> this onslaught. And that includes EVERYONE who has ever been involved
> in this and still is. Once you see the website's update later this
> week, you will see what I mean. Nobody will be spared - and that
> includes Allan Parent, Derek Sorenson, Pat Lundrigan, Daniel
> Blakemore, Jimmy Chan, Louis Maladrino and anyone still doing this.
> Let me repeat that - NOBODY will be spared.
> If you are in a country where I cannot reach you via legal means,
> these websites (of which there will be many and in a webring) will
> have your name, your personal details, your posting history, your
> online lives - FOREVER. Everything that is legally allowable under the
> First Amendment, will be fair game. Your spouses will see it. Your
> children will see it. Your grand children will see it. Your friends
> will see it. Your employers will see it. Your business partners will
> see it. You CANNOT hide behind this veil of anonymity that the
> Internet provides and which you have ABUSED in your wanton persecution
> of myself, my friends, my family and my fanbase.
> As of today, I am declaring open season on each and every one of you.
> It will not be a war fought with pitiful flames or the like. It will
> be a war fought on the wings of our judicial system.
> It will be legal.
> It will be unprecendented.
> It will be very, very, painful.
> If you have an alias, I can and will obtain your real identities as
> long as I can provide proof of your actions or if/when a legal action
> is taken (thats what court orders are for). I will spend money on
> private investigators, attorneys, legal assistants etc.
> I will spare *no* expense in this excercise and I CAN and WILL
> prevail.
> I will not falter
> I will not fail
> I will NOT quit
> I WILL do this
> I will set an example and a legal precedent
> You have been warned
> The battle lines have been drawn. This STOPS HERE.
> You have a choice and that choice is to CEASE & DESIST all such
> actions against me, take down ANY and ALL libelous websites, STOP
> cyberstalking me, STOP harrassing me or bear the full effects of this
> action.
> Bill, the freight train is coming. I'm on it.

Oh, please, oh please Br'er Bear, toss dis rabbit into de briar patch!
Well, Derek, if anything else than providing us with one hell of a funny
rant (rave?), you've left no doubt about who is truly obsessed.

What happened, did your mom stop wiring you money?

---- ----
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\\ |
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.-~~'-.___ Louis J.M
/ | ' \
( ) (\ O _
\_/-, ,----' // E-Mail:
==== ___// AIM : Zsinj
/ \-'~; /~~~(O) ---------------------------------------------------
/ __/~| __/ | "It's because they're stupid. Thats why everyone
==(______| (_________| does everything." - Homer Simpson

Bill Huffman

Oct 4, 2001, 12:19:05 AM10/4/01

"Louis J.M" <> wrote in message

> In article <> , "Derek Smart
> (3000AD)" <> wrote:

> > Bill, the freight train is coming. I'm on it.
> Oh, please, oh please Br'er Bear, toss dis rabbit into de briar patch!
> Well, Derek, if anything else than providing us with one hell of a funny
> rant (rave?), you've left no doubt about who is truly obsessed.
> What happened, did your mom stop wiring you money?

My theory is that Mr. Smart gets like this whenever he feels the truth is
closing in on him. The truth restricts his options for weaving his web of lies
the way he would like. This web of lies is his facade, the way that he wants
others to view him. Of course his view is that it is other people that are doing
this to him so he lashes out at others in response.

In this case I think the truth that is closing in on him is primarily the
waiting for his baby (BCM) to hit the shelves and no longer having control over
it. A secondary issue might be the pressure of the truth placed on him over on
VoodooExtreme. It makes him extremely uncomfortable when a new group of people
might find out that he's a PhD fraud that forged racist emails.

alvaro rodriguez

Oct 4, 2001, 12:48:28 AM10/4/01

Bill Huffman <> wrote in message
You forgot that he was recently banned from Garage Games and Evil Avatar.
I'm sure that had something to do with it, also DaCript and Allan were
making him looked like an ASS until he was banned.


Pierre Legrand

Oct 4, 2001, 2:51:52 PM10/4/01
You know Im no Derek fan but having witnessed your ability to engage
in clear thinking, Im doubtful that you really have any basis to claim
that you thought or think.

Btw who gives a rat fuck about DM here in Flight sims...


>In this case I think the truth that is closing in on him is primarily the
>waiting for his baby (BCM) to hit the shelves and no longer having control over
>it. A secondary issue might be the pressure of the truth placed on him over on
>VoodooExtreme. It makes him extremely uncomfortable when a new group of people
>might find out that he's a PhD fraud that forged racist emails.

Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive
September 11, 2001
We Will Find You

Derek Smart (3000AD)

Oct 4, 2001, 4:36:47 PM10/4/01

To this end....

It will be legal.

It will be unprecendented.

I will not falter

I will not fail

I will NOT quit

I WILL do this

You have been warned

Bill, the freight train is coming. I'm on it.

Derek Smart (3000AD)

Oct 4, 2001, 4:37:25 PM10/4/01
On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 00:34:05 GMT, Vostok <>

>Allan Parent wrote:
>> Derek likes to troll and flame and even admitted such in the CGW article.
>> Allan
>Oh, I've lurked in this flamewar long enough to notice that; but you have to
>realize that the most interesting legal cases are those that have flawed
>parties. If the plaintiff or defendant are totally innocent, clear as the
>driven snow, it is going to be a bloody easy (and boring) case.
>Dr./Mr. Smart said "I will set an example and a legal precedent," and, if he
>goes through with this, he may be right. But it might not be the precedent he
>wants to see. Both Mr. Huffman and Mr./Dr. Smart are hardly innocent of flames,
>trolling, and the like. Therefore, it would be a very interesting case -
>Vostok, Esq.

100% right

I just wanted to add that the issue is NOT about flaming. It is about

1. harrassment

2. cyberstalking

3. real-life threats

4. libel

#1-2 can *easily* be proven. While say, flaming is just that,
flamming, there have been cases where the plaintiff won because it
became harrassment. We have records of threads being created,
harrassment of me - WITHOUT - my posting.

There are threads of accusations such as Huffman accusing me of
criminal fraud because of the wording of multiplayer on my game box,
something *nobody* has accused other publishers who actually *do* it,
of. I talk about changing a single button in an installer (an
installer for fuck's sake which has NOTHING to do with BCM code), I
get accused of the game not going Gold (yeah, we're all idiots). When
in fact, everyone knows that Installshield Express has *no* ties to
the executable code - NONE - its only an external install wrapper. And
to disable the options in question, is simple button toggle and a
rebuilt of the setup program - NOTHING - to do with code.

Then the bit about the box, when in fact, the box art was produced
about four weeks ago. I just didn't get Justin update the website
version which was done before I even decided to disable multiplayer.

THATS the kind of nonsense I'm talking about.

EVERY thread and every post is considered harrassment if I don't

#3 is the easiest to prove. Over at VE, EA, PC etc, Allan, Hufman et
al, were *never* there to begin with - until I showed up. Because
websites can go away, purge their records etc, thats why we are
storing them. Most recently, Allan Parent did the same thing over at
EA (again), as seen in this thread :

and then I got banned because I sent EA an email (which I post in this
thread in post #346) about the behavior of his friends.

#4, while the most difficult civil case to prove, all steps have been
taken to advise Huffman that the material on his website and actions
he accuses me of, are *false*. They include

(1) that I am a fraud because I don't have a conventional Ph.D (like
it or not, I *am* a Ph.D holder. Period)

(2) that I forged racist email. When I have *clearly* and *repeatedly*
told him that I did *not* do. And to boot, the primary player in that
episode (trainman50) is *not* around to refute that. He couldn't even
do that when he was around. He disappeared.

(3) my doctored photograph on his site, does not constitute 'fair use'
nor is it a parody - simply due to the premise of the website

(4) the Coke machine incident *never* happened. Period. CGW who Take2
told this back in 1997, were the same ones to confirm that it was
untrue as per their April 2001 profile on me (see

(5) the incident with Louis saying I followed him around, is FALSE.
And Bill *knows* this to be FALSE because in emails and posts here,
Louis made it CLEAR that he made it up. In fact, I think the guys
already linked that to the revised page at

There are others - many others. They are documented. They will be made
a part of the complaints.

I simply cannot go to forums and post and/or participate in peace,
without Huffman and his minions showing up harassing me and disrupting
the place. It happens time and time again. Yesterday, I received no
less that 17 emails from people who read the notice I posted here and
elsewhere on the net and who support this decision. I even got offered
free legal assistance by an attorney in CA who was around on VE when
Huffman pulled the same stunt back in July (yes, we kept the thread).

There is evidence that Huffman sent a minor to come to my house. There
is further evidence that just recently, he repeated the same advisory
to the same person, Louis, who is no longer a minor.

I don't have money to burn on crap. All my money goes into my company
and my products. So, trust me, having to sign not one, but three
retainer checks to attorneys in order that *something* - *anything* is
done, is NOT my idea of fun. Whether I win or not and no matter how
difficult or revealing it becomes, unless I do this Vostok, it will
NOT end. I couldn't before due to lack of funds and the fact that I
was focused on getting my game out. Now that those two variables are
out of the picture, I have had time to sit down and figure out what
I'm going to do.

Huffman, back in '98 was given a choice and an offer (see thread
below) he didn't accept. Instead, he continued. In short, I am TIRED
of this. Its THAT simple.

And yes, I've seen all the laughing, jeering, ridicule that goes on
when I say that I report issues to the FBI, keep records etc. We'll
see. This has gone ABOVE and BEYOND anything that fun or flaming
should and can be. It THREATENED my very well being because I had to
MOVE from one place to another (yes, there is documented proof, so
thats not even the issue) after that incident with Louis following me
in a car (he says it differently), then sent email saying that Huffman
asked him to come to my etc. I moved to a more secure home *and*
beefed up my security.

I never wanted to drag Bill's employers into this (as even Dan Brooks
can attest to), but he has left us no choice because when you go back
through the history, thats where it all started. And he stepped up his
vehement attacks as a result of that. An investigator will be visiting
the security and human resources offices (different locations) soon.
By the time I'm done, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING about Huffman worth
knowing, will be in a court docet.


Allan, I don't give a flying crap how many attorneys you have. YES, I
AM accusing YOU of Cyberstalking me. In fact, while you are not even
on my legal radar at this point, PLEASE be the first to sue me.
PLEASE. After all, we all spend money on our favorite hobbies. I DARE
YOU. If you knew what I knew, you'd just back the hell of me and step

People can laugh and jeer all they want at this - no matter how it
turns out, we'll see who has the last laugh. And if my history is
anything to go by, I'm the one who will be laughing last. I've got
patience and I've got time.

ps: Lemming, dunno if you got my email or not.I never accused you of
CyberStalking me. We're just compiling a list of harrassers,
cyberstalkers etc. My apologies if that was implied.


Oct 4, 2001, 4:52:29 PM10/4/01
"Derek Smart (3000AD)" <>, in YET another display of 1337
reposting skillz, wrote in message

Jesus Christ.

Do you run out of ideas THAT quickly, that you have to post the exact same
crap multiple times? Do you think this somehow makes you sound more serious???

// Xan, Ph.D.
// Base is uncovered!


Oct 4, 2001, 4:54:00 PM10/4/01
"Derek Smart (3000AD)" <> wrote:

Someone tell me this is a forgery.


Curiosity *may* have killed Schrödinger's cat.

Allan Parent

Oct 4, 2001, 4:59:12 PM10/4/01
I didn't go over to EA to do that. I originally went over to talk about the
the installshield problem but when I was called a liar, I had to set things
straight. Evidently EA had enough of Dereks lies and garbage too so he
banned him.


"alvaro rodriguez" <> wrote in message

Bryan J. Maloney

Oct 4, 2001, 5:19:30 PM10/4/01
In article <>, wrote:

> Someone tell me this is a forgery.

It came through, if that tells you anything.

"A 'Cape Cod Salsa' just isn't right."

Louis J.M

Oct 4, 2001, 5:28:12 PM10/4/01
In article <h_3v7.64723$> ,
"Xan" <> wrote:

That post is nothing but threats, and this is the third time he's posted

So, you think your more intelligent than Daniel Blakemore? Chances are you,
aren't. It may be impossible to be smarter than Daniel Blakemore, but at
least you can be as smart as him.


...a line, and tell them what Derek is doing. They'll notice if more than
two people E-Mail them about it. And this threat of legal destruction is
just not directed at one person.

Besides, Derek is long overdue for a good plug pulling, considering all
the 'abuse' he's dished out using it.

United We Stand, and all that.

Louis J.M

.-~~-.____ E-Mail:
/ | ' \ AIM : Zsinj
( ) O _ ---------------------------------------------------
\_/-, ,----' // "Ever consider what dogs must think of us? I mean,
==== ___// here we come back from a grocery store with the most
/ \-'~; /~~~(O) amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow. They must
/ __/~| __/ | think we're the greatest hunters on earth!"
==(______| (_________| - Anne Tyler


Oct 4, 2001, 5:38:39 PM10/4/01
"Bryan J. Maloney" <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> wrote:
>> Someone tell me this is a forgery.
>It came through, if that tells you anything.

Yes, I did notice that, but I haven't been paying attention to headers
on other DKS posts recently.


Oct 4, 2001, 6:06:07 PM10/4/01
"Louis J.M" <> wrote in message

> So, you think your more intelligent than Daniel Blakemore? Chances are you,
> aren't.

Me? No way. I'm no match for him.

> ...a line, and tell them what Derek is doing. They'll notice if more than
> two people E-Mail them about it. And this threat of legal destruction is
> just not directed at one person.

Well, I don't know. If we kill them with laughter, that might not be looked
upon very favorably.


Oct 4, 2001, 7:30:54 PM10/4/01
"Derek Smart (3000AD)" <> wrote in message
<snip long, repeated message about flamming>

Is this your new style, Derek? Instead of spamming the newsgroup you write
two or three hilarious rants and then post them repeatedly? Surely you can
do better, Mr. Smart.

Bill Huffman

Oct 4, 2001, 9:16:30 PM10/4/01

"alvaro rodriguez" <> wrote in message

Absolutely true, I believe that the primary pressure is the waiting for BCM to
be delivered. Those other things mentioned are relatively minor but has given
him a target for his emotional outburst.

Bill Huffman

Oct 4, 2001, 9:22:54 PM10/4/01

"Pierre Legrand" <> wrote in message

> You know Im no Derek fan but having witnessed your ability to engage
> in clear thinking, Im doubtful that you really have any basis to claim
> that you thought or think.

You're entitled to your opinion as I am to my opinion that at least in the
"terrorist thread" you were rude, thoughtless, unwilling to try to understand
what others were saying and generally just looking for a scapegoat to attack.

> Btw who gives a rat fuck about DM here in Flight sims...

Absolutely true, I'm sorry but some asshole added flight-sims and strategic.

Dear Asshole (you know who you are), please stop crossposting everything.

Bill Huffman

Oct 4, 2001, 9:32:24 PM10/4/01

"Lemming" <> wrote in message

> "Derek Smart (3000AD)" <> wrote:
> >
> >For many, many months, I have not posted on here in a flamewar. This

> >
> >Bill, the freight train is coming. I'm on it.
> Someone tell me this is a forgery.

Mr. Smart must be in a royally foul mood. He did this type thing once before
where he collected together a huge file (multiple MB IIRC) of posts that he
thought proved everything he ever said true and then said that he would be
forced to post it in response to any post he didn't like and it would be all the
detractors fault. This would then turn everyone in the newsgroup that was
neutral against the detractors because it would be their fault.

A funny epilogue to the story is that one of the posts that was in that huge
file was by a Princeton professor that said no way in hell does Derek have a
real PhD but he further stated that he might hire him in his lab if he hired
programers. Derek got such a huge ego stroke from this that he still talks about
it. Just this week as a matter of fact over on VoodooExtreme.

Daniel Blakemore

Oct 4, 2001, 11:18:49 PM10/4/01

Louis J.M <> wrote in message

> That post is nothing but threats, and this is the third time he's posted
> this.
> So, you think your more intelligent than Daniel Blakemore? Chances are
> aren't. It may be impossible to be smarter than Daniel Blakemore, but at
> least you can be as smart as him.

Aww shucks...<blushes... > :)

> Drop:
> ...a line, and tell them what Derek is doing. They'll notice if more than
> two people E-Mail them about it. And this threat of legal destruction is
> just not directed at one person.


> Besides, Derek is long overdue for a good plug pulling, considering all
> the 'abuse' he's dished out using it.

Yup. :)

> United We Stand, and all that.

Do I have to strike a poncy pose and shout "...and all for one!"? :)

Daniel Blakemore

Bill Huffman

Oct 5, 2001, 12:14:24 AM10/5/01
"Derek Smart (3000AD)" <> wrote in message

Mr. Smart there is no such law against responding to your insinuations that I'm
a racist over in VoodooExtreme and/or Planetcrap. Now there is a law against you
insinuating that I was a racist, though. There is also no law against starting a
thread to discuss a public figure or someone that frequently visits the gaming
discussion forums.

> There are threads of accusations such as Huffman accusing me of
> criminal fraud because of the wording of multiplayer on my game box,
> something *nobody* has accused other publishers who actually *do* it,
> of. I talk about changing a single button in an installer (an
> installer for fuck's sake which has NOTHING to do with BCM code), I
> get accused of the game not going Gold (yeah, we're all idiots).

Mr. Smart you really need to show this stuff to a lawyer. He will tell you that
what I said was that if the box went out like the pictures on your website then
it appeared like it might be criminal fraud to me. You even admitted since that
you had just not updated the pictures of the box art on your web site.

> in fact, everyone knows that Installshield Express has *no* ties to
> the executable code - NONE - its only an external install wrapper. And
> to disable the options in question, is simple button toggle and a
> rebuilt of the setup program - NOTHING - to do with code.
> Then the bit about the box, when in fact, the box art was produced
> about four weeks ago. I just didn't get Justin update the website
> version which was done before I even decided to disable multiplayer.

You see here you admit that you changed the box's images so that it wouldn't be
what appeared to me would be criminal fraud if they had gone out that way. You
should have thanked me.

> THATS the kind of nonsense I'm talking about.

Mr. Smart, you only talk nonsense.

> EVERY thread and every post is considered harrassment if I don't
> participate.

Total nonsense, you need to talk to that army of lawyers that you've retained.

> #3 is the easiest to prove. Over at VE, EA, PC etc, Allan, Hufman et
> al, were *never* there to begin with - until I showed up. Because
> websites can go away, purge their records etc, thats why we are
> storing them. Most recently, Allan Parent did the same thing over at
> EA (again), as seen in this thread :
> and then I got banned because I sent EA an email (which I post in this
> thread in post #346) about the behavior of his friends.

Mr. Smart these are public forums. Just because you go there it doesn't mean
that I can't go there especially when you are trying to tell people that I'm a

> #4, while the most difficult civil case to prove, all steps have been
> taken to advise Huffman that the material on his website and actions
> he accuses me of, are *false*. They include
> (1) that I am a fraud because I don't have a conventional Ph.D (like
> it or not, I *am* a Ph.D holder. Period)

Mr. Smart you ARE an academic fraud. You are a fraud because you are claiming to
be something that you are not. You are a fraud based on either of the two
following facts.

Fact 1: You will not name your school. The obvious reason you do not name your
school is because you wish to mislead people into believing that your PhD is
worth more than it is. If you named your school then it would be obvious to
anyone that checked it out that your diploma is a worthless piece of paper.
Here's a post from a distance learning expert, Dr. Steve Levicoff, that
expresses this exact same thought,

Fact 2: You received your worthless diploma from one of the con-artists listed
in the degree mill chapter of Dr. John Bear's book. The entities listed in this
chapter are con schemes. They are not schools and a diploma from one of these
places is no more bona fide than if you printed the diploma yourself. Here's a
post about this from the world's leading expert on distance education, Dr. John
Bear himself,
for more details see
(like it or not, you *are* a Ph.D fraud. Period)

> (2) that I forged racist email. When I have *clearly* and *repeatedly*
> told him that I did *not* do. And to boot, the primary player in that
> episode (trainman50) is *not* around to refute that. He couldn't even
> do that when he was around. He disappeared.

Here's the proof that Derek Smart really did forge racist email.

Here's the strongest irrefutable part of the proof.

> (3) my doctored photograph on his site, does not constitute 'fair use'
> nor is it a parody - simply due to the premise of the website

It is a parody. It's an obvious parody and it is fair use.

> (4) the Coke machine incident *never* happened. Period. CGW who Take2
> told this back in 1997, were the same ones to confirm that it was
> untrue as per their April 2001 profile on me (see

Mr. Smart this is totally irrelevant. I don't think there's any place on the web
site that says it is proven that the incident happened. As a matter of fact in
the Introduction to the web site it says, "an alleged incident where he beat up
a Coke machine". However, I believe there's little doubt it happened. I've seen
too many of your Narcissistic rages to not be able to easily visualize it

> (5) the incident with Louis saying I followed him around, is FALSE.
> And Bill *knows* this to be FALSE because in emails and posts here,
> Louis made it CLEAR that he made it up. In fact, I think the guys
> already linked that to the revised page at

I really doubt that it is false. All Louis admitted to was that he had
exaggerated the story in his original description. Louis swears that the
incident as described on my site is correct and this version sounds reasonable
to me.


So Derek your libelous site was taken down after how many days? 2 or 3? And I
didn't even have to complain. Apparently they took it down because Louis
complained. I think that means you've been bested by Louis the kid once again.

> There are others - many others. They are documented. They will be made
> a part of the complaints.

Derek, you just shot your whole load and it was very pathetic showing. You
really need to talk to your team of lawyers about this kind of stuff before you
make a fool of yourself once again.

> I simply cannot go to forums and post and/or participate in peace,
> without Huffman and his minions showing up harassing me and disrupting
> the place. It happens time and time again. Yesterday, I received no
> less that 17 emails from people who read the notice I posted here and
> elsewhere on the net and who support this decision. I even got offered
> free legal assistance by an attorney in CA who was around on VE when
> Huffman pulled the same stunt back in July (yes, we kept the thread).
> There is evidence that Huffman sent a minor to come to my house. There
> is further evidence that just recently, he repeated the same advisory
> to the same person, Louis, who is no longer a minor.

Damn it Louis, why the heck do you keep refusing to do what I tell you? You must
go to Derek's house and check it out and see what other lies he's told. For
example, check that it is a mansion with a new pool in the backyard, etc. etc..
I tell you what, you go and I promise that I won't ever flame you again for
stupid infuriating habit of cross posting. Deal?

There what do you say now, Fraudman?

Wait I know I can do even better, Lemming go to Brad's house and report on what
you see and PJL go to Joe's favorite bar and report on what you see (or vice
versa if Joe doesn't drink). Derek Smart you have an assignment also, go to bp's
house and report what you see.

Now what do you say, Mr. Smart? Maybe now you can even get the new Home Defense
Department after me?

> I don't have money to burn on crap. All my money goes into my company
> and my products. So, trust me, having to sign not one, but three
> retainer checks to attorneys in order that *something* - *anything* is
> done, is NOT my idea of fun. Whether I win or not and no matter how
> difficult or revealing it becomes, unless I do this Vostok, it will
> NOT end. I couldn't before due to lack of funds and the fact that I
> was focused on getting my game out. Now that those two variables are
> out of the picture, I have had time to sit down and figure out what
> I'm going to do.

You should have told your lawyer the whole truth from the beginning and it would
have saved you a lot of embarassment. I completely saw through your lame
attempts at trying to scare me into capitulating. You grossly underestimated me
the last time you got your lawyer involved. I believe that by the end I handed
your ass back to you and your lawyer on a platter. Here's one of my favorite

*********Snip from my email to Derek's lawyer in response to email to me******
>My approach to practicing law is that a good lawyer keeps his client out
>of court. This approach works when the parties are reasonable.

How could I be more reasonable? You have said that Derek has a bona
fide PhD. I've said that if he has a PhD from an accredited college
I would insist on apologizing and would take down the web page.
I even offered to correct anyone I saw questioning Derek's PhD,
if Derek wanted me too! I believe that I've been very responsive
to your every email. I believe that I've tried to respond to each
issue or concern you've raised. The longest elapsed time response
was probably when I was on Easter/Passover vacation. Haven't I
been totally truthful in these negotiations? Please give me some
examples of how I've been unreasonable? That way I can have a better
understanding of your meaning and hopefully be able to correct it.
If you have no examples then, I suggest you not imply I'm being
unreasonable, Mr. Rotbard.

It appears to me, if we tried to really evaluate which of our two
parties have been less reasonable, you would come up with the short
end of the straw due to on-line gloating contrary to your apparent
assurance and agreement with Baz and the apparent false statement you
made about accreditation in a recent post [email] and then you ignoring my
protests. Also, only allowing three days to respond to your first
email still seems completely unreasonable to me. The whole concept of
not being able to name an alma mater seems unreasonable. I question
whether or not your party has been negotiating in good faith all
along. I could go on but, it wouldn't be very conducive to resolving
any real issues that we should be dealing with, right now?
*******end of snip from lawyer email**************

Oh man, does that bring back some fond memories. Derek Smart actually hired a
lawyer to try and squelch the truth about his PhD fraud. How much did you spend,
Mr. Smart? You must have been very disappointed when he told you there was
nothing more that could be done because it was a fact that you actually were a
fraud. How much did it cost you to find out from your own lawyer that you were a
fraud? Actually I think you already knew, that's why you didn't name your
school. So how much did it cost you to find out that there was nothing you could
do to stop other people from telling the truth that you were a fraud?

> Huffman, back in '98 was given a choice and an offer (see thread
> below) he didn't accept. Instead, he continued. In short, I am TIRED
> of this. Its THAT simple.

I'm tired of waiting for stop lights, who the hell do I sue for that?

> And yes, I've seen all the laughing, jeering, ridicule that goes on
> when I say that I report issues to the FBI, keep records etc. We'll
> see. This has gone ABOVE and BEYOND anything that fun or flaming
> should and can be. It THREATENED my very well being because I had to
> MOVE from one place to another (yes, there is documented proof, so
> thats not even the issue) after that incident with Louis following me
> in a car (he says it differently), then sent email saying that Huffman
> asked him to come to my etc. I moved to a more secure home *and*
> beefed up my security.
> I never wanted to drag Bill's employers into this (as even Dan Brooks
> can attest to),

Please reconcile the above statement with all those other statements you've made
saying that you are going to really enjoy getting me fired. e.g.,

*****start of old Derek post*****
From: (Derek Smart)
Date: 26 Apr 1999 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>

[...snip by huffman]

>> Nor has he the simple courage to admit that he was trying to
>> disrupt Bill's employment.
>"Disrupt" his employment? LOL

Legally, I shouldn't be talking about this, but...

Disrupt? heh, thats minor. When I'm done with him, they'll have *no*
choice *but* to fire him. Unlike that stunt him and his girlfriends
pulled with Interplay last year in trying to get my deal terminated
(they lost), I *will* get results. NCR have enough grounds for
termination already. As far as we know, NCR won't risk Huffman suing
them for wrongful termination, which is why I'm pushing forward with
my complaint. Notice how his pages have changed from issue to issue
and you probably know that I have a bot that monitors that page, so we
have archives of every change his made to suit the 'story' based on
his whim.

Derek Smart, Ph.D.
*****end of post*************

>but he has left us no choice because when you go back
> through the history, thats where it all started. And he stepped up his
> vehement attacks as a result of that. An investigator will be visiting
> the security and human resources offices (different locations) soon.
> By the time I'm done, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING about Huffman worth
> knowing, will be in a court docet.
> I have had ENOUGH. Its THAT SIMPLE

If that were true Mr. Smart then why don't you just take your fraud and lies and
leave? Why do you keep coming back and making your stupid impotent threats? Why
do you keep asking for more time and time again? Just leave, don't come back,
use your killfilter for real, go away, get lost, don't let the door hit you on
the ass on your way out, be gone, if you don't then it sure would seem to follow
that you've not yet had enough.

P.S. Thanks for the laughs, you fraud.

Chris Schack

Oct 4, 2001, 9:20:56 PM10/4/01
In article <>,

"Derek Smart (3000AD)" <> wrote:
>For many, many months, I have not posted on here in a flamewar. This
>will not be a start as it will be the only post I make related to this
>matter. Flaming is one thing. A concerted, intentional libelous
>onslaught with NO end, is not a flame, its just that, harassment and
>cyberstalking (which *is* legally actionable, btw) that has gone on
>since 1996. NO MORE!


You know, you've posted this before ... and yes, I checked the date to
be sure it wasn't just a hiccup of propagation.

Chris Schack

Chris Schack

Oct 4, 2001, 9:24:06 PM10/4/01
In article <>,

"Derek Smart (3000AD)" <> wrote:


>I just wanted to add that the issue is NOT about flaming. It is about

Say, wasn't your OTHER post supposed to be the "only post"?

Chris Schack

Jak Crow

Oct 5, 2001, 3:44:51 AM10/5/01
In Bill Huffman <> wrote:

> If that were true Mr. Smart then why don't you just take your fraud and lies and
> leave? Why do you keep coming back and making your stupid impotent threats? Why
> do you keep asking for more time and time again? Just leave, don't come back,
> use your killfilter for real, go away, get lost, don't let the door hit you on
> the ass on your way out, be gone, if you don't then it sure would seem to follow
> that you've not yet had enough.
> P.S. Thanks for the laughs, you fraud.

*clap clap clap clap*


Oct 5, 2001, 5:48:32 AM10/5/01
I get it now.
Remember when AG discovered Derek's password, and said that Derek
should change it, well apparently Derek changed it to something silly,
and someone has hacked into Derek's account.

As even Derek cannot be stupid enough to try what he claims here.
Although, come to think of it it probably is really Derek!!

Louis J.M

Oct 5, 2001, 10:31:50 AM10/5/01
In article <9pj87g$j3ct7$> , "Daniel Blakemore"
<> wrote:

> Do I have to strike a poncy pose and shout "...and all for one!"? :)

No. Please don't. Pleeeeeeeeeease don't...

.-~~-.____ Louis J.M
/ | ' \
( ) O _ E-Mail:
\_/-, ,----' // AIM : Zsinj
==== ___// ----------------------------------------------------
/ \-'~; /~~~(O) "No man ever believes that the Bible means what it
/ __/~| __/ | says: he is always convinced that it says what he
==(______| (_________| means." - George Bernard Shaw


Oct 5, 2001, 12:37:43 PM10/5/01
"Daniel Blakemore" <> wrote:

>Do I have to strike a poncy pose and shout "...and all for one!"?

You can if you like, but I still won't let you be my bitch.

Daniel Blakemore

Oct 5, 2001, 12:59:52 PM10/5/01

Lemming <> wrote in message

> "Daniel Blakemore" <> wrote:
> >Do I have to strike a poncy pose and shout "...and all for one!"?
> You can if you like, but I still won't let you be my bitch.

*sniffle...* :*(

What, you wanna see me beg? Ok. :)

Daniel Blakemore
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which
they avoid. "
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhoea ...
Massive, difficult to re-direct, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source
of mind-boggling
amounts of excrement, when you least expect it.

Jeff George

Oct 5, 2001, 1:21:19 PM10/5/01
"Derek Smart (3000AD)" wrote:

<drivel snapped>

Can't we just convince the government that Smart is a terrorist so that
he can be hunted down and exterminated like the vermin that he is?

I don't want this anger that's burning in me.
It's something from which it's so hard to be free.
But none of the tears that we cry in sorrow or rage
Can make any difference, or turn back the page.
- David Gilmour
Jeff George


Oct 5, 2001, 5:23:32 PM10/5/01
"Daniel Blakemore" <> wrote:

>Lemming <> wrote in message
>> "Daniel Blakemore" <> wrote:
>> >Do I have to strike a poncy pose and shout "...and all for one!"?
>> You can if you like, but I still won't let you be my bitch.
>*sniffle...* :*(
>What, you wanna see me beg? Ok. :)

Weren't you already begging?

Daniel Blakemore

Oct 5, 2001, 6:07:16 PM10/5/01

Lemming <> wrote in message

> "Daniel Blakemore" <> wrote:
> >Lemming <> wrote in message
> >
> >> "Daniel Blakemore" <> wrote:
> >> >Do I have to strike a poncy pose and shout "...and all for one!"?
> >> You can if you like, but I still won't let you be my bitch.
> >*sniffle...* :*(
> >What, you wanna see me beg? Ok. :)
> Weren't you already begging?

No, I usually walk like that.. :)


Oct 9, 2001, 2:55:46 AM10/9/01
On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 20:36:47 GMT, "Derek Smart (3000AD)"
<> wrote:

>For many, many months, I have not posted on here in a flamewar. This
>will not be a start as it will be the only post I make related to this
>matter. Flaming is one thing. A concerted, intentional libelous
>onslaught with NO end, is not a flame, its just that, harassment and
>cyberstalking (which *is* legally actionable, btw) that has gone on
>since 1996. NO MORE!


The GOP should contract Derek to punch up President Bush's speaches.

A good old-fashioned DKS rant, very entertaining.

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