- Julian Brown -
- Pro\Sim Corp. -
- Houston, Tx. U.S.A. -
- EMail: brow...@prosim.com -
Trek on...
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(o o)
INTERNET: jfu...@unix1.tcd.ie
>If you want to see all text that passes by quickly hit text.
Do you mean hit the pause key?
>[To give order to say a aliied ship use following
>tell enterprise dock chi
>tell enterprise torp cromer insert any ship name were enterprise is.
>[I like to use tell all tor cromer
>then all ships will attack.
When do they stop attacking, when the ship's blown up?
Thanks for the advice anyway, and if you have any more hints for
a better evaluation I'd read them most vehemently!
Thanx again...
Juan Carlos Mier
Princeton University "Sometimes I dream,
Class of 1994 While all the other
(juan...@phoenix.princeton.edu) People dance ...."
And does anyone know where I could find the first begin?
Yes, where is it? I thought a simple archie search would root it
out in no time but nothing! Original Poster, where did you get it from?
: Yes, where is it? I thought a simple archie search would root it
: out in no time but nothing! Original Poster, where did you get it from?
I was a rabid supported of Begin 1.65 (the last one that I know about),
but the Begin 2.0 (which was going to be named RealTrek) development
phase went on interminably, and personal reasons caused one of the
programs to put the project on the shelf. I don't believe it was ever
released in any form. Too bad, because they released a couple of .GIF
files of it during development, and it looked way cool, with graphics and
everything. I loved Begin 1.65. Dammit.
[ pin...@access.digex.net ]
[ I'll show you the life of the mind! ]
Sorry I don't have a phone number, but the original game BEGIN was developed
at _THE MICRO FOUNDRY BBS_ located in Belmont, CA. 415 area code.
I believe the BBS may have changed names, I really haven't kept up.
David E. Potter | MIS Supervisor
Storage Dimensions, Milpitas CA | dpo...@xstor.com
> Yes, where is it? I thought a simple archie search would root it
>out in no time but nothing! Original Poster, where did you get it from?
>Max Behara
I got it from c.s.i.p.g.strategic! Someone posted it in binary and I
naturally downloaded it. Unfortunately I don't have permission to
store that kind of K's for very long and it was deleted by the
SysAdmin. If only he knew what he'd done! But the original poster is
still on the loose and I'm sure would be more than willing to repost
this rather fun tac.
This would be a good game to upload to a ftp site.
(I've seen earlier versions of it too. I liked it, and had a friend who
was absolutely crazy about it).
"The power of this battlestation is _insignificant_ when compared with
the power of the Farce." - D. Vader.