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Diablo or Daggerfall?

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George Heuer

Mar 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/11/97

I am in a delima which should I buy?

George J. Heuer


Mar 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/12/97

>I am in a dilemma which should I buy?

Well, get out of your dilemma and get Daggerfall with its latest
patch of course. It is far more worthwhile. Of course, it does
depend a little on what you are looking for. In Diablo it is all hack
and slash. The quests are extremely shallow and in multi player mode
very few. You will be spending your entire time trying to find better
equipment and playing levels over and over again in the hopes of
finding better equipment. You will also be cheating at some point,
IMHO, for gold at least if nothing else.

Daggerfall is much more your typical RPG with its much more
elaborate quests that do not dry out or stop after you get so far
through the game. In Daggerfall you have much more character
interaction and inventory management to be concerned with. Daggerfall
is a much richer dungeon game then Diablo. That said and done if
adventuring is your interest get Daggerfall. If killing is your
interest get Diablo. If you would like to go adventuring with other
players over the Internet then neither game will work. You can play
Diablo in multi player mode via the Internet but you will only be
hacking and slashing to kill Diablo. Daggerfall does not have any
multi player mode. It really isn't any more complicated then that.
My only regret about Daggerfall (I have not played it yet) is that
Bethesda did such a god awful initial release of it, but I understand
now with patch 200 +? the game has settled down to being quite

My regret about Diablo is the PeopleKilling (PKing) and
TownKilling and equipment and gold cheating that is so rampant. After
killing Diablo once in multiplayer and earning my red spot I tried to
advance further in nightmare mode. This proved to difficult and
frustrating for me as I could not find better equipment to stave off
the blows of the much stronger monsters. At this point trying to
continue without cheating was futile. In the end I hated Diablo very
much for getting so hooked on it and spending so darn much time.
There was no adventure value in it.

I have a feeling after reading all of this that you will KNOW
which one you would really like to get. And I truly would not be
surprised which. Both games seem to be going in opposite directions
now. Daggerfall is coming together as a much better game then it
started out as, while Diablo seems to fall apart more as cheating
permeates through it.

Must I add IMHO? Good luck.

* Susan * <>

Kuang-Ting Chong

Mar 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/12/97
to George Heuer

George Heuer wrote:
> I am in a delima which should I buy?
> George J. Heuer

Both games have demos. Download the demos and try them out yourself.


Mar 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/13/97

Susan wrote:
> >I am in a dilemma which should I buy?
> Well, get out of your dilemma and get Daggerfall with its
> latest patch of course.


> My only regret about Daggerfall (I have not played it yet) is that
> Bethesda did such a god awful initial release of it, but I understand
> now with patch 200 +? the game has settled down to being quite
> enjoyable.

I played and upgrade Daggerfall up to patch 195(194) and the game still
crashed very frequently when I was equipped with multiple custom made
magical items.

> At this point trying to
> continue without cheating was futile. In the end I hated Diablo very
> much for getting so hooked on it and spending so darn much time.
> There was no adventure value in it.


> Daggerfall is coming together as a much better game then it
> started out as, while Diablo seems to fall apart more as cheating
> permeates through it.
> Must I add IMHO? Good luck.
> * Susan * <>

I only play Diablo on local networks and none of us have downloaded the
cheats. In my opinion Diablo is a very balanced game. What is the fun if
it *isn't* hard. When you encounter to hard resistance on
nightmare/caves you have to go back to normal/hell looking for stuff or
nightmare/cat looking for money, books and shrines. Then when you
finally manage nightmare/caves it feels like an acievement.

Playing Daggerfall though (besides the caves being ridiculously large,
illogical and boring) you get no sense of achievement. I never found a
cave that was to hard and if I returned to an already explored cave the
monsters were back matching my new level.

You mention cheating in Diablo. To do that you have to download special
software or spend *hours* trying to crack the game. In Daggerfall
cheating is built into the game design! You simply spend a few real
world hours casting spells in a hotel, do a few quest, fabricate some
magical items (each having 4 increased abilities and 4 player takes
damage in Holy Places) and suddenly you can make attack spells that
kills anything and combined defense spell that makes you virtually
invulnerable and the spells have *negative* cost. After that the game is

I personally can't stop myself from making a character as powerful as
possible within the rules of a game. In that perspective Diablo is a fun
game and Daggerfall isn't.

Of course Daggerfall has it's "roleplaying" perspective. I for example
originally decided to play a paladin. I spent an hour or two designing a
character and doing the first cave. When I met common people in town
trying to ask for great heroics the only things the program let me say
was "Any semihonest work around"....

Just my two-pence

Yellow Four

Mar 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/13/97

if you can't wait a couple of month when new rpgs are coming out, then
the better choice will be diablo. it's a better challenge, esp.
player-vs-player. if you want adventure and plot, try albion, unless
you have already.

btw, if you have the time, you can download demos of each game, albion,
diablo, and daggerfall.

Dennis Voong, aka Yellow Four
Computers and games stuff @

K. Laisathit

Mar 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/13/97

In article <>,

Susan <> wrote:
>>I am in a dilemma which should I buy?
> Well, get out of your dilemma and get Daggerfall with its latest
>patch of course. It is far more worthwhile. Of course, it does
>depend a little on what you are looking for.

I'd say more than a little. See below.

>In Diablo it is all hack
>and slash. The quests are extremely shallow and in multi player mode
>very few.

Hmmm, how do you like the FedEx quest in Daggerfall? There are more
than a few you know. My point, besides the main quest, the rest of
Daggerfall offers no more depth than what Diablo has to offer. Sure,
there are a few multi-part mini-quests, still these entails nothing
more than a sequence of dungeon excursion.

>You will be spending your entire time trying to find better
>equipment and playing levels over and over again in the hopes of
>finding better equipment. You will also be cheating at some point,
>IMHO, for gold at least if nothing else.

Gold? That's laughable. My mage and rogue drops tens of thousands of
gold every time they venture into the dungeon.

>Bethesda did such a god awful initial release of it, but I understand
>now with patch 200 +? the game has settled down to being quite

Let me put it this way, I played DF until patch 179, when patch 191
came out I stopped patching and hence stopped playing. Why? Sure the
game 'stabilizes' somewhat, but DF's lame excuse for a patch was
the last straw. There were a few famous bugs including binding
multiple souls to a magical item - the bugs involve a trick to
avoid negative attributes associates with binding the souls. DF's
solution? Allow only a single soul to be bound. Most importantly,
up until I stopped playing DF, Bethesda never fixed the clipping
and falling into the void problem. I don't know about you, but
Diablo's relatively bug-free release was more than a little bit
refreshing after laboring through hours of nervous play with DF.

> My regret about Diablo is the PeopleKilling (PKing) and
>TownKilling and equipment and gold cheating that is so rampant.

Townkill is a problem, I admit. There are ways to work around it.
One of them is joining a guild. I belong to one of them and I
have never been happier. You get to play weeks after weeks with
someone you can trust. Diablo is a cooperative game. It's nice
to get to know the other players' styles before you play with

>After killing Diablo once in multiplayer and earning my red spot I tried to
>advance further in nightmare mode. This proved to difficult and
>frustrating for me as I could not find better equipment to stave off
>the blows of the much stronger monsters.

My rogue has a hell of a problem playing in nightmare mode. Did I
quit playing her? Not in a million years. Sure she needs better
equipment, so, what I'm doing these days is running her in
normal/hell picking up treasures. So far, she found a saintly
Gothic plate, Obsidian ring of stars and other treasures. It's
not quite enough to get her through nightmare/hell alone. But
if I wish to kill Diablo, I can always get my buddy to help me

You should realize that Diablo was designed to be a cooperative
game from the outset. The difficulty of the game is commensurate to
the fact that there are a few individuals in the party. Further more,
the strength of the game lies on the fact that no single class
of character is best for every situation. This is again, IMHO,
by design. It provides an incentive for people to join a band
so that they can leverage on the other players' strength.

>At this point trying to
>continue without cheating was futile. In the end I hated Diablo very
>much for getting so hooked on it and spending so darn much time.
>There was no adventure value in it.

See above. Make no mistake, this is not an adventure game. Play
Myst if you like an adventure game. If the mere mention of Myst
offends you, well, try Wizardry Nemesis.

> I have a feeling after reading all of this that you will KNOW
>which one you would really like to get. And I truly would not be
>surprised which. Both games seem to be going in opposite directions

>now. Daggerfall is coming together as a much better game then it

>started out as, while Diablo seems to fall apart more as cheating
>permeates through it.

I agree on your last point. Comparing Daggerfall and Diablo makes
little sense. However on the point about Diablo's cheating, I
disagree. I know of many honest Diablo players who never use
hacked items, dupe, or hack their stats. In DF, it's impossible
to play the game without using any of the mini-cheat. What would
you consider sitting in a tavern, repeatedly casting spell so
that the skill can be increased? Now, try playing DF without
using the cheat, see if you can advance the skill level legitimately.
Then there is the refusing quest from mage guild until you get
a guard duty. The point is, the multiplayer nature of Diablo makes
cheating particularly offensive, while the playing-it-in-your-own-
home nature of Daggerfall means using cheat is just a way to adjust
the game difficulty.

My punch line, if you dabble with CRPG, buy Diablo. It's the best
game I've played in my 10 years of gaming experience. If you
are a hardcore CRPG, buy Diablo as well. There is nothing wrong
with hack'n slash. Sure it doesn't offer a great story, but it's
fun to play and it's more addictive than anything I've seen.

You shouldn't choose between Diablo and DF, buy Diablo and play
it. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy DF. But IMHO, DF is an
option. If you think you can stand the bugs and you just love
hours of involved game play and rich story line, DF is a game
for you.


Magnus Itland

Mar 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/13/97
to (George Heuer) wrote:

>I am in a delima which should I buy?

They are very different. Diablo has a online multiplayer option.
Without that, it is a rather restricted game. However, if you find
some people who who like to play with, there is the real interaction
that you can't get from playing versus a machine.
And of course, there are some running expenses too.

For playinga alone, Daggerfall seems the best choice. First of all,
it is incredibly huge. Just the first dungeon and the nearby town
could been sold as a stand-alone game, and there are hundreds of
dungeons and towns, from small hamlets to large cities. Also there
are several competing guilds and temples, each with its own blend
of fighting and magic. There are lots of different quests to perform,
lots of different weapons and armor, user-defined spells and potions
and magic items.
On the downside, NPCs are very cardboard. You'll be alone with your
fantasy, basically. Also the graphics is VGA instead of SVGA.

I've been playing Daggerfall since shortly after its release, and
suspect I'll be playing for some months yet. So to me it is good
value for money.

If you buy Daggerfall, be sure to get the latest patch, as the program
was pressed to CD in a rather unfinished state. (More like beta.)
I got a patch from my retailer, the newest was also downloadable from last I checked.

-- Yes! The one and only Magnus Itland.
The first signs of mental breakdown can be subtle,
such as for instance a slightly changed signature.


Mar 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/24/97

If you like RPG's, buy daggerfall. If you like actiony show off your
computer games, buy diablo.
Buy daggerfall then. Its gooooodddd.

Magnus Itland

Mar 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/27/97
to (JWT001) wrote:

I also think Daggerfall is very good, but looking around on this
very newsgroup it seems fair to say that some people dislike it
strongly. I think Daggerfall is a "love or hate" game.
Also I would recommend Daggerfall for grown-ups, but not for kids.

-- Yes! The one and only Magnus Itland.
The first signs of mental breakdown can be subtle,

such as for instance a slightly altered signature.

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

I am very much a grownup, and I have liked many RPG's such as U7 and
the Might and Magic games, but I really hated Daggerfall. The crappy
graphics, repetitive town scenes, pointless quests, etc. made it no
fun at all for me. I don't normally like action games like Doom, but
I found Diablo very enjoyable for quite a while even though it is more
action than true RPG. I am now off Diablo until there is some kind of
sequel or expansion pack, but it was VERY fun while it lasted.

Todd Howard

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

Hold off to the end of the year and buy REDGUARD, the new ELDER SCROLLS

Dec 16, 2017, 7:43:49 AM12/16/17
fuk u tod

Feb 28, 2018, 6:53:59 AM2/28/18
Hello, /v/
Message has been deleted

Mar 20, 2018, 6:22:11 PM3/20/18
Diablo is okay, if you like the cock.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. That's your lifestyle, feel free to live as you see fit.

Also, hi Brex and Rogan.

Mar 22, 2018, 1:25:14 AM3/22/18
Do it for Billy.

Mar 26, 2018, 9:23:00 AM3/26/18

Apr 13, 2018, 1:51:56 PM4/13/18
On Tuesday, March 11, 1997 at 4:00:00 AM UTC-4, George Heuer wrote:
> I am in a delima which should I buy?
> George J. Heuer

this is so fucking surreal to look at! I was born in 2001, so this happened before I was even born

Rin Stowleigh

Apr 13, 2018, 10:24:08 PM4/13/18
On Fri, 13 Apr 2018 10:51:55 -0700 (PDT),
To most here, it is probably surreal that someone your age is posting
to newsgroups.

Spalls Hurgenson

Apr 14, 2018, 9:21:18 AM4/14/18
On Fri, 13 Apr 2018 22:24:04 -0400, Rin Stowleigh
<> wrote:
>On Fri, 13 Apr 2018 10:51:55 -0700 (PDT),
>>On Tuesday, March 11, 1997 at 4:00:00 AM UTC-4, George Heuer wrote:

>>> I am in a delima which should I buy?
>>this is so fucking surreal to look at! I was born in 2001, so this happened before I was even born
>To most here, it is probably surreal that someone your age is posting
>to newsgroups.

But welcome. The more the merrier, I say.

Now, an answer nobody really cares about to the original 21 year old
question that time forgot...

Daggerfall (1996) has a huge open world, one of the largest in any
game (Minecraft's is bigger). It was a more traditional CRPG, with an
emphasis on character building rather than button-mashing. At the
time, its tech was quite impressive; full-screen first-person,
textured worlds, characters, etc. It's usage-based skill system was -
although not completely original to the system - still quite radical
to most gamers. But these advantages came with cost. That open world
was big, but empty and what content there was to be found was recycled
over and over again. It totally broke immersion and fun. And while the
game systems - combat, questing, etc - themselves were rather solid
the underlying code was not; Daggerfall was ridiculously buggy, so
much so that the game was published with cheat codes (in the readme, I
think) to help you bypass the portions of the game which did not work.

Diablo (1998) was by far the more solid product: visually far more
impressive, good gameplay and relatively free of bugs. But it was a
far less impressive game in scope; a double handful of levels
(although, interestingly, each procedurally designed for improved
replayability) and its gameplay was far less strategic. It leaned far
more to action game than role-playing. But it was well done,
addicitive and, oh, it had multiplayer

So which one to play? That's a tough call. Generally, I like
Daggerfall's approach more: the gameplay is more the sort of game I
enjoy. Diablo was too frenetic for my taste. On the other hand,
Daggerfall isn't really that much fun, even before you take into
account all the bugs. Diablo is in that regard a much more polished

In the end, I guess I would have to vote for Diablo; even though it
suited me less, it's the game I actually finished, after all (I never
got that far in Daggerfall; it's huge-but-dull world wore me down even
before the bugs did). But if I had a option, I'd wait a year until
System Shock 2 (1999) came out ;-)


Apr 15, 2018, 1:11:59 PM4/15/18
Rin Stowleigh <> looked up from reading the
entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs
Mostly it's surreal that someone that age can spell and use punctuation.

I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of
a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably,
Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So
FOAGCIPPEDI. -- Mike Andrews responding to an idiot in asr

Ross Ridge

Apr 16, 2018, 10:29:19 AM4/16/18
Spalls Hurgenson <> wrote:
>In the end, I guess I would have to vote for Diablo; even though it
>suited me less, it's the game I actually finished, after all (I never
>got that far in Daggerfall; it's huge-but-dull world wore me down even
>before the bugs did). But if I had a option, I'd wait a year until
>System Shock 2 (1999) came out ;-)

Plenty of other good RPGs from 1998 to choose from, so no need to wait.
Personally I was playing Might and Magic VI, but there was also Baldur's
Gate and Fallout 2. Admittedly Fallout 2 was buggy at release, but not
Daggerfall buggy.

l/ // Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
db //

Dec 8, 2018, 10:02:39 AM12/8/18
Go back to the chess club

Insane Ranter

Dec 8, 2018, 9:26:02 PM12/8/18


Dec 12, 2018, 1:22:39 PM12/12/18
On Monday, April 16, 2018 at 7:29:19 AM UTC-7, Ross Ridge wrote:
> Spalls Hurgenson <> wrote:
> >In the end, I guess I would have to vote for Diablo; even though it
> >suited me less, it's the game I actually finished, after all (I never
> >got that far in Daggerfall; it's huge-but-dull world wore me down even
> >before the bugs did). But if I had a option, I'd wait a year until
> >System Shock 2 (1999) came out ;-)
> Plenty of other good RPGs from 1998 to choose from, so no need to wait.
> Personally I was playing Might and Magic VI, but there was also Baldur's
> Gate and Fallout 2. Admittedly Fallout 2 was buggy at release, but not
> Daggerfall buggy.

Fallout 2 has been pretty well fan supported, and I doubt I'd even call it buggy anymore if you load up the fan fixes. I don't think there's anything like that for Daggerfall. I see there are mods for it, but I don't see any bugfix mods, and the mods I'm looking at look pretty minor.

Daggerfall & Diablo... I liked both, I liked Daggerfall more, I don't think I ever finished it, if it is even a game with a finish. I did finish Diablo, but not *really* finished it, as you can play it harder and find more stuff, etc. (unless I'm thinking of D2?)

No reason you couldn't play both at this point, I'm sure they're both pretty cheap, Diablo may even have been free at some point. I think Daggerfall wouldn't hold up as well.

- Justisaur


Dec 13, 2018, 12:09:10 PM12/13/18
Justisaur <> looked up from reading the entrails of
the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs say:

>On Monday, April 16, 2018 at 7:29:19 AM UTC-7, Ross Ridge wrote:
>> Spalls Hurgenson <> wrote:
>> >In the end, I guess I would have to vote for Diablo; even though it
>> >suited me less, it's the game I actually finished, after all (I never
>> >got that far in Daggerfall; it's huge-but-dull world wore me down even
>> >before the bugs did). But if I had a option, I'd wait a year until
>> >System Shock 2 (1999) came out ;-)
>> Plenty of other good RPGs from 1998 to choose from, so no need to wait.
>> Personally I was playing Might and Magic VI, but there was also Baldur's
>> Gate and Fallout 2. Admittedly Fallout 2 was buggy at release, but not
>> Daggerfall buggy.
>Fallout 2 has been pretty well fan supported, and I doubt I'd even call it buggy anymore if you load up the fan fixes. I don't think there's anything like that for Daggerfall. I see there are mods for it, but I don't see any bugfix mods, and the mods I'm looking at look pretty minor.
>Daggerfall & Diablo... I liked both, I liked Daggerfall more, I don't think I ever finished it, if it is even a game with a finish. I did finish Diablo, but not *really* finished it, as you can play it harder and find more stuff, etc. (unless I'm thinking of D2?)

It is a game with a finish, all of Bethesda's games are.

You don't have to finish, and in Daggerfall it was possible to make it
impossible to finish (you got a letter telling you to meet someone at a
certain date - miss the meeting and the main quest stopped dead. It's
not like it was "be here in 5 minutes though, it gave you something like
6 weeks of game time to get there, so you could easily walk there from
anywhere in the game on time if you didn't screw up.)

I loved that you could pick your difficulty in essence, adding up to 5
advantages and disadvantages that affected how you got exp.
Give yourself too much benefit and you level really slowly.

I used to use an editor to actually lock out a bunch more things, I
think I used 5 advantages and 15-20 disadvantages (it no longer affected
the exp since the calc was done in game at creation, not later, I did it
for role play reasons.
IE a character that for reasons of personal foible would only use items
that were gold, red or black (clothing, armor or weapons) - which meant
you could only use dwarven, admantium, ebony and daedric items - you HAD
to pick the intro option that gave you an ebony dagger or you were
fucked, since you wouldn't see dwarven stuff for some time and the intro
dungeon had an imp in it that could only be hit by steel or better,
barehand would do nothing.)
So I locked out materials, locked out shields, locked out armor classes
(some classes couldn't use heavy armor - not got penalties, literally
could not equip it, and so on.)

No game before or since had the depth.

>No reason you couldn't play both at this point, I'm sure they're both pretty cheap, Diablo may even have been free at some point. I think Daggerfall wouldn't hold up as well.

Neither do.

Diablo is of course pre-widescreen and pretty low res and had an
annoyance removed from later games - there was absolutely zero mana
regeneration in the game, you could only get mana back from potions.
Trying to play Diablo again after playing Diablo2 was painful.

Mike S.

Dec 13, 2018, 8:46:55 PM12/13/18
On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 12:09:18 -0500, Xocyll <> wrote:

>Diablo is of course pre-widescreen and pretty low res and had an
>annoyance removed from later games - there was absolutely zero mana
>regeneration in the game, you could only get mana back from potions.
>Trying to play Diablo again after playing Diablo2 was painful.

Diablo has an HD mod which works fine.


Dec 14, 2018, 8:45:58 AM12/14/18
Mike S. <> looked up from reading the entrails of the
porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs say:

This is obviously something that came years, or decades even, after I
last tried playing it (which was not too long after Diablo2 came out.)

Mike S.

Dec 14, 2018, 8:51:56 AM12/14/18
On Fri, 14 Dec 2018 08:46:09 -0500, Xocyll <> wrote:

>This is obviously something that came years, or decades even, after I
>last tried playing it (which was not too long after Diablo2 came out.)

My only point is that Diablo's low resolution should not deter someone
from trying it now as that can be changed with the HD mod.

Ross Ridge

Dec 14, 2018, 1:11:16 PM12/14/18
Justisaur <> wrote:
>Fallout 2 has been pretty well fan supported, and I doubt I'd even call
>it buggy anymore if you load up the fan fixes. I don't think there's
>anything like that for Daggerfall. I see there are mods for it, but I
>don't see any bugfix mods, and the mods I'm looking at look pretty

Even just with the official patches Fallout 2 should be fine these days.
I played the version to completion a few years ago.
Message has been deleted


Mar 22, 2019, 10:48:32 AM3/22/19
to looked up from reading the entrails of the porn
spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs say:

>Subscribe to PewDiePie

I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that; I have a functioning brain.

Mar 22, 2019, 8:20:29 PM3/22/19
Hey losers subscribe to Cam's Crappy Channel

Mar 23, 2019, 6:50:16 PM3/23/19
Diablo Immortal if you have a phone

Stephen W

Aug 27, 2023, 6:39:19 PM8/27/23
I'm holding out for Starfield

Harry Classon

Sep 3, 2023, 7:59:35 AM9/3/23
lmao this thread is over 20 years old people still writing lmaooo


Jan 28, 2024, 6:41:26 PM1/28/24
and why shouldn't they?


Jan 28, 2024, 7:50:24 PM1/28/24
Because Daggerfall is non-existent. All you're going to do is make people wish they could play it, and wishes are unholy.

Mark P. Nelson

Jan 29, 2024, 11:35:28 AM1/29/24
Julian <> wrote in

Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos -- the only sysadmins that matter

Spalls Hurgenson

Jan 30, 2024, 9:15:28 PM1/30/24
On Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:35:25 -0000 (UTC), "Mark P. Nelson"
<> wrote:
>Julian <> wrote in
>> On Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 5:41:26 PM UTC-6, Kyonshi wrote:
>>> On 9/3/2023 1:59 PM, Harry Classon wrote:
>>> > måndag 28 augusti 2023 kl. 00:39:19 UTC+2 skrev Stephen W:

>>> > lmao this thread is over 20 years old people still writing lmaooo
>>> and why shouldn't they?

>> Because Daggerfall is non-existent. All you're going to do is make
>> people wish they could play it, and wishes are unholy.


I dunno how Daggerfall is 'non-existent'. It still exists, and is
still playable.

Even if you don't have your original CD (or was it floppy disks? I
can't remember offhand), you still have plenty of options:

There's the original, still for sale.
There's the Unity-engine remake
There's "Daggerblivion", a mod for Elder Scrolls Oblivion
And let's not forget the massive "Beyond Skyrim" which has the "Illiac
Bay" mod in development

In short, there's lot of Daggerfall still to play, and will be more in
the future.

That said, I think there are a lot of better games to play than
"Daggerfall", regardless of which version you choose. Its procedural
world was just too large and lacked character; a clear case of
Bethesda choosing quantity over quality. Fortunately, they learned
their lesson in later games (and then promptly forgot it again with
"Starfield" ;-)

But if you want to play Daggerfall, there are a lot of options
available to you these days, so have at it.


Jan 31, 2024, 4:05:14 AM1/31/24
On 1/31/2024 3:15 AM, Spalls Hurgenson wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:35:25 -0000 (UTC), "Mark P. Nelson"
> <> wrote:
>> Julian <> wrote in
>>> On Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 5:41:26 PM UTC-6, Kyonshi wrote:
>>>> On 9/3/2023 1:59 PM, Harry Classon wrote:
I think technically Daggerfall and the Elder Scrolls had a bit more
staying power than Diablo. I mean Diablo was massive at the time and
certainly had it's influence, but I just don't see many people still
playing it the same way that people are totally into Skyrim after over
ten years. I mean, Diablo 3 came out in 2012 and Skyrim in 2011, but I
see lots of people still deeply invested into Skyrim, and no mentions of
Diablo III at all. Not even Diablo IV. But maybe I am just not looking
at the right places.


Jan 31, 2024, 10:52:13 AM1/31/24
Spalls Hurgenson <> looked up from reading the
entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs

>On Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:35:25 -0000 (UTC), "Mark P. Nelson"
><> wrote:
>>Julian <> wrote in
>>> On Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 5:41:26 PM UTC-6, Kyonshi wrote:
>>>> On 9/3/2023 1:59 PM, Harry Classon wrote:
>>>> > måndag 28 augusti 2023 kl. 00:39:19 UTC+2 skrev Stephen W:
>>>> > lmao this thread is over 20 years old people still writing lmaooo
>>>> and why shouldn't they?
>>> Because Daggerfall is non-existent. All you're going to do is make
>>> people wish they could play it, and wishes are unholy.
>I dunno how Daggerfall is 'non-existent'. It still exists, and is
>still playable.
>Even if you don't have your original CD (or was it floppy disks? I
>can't remember offhand), you still have plenty of options:

It was cd. And I still have my boxed Daggerfall, complete with all my
notes about soul bonuses and negatives, vampire clans etc.

>There's the original, still for sale.
>There's the Unity-engine remake
>There's "Daggerblivion", a mod for Elder Scrolls Oblivion
>And let's not forget the massive "Beyond Skyrim" which has the "Illiac
>Bay" mod in development
>In short, there's lot of Daggerfall still to play, and will be more in
>the future.

It's on Steam too.

>That said, I think there are a lot of better games to play than
>"Daggerfall", regardless of which version you choose. Its procedural
>world was just too large and lacked character; a clear case of
>Bethesda choosing quantity over quality. Fortunately, they learned
>their lesson in later games (and then promptly forgot it again with
>"Starfield" ;-)
>But if you want to play Daggerfall, there are a lot of options
>available to you these days, so have at it.

Oh to have Daggerfall in a modern engine like the one used for Black
Desert Online.


Dimensional Traveler

Jan 31, 2024, 11:26:54 AM1/31/24

I've done good in this world. Now I'm tired and just want to be a cranky
dirty old man.

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