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AAARGH. Joystick not connected problem w/DX5

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Sep 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/25/97

>Has anyone run into this problem and successfully solved it without
>having to do a reinstall of Windows 95 from scratch?
> ----------------------------------------------


Have you tried a Direct X 5 re-install ? I know the new joystick control
panel was confusing at best. When I tried the same thing ( swapping a
Suncom setup with a CH setup and then back ) I got the same error messages.
I just removed all the joystick references from the preferences and chose3
axis, 4 button again. It was recognized just fine and calibrated. The key
was to remove any joystick references. Very minor, you probably tried it
allready, but it did work for me.


Andrew Dayton

Sep 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/25/97

I have what may be a related problem. I have a CH Fighterstick/Pro
Throttle setup and since I installed DX5, I lose joystick and throttle
control except for the buttons. The only work-around I have found is to
reboot to DOS, do a chload on a .ptc file, and then go back to Win95. I
have to do this every time I turn my computer on If I want to use my
joystick. AARRGGHHH!!


Denny Atkin wrote:
> I've now joined the ranks of those bitten by the "DirectX/Joystick Not
> Connected" problem. :-(
> After installing a different joystick driver (the CH ForceFX DirectX 5
> driver from, I decided to switch back to the
> CombatStick driver because the new driver didn't support rudder or
> throttle. All worked fine when I switched back--during that same
> session.
> Today, though, when I booted up, the game controllers control panel
> claimed my joystick wasn't connected. I went into DOS and ran a
> joystick test program -- the stick was there and was returning all the
> proper values. It's just Windows 95 not seeing the stick. :-(
> I tried Sergey's procedure for removing DirectX and reinstalling it.
> that procedure worked fine, but the problem is still present.
> Also checked the joystick port address, removed and reinstalled the
> "gameport joystick" driver, no luck.
> This is beyond annoying -- it's the second system this week I've not
> been able to use for urgent work due to DirectX problems causing me to
> be unable to run games. I'm now down to my laptop...

> Has anyone run into this problem and successfully solved it without
> having to do a reinstall of Windows 95 from scratch?

> ----------------------------------------------------
> Denny Atkin / Features Editor, Computer Gaming World
> /
> ----------------------------------------------------


Sep 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/25/97

Denny Atkin wrote:

> I've now joined the ranks of those bitten by the "DirectX/Joystick Not
> Connected" problem. :-(

> <snip>

> Has anyone run into this problem and successfully solved it without
> having to do a reinstall of Windows 95 from scratch?

As weird as it may sound, I selected a generic two axis, two button
joystick as the first device in the game controller CPL and flight yoke
with throttle as the second, and the yoke connected to my TM FLCS/WCSII
without a problem. Worked on both my Ppro and K6 with DX5.

-- Silkrider

Dan & Amy Litwack

Sep 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/26/97
Joining the chorus...I have a flcs16/wcs2 rcs hooked to a joyswitch with
a formula2 wheel and a y connector with gravis game pads....all of which
happily coexisted with dx3 and were easily switched b/w using the more however...I got the tm sticks working minus the
joyswitch...if anyone has any ideas which could help please let me
know...or if you can explain how to get back to dx3 thats great too.


Rod White

Sep 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/27/97

Denny Atkin <> wrote in article

> I've now joined the ranks of those bitten by the "DirectX/Joystick Not
> Connected" problem. :-(

> After installing a different joystick driver (the CH ForceFX DirectX 5
> driver from, I decided to switch back to the
> CombatStick driver because the new driver didn't support rudder or
> throttle. All worked fine when I switched back--during that same
> session.
> Today, though, when I booted up, the game controllers control panel
> claimed my joystick wasn't connected. I went into DOS and ran a
> joystick test program -- the stick was there and was returning all the
> proper values. It's just Windows 95 not seeing the stick. :-(
> I tried Sergey's procedure for removing DirectX and reinstalling it.
> that procedure worked fine, but the problem is still present.
> Also checked the joystick port address, removed and reinstalled the
> "gameport joystick" driver, no luck.
> This is beyond annoying -- it's the second system this week I've not
> been able to use for urgent work due to DirectX problems causing me to
> be unable to run games. I'm now down to my laptop...

> Has anyone run into this problem and successfully solved it without
> having to do a reinstall of Windows 95 from scratch?

Sorry man can't remember how I got mine fixed. I'm hoping
I don't get the bug when I switch back to my Combatstick
driver for my ForceFX, Pro Throttle and TM RCS combo.
Currently I switched over to two Sidewinder gamepads
for NHL'98. I'm dreading the switch back. I got bitten
once before by this with Red Baron II and DirectX5.
By the way, you can also send that important work
over this way, especially if it's a beta or alpha I don't
have lying around.:-)

So that new ForceFX driver won't allow rudders and throttle
either? Damn that sucks. Why can't these people get their
shit together? First MS with this crappy Forcefeedback
stick (which by the way, still isn't working on one of our
systems), and now the Immersion guys come out with
a driver that cripples throttle and rudders too. In the case of
the Sidewinder, I could understand it was a design thing, because
it's digital, and it won't allow you to mix analog and digital
devices. Does the new FX driver make the FX digital? Or did they
just screw up?

Rod White
PC Multimedia & Entertainment Magazine

Wee Jeffrey

Sep 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/27/97

On 25 Sep 1997 21:10:47 GMT, (HarHill) wrote:

>I just removed all the joystick references from the preferences and chose3
>axis, 4 button again. It was recognized just fine and calibrated. The key
>was to remove any joystick references. Very minor, you probably tried it
>allready, but it did work for me.

I tried this with my Wingman Extreme, putting in several different
joystick types but they all just show not connected. Someone else
said that their joystick worked the first time they installed but
since restarting their machine the control panel just refuses to
acknowledge that the joystick is connected. This is exactly what
happened to me.

I'm just wondering if a dedicated game card or new soundcard would
help as I'm using a pre Win95 soundblaster pro compatible. It isn't
hardware certified but I still get sound in any directx games that
I've tried. Everything works fine in true DOS.
Wee Jeffrey.

Tim Elhajj

Sep 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/27/97

Denny, have you got more than one joystick in the controller panel? I've
had the best success with only having one in there. More than one and
there's no telling who's gonna be OK and who's gonna be Not Connected.
Also, on my system at least, if I delete a stick that's set up, then turn
around and re-install that same set up later (after deleting whatever set
up I used in its place), the calibration is still OK. Weird. I'm not 100%
sure about the Dx5 controller panel, as it's pretty new. Tell me and the
group what you come up with, K?

Frederic Marie

Sep 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/30/97

Denny Atkin <> a écrit dans l'article

> (HarHill) wrote:
> >>Has anyone run into this problem and successfully solved it without
> >>having to do a reinstall of Windows 95 from scratch?
> >>

> >> ----------------------------------------------

> >
> >Have you tried a Direct X 5 re-install ?

I'm not familiar with the SFFPro Denny, but did you try to install the
DirectX 3.0 DirectInput drivers over the DirectX 5 ones ?
I found the last DirectInput drivers in DirectX 5.0 a real pain in the a**,
so what I did at the office & home was get the joy.cpl & vjoyd.vxd files
from a DirectX 3.0 version & copy them into my Windows/System directory. So
far I didn't encounter any probs with that install, & I got back the good
old DirectInput functionnalities & Joystick panel of DirectX 3.0, which I
find much easier to navigate into.

Hope this helps...


Frederic Marie, Pressimage/Generation 4
5-7, rue Raspail, 93108 Montreuil Cedex, France
tel: +33 1-49-88-63-63
fax: +33 1-49-88-63-64

Vernon BadGuy Pellerin

Sep 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/30/97

1) If you have a dedicated joystick card, I have some information on how to
correctly configure it.

2) If you guys are just using the sound card joystick port, I have no idea
what the problem is.

3) I'm attaching a text file on how to fix the joystick problem if you have a
dedicated joystick port.

How to Configure Windows 95 for Use With a
CH Game Card 3 Automatic and/or a CH Products Joystick
(c) 1995 by CH Products

The Windows 95 Plug and Play Auto-Detect feature does not correctly identify
systems that have sound cards with game ports and dedicated game cards (like
the Game Card 3 Automatic) at the same time. The solution, covered in the
instructions below, is to remove the Auto-Detect configuration for your
sound card and game card. Then manually configure Windows 95 for your Game
Card 3 Automatic. You will then let Windows 95 Auto-Detect your sound
card, this time it will configure the sound card correctly for use without
its game port.

NOTE: If you are using the Game Card 3 Automatic these instructions assume
that you have already disabled all other game ports in your system, such as
the one that your sound card probably has. You are only allowed one active
game port at a time. Consult the documentation for your sound card,
multi-i/o card, and computer for directions on how to accomplish this. This
is best done before you install the Game Card 3, because it is then easier
to inspect your computer for active game ports.

NOTE: If you have one of our game controllers but not one of our game cards
you should be able to configure the joystick using only step 3 of these


1. Removing your incorrect configuration of your sound card and game port

1.1. From Windows 95 select the 'Start' menu
1.2. Go to 'Settings' and click on 'Control Panel'
1.3. Double-click on 'System'
1.4. Click on the 'Device Manager' tab.
1.5. Scroll down the list and double-click on 'Sound, Video, and Game
Controllers' (or just single-click on the '+' to the left of it)
1.6. Click on your particular system's sound card, then click 'Remove'
1.6.1. NOTE: If you receive a message informing you 'This device
can't be removed separately' you will need to select a
different portion of your sound card and remove it first,
then remove the other listings if still visible
1.7. Click on 'OK'
1.8. Double-click on 'Sound, Video, and Game Controllers' again, if this
selection is now no longer available skip to step 2.1
1.9. Click on 'Gameport Joystick', then click 'Remove'
1.10. Click on 'OK'
1.11. Click on 'Close'

2. Activating the correct configuration for your game port
2.1. From Windows 95 select the 'Start' menu
2.2. Go to 'Settings' and click on 'Control Panel'
2.3. Double-click on 'Add New Hardware'
2.4. Click on 'Next'
2.5. Click on the 'No' option (in the middle of the window)
2.6. Click on 'Next'
2.7. Scroll down the 'Hardware Types' list and double-click on 'Sound,
Video, and Game Controllers'
2.8. Scroll down the 'Manufacturers' list and click on 'Microsoft'
2.9. Double-click on 'Gameport Joystick' in the 'Models' list
2.10. Click on 'Next'
2.11. Click on 'Finish'
2.12. Click on 'Yes'
2.13. When your computer gives you the message that it is safe to shut
down press Control-Alt-Delete simultaneously to restart the

3. Configuring and calibrating your joystick in Win 95 for Win 95 games
3.1. From Windows 95 select the 'Start' menu
3.2. Go to 'Settings' and click on 'Control Panel'
3.3. Double-Click on 'Joystick'
3.4. Check the table below to find out what driver you should select
for the CH Products game controllers that you are using

NOTE: MicrosoftÕs Windows 95 includes joystick drivers for a
variety of joysticks/yokes/pedals. These drivers tell a Windows 95
program that is designed to support joysticks how to work with your
game controller. These drivers cannot make a Windows 95 game use a
joystick unless that game was designed to do so. Non-Windows 95
programs (like DOS programs) do not use Windows 95 drivers, even
when you run the game from a Windows 95 window. If a DOS game
supports joysticks it will include its own built in drivers.
Consult the manual that came with your DOS game to determine how
to configure that game for your controller.

| CH Controller Windows 95 Driver |
| Flightstick...................'CH Flightstick' |
| Flightstick Pro...............'CH Flightstick Pro' |
| Virtual Pilot.................'CH Virtual Pilot' |
| Virtual Pilot Pro.............'(Custom...)' then select '3-axes', |
| '4-buttons', click to place a check mark |
| beside 'Special Features', select 'Is a |
| flight yoke', click to place a check mark |
| beside 'Has point of view hat' NOTE: When |
| calibrating the 'POV hat' use the black |
| 4-way switch that is on the right side of |
| the handle |
| Mach 1, 1 Plus, 2, or 3.......'2-Axis, 2-Button Joystick' |
| Jetstick......................'2-Axis, 2-Button Joystick' |
| CH Pedals or |
| Pro Pedals (in Car Mode)......Click to place a check mark in the box |
| next to 'Rudder', and make sure that you |
| have selected a joystick that has throttle |
| support such as 'CH Flightstick', |
| 'CH Flightstick Pro', 'CH Virtual Pilot', |
| or ('Custom...') |
| CH Pedals or |
| Pro Pedals (in Plane Mode)....Click to place a check mark in the box |
| next to 'Rudder' |

3.5. Under 'Joystick Configuration' select the driver that you found on
the table, by clicking on the down arrow icon and selecting from
the scrolling list the appropriate driver for your joystick or yoke
3.6. Click on 'Calibrate' and follow the on-screen direction. NOTE: The
on-screen indicators will not display the correct values during the
calibration routine, this is normal.
3.7. Click on 'Test' to test the game controller calibration and buttons.
The indicators should reach their full range of motion.
3.8. Click on 'OK'
3.9. Click on 'Finish'
3.10. Click on 'OK'

4. Activating the correct configuration for your sound card
4.1. From Windows 95 select the 'Start' menu
4.2. Go to 'Settings' and click on 'Control Panel'
4.3. Double-click on 'Add New Hardware'
4.4. Click on 'Next'
4.5. Click on 'Next'
4.6. Click on 'Next'
4.7. Click on 'Details' and verify that your sound card is now listed in
the 'Detected' listing that just appeared
4.7.1 NOTE: Should this not properly configure your sound card you
may need to contact Microsoft or the maker of your sound card
for help
4.8. Click on 'Finish'

In article <>,

>"Tim Elhajj" <> wrote:
>>Denny, have you got more than one joystick in the controller panel? I've
>>had the best success with only having one in there. More than one and
>>there's no telling who's gonna be OK and who's gonna be Not Connected.
>>Also, on my system at least, if I delete a stick that's set up, then turn
>>around and re-install that same set up later (after deleting whatever set
>>up I used in its place), the calibration is still OK. Weird. I'm not 100%
>>sure about the Dx5 controller panel, as it's pretty new. Tell me and the
>>group what you come up with, K?

>I only have one stick set up. I got my PC at home back up and running by
>installing the Sidewinder 2.0 software and the Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro
>I'd brought home -- I -had- to get it running ASAP and just tried it as a lark.
>It worked. I haven't tried returning to my standard equipment yet.
>But since i'd taken the SFFPro home to play with, I had to set up the CH stick
>at work. And now the same problem has afflicted that machine.
>VERY frustrating! If I find the solution, I'll be sure to let everyone know.
> ...Denny
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Denny Atkin /
> President, Committee to Teach People that the
> Word "Ridiculous" is Not Spelled with an "E."
> ---------------------------------------------------

begin 644 Win95ch.txt

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David Kline (MS)

Sep 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/30/97

Please do not copy the DirectX 3 vjoyd binaries over the DirectX 5 ones.
These bits are not compatible with the new DINPUT.DLL.

The DirectInput team is currently attempting to reproduce and investigate
this issue. We will post updated information here as we have it.

David Kline
Microsoft DirectInput Team
NOTE: My return address is intentionally bad. Please remove the ".qqq" on
all direct replys.

Frederic Marie wrote in message

robert mrofka

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

In article <> writes:
>Also checked the joystick port address, removed and reinstalled the
>"gameport joystick" driver, no luck.
>This is beyond annoying -- it's the second system this week I've not
>been able to use for urgent work due to DirectX problems causing me to
>be unable to run games. I'm now down to my laptop...
>Has anyone run into this problem and successfully solved it without
>having to do a reinstall of Windows 95 from scratch?
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Denny Atkin / Features Editor, Computer Gaming World
> /
> ----------------------------------------------------
Had a similar problem with a TM F22/TQS/RCS setup when I loaded an F22
file that provided a digital throttle. My setup in Win95 with DX5 was
for a three axis 4 button stick that Win95 refused to recognize with the
throttle output being converted to digital via the new F22. AFAIK this
problem never surfaced before Win95, but then again it is very rare to
run into archaic software that only functions with digital throttle
output. Dunno if this helps but you might want to confirm that you have
live output for each axis specified in the Win95 panel--less analog axes
than selected for the joystick type is not a good thing.

Gordon Berg

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

On Tue, 30 Sep 1997 14:42:00 GMT, (Vernon
"BadGuy" Pellerin) wrote:

>1) If you have a dedicated joystick card, I have some information on how to
>correctly configure it.
>2) If you guys are just using the sound card joystick port, I have no idea
>what the problem is.
>3) I'm attaching a text file on how to fix the joystick problem if you have a
>dedicated joystick port.
> =======================================================================
> How to Configure Windows 95 for Use With a
> CH Game Card 3 Automatic and/or a CH Products Joystick
> =======================================================================
> (c) 1995 by CH Products
> =======================================================================

You're missing the point. The problem with DirectX 5 lies somewhere in
the introduction of a new joystick to one's system. Those who only
have one sent of joysticks, for the most part, aren't having any
problems when they upgrade to DX5 because it appears the calibration
routine from DX3 and prior is carrying over. As soon as you add a
second device under DX5, all hell breaks loose. So, you just simply
can't undo your joystick and instead hook up, say, a game pad.

I know it doesn't like gaming devices side by side, even if the other
device doesn't utilize the same resource (example: I have
joystick/throttle/rudder combo and added a Spacetec SpaceOrb 360,
which uses Com 2, not the joystick port. Didn't matter, my system
threw a fit until I got rid of one under the joystick applet).

What I'm still not sure of is if you can add new devices out of the
blue to one's system, even if you get rid of your other device's
calibration routine or not. I've had mixed results and judging by the
posts here, so has everyone else. We get reports from no problems
whatsoever, to "it worked when I tried..." to "ARRRRGH!"

If removing/disabling the soundcard's gameport happens to fix your
problem because you added a dedicated gamecard, I say it was because
the calibration routines were hence deleted by way of removing some
hardware, introducing new hardware, and the reinstallation of some
gameport drivers (vjoy.vxd). You accomplish the exact same thing when
uninstalling DirectX, as it has it's own jstick drivers that overwrote
the original Win95 drivers in the first place.

I, for one, don't want to uninstall/reinstall DirectX every damn time
I try to swap joysticks...

Gordon Berg

Have you had your therapy today? ->

Frederic Marie

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

David Kline (MS) <> a écrit dans l'article

> Please do not copy the DirectX 3 vjoyd binaries over the DirectX 5 ones.
> These bits are not compatible with the new DINPUT.DLL.
> The DirectInput team is currently attempting to reproduce and investigate
> this issue. We will post updated information here as we have it.
> --
> =============
> David Kline
> Microsoft DirectInput Team
> NOTE: My return address is intentionally bad. Please remove the ".qqq"
> all direct replys.

I'm glad the DirectX team is around & aware of the problem... That's a
first I believe, in this newsgroup anyway.

Anyway as I said in my previous post I didn't detect any kind of problem
with my joysticks so far (I regularly change my FLCS/TQS combo for a GP1
wheel according to the games I play at home, while I use a MS Sidewinder
Pro at the office), so may I suggest that this "temporary fix", even if not
done by the MS numbers ;-), could actually be perfectly valid ? At worst
all you have to do is backup the DirectX 5.0 files & put them back in place
if it doesn't work for you...

OTOH does your answer mean that we should also replace the dinput.dll file
with the DirectX 3.0 one in case one wants to try it anyway ? Just

Steve Eisenberg

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97
to Frederic Marie

Is this a related problem? I cannot get my rudder pedals to work with
FS98. I have a CH Virtual Pilot pro and Thrustmaster rudder pedals
running on a P133 with 32 meg RAM and a 4meg STB 3d video card.

I can calibrate the rudder pedals without problem and they are working
but FS98 will not recognize them.


Also, I did copy the DX3 files as previously suggested and while it did
not fix my problem, it worked without problem.

Please respond.


Steve (

David Kline (MS)

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

Please see below

David Kline
Microsoft DirectInput Team
NOTE: My return address is intentionally bad. Please remove the ".qqq" on
all direct replys.

Steve Eisenberg wrote in message <>...

>Is this a related problem? I cannot get my rudder pedals to work with
>FS98. I have a CH Virtual Pilot pro and Thrustmaster rudder pedals
>running on a P133 with 32 meg RAM and a 4meg STB 3d video card.
>I can calibrate the rudder pedals without problem and they are working
>but FS98 will not recognize them.

I don't believe that this is related. Since the joystick applet is allowing
you to calibrate and test the pedals, everything is fine as far as the
DInput side is concerned. I'm not sure why FlightSim would not be
recognizing the pedals (could there be a UI to enable them?).

David Kline (MS)

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

Please see below

David Kline
Microsoft DirectInput Team
NOTE: My return address is intentionally bad. Please remove the ".qqq" on
all direct replys.

>OTOH does your answer mean that we should also replace the dinput.dll file
>with the DirectX 3.0 one in case one wants to try it anyway ? Just

No, that wouldn't be a good idea for the following reasons:
1. DINPUT.DLL from DX3 did not support joystick devices with it's COM
2. We made some changes to the structure that DINPUT.DLL sits on. Copying
the DX3 version of this binary will stop all DirectInput applications from
running properly

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

In article <>, wrote:
> I know it doesn't like gaming devices side by side, even if the other
> device doesn't utilize the same resource (example: I have
> joystick/throttle/rudder combo and added a Spacetec SpaceOrb 360,
> which uses Com 2, not the joystick port. Didn't matter, my system
> threw a fit until I got rid of one under the joystick applet).

Whichever DInput device you want active, select it for joystick 1.

> What I'm still not sure of is if you can add new devices out of the
> blue to one's system, even if you get rid of your other device's
> calibration routine or not.

The Spaceorb requires no calibration, do not use the calibration section
of the Control Panel!

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Vernon BadGuy Pellerin

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

>You're missing the point. The problem with DirectX 5 lies somewhere in

Actually, I was trying to contribute ANYTHING I could to fixing a problem. I
explained the exact problem that I had with joysticks, and I placed
information on how my problem was fixed. I felt that this information MIGHT
help you. IF it does not pertain to your problem, or doesn't help, then
simply ignore the information and keep on truckin'.

It is NOT necessary to tell me that I'm "Missing the point". You can simply
tell me/others that my information did not fix your specific problem, and you
could thank me for at least TRYING to help in some small way.

Gordon Berg

Oct 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/1/97

On Wed, 01 Oct 1997 13:36:40 -0600, wrote:

>In article <>,
> wrote:
>> I know it doesn't like gaming devices side by side, even if the other
>> device doesn't utilize the same resource (example: I have
>> joystick/throttle/rudder combo and added a Spacetec SpaceOrb 360,
>> which uses Com 2, not the joystick port. Didn't matter, my system
>> threw a fit until I got rid of one under the joystick applet).
>Whichever DInput device you want active, select it for joystick 1.

I probably didn't make myself clear on this. What I meant was that
it's not a simple case of simply choosing one device over the other by
making one active. My point was that if both devices existed on the
same system, active or not, my joystick wouldn't work. I would have to
actually hit the "remove" button for the unused device to get the
other to work. Others have had this problem as well, which was
essentially my point: multiple devices under DirectX 5 do not work.


>The Spaceorb requires no calibration, do not use the calibration section
>of the Control Panel!

I'm well aware of that. But my joystick respond at all until I clicked
on the remove button for the SpaceOrb (not certain if it's vice versa
on my system for wanting to use the SpaceOrb. I don't remember now if
I had to remove my joystick as a device now or not. I'll check.)

Stephen Robertson

Oct 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/2/97

Steve Eisenberg <> wrote in article

> I can calibrate the rudder pedals without problem and they are working
> but FS98 will not recognize them.

Have you tried turning Autocoordination off in the aircraft's simulation
menu? (Can't remember the exact menu name)

If you don't then separate rudder controls won't work - they are linked to
the elevators.

-- Steve.

Olin K. McDaniel

Oct 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/5/97

Probably what you meant to say was "linked to the ailerons". At least
they are in every version of MS FS up til the latest.

Olin McDaniel

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