So 3/27 sound right to me!
Yatsu <*"> wrote in article
> The Babbages and Software Etc. around here are both giving 3/25 as the
> for F-15, instead of 3/27. Anyone else hearing the same?
Ship-out for US is 3/24. That usually gets it in stores by 3/27. EB and
SE are probably paying for overnight delivery.
Just curious Andy, why is overnight so expensive at EA?
<CTX> Nighthawk
Rename nospam to com to reply
-I'am not a real Fighter Pilot, but I play one on PC.-
Andy Hollis wrote in message <6f349u$>...
CtxNighthawk <woo...@teleport.nospam> wrote in article
Yatsu <*"> wrote in article
> Andy was not talking about customers ordering overnight, but he meant
> EB and Software ETC are probably paying for overnight shipping from EA's
> warehouses so that they can get the game earlier and put the game on
> shelves sooner.
> At least that's my interpretation.
Actually, both. Retailers as you describe. Direct purchasers can also
pay for overnight.