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Stunts Racing Group - drivers wanted

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David Leadbetter

Jul 12, 1993, 5:11:02 AM7/12/93

The Stunts Racing Group is about to start it's second season.
If you have the game Stunts by Broderbund, and would like to race against
fellow Stunts enthusiasts, then we want you in our group!

Basic Outline:

There are 8 races in each season, 1 race per week.
At the start of each week, the group coordinator mails a race description to the
group. Members have one week to get the best possible time they can for that race.
(As long as you abide by the race description, and follow a few other simple rules,
just about anythimg goes.) A time submissions must be sent back to the race
coordinator before the deadline or the time does not count. Race results are posted
the following week.

Each season the racers accumulate points according to their finishing positions.
A time champion table is also kept (racer with the fastest total season time is the
Time Champ).

But we do more than just race. We also make tracks, and replays.
Our track collection numbers in the hundreds! And we have a few absolute classic
replays (definate must sees).

So, if you are interested in joining this group, send email to the address at the
bottom requesting to join. Seaon 2 kicks off in a week.

I hope to see you at the starting line.

David. (Group coordinator: email:

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