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World Of Xeen - Stuck in Ancient Pyramid

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Cherh Lin Chen

May 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/12/95
Could someone help me out this one?

I am at the level 1 of Ancient Pyramid of Dark Side.
The clues are: Total dates minus 32, then the result devided by 3,
then the result minus 42, the final number is the
passcode to rescue Pharo something.

When I reached the entrance, it asked

"Star Fleet registration number NCC" ?

So what is the answer? What does "Total the Dates" mean?

Thanks for your help.

Cherh-Lin Chen

Dave A. Hill

May 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/13/95

On Fri, 12 May 1995, Cherh Lin Chen wrote:

> Could someone help me out this one?

> When I reached the entrance, it asked
> "Star Fleet registration number NCC" ?
> So what is the answer? What does "Total the Dates" mean?

It has been about a year since I finished but your question gives the
answer. HINT: Watch some STAR TREK re-runs - especially the close-ups of
the Enterprise... Alternately, map out the ENTIRE level of the pyramid,
hit your map (you _DO_ have a cartographer...?) and do the math.

Need any more, e-mail me.


Gary Vine

May 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/13/95

-- The answer is 1701 (Starship Enterprise number). The various
dates(as I remember) are found on those levels. At least one is the
actual layout of a level. Don't be suprised to find other puzzles
needing Star Trek answers. Mail me if you need more help although it
has been a long time since I played the game.----


May 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/15/95
>I am at the level 1 of Ancient Pyramid of Dark Side.
>The clues are: Total dates minus 32, then the result devided by 3,
> then the result minus 42, the final number is the
> passcode to rescue Pharo something.
>When I reached the entrance, it asked
>"Star Fleet registration number NCC" ?
>So what is the answer? What does "Total the Dates" mean?
>Thanks for your help.
>Cherh-Lin Chen

Well, if ya' were a Star Trek fan, you could do it the easy way and just
type in 1701, because the Enterprises # was NCC-1701. Otherwise you'ad
have to figure that equation out, and I don't have the slightest idea of
how to do it.

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