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Edwin Carter

Feb 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/1/96
Okay.. 3Drealms! Here is the SUGGESTIONS list having played the Shareware!
PLEASE READ and consider fixing for a v1.1 Shareware or Commercial!

BTW: FOR ALL PEOPLE if you didnt know:


Disable all TSRs in your Autoexec.bat except Sound and mouse drivers.
Disable HIMEM.SYS and any memory managers in Config.sys but keep such
things as FILES=80, BUFFERS=40, STACKS=9,256, and DOS=HIGH,UMB
Noticed a 3-4 fps increase in speed!! Got about 9-11fps in SVGA 800x600
Full screen/High detail where before I only achieved 6-7fps on my P90
w/ 32megs ram! Try it!

-------Revision B of this List----------

o Joystick Bug - Cant RUN using Joystick.. Everyone has this prob but I use
Keyboard! :) Cant stand joystick for anything except Flight Sims.

o More Options in Multiplayer INCLUDING Saving Games during Modem/Netplay!
Surprised this was missing. What about option to have AMMO/ENEMIES Respawn?
Or AMMO/ENEMIES that respawn NOT at a fixed time but at RANDOM times? Possible?

o Fix FATAL SYNC bug on Level 3 of Shareware that normally crops up just
as your about to complete it. Heard you were looking into this.. thanx.

o JETPACK needs to leave Exhaust when we use it! Just like when the Hovering
dudes use it! If ya can.. make it leave a noticeable long white vapour trail
or just make it like the flying dudes..

o Pipe Bombs should have a variable range to throw to! When you hold the fire
button down for 2-3 seconds you should throw it farther and harder so it
travels across the room! This was done in DARK FORCES very well!!! Please
correct this!

o WALL-MOUNTED LASER BOMBS - Does the enemy see the protruding laser beam or
does my buddy in Deathmatch see the Laser beam so he can avoid it? I HOPE that
only I can see it or perhaps none of us can since you would normally NOT see
the thin laser beam. But right now.. anyone can see the beam and know its the
wall mounted bomb. Can it be cloaked? OH!! What about allowing the player to
DISARM IT but allow for a probability that it could fail and would go off!?

o 10th weapon? What about making it a ROBOT that comes down by parachute and
goes out killing everything it can find for say 20 seconds?! If you were
indoors, it would crash through the roof because of its weight! HAHAH! You
would contact a ship to drop it and it would be relentless.. Good crowd
controlling weapon! Or is the FLAMETHROWER the 10th weapon.. Dont tell us
there isnt although I wouldnt say anything since its a super secret.
Anyways.. surprise us..

o Fix Bullets' # of animated frames which those Standard Foot soliders and Gun
Towers use! They arent fluid at all and should emulate the IMP fireballs from
DOOM! Plus its very difficult to STRAFE from them since they come in too
fast and arent animated enough appearing as just sporatic dots as they
whizz by.

o Muzzle Blast! When I play multiplayer I CANT SEE my friend firing since
there is no flash of repeating light from his gun barrel! The spent shells
that come out are fantastic BUT PLEASE have a Muzzle Blast exactly like DOOM!
Its more realisitic and CLEARLY tells me when he is firing and sometimes one
tends to walk into him having missed seeing the small spend shells flying out.

o Firing Weapon should light up a Dark Areas more! When a gun goes off in a
dark room it totally lights it up in a split second. Can we have about a 30%
increase in blast illumination?

o Might be better to increase the Blast Radius of the RPG by about 20%
to 40% to make its effect more realistic.

o POOL TABLE on Level 2! heheh.. This would be a classic! When you come up to
it and hit USE on the White Cue ball you replace your weapon with an actual
CUE! hahaha! Then start playing in a very basic way! NOW THIS WOULD be
hilarious and would simply stun anyone playing DN3D for the first time!

o Able to drink some of the booze in the bars and the screen goes wild or
distorts or inverts or flashs to simulate drunkedness.. hehehe..

o Movement should have the option to be like Bethesda's TERMINATOR: FUTURE
SHOCK! This is where the mouse controls the looking up, down, and sideways as
well as firing weapons and the arrow keys control forward/reverse/strafing
movement! Is this Possible? Man that would be the ultimate to control DUKE
like in T:FS!!!

o Transparent Weapon! What ever happened to that promise to make your weapon
transparent (if ya wanted to) so it didnt obstruct your view? I dont care
really for this but wondering what ever happened to that idea?

o Aiming Rectacle since DN3D weapons are off to the side as in T:FS whereas
DOOM had weapons up front and centre! Perhaps consider what T:FS did by
having two types of aiming rectacles: one just a dot while the other as cross-
hairs! I myself dont care but alot of people have suggested this.

o Armour Indicator? We only have a HEALTH, AMMO, and Inventory box pop up
near full screen mode but when we pick up armour how can we see when it gets
depleted like in DOOM?

o Can you bring entire floors in buildings down!? It was mentioned in a mag
(credability pending) that you could set a bomb then a dude walks in and the
entire room or floor gets totally nuked and thus impassable next time!
heheh.. That would be extremely kuel but possible?

o What about MASS EXPLOSIONS comparable when you fired the FIREBOMB in ROTT
that threw tons of fire explosions all over and shuck the screen! Any mass
explosions? :))) Mr. Demolition man himself!

o Any plans for making FOOT STEP sounds when you walk like in T:FS over
certain floor types? Just an idea but would further add feel to the


Thats it! Whhewww!!! WHAT A GAME!

You did more then satisfy the HYPE my friends.. you did the unthinkable and
exceeded it! BEST SUCCESS with the Commerical and perhaps the v1.1 update to
the Shareware! Please consider some of the above.. thanx!


Kyle Klukas

Feb 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/1/96
SG wrote:

> (Edwin Carter) wrote:
> >Okay.. 3Drealms! Here is the SUGGESTIONS list having played the Shareware!
> >PLEASE READ and consider fixing for a v1.1 Shareware or Commercial!
> >
> >BTW: FOR ALL PEOPLE if you didnt know:
> >
> I haven't played the game yet, but if its this good I will. However
> one of my favorite things is playing the original game in 2-player
> co-op mode over the modem. In the past games like ROTT and Terminal
> Velocity were ruined because they lacked this feature...PLEASE PLEASE
> PLEASE include this feature..PLEASE.
> ..and if its already in there, PLEASE don't flame me.

No flame, but I'm pretty sure 4 player (8 in reg version) coop is in the
s/w. Download the game, its great!



Feb 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/1/96
to (Edwin Carter) wrote:

>Okay.. 3Drealms! Here is the SUGGESTIONS list having played the Shareware!
>PLEASE READ and consider fixing for a v1.1 Shareware or Commercial!
>BTW: FOR ALL PEOPLE if you didnt know:

I haven't played the game yet, but if its this good I will. However

Paul D. Smith

Feb 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/1/96
to SG
%% Revision B. 3DREALMS??; (SG) writes:

s> one of my favorite things is playing the original game in 2-player
s> co-op mode over the modem.

It's in there.
Paul D. Smith <> Network Management Development
Senior Software Engineer Bay Networks, Inc.
"Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
These are my opinions--Bay Networks takes no responsibility for them.

John Mooney

Feb 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/1/96
In article <>, says...

>o Pipe Bombs should have a variable range to throw to! When you hold the
>fire button down for 2-3 seconds you should throw it farther and harder
>so it travels across the room! This was done in DARK FORCES very well!!!
>Please correct this!

You can already do this, looking up/down also has a nice effect
when you are throwing pipe bombs.

Add this one to the list...

When playing with all keyboard controls some of the keys don't
register if you are holding down others. For example LeftSHIFT(run) + UP
ARROW + A(jump) doesn't detect the A key. It's a minor thing, and I can
probably get rid of alot of hand cramps by using Auto-run. :)

Ivan Cosmiano

Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96
WOW!! Cool game. One thing I wanna see though when and if there is a
revision is the ability to blow up the cameras. It would be cool if
that could be done. And why could you blow everything up except the
crates (boxes) and the security cameras? You could even blow up the
bridge in the first level.....I'd like to shoot the sec. cameras when I
know the person I'm playing against is spying on me....please add this

John M. Vogel

Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96
Edwin Carter ( wrote:

: o Pipe Bombs should have a variable range to throw to! When you hold the fire

: button down for 2-3 seconds you should throw it farther and harder so it
: travels across the room! This was done in DARK FORCES very well!!! Please
: correct this!

As has been already mentioned, this has been already implemented. Try it!

: o 10th weapon? What about making it a ROBOT that comes down by parachute and

: goes out killing everything it can find for say 20 seconds?! If you were
: indoors, it would crash through the roof because of its weight! HAHAH! You
: would contact a ship to drop it and it would be relentless.. Good crowd
: controlling weapon! Or is the FLAMETHROWER the 10th weapon.. Dont tell us
: there isnt although I wouldnt say anything since its a super secret.
: Anyways.. surprise us..

Hah! Call in air support! I love it :)

: o POOL TABLE on Level 2! heheh.. This would be a classic! When you come up to

: it and hit USE on the White Cue ball you replace your weapon with an actual
: CUE! hahaha! Then start playing in a very basic way! NOW THIS WOULD be
: hilarious and would simply stun anyone playing DN3D for the first time!

Cool idea. Somebody has said that you can move and even pocket the balls
already by hitting the space bar near some balls.


Edwin Carter

Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96
>>o Pipe Bombs should have a variable range to throw to! When you hold the
>>fire button down for 2-3 seconds you should throw it farther and harder
>>so it travels across the room! This was done in DARK FORCES very well!!!
>>Please correct this!

> You can already do this, looking up/down also has a nice effect

>when you are throwing pipe bombs.
> Add this one to the list...
> When playing with all keyboard controls some of the keys don't
>register if you are holding down others. For example LeftSHIFT(run) + UP
>ARROW + A(jump) doesn't detect the A key. It's a minor thing, and I can
>probably get rid of alot of hand cramps by using Auto-run. :)

Pardon? Unfortunately you cannot as I tried this many many times to get it to
throw far like in DARK FORCES and it does not! Looking up/down does nothing to
throw it farther and as for unregistering of keys this is totally untrue. I
can RUN/JUMP/FORWARD in one spot like in Terminator:FS so it works in DN3D


David Huang

Feb 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/3/96

Nay, it might be a better idea to leave them there. If you are
allowed to blow up everything, what do you intend to hide behide to
ambush others??
It's also better off leave the camera alone since if they are gone,
how do you intend to set a trap with pipe bomb while looking
at screen?

Ivan Cosmiano ( wrote:
: WOW!! Cool game. One thing I wanna see though when and if there is a

Paul Yee

Feb 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/4/96
In article <>,

Edwin Carter <> wrote:
>Okay.. 3Drealms! Here is the SUGGESTIONS list having played the Shareware!
>PLEASE READ and consider fixing for a v1.1 Shareware or Commercial!

[other suggestions snipped]

>o Movement should have the option to be like Bethesda's TERMINATOR:
> FUTURE SHOCK! This is where the mouse controls the looking up,

> down, and sideways as well as firing weapons and th e arrow keys

> control forward/reverse/strafing movement! Is this Possible? Man
> that would be the ultimate to control DUKE like in T:FS!!!

I have to agree on this point. Now that I've played Terminator: Future
Shock, this is probably the biggest drawback of any 3D game that I've
tried since (Dark Forces, CyberMage, Duke Nukem 3D). Once you get used
to being able to move with the left hand keyboard controls and swivel
your field of view precisely for targetting with the right hand using
the mouse, those half-hearted attempts at vertical viewing/aiming
control using extra keys just doesn't cut it, especially for flying
targets. BTW, is it not rumoured that (the game formerly known as)
Quake will have the T:FS-style controls?

Paul Yee

P.S. Despite this shortcoming, DN3D is still a great game, of course. ;-)

David Huang

Feb 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/4/96
Edwin Carter ( wrote:

: Pardon? Unfortunately you cannot as I tried this many many times to get it to

: throw far like in DARK FORCES and it does not! Looking up/down does nothing to
: throw it farther and as for unregistering of keys this is totally untrue. I
: can RUN/JUMP/FORWARD in one spot like in Terminator:FS so it works in DN3D
: fine.
: Edwin.

It may not be as far as darkforce but it's there. Just tap
fire whould leave it very close. Half sec give mid range and
1 sec gives the farthest.

Geoff Walters

Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
It would also be nice to be able to test the settings for music and
sound effects in the SETUP program.


Trevor Payne

Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
Geoff Walters (RM...@DLRVMS.GO.DLR.DE) wrote:
: It would also be nice to be able to test the settings for music and

: sound effects in the SETUP program.

That would be nice.

I'd like to see possibly interactive humans in the game. For example,
having them walking in the city or in the buildings, sitting in the bar,
Trevor Payne
Sysop of Paradise Junction BBS
614.575.2696 2.4k - 33.6k

Nick Vekin

Feb 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/6/96
In article <4f3sgc$>, says...

>In article <>,
>Edwin Carter <> wrote:
>>Okay.. 3Drealms! Here is the SUGGESTIONS list having played the Shareware!
>>PLEASE READ and consider fixing for a v1.1 Shareware or Commercial!
>[other suggestions snipped]

>>o Movement should have the option to be like Bethesda's TERMINATOR:
>> FUTURE SHOCK! This is where the mouse controls the looking up,
>> down, and sideways as well as firing weapons and th e arrow keys

>> control forward/reverse/strafing movement! Is this Possible? Man
>> that would be the ultimate to control DUKE like in T:FS!!!
>I have to agree on this point. Now that I've played Terminator: Future

Definitely. I dont even bother trying to see shit above my in DN3D...I just tr
to back up.

Andy Waniuk

Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/10/96
In article <4f3sgc$>, (Paul Yee) wrote:
>>o Movement should have the option to be like Bethesda's TERMINATOR:
>> FUTURE SHOCK! This is where the mouse controls the looking up,
>> down, and sideways as well as firing weapons and th e arrow keys

>> control forward/reverse/strafing movement! Is this Possible? Man
>> that would be the ultimate to control DUKE like in T:FS!!!
>I have to agree on this point. Now that I've played Terminator: Future
>Shock, this is probably the biggest drawback of any 3D game that I've
>tried since (Dark Forces, CyberMage, Duke Nukem 3D). Once you get used
>to being able to move with the left hand keyboard controls and swivel
>your field of view precisely for targetting with the right hand using
>the mouse, those half-hearted attempts at vertical viewing/aiming
>control using extra keys just doesn't cut it, especially for flying
>targets. BTW, is it not rumoured that (the game formerly known as)
>Quake will have the T:FS-style controls?

Are you implying that Dark Forces lacked such controls? I thought it had a
great deal more configurability than the other two. I actually used it with
my joystick in much the same way: vertical axis looked up and down, horizontal
axis swiveled left and right, and arrow keys moved f/b l/r linearly. The only
reason I chose this setup over one which used the mouse for turning was
because my mouse has three buttons, whereas my joystick has 4 buttons and a
hat switch (the extra stuff came in real handy).

At any rate, Dark Forces is the model I most hope 3DRealms will emulate; I
practically never had to fumble around to find any keys for essential
functions, like I sometimes do in Duke, and I never used the keyboard to look
up and down (I can't stand this control method - it drives me nuts to have to
take my hands off of the turning keys to look up and down).

I think the best controller setup I have seen implemented so far is Descent's,
where every axis of the joystick is supported.

Andy Waniuk

Glenn Dowling

Feb 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/25/96
In article <4er9ev$>, says...

> Add this one to the list...
> When playing with all keyboard controls some of the keys don't
>register if you are holding down others. For example LeftSHIFT(run) + UP
>ARROW + A(jump) doesn't detect the A key. It's a minor thing, and I can
>probably get rid of alot of hand cramps by using Auto-run. :)

This is a BIOS problem that happens in lots of games. I am not sure if
there is much that anyone can do about this.

It was the reason that I finally got a joystick to get around this


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