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DOOM 1.2 --- Intel's 14.4k baud internal modem settings

8 peržiūros
Praleisti ir pereiti prie pirmo neskaityto pranešimo

Alan Wen (409)696-8909

1994-02-18 18:06:001994-02-18
AT Z B8 Q1 \C0 \N0 %C0 \V "H

B8 - 9600 BAUD
Q1 - NO results
\C0 - no buffer
\N0 - Normal connection
%C0 - MNP5 off
\V - Disable results
"H - No v.42 compression

Can someone who has an Intel 14.4 modem tell me why this setup doesn't work?
Both of us have the same modems and can't get it to work. Hm..



Frank Provo

1994-02-19 09:54:221994-02-19



Try \N1 instead. I haven't run modem doom yet, but this always helps
when i cant get into BBS's

Brian Moore

1994-02-24 11:17:371994-02-24
> Try \N1 instead. I haven't run modem doom yet, but this always helps
> when i cant get into BBS's

I've also gotten \N1 to work with an Intel external. You can also try adding:

&Q0 &D0

I needed those once too... I've had to use different strings for different
modems I connect to and even different times I connect to them.

Ken Ma

1994-02-26 03:04:471994-02-26
Frank Provo (mos...@u.washington.edu) wrote:

: >thanks!

: >alan

The \n0 should stay and you should take that q1 off because the sersetup looks for the result code CONNECT 9600 --and if there is no result code then it will screw up. Take that \v off.... The string me an my friend used is as follows...and BTW we have the same modems as you.
AT \n0 %c0 \q0 b8 "h
*** forgot...you also need the \q0 to turn off hardware flow control!
The wierd thing is that when we first connected with this string...Everything was perfect...Thought everything was downhill from here...the game played as fast as playing by myself... Then we tried to get 14.4 and when we couldn't and wanted to just play a 9600 game... It connect alright...but the game was slow as can be...Don't know what happend...If you find out what we did different...please mail me...only fair...one helping hand deserves another. Thanks in advance.
| Quote? What Quote? /-=|o|=-\_@ email address: k...@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca |
| No Quote here. ")_/-+-\_ I AKA ASCII Cyclops Ken Ma |

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