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Castle Wolfenstein II remaster on Kickstarter

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Lane Larson

Feb 17, 2024, 7:57:50 PM2/17/24
This is what you do.

Werner P.

Feb 18, 2024, 1:51:13 PM2/18/24
Am 18.02.24 um 01:57 schrieb Lane Larson:
> This is what you do.

The original one from Silas Warner?


Feb 18, 2024, 2:28:25 PM2/18/24
Lane Larson <> wrote:
> This is what you do.

Did I missing the link?
"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" --Genesis 2:18. I need more helpers. :) (L/C)NY (wood dragon).
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Spalls Hurgenson

Feb 18, 2024, 6:46:03 PM2/18/24
On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 19:28:13 +0000, a...@zimage.comANT (Ant) wrote:

>Lane Larson <> wrote:
>> This is what you do.
>Did I missing the link?

Yeah, a link would have been nice. I'm not finding any results on the
Internet, but maybe my Googlefu is weak (I didn't really try that
hard). Mostly I see stuff about fan remasters of "Return to Castle
Wolfenstein", which is fine but unexciting.

Honestly, I don't know why the original games have been left to
languish for so long. Yes, Wolfenstein 3D revitalized the series (and
the first-person sequels to that game have all been quite successful).
But I think that a return to the original's stealth-based, 3/4
viewpoint would find a market too.

Honestly, just remaking the ORIGINAL "Castle Wolfenstein" and "Beyond
Castle Wolfenstein" to upgrade the game from 4 colors/screeching
speaker-noise/awful controls would be welcome. Or how about just
getting the games to run outside of an emulator. You'd think the fans
would have been all over that long ago. But the games seem
consistently ignored in favor of their first-person descendents. It's

Werner P.

Feb 19, 2024, 9:25:24 AM2/19/24
Am 19.02.24 um 00:45 schrieb Spalls Hurgenson:
> Honestly, I don't know why the original games have been left to
> languish for so long. Yes, Wolfenstein 3D revitalized the series (and
> the first-person sequels to that game have all been quite successful).
> But I think that a return to the original's stealth-based, 3/4
> viewpoint would find a market too.
I would call it the Fallout 3 effect, a ton of people do not even know
that Fallout 1+2 were classics of their own many think the series starts
with 3 or 1+2 were never something to bother with (despite in my opinion
being the superior rpg experience)!

I doubt a lot of people who jumped on the Wolfenstein 3d games even knew
the originals from Silas Warner, despite them being absolute classics
for their gameplay and back then outstanding technical achievements!


Feb 19, 2024, 9:55:15 AM2/19/24
I used to play the briefcase bomb (Beyond) game a lot. I think the last
time I played it is when Tom Cruise's Valkyrie came out. On an emulator,
of course. Vice, IIRC.

The first one was a little intolerable with it's countdowns and wall
hits. It definitely needs some quality of life improvements in a remake.


No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten


Feb 19, 2024, 3:12:33 PM2/19/24
I would totally love this! Even in FPS. I remember reading id Software
wanted to have those features like hiding dead bodies, taking clothes,
etc. but they couldn't do it back then. Well, they or someone can now
these days! Come on!

CCed newsgroup. ;)
"I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord." --Hosea 2:19-20. TV-14 rating still shows nudities in John Adam miniseries! Dang unexpected works. :) (L/C)NY (wood dragon).


Feb 19, 2024, 3:13:59 PM2/19/24
Zaghadka <> wrote:
> I used to play the briefcase bomb (Beyond) game a lot. I think the last
> time I played it is when Tom Cruise's Valkyrie came out. On an emulator,
> of course. Vice, IIRC.

That movie was cool. My old friend (I miss him) and I thought of the
original 2D Wolfenstein games from this movie!
"I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord." --Hosea 2:19-20. TV-14 rating still shows nudities in John Adam miniseries! Dang unexpected works. :) (L/C)NY (wood dragon).
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