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Tyrian is OUT!!! (Epic lives)

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David Laprad

Sep 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/12/95
Tyrian is OUT!!! (Epic lives!) /msdos/games/epic /pub/msdos_uploads/games/tyrian

The file is called


Craig Lafferty

Sep 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/12/95
In article <43490g$>,

Epic LIVES is right! We are far from dead, just laying low for a bit getting things in line.
We have TONS of games planned over the long term and some great suprises in the works. If
you haven't heard, EXTREME PINBALL (The sequel to Epic Pinball) is coming for PC-CD, Saturn
and Playstation and is being distributed in Retail world-wide by Electronic Arts. And that
is only the beginning! (Radix is looking hot also!).

Craig Lafferty
PR & Marketing Coordinator
Epic MegaGames

Marco Yu Chai Lee

Sep 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/12/95
In article <434b7e$>,

But the ftp site sucks... such a slow connection... i got connection
time max out during transfer of the Tyrian shareware... C'mon... you
want people to see how good the demo is right?

Brian 'Doc' O'Neill

Sep 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/13/95
In article <4355ph$>, (Marco Yu Chai Lee) writes:
|> But the ftp site sucks... such a slow connection... i got connection
|> time max out during transfer of the Tyrian shareware... C'mon... you
|> want people to see how good the demo is right?

Gee, did you think to try ANY of the mirror sites located around the world??
Location Name IP Address Directory
Wisconsin /pub/msdos/games,games_uml
Massachusetts /pub/mirrors/pc-games/uml,uwp
California /pub/games/mirrors/ulowell
Virginia /pub/pc-games
Missouri /systems/msdos/msdos-games
Germany /pcsoft/msdos/games
S. Africa /pub/msdos/uml
Sweden /pub/pc/mirror/games
Taiwan /PC/msdos
Thailand /pub/mirrors/games

Brian O'Neill - Director of Computing, Computer Science
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
(508) 934-3645
"Nothing's the same anymore." - Sinclair, Babylon 5, _Chrysalis_

David Laprad

Sep 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/13/95
Craig Lafferty ( wrote:
: In article <43490g$>,

: (David Laprad) wrote:
: >Tyrian is OUT!!! (Epic lives!)
: >
: > /msdos/games/epic
: > /pub/msdos_uploads/games/tyrian
: >
: >The file is called
: >
: >Alright!!!

: Epic LIVES is right! We are far from dead, just laying low for a bit getting things in line.
: We have TONS of games planned over the long term and some great suprises in the works. If
: you haven't heard, EXTREME PINBALL (The sequel to Epic Pinball) is coming for PC-CD, Saturn
: and Playstation and is being distributed in Retail world-wide by Electronic Arts. And that
: is only the beginning! (Radix is looking hot also!).

: Craig Lafferty
: PR & Marketing Coordinator
: Epic MegaGames

Well, I am looking forward to all of these, as well as Sabotage, Jazz ][ (will it
really be for Win95 only? What advances will we see?) and OMF ][. I also heard
rumors once of a racing game and Jill ][. <<whew>> Looks like I need to start
saving my pennies...

Craig Lafferty

Sep 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/13/95
to (David Laprad) wrote:

>Well, I am looking forward to all of these, as well as Sabotage, Jazz ][ (will it
>really be for Win95 only? What advances will we see?) and OMF ][. I also heard
>rumors once of a racing game and Jill ][. <<whew>> Looks like I need to start
>saving my pennies...

Yes, Jazz II will be for Windows 95. I think you will find most
companies going to Win 95. What advances..? Well, at this
early stage it now is up and running with multiple levels of parallax
scrolling, MUCH better animation with more frames and larger
characters and it FLY's under Win 95. Jill II was cancelled a long
time ago, and I can't comment on a racing game at this point.

I can say watch for Extreme Pinball that we are releasing thru
Electronic Arts. It will be out for PC CD-ROM, Playstation and Saturn
and is looking REALLY nice these days. (It should, it has been under
development for a long time). Also, Radix is lookin 10 times better.
More info as we can announce it!

Craig Lafferty
Epic MegaGames

Craig Lafferty

Eugen Woiwod

Sep 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/13/95
In article <4372re$>, (David
Laprad) writes:
> Msg-ID: <4372re$>
> References: <434b7e$>
> Posted: 13 Sep 1995 17:02:38 GMT
> Org. : MTSU ISDNLIN ISDN-Connected Newsserver

> Craig Lafferty ( wrote:
> : In article <43490g$>,
> : (David Laprad) wrote:
> : >Tyrian is OUT!!! (Epic lives!)
> : >
> : > /msdos/games/epic
> : > /pub/msdos_uploads/games/tyrian
> : >
> : >The file is called
> : >
> : >Alright!!!
> : Epic LIVES is right! We are far from dead, just laying low for a bit
> getting things in line.
> : We have TONS of games planned over the long term and some great
> suprises in the works. If
> : you haven't heard, EXTREME PINBALL (The sequel to Epic Pinball) is
> coming for PC-CD, Saturn
> : and Playstation and is being distributed in Retail world-wide by
> Electronic Arts. And that
> : is only the beginning! (Radix is looking hot also!).
> : Craig Lafferty
> : PR & Marketing Coordinator
> : Epic MegaGames
> Well, I am looking forward to all of these, as well as Sabotage, Jazz ][
> (will it
> really be for Win95 only? What advances will we see?) and OMF ][. I also
> heard
> rumors once of a racing game and Jill ][. <<whew>> Looks like I need to
> start
> saving my pennies...

I still think the industry could still make money off DOS :-) E.g if Epic
would make a DOS and WIN95 version of Jazz ][, then i think it would please
more people, especially for those of us who are waiting a year to buy WIN95
and find out how many bug's Microsoft didn't fix in WIN95 <g>

Michael LavallF

Sep 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/14/95
In article <43892c$>, (Craig Lafferty) wrote:

>Yes, Jazz II will be for Windows 95. I think you will find most
>companies going to Win 95. What advances..? Well, at this
>early stage it now is up and running with multiple levels of parallax
>scrolling, MUCH better animation with more frames and larger
>characters and it FLY's under Win 95. Jill II was cancelled a long
>time ago, and I can't comment on a racing game at this point.

I must say that I am very disappointed with Epic MegaGames' decision to make
Jazz Jackrabbit a Windows 95 only game. I did enjoy what I saw of the original
Jazz Jackrabbit, and was definately looking forward to a sequel. But I don't
intend to install Windows 95 on my system to simply play a few games.

Well Epic consider an OS/2, DOS, or UNIX port at any time in the future?

===== //--------------------------------------------------------------------
|#|#| // Michael LavallF "You know, just once I'd like to meet
|L|L| // an alien menace that wasn't immune to
|L|L| // Team OS/2 bullets." -Brig. Lethbridge-Stewart

Eugen Woiwod

Sep 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/18/95
> Right now Jazz II runs under DOS and as a native Windows '95
> application. Whether or not we continue with DOS development will
> depend on market conditions closer to when the game would be released
> which is likely not until sometime in 1996.

I still think DOS will be "alive" then anyway's, as WIN95 still need's DOS
anyway's, and also when you shut down WIN95 and the screen that says "You
may shut down your computer"? well you are actually in DOS, just type like
mode co80 or something like that and your back at dos :-)


Mark Rein (Epic)

Sep 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/18/95

>I still think the industry could still make money off DOS :-) E.g if Epic
>would make a DOS and WIN95 version of Jazz ][, then i think it would please
>more people, especially for those of us who are waiting a year to buy WIN95
>and find out how many bug's Microsoft didn't fix in WIN95 <g>

Right now Jazz II runs under DOS and as a native Windows '95

application. Whether or not we continue with DOS development will
depend on market conditions closer to when the game would be released
which is likely not until sometime in 1996.

Mark Rein,
Epic MegaGames.

Check out the Epic Web Site at

Eugen Woiwod

Sep 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/18/95
In article <43ldph$>, (Scott
Butler) writes:
> Msg-ID: <43ldph$>
> References: <>
> Posted: 19 Sep 1995 03:35:13 GMT
> Org. : SkyPoint Communications, Inc.
> Eugen Woiwod ( wrote:
> : >
> : > Get accustomed to it. You'll have to do the same for Origin games,
> : > Mindscape, and others will follow. 95 is the future of gaming, as
> has
> : > been said for months. Now you see the reality that 95 advocates have
> : > been saying for all that time.
> : I'll say one thing, it's going to be one hell of a miserable future :-)
> Maybe for you.

Not just for me, probably for a lot of other people also

> I'm personally looking forward to the huge number of new
> games for Windows 95 that will be hitting the shelves in the coming
> months. Check out some of the Windows 95 coverage in the latest Computer
> Gaming World.....

I stopped reading Computer magazines a long time ago, especially Pc
Magazine and Pc Computing. I bet there's also people who will not look
forward to spending a lot of $$$$ just to buy a decent System with lots of
ram to run WIN95 and the games properly.

Eugen Woiwod

Sep 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/18/95

Dave Glue

Sep 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/19/95
to (Michael LavallF) wrote:

>>Yes, Jazz II will be for Windows 95. I think you will find most
>>companies going to Win 95. What advances..? Well, at this
>>early stage it now is up and running with multiple levels of parallax
>>scrolling, MUCH better animation with more frames and larger
>>characters and it FLY's under Win 95. Jill II was cancelled a long
>>time ago, and I can't comment on a racing game at this point.

>I must say that I am very disappointed with Epic MegaGames' decision to make
>Jazz Jackrabbit a Windows 95 only game. I did enjoy what I saw of the original
>Jazz Jackrabbit, and was definately looking forward to a sequel. But I don't
>intend to install Windows 95 on my system to simply play a few games.

As I understand, Jazz // will also be available in a DOS version. But
don't be surprised to see the latest games as Win95 only in the coming

Scott Butler

Sep 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/19/95
Eugen Woiwod ( wrote:
: >
: > Get accustomed to it. You'll have to do the same for Origin games,

: > Mindscape, and others will follow. 95 is the future of gaming, as has
: > been said for months. Now you see the reality that 95 advocates have
: > been saying for all that time.

: I'll say one thing, it's going to be one hell of a miserable future :-)

Maybe for you. I'm personally looking forward to the huge number of new

games for Windows 95 that will be hitting the shelves in the coming
months. Check out some of the Windows 95 coverage in the latest Computer
Gaming World.....


Dave Glue

Sep 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/19/95
to (Eugen Woiwod) wrote:

>> : > Get accustomed to it. You'll have to do the same for Origin games,
>> : > Mindscape, and others will follow. 95 is the future of gaming, as
>> has
>> : > been said for months. Now you see the reality that 95 advocates have
>> : > been saying for all that time.
>> : I'll say one thing, it's going to be one hell of a miserable future :-)
>> Maybe for you.

>Not just for me, probably for a lot of other people also

Yes. I can understand your apprehension. 2D games taking advantage
of your video cards acceleration to deliver smooth, parallax action on
a 486. 3D video hardware support giving you a jump in graphics
performance and quality without spendinf $2000 on a P6 system. No
fidding with IRQ's or memory managers-put the CD in and go. Support
for your esoteric sound cards features without having to worry about
if each game works with it, let alone takes advantage of it. Digital
joysticks with low CPU latency and programmable buttons, including
even feedback.

Yep, looks like an awful future for PC Gaming and Windows 95.

>I stopped reading Computer magazines a long time ago, especially Pc
>Magazine and Pc Computing.

This is evident in your knowledge of the market and your faulty
reasoning. I have to admit, I don't often hear people exclaim that
their lack of resources as a benefit to a discussion. "Yeah, well I
don't read anything! That's why I think the way I do"- not exactly an
argument in your favour.

>forward to spending a lot of $$$$ just to buy a decent System with lots of
>ram to run WIN95 and the games properly.

People are doing that now to get sub-par performance with Pentiums and
SVGA games. If anything, 95's hardware independence will reduce
that-I'll glady spend $300 on a Diamond Edge than $1000 a P-90 for a
minimal performance increase.

Mark Rein (Epic)

Sep 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/19/95

>As I understand, Jazz // will also be available in a DOS version. But
>don't be surprised to see the latest games as Win95 only in the coming

We have not made that decision yet. It will definitely be a Windows
'95 game but whether a DOS version exists or not will depend on market
conditions that exist when we get closer to release. My gut feeling is
that you should _not_ expect a DOS version but please don't take that
as anything but a gut feeling from the VP in charge of Marketing.

>Get accustomed to it. You'll have to do the same for Origin games,
>Mindscape, and others will follow. 95 is the future of gaming, as has
>been said for months. Now you see the reality that 95 advocates have
>been saying for all that time.

I think you are correct in this. BTW, I think Jazz II's performance
unders Windows '95 (on the appropriate machine) will be fantastic.

Mark Rein (Epic)

Sep 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/19/95

>I must say that I am very disappointed with Epic MegaGames' decision to make
>Jazz Jackrabbit a Windows 95 only game. I did enjoy what I saw of the original
>Jazz Jackrabbit, and was definately looking forward to a sequel. But I don't
>intend to install Windows 95 on my system to simply play a few games.

I think you're underestimating just how many games will be developed
as native Windows '95 products. I hope you reconsider because over the
next year I think you'll find the best games will be native to Windows
'95 and DOS-based gaming will disappear.

>Will Epic consider an OS/2, DOS, or UNIX port at any time in the future?

Obviously if DOS continues to be a key market we'll be there but we
honestly don't see that being the case. One of the important facts of
computer game sales is that the majority of game buyers are people who
have bought new computers within 180 days preceeding their purchase.
Knowing that Windows '95 is going to be preloaded on most of the PCs
sold in the world it only makes sense that if want to be in the
mainstream then Windows '95 is a must.

As for OS/2 and UNIX - I seriously don't think we as a company have
enough resources to provide support and development for those smaller
markets. And, to be totally frank, I don't see any financial
justification for developing for OS/2 or UNIX at this point.

HP Lovecraft

Sep 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/20/95
> I'll say one thing, it's going to be one hell of a miserable future :-)

Say what you want.. it is the future.. whether it's a good one or
a bad one is yet to be decided. OS/2 has Galactic Civ - a great
game. Win95 already has three native games, and many, many
more coming.. I just played a demo of The Dig! and Rebel Assault 2
and noticed that Lucas Arts announced they will support the Win95
platform with 95 versions of these games.

With developers lining up behind it, whether it sucks or not, people
will buy it. If ID suddenly announced they were developing Quake
only to Run on the Atari ST, you would see lots of people trying to
find Atari ST units.. gaming support matters, quality of the
environment will always be up for debate, and the user who has never
used computers with no real preference buying from Dell, Micron, Gateway
or Compaq will get Win95 - leading developers to work with it.

Way back in the old days, when (I believe Swan or Northgate?) shipped
GEM Desktop with their units, we saw development on that crappy
environment - most notably Ventura Publisher. Crap or not, the sell and
support of manufactures carries the development field...

As I've said though: Perfect games will wait until someone comes up
with OpenGL (NT) on either Win95 or OS/2...

Chris. TMS...@Delphi.Com; TMS...@KSU.KSU.EDU
"I hope that was a good nighty night." - Tori Amos

Kal Wallner

Sep 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/22/95
to (HP Lovecraft) wrote:

>Win95 already has three native games, and many, many
>more coming..

3? Pitfall, Al Unser Racing, and?

Jeff Somers

Sep 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/22/95

Solitaire! What more do you need?

(O.K., maybe the original poster meant Fury-3, isn't that out?)

jeff s.

HP Lovecraft

Sep 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/23/95
> >Win95 already has three native games, and many, many
> >more coming..
> 3? Pitfall, Al Unser Racing, and?

Pitfall, Al Unser Racing, Fury3, (I should add more here)
The Hive, Wing Commander IV (soon), Lucas Arts noted in
the previews on the E(2) disc that the Dig & Rebel Assault 2
will have 95 versions, Then there's MS Golf, Doom for 95
(betas are out now), Dreams, Casino, Everything Sierra
on Line after Nov. is Win95, of course Epic, Dagger's Rage,
Is that enough? I could keep going you know...

Message has been deleted

Dan Osborn

Sep 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/24/95
>will have 95 versions, Then there's MS Golf, Doom for 95
>(betas are out now), Dreams, Casino, Everything Sierra

Where can one find that Doom95 beta???????
In truth, Dan

And for your patience, here's my favorite joke:

???What's the difference between a duck???
???: One leg is the same!!!

Mark Rein (Epic)

Sep 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/30/95

>As I've said though: Perfect games will wait until someone comes up
>with OpenGL (NT) on either Win95 or OS/2...

Nonsense. Open GL won't do anything for games that can't be done
without it just as well.

Mark Rein,
Epic MegaGames.

Check out the Epic Web Site at

Download our latest shareware games from in /msdos/games/epic

HP Lovecraft

Oct 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/1/95
In article <44jt8c$>, (Mark Rein (Epic))
writes: >

> >As I've said though: Perfect games will wait until someone comes up
> >with OpenGL (NT) on either Win95 or OS/2...
> Nonsense. Open GL won't do anything for games that can't be done
> without it just as well.
> Mark Rein,
> Epic MegaGames.

Come on Mark..

While I've yet to *not* purchase any of your products, I know the power
OpenGL can provide - let's say I've got OpenGL native on a board that
supports OpenGL acceleration - like the Matrox Millenium or the new
Diamond card.. don't you see what sega apparently sees? That games
that would support something like this allow for games like Virtua Fighter
or Tekken to be mapped in real time?

I've see some pretty impressive stuff that you can do in Dos with these
boards - Like Nascar enhanced for the Millenium - but when game
companies get the advantage of creating games for computer "idiots" who like
the Autorun in Win95 with 3D real time effects through OpenGL, the
computer gaming world will open up.

"It's all equal amongst feminists until you get into the bathroom,
and one has the brighter lipstick & the bigger boyfriend." - Tori Amos

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