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*** One Must Fall: Dogs of War ***

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Steve Abson

Jan 25, 1994, 8:42:13 PM1/25/94

Okay, since I've seen quite a few postings asking about OMF, I decided to
post a message telling you what I've learned so far about the sw release
of OMF:DOW (directly from Rob Elam, Ryan Elam, and a few beta testers).
The new One Must Fall: Dogs of War should be released in the next few
months. The game has drastically been improved over the beta version
(basically, you can toss it out the window). Now you play as people in
giant robot bodies (about 40 feet high!). The robots have been produced
in 3D-Studio, and are all polygon graphics (really neat looking). There
are more features, moves, combos, etc. It will support native GUS, PAS,
as well as regular SB. Unfortunately, there will be no modem support in
this first release (although, if we pressure Rob and Ryan enough, we may
see it in the near future). That's basically it, and remember, it should
be released in the next few weeks (about one-three). The title may be
altered by then, so watch out for it!

| .---_ | Steve Abson | Ren Hoek on the Usenet: |
| |SA| | >INTERNET: ai...@Freenet.Carleton.CA | "We're not hitchiking |
| `---## | also | anymore, we're riding!" |

Denis R. Papp

Jan 27, 1994, 4:16:51 PM1/27/94
ai...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Steve Abson) writes:


>Okay, since I've seen quite a few postings asking about OMF, I decided to
>post a message telling you what I've learned so far about the sw release
>of OMF:DOW (directly from Rob Elam, Ryan Elam, and a few beta testers).
>The new One Must Fall: Dogs of War should be released in the next few
>months. The game has drastically been improved over the beta version
>(basically, you can toss it out the window). Now you play as people in
>giant robot bodies (about 40 feet high!). The robots have been produced
>in 3D-Studio, and are all polygon graphics (really neat looking). There
>are more features, moves, combos, etc. It will support native GUS, PAS,
>as well as regular SB. Unfortunately, there will be no modem support in
>this first release (although, if we pressure Rob and Ryan enough, we may
>see it in the near future). That's basically it, and remember, it should

modem support? we know what 'near future' means :)

>be released in the next few weeks (about one-three). The title may be
>altered by then, so watch out for it!

Denis Papp
"Jim. Bones. Spock. Jim. Dammit! Jim. Spock. Dammit! Jim. Bones..."

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