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Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #179

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Info-IBMPC Digest

Dec 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/1/95
Info-IBMPC Digest Fri, 1 Dec 95 Volume 95 : Issue 179

Today's Editor:
Gregory Hicks - San Jose, CA <>

Today's Topics:
Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #179
bitmaps gone
Re: bitmaps gone (6 msgs)
Re: Suddenly Web Explorer (WE) Won't Access My Web Site?
Re: Post Road Mailer
Re: Suddenly Web Explorer Won't Access My Web Site?
Re: Missing drive icons
re: Problems making a disk bootable after running disk test
Secondary Cache Problem
DOS+Novell = Slow under Warp
OS/2 WARP in Russian Language (2 msgs)
Qsort: Member func's? Qsort source code?
Re: Zombie Templates and Dead Launchpad Objects (2 msgs)
Re: [COMW] waring - only wrote xxx of xxxx bytes-Getting Desperate

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Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 16:23:16 +0000
From: "N.H.Long" <>
Subject: bitmaps gone

Sometime in the last three months, un-noticed by me, the directory of
BMP files installed by OS/2 at installation just 'vanished'. This may
have been due to a win3.1 app which was supposed to 'tidy up' my
graphic files. I tried to recreate the directory and put into it a
bitmap which is to be used as a corporate logo. I am not sure of the
correct location of the directory and created it by guesswork. When I
tried to change from solid color to btimap the notebook refused to show
the file in the list and offered only a single file *OS2LOGO, which is
of course the default IBM 'badge'.

1. Where should the bitmap directory be in the tree?

2. can it be recreated by simply making a new dir 'BITMAP', or must the
files be re-installed with selective install?

3. Is there an OS/2-specific limit on the size/type of file which can
be used as a background bitmap?

I have all the files archived on a floppy, but putting them into a
directory D:\OS2\BITMAPS does not seem to work.

Any help/advice welcome. Thanks in anticipation.

Nigel H J Long,
The Hartley Library, University of Southampton, UK
"Any opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of the
University of Southampton, or any other member thereof"


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 11:40:01 EST
From: Bob Babcock <>
Subject: Re: bitmaps gone

I don't know if there is anything special about the directory, but mine
is named \OS2\BITMAP (no S).


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 19:20:26 GMT
From: Mark Mihalasky <>
Subject: Re: bitmaps gone

No "S" is important... D:\OS2\BITMAP .



Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 23:26:23 +0500
From: Rich Jacox <>
Subject: Re: bitmaps gone

|1. Where should the bitmap directory be in the tree?


|2. can it be recreated by simply making a new dir 'BITMAP', or must the
| files be re-installed with selective install?

Recreating the directory will not restore the files. You may want to
get Phoenix/2. Look for the file I believe it's IBM EWS
(Employee Written Software). It's fre and it does a remarkable job of
restoring deleted files. Assuming that the files have not been
overwritten, you can get them back that way.

|3. Is there an OS/2-specific limit on the size/type of file which can be
| used as a background bitmap?

I don't know. But, I have never found a PC bitmap that Warp cannot display.

|I have all the files archived on a floppy, but putting them into a
|directory D:\OS2\BITMAPS does not seem to work.

True. delete the "S". Just open your boot drive, open the OS2 folder,
find "BITMAPS, press & hold Alt and click MB1. Press End and backspace.
Click on any other part of the OS2 window and you're done.

Rich Jacox

\ Computer System Analyst, NSWC PHD ECO
/ Adjunct Faculty, Tidewater Community College
\ Team OS/2 Chesapeake, VA
/ VP, Mid-Atlantic OS/2 User Group
\ Columnist, The Umbrella, Ask Dr Warp, Warp'd Perspectives
/ * all opinions expressed are mine alone


Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 08:59:48 +0000
From: "N.H.Long" <>
Subject: Re: bitmaps gone

I am the original poster of this problem. Thanks to everyone who has
responded. I dropped the 'S' from 'BITMAPS', but I'm afraid it still
didn't work! The Settings notebook still refused to show the bitmap
files other than *OS2LOGO.

What had happened was that a Windows app written by a colleague had
moved all the .BMP files to another directory on the E: drive and
deleted the original sub-directory! - without informing me that it had
been done. This was three months ago and all the original files were
long gone, even from my backup sets (only go back two months, whoops!)
Since I have never previously bothered with background bitmaps I think
I did quite well to remember the location at all, the extra 'S' was the
only mistake - just goes to prove that OS/2 IS logical!

I am now reinstalling the bitmaps support from scratch. To those of you
who expressed an interest in OS/2's ability to handle 1024x768x256
background bitmaps - I'll let you know what happens. If it's anything
like Windows then the whole system will slow to a grinding crawl.

Nigel H J Long,
The Hartley Library, University of Southampton, UK
"Any opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of the
University of Southampton, or any other member thereof"


Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 12:40:48 +0100
From: "" <>
Subject: Re: bitmaps gone

> I am now reinstalling the bitmaps support from scratch. To those of you
> who expressed an interest in OS/2's ability to handle 1024x768x256
> background bitmaps - I'll let you know what happens. If it's anything
> like Windows then the whole system will slow to a grinding crawl.

No need to worry. I've already done so. Of course there is some sort of
speed impact during boottime. The bytes need to be read! But other than
this small luxury for a 1024*768*256 bitmap I could not find any ill
effects. (BTW: I run an ancient trident 8900B / 1MB)

HTH, Alfred

Geological Survey of Austria - Sorry, NO KANGAROOS here!

Phone: Fax: Email:
+43/1/712-56-74/56 +43/1/713-64-57


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 17:23:16 GMT
From: Netnews Server <>
Subject: Re: Suddenly Web Explorer (WE) Won't Access My Web Site?

In <49il6i$>, writes:
>No, I have no invisible characters in the address. I've typed in the
>address myself several times. Loading WebExplorer 1.03 simply balks
>and says "The server is not registered with your name server." Yet
>when use the Quicklist to go to the exact same address, it works fine.

>BTW, are you (and everyone else) using WebExplorer 1.03 to answer
>mail? I ask because I can't see how you get the quotes put in. If
>earlier msgs are quoted in this message, then WebExplorer puts in the
>quotes, but doesn't let me edit them. In either case, this is a poor

Mr. X,

I've come to think of WE as my canary in the coal mine for my system...

I'm lan connected so what I say may not apply, but I'm getting frequent
unable to connect type situations with WE even though NR/2 (this
program) and my Windows based terminal program work just fine.

My earlier problems sprang from getting over eager and installing the
IAK over Warp Connects TCP/IP software. And I must say it installed
rather smoothly too!

My symptoms were that I would put in routing information in TCP/IP
config. save the info to disk reboot and check the information only to
find it gone.

Reloading the TCP/IP software cleared that up...mostly...

Yesterday, after WE refused to connect telling me that maybe ALL THE
SITES I HAVE IN QUICKLIST may have changed their addresses I looked at
the routing info again and by golly, it was gone again!

This time I looked in MPTS found TCP/IP was not configured on my
adapter (Yes I did configure it before) so I told it to configure.
Back to TCP/IP config. and input my routes again.

This morning when I booted up all routes were present. WE (1.03 by the
way) works just fine thank you!

Anyway, I think there's a bug or two in Warp Connects abiltity to
retain configuration information...or my brains fried from not taking
drugs or something. :)

Hope these ramblings help somebody!



Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 19:48:00 -0500
Subject: Re: Post Road Mailer

On 29 Nov 1995 00:00:00 +0000, wrote:
> Currently I'm trying to set up Post Road Mailer for UUPC. It can write to
> and read from another directory instead of using POP or SMTP. Should be
> fine with UUPC.
> Unfortunately, rmail -F -t E:\postroad\uucp-out\* does not work. Any
> suggestion how to tell rmail to process all files in dir
> E:\postroad\uucp-out?

for %x in ( E:\postroad\uucp-out\* ) do rmail -t -F %x

Note that you had the -F flag before -t, it belong before the file

> And postroad expects mail as single files. Any suggestion for an existing
> tool that can be used to split e:\uupc\mail\hajo.mail into
> e:\uupc\mail\hajo\000001 , 000002 ....? Prefably without overwriting
> existing files?

To be really gross for one user, use the VMAIL support option in RMAIL,
and then delete all the *.X files.

> I tried the option directory, but this produces one mailfile as well.

Option directory just moves the where the single file, as you

Drew Derbyshire UUPC/extended e-mail:
Telephone: 617-641-3452

To sign off from uupc-info, send the command "signoff uupc-info" in the
body of a message to DO NOT send this request to the
list itself! For human assistance with the list itself, send mail to

"Gee, When was our last backup done?"


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 21:38:17 +0100
From: Michiel van Loon <>
Subject: UNZIP.DLL

Hi all,

I was wondering if the interface to UNZIP.DLL (in \TCPIP\DLL) is
public. If so could someone provide with it. I like it much more than
spawning UNZIP.EXE to do the job.


Michiel van Loon
Bicycling along the Digital Highway - - -
finger for my public PGP-key
Normally my employer does not agree with what I am saying


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 18:00:14 EST
From: Ken Diehl <>
Subject: Re: Suddenly Web Explorer Won't Access My Web Site?

>Anyway, I think there's a bug or two in Warp Connects abiltity to
>retain configuration information...or my brains fried from not taking
>drugs or something. :)

I was beginning to think it was me (which it still may be)! I'll add
my observations. There are a couple of files tcpstart.cmd and
ESPECIALLY setup.cmd that seem to get reset as a result of TCPIP
configuration changes and/or crashes - most likely the former but I'll
swear it has happened for other reasons. Particularly with the
setup.cmd file, this drove me NUTS until I figured out what was going
on because I have to tune my ifconfig statement as I have related to
this list recently to keep tcpip apps from crashing my system. This
might be what's happening to you. Any other
comments/experiences/remedies on this one??

Ken Diehl
Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Va 24060
Voice: (540) 231-7937
FAX: (540) 231-3199


Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 00:14:42 EST
From: "Murray M. Cooper" <>
Subject: Re: Missing drive icons

** Reply to note from Paul Waldo <pwa...@RMII.COM> 12/01/95 09:04am -0700

> I recently have lost my drive icons for drives after my local hard
> drives. The CD-ROM icon as well as all LAN drives do not show up in my
> drives folder. I have tried re-making my .INI files, but to no avail.
> Any suggestions? Thanks


My understanding is that the Drive Icons will be recreated after reboot
as their device drivers register them. I would guess that you aren't
getting your LAN and CDROM icons because their drivers are not loading
properly. Use the Alt-F2 option at boot time and watch for the device
drivers being loaded, as well as any error messages.



Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 19:41:58 CST
Subject: re: Problems making a disk bootable after running disk test

Did you make sure to mark the partition Active when you ran FDISK? Run
FDISK, display partition info. If the status is not active esc to the
previous FDISK menu level and set the partition active.

Ian Huggins

College of Medicine
University of Illinois at Chicago


Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 13:07:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Secondary Cache Problem


I am having a problem with my secondary cache. I have a AMD 486 dx4
100, 8MB 2 chip (mac) 70NS non-parity memory (4 SIMMS in BANK 0 and 4
SIMMS in BANk 1), 256k 15 NS write back cache, AMI BIOS 7/94, SIS
chipset, vlb motherboard with Trident 9400 CXI VLB video and Winbond
VLB controller card. Well my problem is that I have the cache enabled
in bios and when I boot up the 256K cache is recognized but when I use
diagnostics programs like PCDR,etc.only 128k is recognized. I have
checked my motherboard and jumpers and all of the cache and the jumpers
are in place and correct. I don't know why the bios recognizes the
cache but the diagnostic programs don't. Is there some hardware
card(like video) that is using the cache address? Any insight would be
greatly appreciated.



Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 16:38:15 GMT
From: Paul Lemmons <>
Subject: DOS+Novell = Slow under Warp

I am hoping somebody can help. We are in the process of rolling OS/2
out as a standard desktop for the 650 bed hospital I work at. We are
about 200 installs into the process. Amongst other things our customers
are screaming at us because the DOS/Windows programs that used to be
snappy under straight DOS are now running insanely slow.

The problem seems to be the speed at which DOS applications can send
and retrieve information from the network(Novell 3.11). Native OS/2
apps run fine. Network access speeds are well within the acceptable
range. DOS apps run 2 to three times slower though than under straight

I have seen posts where it has been argued that DOS access to the
network is as fast under OS/2 as it is running native. This has not
been my experience to date. If this is indeed possible I would very
much like to be let in on the secret.


Name : Paul Lemmons
Mail :
Interest: Team OS/2, C, C++, PL/I, PC's, Mainframes, MVS
Art, Music, Friends, Good movies and popcorn


Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 14:05:58 -0800
Subject: OS/2 WARP in Russian Language

I have been given a challenge to find (and install) a Russian version
of a VT320 (or VT220) Terminal Emulation under OS/2 (in order to
connect to a VAX machine).

I insisted there must be somewhere some way to solve this kind of
problems while using OS/2. Assuming that a Russian Version of WARP
exists will it have some kind of help?, will it work also in other
languages as well? Is there any place I should seek for help? (IBM

I would appreciate it very much if you kindly assist me on this issue.

Best regards,

// DIALOG Communications & Operating Systems (1994) Ltd.
// Tel:972-3-685-7527 Fax:972-3-685-0175
// Tel-Aviv 47 Bilu St. ISRAEL


Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 16:22:19 EST
From: Bob Babcock <>
Subject: Re: OS/2 WARP in Russian Language (fwd)

> I have been given a challenge to find (and install) a Russian version
>of a VT320 (or VT220) Terminal Emulation under OS/2 (in order to
>connect to a VAX machine).

C Kermit for OS/2 does VT220 emulation and supports various code pages.
There's a CYRILLIC.TXT in my C Kermit directory, although I haven't had
any need for foreign language support so I don't know what to do with
it. You can get C Kermit from
-rw-rw-r-- 1 107 1327 634502 Aug 16 09:54

or check the Kermit web page at

C Kermit is free, but the documentation is a book which as I recall
costs around $30-40. At the present time, C Kermit does not do
Tektronix (or other) graphics emulation. If you need that, you might
look at MS-DOS Kermit which runs reasonably well under OS/2. (Use
COMTCP to run MS-Kermit over an ethernet connection, and make sure you
get the latest MS-Kermit patch file which fixes a bug which only shows
up under COMTCP.)


Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 15:32:01 -0500
From: Keith Bennett <>
Subject: Qsort: Member func's? Qsort source code?

I have an application with several classes containing static compare
functions whose addresses I would like to pass to qsort. When I
brought this issue up before a year or two ago, I was using C/Set and
there was no way to pass the address of a member function (with System
linkage, I think?) to qsort(), who was expecting function of Optlink

Now I am using Visual Age C++ and was wondering if there is a new way
around this problem. I know I can create a nonmember friend function,
but doing so would require modifying about 50 files, and I was looking
for a less painful solution. (I know there may not be any.)

Personally, I wouldn't mind making these modifications, but my client
would prefer a method more awkward, but requiring changes to fewer

Currently we're using our own function taking the same parameters as
qsort, but implementing a simpler but slower algorithm. Perhaps we
should just find some qsort source code and drop it in there? Any
suggestions on where to find such a thing?

- Keith

Keith Bennett Bennett Business Solutions, Inc.
Silver Spring, MD USA OS/2 & DOS Software Development (301) 871-7696


Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 18:08:42 EST
From: Bob Babcock <>
Subject: Re: Zombie Templates and Dead Launchpad Objects

> 1. I have 3 Folder templates and 2 LTDataFile templates in my
>templates folder and I found no way to delete them. I tried to uncheck
>"Template" and delete, physically deleted them in the filesystem (names
>are folder, folder1 and folder2) and tried checkini (several times).
>But those %$@*%#!@ templates come back after some seconds.

I think deregistering the light table class will make some of these
templates go away. What I do with unwanted templates is to make a new
folder and drag the templates I want to use into it. I then rename the
old folder "More Templates" and drag that folder into the new folder.
If the templates decide to recreate themselves inside the original
folder, I don't care because I they are hidden in the More Templates

> 2. After reinstalling IBM works I have some nice icons on my
>LaunchPad where I had the Works icons before. They are green filled
>circles with a questionmark. AND I'M NOT ABLE TO DELETE THEM.

You should be able to drag the question marks to the shredder.


Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 05:36:28 GMT
From: Michael Perry <>
Subject: Re: Zombie Templates and Dead Launchpad Objects

> 2. After reinstalling IBM works I have some nice icons on my
>LaunchPad where I had the Works icons before. They are green filled
>circles with a questionmark. AND I'M NOT ABLE TO DELETE THEM.

My launchpad exhibited the same behavior after installing the latest
compuserve for os2 package. I erased the original icon from my os2
applications folder and opened the drawer and there was the green
filled circle with the question mark in it. I could not delete it and
did not want it there forever. I deleted the launchpad and got a
default one back and recustomized it.

I would also like to know what these circles and question marks are and
how to get rid of them short of deleting the launchpad and starting
with a new one. WEre the question marks caused by deleting the program
from a folder? This doesnt seem probable since I've done it before.
Enlightenment requested here.

Michael E. Perry
***Team OS/2***


Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 11:39:09 GMT
From: Carl Hyslop <>
Subject: Re: [COMW] waring - only wrote xxx of xxxx bytes-Getting Desperate

I am experiencing almost exactly the same problem and have come to this
newsgroup in search of assistance. I have been using IBM's Global
Network at 14.4k with no problems for about a year and can use my modem
to talk to lots of other modems and BBS's no problems. When I tried a
different service provider at 28.8k, I get the famous [COMW] warning
about every 5-10 seconds or so. I can use WebEx and mail, but I can't
use NetSuite News or Lotus Notes. Basically, the connection is
unreliable and some applications handle that better than others. Notes
is particularly demanding because it has security built in and as such
will not accept packets that don't have the correct security codes.

I am going to try all the suggestions listed. My setup is very similar
to yours and I have already tried most of the things listed here, but
not all:

PCMCIA 28.8k NetComm CardModem v.34
OS/2 Warp Connect Fullpack
Standard COM.SYS that comes with Warp Connect

Notice that I have a PCMCIA modem, so it is not a problem with my 16550
etc. Also, I have never had problems with this modem connecting to
anything anywhere, so I find it difficult to believe this is a hardware

I'll be back with more info...

PS: Anyone have any info from IBM as to what the warning actually means
and when/why it is generated? I can guess, too, but I would like to
know the definitive answer from IBM.


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #179

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