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Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #181

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Info-IBMPC Digest

Dec 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/2/95
Info-IBMPC Digest Sat, 2 Dec 95 Volume 95 : Issue 181

Today's Editor:
Gregory Hicks - San Jose, CA <>

Today's Topics:
Aptiva M40 and OS/2
Drive mappings in OS/2 Warp.
Re: IBM Thinkpad 510cs (V95 #173)
Cyrix 386 upgrade chips and A20 line (V95 #171)
Re: Toshiba 2155 Notebook and 32-Bit OS Advice (V95 #173) (3 msgs)
Re: Solution: [COMW] warning - only wrote xxx of xxxx bytes (V95 #172)
Re: Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #173
memory exclusion areas
Re: Solution: [COMW] waring - only wrote xxx of xxxx bytes (V95 #172)
sb16 16 bit test fails
Conner Hard disk config. (3 msgs)
Drive mappings in OS/2 Warp.
Re: Help with command line PPP connection (TCP/IP not IAK) (3 msgs)
need AST ADVANTAGE! Card info

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Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 15:14:56 EST
Subject: Aptiva M40 and OS/2

I have an IBM Aptiva M40 with Windows and OS/2. I want to set the
sytem up in a better form than its default. I want to bag the Windose
and just make it an OS/2 machine under which I can run Windose
programs. Unfortunately some of the Windose programs won't work under
OS/2 (Silent Steel has video problems along with the other mpeg
programs). What should I do?

P. Black


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 09:40:23 EST
From: PHANIHR <>
Subject: Drive mappings in OS/2 Warp.

Hi all,

We are using IBM's Pentium 330-P75 PCs with all the pre-installed
OS/2 Warp and Windows software. After we had installed windows
applications like MS-Office, when we try to open a file we are not able
to see either the directory names (directory structre) or the drive
mappings. This is true for Windows Notepad and Write also. If I give
the entire path to open a file, it opens.

Any idea what could be the problem.



Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 13:30:42 PST
From: Jeff La Coss <>
Subject: Re: IBM Thinkpad 510cs (V95 #173)

> Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 19:43:35 -0400
> From: Walter Quiroga <>
> I have a model Notebook IBM Thinkpad 510cs and I want to know if
> somebody knows how I could see simultaneously in an external screen and
> the thinkpad in the same time.

I have a 750, so this may apply to 750 and 755 models. However, using
two displays at the same time is a pretty common thing when showing
presentation graphics via video projector.

There is a DOS program to change the display, but the simplest way is
to run Windows and use the display tool in the ThinkPad group to set
the display to LCD-only|CRT-only|both. I believe the default is both.
For obvious reasons, you can get into a world of trouble if you set
this param to CRT only.



Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 14:20:23 EST
From: John Gault <>
Subject: Cyrix 386 upgrade chips and A20 line (V95 #171)

The following question was presented in the IBMPC Digest. I
believe I have some information that may be of help. First, the

From: "Kirby K. Stiening" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 19:06:39 GMT

Bought a 386 to 486 upgrade chip from Evergreen Technology
a couple of months back and it's worked fine, except for a major
inconvenience. It looks like the cache fools with the A20 line
(whatever that is). Having to reboot the PC for any reason means that
I cannot reload either HIMEM.SYS or EMM386.EXE which effectively
eliminates using Windows without a power-off reboot. Evergreen seems
to have left their BBS phone off-line for the last 3 days and all the
voice mailboxes are full. Cyrix says that Evergreen doesn't buy from
them so it's not their problem. Any hints on how to get around this
A20 line lock.

Now, the response:

There are several switches controlling the operation of the
"HIMEM.SYS" of the IBM PC. One of those switches is the
A20CONTROL:ON/OFF. But first, what is the A20 line?

The A20 line is a wire that controls the upper memory area. On
most PCs, it behaves correctly, but on some older models, it interferes
with how HIMEM accesses the upper memory. This is probably the problem
with Kirby's setup.

The /A20CONTROL:ON/OFF is a parameter that defaults to ON, which
specifies that HIMEM.SYS should take control of the A20 line even if it
was on when HIMEM.SYS was loaded. Set to OFF, HIMEM.SYS will take
control of the A20 line only if it was off when HIMEM.SYS was loaded.
I suggest that Kirby change this switch setting by adding the /A20
switch to the HIMEM command. This probably will resolve his current
problem, assuming there aren't other problems with his HIMEM.SYS or his
AUTOEXEC.BAT instructions.

Hope this helps!


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 12:12:29 -0500
From: Brian Polkinghorne <>
Subject: Re: Toshiba 2155 Notebook Advice on 32-Bit OS Requested (V95 #173)

I have a Toshiba T2400CS and I have loaded OS/2 Warp Connect and
everything is working just fine. In fact, I am using the HPFS and I
don't have all the disk problems I use to have when I was running the
machine with Win31.


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 17:42:24 EST
From: Pedro Tarrafeta <>
Subject: Re: Toshiba 2155 Notebook Advice on 32-Bit OS Requested (V95 #173)


On Tue, 28 Nov 1995 11:17:55 EST you wrote:

>I have just bought a Toshiba 2155 CDS notebook with 8 meg.
>I would like to run a 32 bit OS. Can anyone tell me war stories
>about running OS2 or Win95 on this box ?

If you want real 32 bit you only have one choice: OS/2. W95 isn't
really 32 bit and NT won't run on your machine.

> How much new software had to be acquired ?

It will depend on your needs, but I don't think you'll need to make a
big expense. Being just 8 meg, I would recomend not using the
WorkplaceShell (it "eats" 3 to 4 megs) and replace it with Filebar

> Did it continue to work with the SoundBlaster Pro board and the
>PCMCIA drivers ? etc, etc, etc.

You should find all the drivers you need either with Warp, eithe with
your hardware (some disk, or so) either on any of the multiple ftp
sites, specially de Device Driver Repository from IBM.


Pedro Tarrafeta,
Team OS/2


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 19:12:19 GMT
From: Mark Mihalasky <>
Subject: Re: Toshiba 2155 Notebook and 32-Bit OS Advice (V95 #173) (3 msgs)

>>I would like to run a 32 bit OS. Can anyone tell me war stories
>>about running OS2 or Win95 on this box ?

Interesting article comparing Win95, OS2, and MacOS:



Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 14:45:47 PST
From: Dave Gomberg <>
Subject: Re: Solution: [COMW] warning - only wrote xxx of xxxx bytes (V95 #172)

Jamil, for heaven's sake DO NOT TRY TO UPDATE your IAK sw via the icon
in the Information Superhighway folder. I did, and lost my system.
Another reinstall of Warp, as I had a program check in boot. Dave

Dave Gomberg, Experimenta San Francisco CA USA


From: Timothy Bowen <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 15:26:45 EST
Subject: memory exclusion areas

With "emm386.exe noems" does one have to x=DC00-d3FF in order to load
a driver into that 16k region?

| Tim Bowen Phillips Laboratory |
| Bedford, Ma LMCA Div |
| E-mail: |


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 9:01:17 -0500
From: Clark Gaylord <>
Subject: Re: Solution: [COMW] waring - only wrote xxx of xxxx bytes (V95 #172)

> Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 00:01:48 GMT
> From:

> (Enzo Franzese) writes:
> have been released. I have tried replacing the com.sys driver that
> comes with connect with a com driver ( that is on hobbes in
> the OS2/patches directory. I have disabled all compression, and error

I believe that comfix is from a much older OS/2 release. It may work,
but if it doesn't solve your problem be sure to return to Connect's
COM.SYS. But I thought you said you were using sio -- you aren't
trying to use both COM.SYS and SIO.SYS are you? That would definately
ruin your day.

> I have run a command file that changes the mtu from 1500 (the value in
> the dialer) to 1450 before uploading (as recommended by a post in
> comp.os.os2.networking tcpip):
> ifconfig ppp0 mtu 1450

Bad idea. Set the mtu to whatever your inet provider says and leave it
there. It may not be 1500, mind you; check with them.

> Everything I have tried doesn't fix the [COMW] errors. I have spoken
> to my ISP about the problem, and they claim that the AT&F1 init string
> that I use with the dialer is fine (My ISP uses USR Couriers).

Most 14.4 modems should have ATZ as the init string; I would expect
this is the case with 28.8 as well. All this does it reset the modem.

> They blame the problem on OS/2.

Don't they all. Like flagrant SCSI-1 abusers who blame problems w/
SCSI-2 controllers on the controller, when all they are doing is
assuming the SCSI-1 device actually followed the specs.

Btw, I get occassional [COMW] errors, but most of them are
inconsequential. Does this actually result in the upload not
completing or sending corrupted files?

> I really am inpressed with warp's robustness, and I think it is a
> truly mature OS, as compared to win95, but if I can't have stabilty in
> my internet connection, then I have no choice but to try win95. I hope
> someone has anything that may help me get OS/2 working correctly.

My experience with win95 is that it is many times more difficult to get
the internet connection working. OS/2's inet connectivity is by far
the best in the non-unix world (and easier than most of those).

Clark K. Gaylord
Blacksburg, Virginia USA


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 10:09:15 -0500
From: "J. Dashiell" <>
Subject: sb16 16 bit test fails

I got a sb16 cd-rom combination installed on a 386 with plug and play
from creative labs. All the 8 bit tests work on the diagnose.exe
program but the 16 bit test sounds like an electric pencil sharpener or
a machine gun when it happens.

Is there some option that needs to be set to fix this problem or is it
time to return the sound card?

// eoj

jude <>


Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 18:32:23 -0600
From: Tom Hendrix <>
Subject: Conner Hard disk config.

Hello all and thanks for reading.

I just became the recipient of a Conner CFS420A hard drive that I
intend to install as a slave in my computer at home. Presently it has
only one hard drive, a Seagate ST3290A. My IDE board has capability of
two hard drives.

My question is: Does anyone know the jumper settings on the Conner
hard drive to operate it as a slave? I don't believe anything has to
be done to the Seagate since I intend to leave it as the C: drive. Any
info would be appreciated since the hard drive has no books or
documentation with it.

Thanks in advance.

" If you insist that something cannot be done, please do not stand in the
way of those doing it."

Tom Hendrix, Electronics Instructor
Boonslick Area Vo-Tech School
Rt. 4 Box 76
Boonville, Mo. 65233
E-mail: ( preferred )
work phone: (816) 882-5306
home phone: (816) 841-5287


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 10:41:34 -0800
From: "Thornton C. Ege" <>
Subject: Re: Conner Hard disk config.

Conner has a fax response system at 408-456-4903
BBS 408-456-4415
Tech Support 408-426-6637

Good luck


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 12:31:39 EST
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: Conner Hard disk config.

The jumper settings for Conner CFS420A are:

Single drive = Jumper pins 1-2
Master drive = Jumper pins 1-2
Slave drive = No Jumper pins 1-2

Ed Anderson
Plymouth, IN 46563

Good things come to those who chase after them! Sometimes.


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 00:31:22 -0500
From: Terry A Moore <>
Subject: Drive mappings in OS/2 Warp.

Wish I could tell you what causes it or how to fix it, but all I can
say is that I had the same (or similar) problem on a Compaq 486-33 with
OS/2 2.1 and Windows 3.1 configured a dual-boot. Some, but not all MS
applications had no drive list in their open dialogs.

I'm not sure what happened to make it go away. It is a conference room
PC and gets reconfigured frequently. Problem was there for quite a
while then at some point it just disappeared. So I can't help, but I
can tell you that you're not crazy.

Terry A. Moore | "I believe OS/2 is destined to be the
Sr. I/S Tech Specialist | most important operating system, and
The Timken Co. | possibly program, of all time" | Bill Gates


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 15:18:51 -0500
From: Robert Bononno <>
Subject: Help with command line PPP connection (TCP/IP not IAK)

Can anyone help me troubleshoot a PPP command line dial up to my
school's server. They are being really obtuse about not supporting OS/2
even though I think the problem is almost solved. Scenario is as

Warp fullpack with TCP/IP v.2.0 (latest CSDs applied--have been running
SLIP for 1.5 years without any problems but provider is switching to

Have installed latest copy of PPP.ZIP

I run the following from the command line:

ppp com2 57600 connect "slattach -f ppp.rsp CONNECT" +ua pap.cfg rtscts

I have tweaked the response file and it now works. I seem to be able to
connect and PPP is apparently up. I can ping the annnex server most of
the time but I cannot telnet. None of my applications can find the
network. I read that it was important to put a HOSTNAME=xxxxxx line in
my config.sys, which I did. But the sysadmin says that their hostname
is not, as I was told it is. I'm not sure this is the problem,

Here is a section of the log from the last session:

notice : OS/2 ppp 2.00 Revision: 1.12 started by OS/2, pid 27
info :Using interface ppp0
info : Setting line characteristics
info : Setting com port baud rate to 57600
notice : Linking: ppp0 <--> com2
info : Connecting with <slattach -f ppp.rsp CONNECT>
info : Connector completed...
info : Remote message:
info : [io_event] Unsupported protocol (802b) received.
notice : ipcp_up: local IP address
notice :ipcp_up: remote IP address
notice : VJ TCP headercompression enabled info : Terminating link.
notice : lcp_down: Connection terminated.

I termated session with a control break. I see there is an "Unsupported
protocol above. Any idea what it is?

Any help with this would be appreciated. By the way, I know the host
side works because I can dial in to it via PPP from my Mac.

Robert Bononno /// Techline
CIS 73670,1570


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 15:44:10 EST
From: Bob Babcock <>
Subject: Re: Help with command line PPP connection (TCP/IP not IAK)

> I can ping the annnex server most of the time but I cannot telnet.
>None of my applications can find the network.

Ping is an application, and it finds the network. Perhaps the problem
is with routing. Can you telnet to the server (even if it won't let
you log in after connecting)? Most places you want to talk to may be
on the other side of a router. Do you have a RESOLV file containing
your domain name and nameserver ip address?

> I read that it was important to put a HOSTNAME=xxxxxx line in my
>config.sys, which I did. But the sysadmin says that their hostname is
>not, as I was told it is.

The magic SET HOSTNAME=xxx specifies the name of your machine. It's
value is unimportant, but I wouldn't set it equal to the name of
another machine I wanted to connect with. I know some people have
claimed that defining HOSTNAME prevented some delays or other problems,
but as I recall, all it did for me was to stop a message that hostname
couldn't be determined. Your mail header says your host is, in which case your domain would be

> I see there is an "Unsupported protocol above. Any idea what it is?

It looks like your response file sends one extra line after entering
PPP mode. That's probably harmless.


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 22:42:38 EST
From: "Murray M. Cooper" <>
Subject: Re: Help with command line PPP connection (TCP/IP not IAK)

** from Robert Bononno <bon...@ACF2.NYU.EDU> 11/29/95 3:18pm -0500
> ppp com2 57600 connect "slattach -f ppp.rsp CONNECT" +ua pap.cfg rtscts
> info : [io_event] Unsupported protocol (802b) received.
> notice : ipcp_up: local IP address
> notice :ipcp_up: remote IP address
> notice : VJ TCP headercompression enabled info : Terminating link.
> notice : lcp_down: Connection terminated.
> I termated session with a control break. I see there is an "Unsupported
> protocol above. Any idea what it is?

I see that you are requesting PAP authentication. Are you sure that is
the authentication protocol your provider is using? They might be using
CHAP or a variant of PAP called, I think, Shiva-PAP or something like

First check to make sure your provider requires authentication. If they
don't then don't use it. (This can cause problems like what you are

If your provider requires authentication, find out which protocol they
are using. IAK support PAP and CHAP but not Shiva-PAP.

Also, if your provider requires authentication, find out if you need to
authenticate before or after your logon sequence. (This may in fact be
your problem.)

I'm 88.763% sure your problem is with authentication protocol.

If you need more help, post the above information when you get it and
someone here should be able to help.



Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 08:13:48 -0600
From: Jerome Knapp <>
Subject: need AST ADVANTAGE! Card info

I have an old AST Advantage! multifunction card that I would
like to make use of. Would someone have the
jumper/dip-switch/connector info and care to share it with me? Or,
alternately, could someone point me to AST's home page or bulletin

Thanks Very Much,
Jerome Knapp


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #181

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