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Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #175

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Info-IBMPC Digest

Nov 29, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/29/95
Info-IBMPC Digest Wed, 29 Nov 95 Volume 95 : Issue 175

Today's Editor:
Gregory Hicks - San Jose, CA <>

Today's Topics:
Re: How To Add a CD-ROM to Drives Folder?
Millisecond timing under OS/2 (4 msgs)
Re: NEWSRUN bug 1.12o
Re: Address for Updates and Explorer (2 msgs)
Problems with WFWG (4 msgs)
Solution to some Win-OS2 related problems
Warp Connect ?? (2 msgs)
Warp Connect Install doesn't work w/par to SCSI adapter (2 msgs)
Re: Web Explorer writing to c:\tmp?
Re: WFW 3.11 Workstation (3 msgs)

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Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 09:22:00 +0100
From: Nicolas Wagrez <>
Subject: Re: How To Add a CD-ROM to Drives Folder?

> From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <>
> I have lost my CD-ROM icon in my drives folder -- how can I add
> one manually now? Thanks, -turgut
You cannot, since it is the driver's responsibility to register its
device at boot time. If no device is registered then either you have no
driver or it did not detect the CD-ROM drive. Look for a hardware

Team OS/2 France


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 15:50:41 +1300
From: simon horsburgh <>
Subject: Millisecond timing under OS/2

Hi all!

I'm pretty new to programming stuff, so excuse any ignorance on my part
straight off. For my thesis I need a program to record reaction times
to 1 millisecond accuracy in Turbo Pascal. I have timing routines
which will do this, but I remember hearing somewhere that because OS/2
is a multitasking system, getting reliable recordings to the accuracy I
require is not likely to happen. Is this true? I would *definitely*
prefer to run my experiments under OS/2, rather than MS-DOS!!!

BTW The timing routines work by hooking onto INT 08 and INT 09.



Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 23:28:35 -0500
From: Mustafa Soysal MS57 <>
Subject: Re: Millisecond timing under OS/2

simon horsburgh <s.hor...@PSYC.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ> wrote:

>on my part straight off. For my thesis I need a program to record
>reaction times to 1 millisecond accuracy in Turbo Pascal. I have

use hardware to measure the interval. Pick up the result with your
program. Check out your physics labratory. There is uaually stuff
that you can set up over the HP GPIB or IEEE interface to do this kind
of thing accurately. (Those are measurement device networks that enable
your PC to talk to them - the measurements would be done by the
instruments without the active involment of your PC)

>timing routines which will do this, but I remember hearing somewhere

They will be unrealiable even under DOS. You will have no idea what is
going on in the backgrund, and how much delay kicked in. Unles you
want to be an embedded systems programming professional, you got no
chance whatsoever in doing an accurate job.

>that because OS/2 is a multitasking system, getting reliable
>recordings to the accuracy I require is not likely to happen. Is this
>true? I would *definitely* prefer to run my experiments under OS/2,
>rather than MS-DOS!!!
>BTW The timing routines work by hooking onto INT 08 and INT 09.

Interrupt latency can be up to 4 msec under OS/2 I heard by rumours.
There seems to be no official documents on that. Furthermore, it will
even depend on the video card you are using, as a blessing of

However, supposedly there is a special driver allowing finer
resolutions, for example for profiling program execution. You probably
have to signup for OS/2 developers program, and buy the tools

I think the Physics lab would have the gear necessary, and you can use
OS/2 to talk to the instruments and pick up the results of the
experiment. I am sure their lab person would be able to give you a
presentation on how they do it.


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 12:30:29 +0100
From: Nicolas Wagrez <>
Subject: Re: Millisecond timing under OS/2

> going on in the backgrund, and how much delay kicked in. Unles you want
> to be an embedded systems programming professional, you got no chance
> whatsoever in doing an accurate job.

You can use timers provided by the OS.

> >that because OS/2 is a multitasking system, getting reliable
> >recordings to the accuracy I require is not likely to happen. Is this

The fact that OS/2 is multitasking does not affect that point at all.

> Interrupt latency can be up to 4 msec under OS/2 I heard by rumours.

4ms? 400us is the MAX interrupt latency time that you can get on OS/2,
even on slow PCs.

> However, supposedly there is a special driver allowing finer
> resolutions, for example for profiling program execution. You probably
> have to signup for OS/2 developers program, and buy the tools necessary.

get Watcom 10.5. It is cheap and comes with an OS/2 native High
Resolution Timer driver which uses the real time clock I believe. I do
not think that you need to signup for the Developper Connection for
OS/2 though.

Of course, the timer is programmed in C but you may hook to it in
Pascal I suppose. According to Watcom, the accuracy is on the order of
840 nanoseconds.

Team OS/2 France


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 08:41:28 EDT
From: "Kevin Royalty" <>
Subject: Re: Millisecond timing under OS/2

It is true that your routines won't be accurate, unless you obtain
special add-ons to OS/2 that allow accurate timing for events. There
are add-ons available from Indelible Blue or OS/2 Express for shop
floor automation that include these routines. I also believe that
there are ads in OS/2 Magazine for this kind of add-on as well.

Kevin Royalty, Certified OS/2 Engineer, Consultant, Founder & President
of the Team OS/2 Cincinnati Users Group, Asst-Sysop GEnie's OS/2 RT,


Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 17:04:17 -0500
Subject: Re: NEWSRUN bug 1.12o

"Bob Dodd" <bob...@ehwhat.sheperd.COM> wrote:
> Apologies. The following dialog indicates that I had tested the "p"
> release. I hadn't. I had to revert to the "n" RNEWS as I'm getting
> stack overflows with the 'p' code. It appears (guess in progress) that
> the changes in ACTIVE file handling in RNEWS.COM have used more RAM in
> the single 64kb segment allocated, as the spawn of COMPRESS blows up
> with "p", but not with "n" (R6000 - Stack Overflow). This is with the
> build from Clarkson.

No, rnews doesn't load the active file, it can't, since I allocate
memory outside the 64K stack for active file entries. Funny, I thought
I had made that a .EXE file again anyway.

You should be able to move back to the 1.12n rnews and use the 1.12p

> (The original problem with NEWSRUN remains.)
> :>> In processing a reasonably large news feed, we've encountered
> :>>problems again and again with general protection faults when the
> :>>history.dir file exceeds 64k.
> :>>
> :>> That 64k number sounds suspiciously like a problem caused when
> :>> converting from a .com (everything in one 64k segment) to a .exe
> :>> program (multiple segments). A two-byte pointer that was valid in a
> :>>com program might require a double-word in an exe.

I've now built a large history file and I'm going to be testing it.
I've already found one problem (the bad news group fix to 1.12o for
1.12p was incomplete), and I also need to fix the limit of simple news
group names being 18 bytes.

I also am looking at the truncation of the active file. It sounds like
entire trees are being lopped off.
Drew Derbyshire UUPC/extended e-mail:
Telephone: 617-279-9712


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 00:15:14 +0500
From: Rich Jacox <>
Subject: Re: Address for Updates and Explorer

| What is the current address to point to for updates and the Explorer?
| Any other particular FAQ's about new Internet connections I need to know?
|If I have any problems I'll list them specifically, I'd just like some
|advance warning first :)
|Allen Johnson

In the parameters section of the "RSU" applet, enter:

UPDATE.exe /h


Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 23:35:29 EST
From: "Murray M. Cooper" <>
Subject: Re: Address for Updates and Explorer

** Reply to note from Allen Johnson <ajoh...@CAMEL.CAMPBELL.EDU>

> What is the current address to point to for updates and the Explorer?


Updates etc. for IAK are available by anonymous ftp from:



Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 11:55:00 EST
From: "Tran, Quang" <>
Subject: Problems with WFWG

Hi folks. I have 486 DX4 100 with 8 Mb RAM, STB Lightspeed VLB video
card and 850 MB WD hard drive running WFWG 3.11 and today for the third
time it just kick me out of windows and the error message saying that
it can not read file. Does anyone knows how can I fix it?
I tried to defrag and recreated new swap file (permanent) but to no
avail. TIA.

Quang Tran


Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 18:58:49 -0800
From: John Renna <>
Subject: Re: Problems with WFWG

I am assuming you have the following in your autoexec.bat


and in your config.sys


John Renna
Business Computing Consultant
VOICE (714) 730-6517
FAX (714) 573-2909


Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 19:51:23 -0500
From: "William E. Hanson" <>
Subject: Re: Problems with WFWG

In a message from Wuang Tran dated 95-11-28 13:34:50 EST

>Hi folks. I have 486 DX4 100 with 8 Mb RAM, STB Lightspeed VLB video card
>read file. Does anyone knows how can I fix it? I tried to
>defrag and recreated new swap file (permanent) but to no avail. TIA.

This may not be your problem, but you might run a virus scan to see if
you have a virus on your hard drive. We had a problem similar to this
on two different computers running WFWG and they both had a virus. You
never know.


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 11:46:38 +0200
From: shef <>
Subject: Re: Problems with WFWG

It could also be a corrupt WIN386.EXE file...



Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 00:29:02 -0400
From: John Heiden <>
Subject: Solution to some Win-OS2 related problems

According to the latest issue of PC Magazine, when Intel created the
new generation of Pentiums, they were searching for a way to get the
DOS boxes faster access to the CPU. As such, Intel created a faster
method for switching to the DOS boxes.

Unfortunately, this new method is not 100% compatible with the old
method. As such, it can cause problems, when your Pentium switches
modes. (Protected to real mode, as one example.)

PC Magazine suggested turning this option off, and using the old
method, which is still there. You just have to explicitly tell your
Pentium this.

You can accomplish this by placing "VME=NO" at the bottom of your OS/2
config.sys file, and then rebooting.

They claim that trap 000e's and sys3175's and a few others can be
greatly reduced or eliminated.

One of the keys, is to check the date on your Pentium. IF it was
manufactured since about April/May/June of 1994, you will probably
benefit from this. If your Pentium was made before this, I imagine
this statement will confuse your CPU, but PC Magazine doesn't mention

And yes, evidently this problem is a Pentium problem, NOT an OS/2

Anyway, thought some people might find this useful.

John Heiden Dept. of Computer Services
JHE...@Uoft02.UTOLEDO.EDU The University of Toledo
JHE...@Uoft02.BITNET Toledo, Ohio U.S.A.


Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 15:34:38 EST
From: Ken Diehl <>
Subject: Warp Connect ??

Thanks to all that responded to my call for help regarding HD problems.

Since I decided to reinstall I thought I'd switch to warp connect since
it has TCPIP 3.0 thinking it would be better integrated - and it's main
thing I'm really interested in at this point. The installation went
just fine. The only problem is I'm not connected to anything - almost.
I can ping a host and I have connected to a unix box on our subnet but
that's it. LPR and FTP won't work. TN 3270 hangs. I suspect there is
something simple in the routing etc., I'm not seeing. I've double
checked the addresses. My NIC seems to be set up correctly - it was
recognized on installation (Intel ether express 16). Has anybody had
any experience with Connect using tcpip over their network at a
university? This should be simple and it was working fine (almost)
with tcpip 2.0 and warp. Also I now seem to have netbios and netbeui
installed. Is this really necessary?

PS. I downloaded fixpack 10 on another machine and would like to
transfer over except that I can't *connect* to the other machine @#$%!


Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 13:14:19 EST
From: Ken Diehl <>
Subject: Re: Warp Connect ??

Thanks to all those who offered suggestions on my hang problem with
Connect. I thought I'd post the solution I literally stumbled on out
of desperation since it might help others.

Several months ago I sent a defect report ot IBM for an NFS problem I
was having. Among other things that were suggested, one was to add the
following statement to the ifconfig statement in the mptn\bin\setup.cmd

sendbuf 4096 recvbuf 4096 segsize 1024

I didn't use it for my NFS problem but it did solve my telnet, lpr,
etc. hangs! Things seem to be working fine now. Don't know if this is
unique to the EtherExpress 16 card, our network, or both.

I'm not looking forward to reinstalling NFS but here goes ...

By the way, has anyone else had trouble with NR2 shutting down on

Ken Diehl
Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Va 24060
Voice: (540) 231-7937
FAX: (540) 231-3199


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 12:16:00GMT
From: Keith Bennett <>
Subject: Warp Connect Install doesn't work w/par to SCSI adapter

I am trying to install Warp Connect on a 486 using an external NEC 3x
CD drive and the MiniSCSI EPP APA 358 Parallel to SCSI converter.

I thought I could just copy the t358scsi.add file to installation disk
#1, but when I deleted a couple of files to make room for it, the
installation complained about them.

I'm hoping to use the 358 to install OS/2 on some machines that do not
have CD ROM drives. Is this possible?

Is there someplace I can find the info on this? The manual says that
the diskette will have a file named OS2.FAQ but it is not on my

Thanks for any help.

Keith Bennett Bennett Business Solutions, Inc.
Silver Spring, MD USA OS/2 & DOS Software Development (301) 871-7696


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 08:43:29 EDT
From: "Kevin Royalty" <>
Subject: Re: Warp Connect Install doesn't work w/par to SCSI adapter

One hint - don't delete any of the files with IBM in the name. You
also need to REM out the drivers in CONFIG.SYS of Disk 1 you deleted
off of the disk. Also, add the line to support your T358SCSI.ADD and
also add the SET COPYFROMFLOPPY=1 line as well.

Try again and let us know!

Kevin Royalty, Certified OS/2 Engineer, Consultant, Founder & President
of the Team OS/2 Cincinnati Users Group, Asst-Sysop GEnie's OS/2 RT,


Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 15:24:37 GMT
From: Netnews Server <>
Subject: Re: Web Explorer writing to c:\tmp?

In <48h1g8$>, (John Jacob) writes:
>I have just installed WebX 1.03. Everything I look at is written
>to my tmp directory. Is turning caching off the only way to avoid
>this annoyance?

If you are using c:\tmp as a work area, then you might want a different
\tmp directory. There should be one in your tcpip folder. If you
don't have one then you should create it and fix the TMP system
variable in your config.sys.

SET TMP=c:\tcpip\tmp

You probably know that sometimes WE leaves files hanging around so you
should check the \tmp folder once in a while and delete all the files



Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 08:21:20 EST
From: Roger Denat <>
Subject: Re: WFW 3.11 Workstation

--- Begin Included Message ---

I'm trying to help the local Humane Society by installing an old ST-506
hard drive (20M) in a workstation on a WFW network. The machine is a
386SX, with 2M RAM, and a hercules monochrome display (was an MDA till
I started this). The machine previously booted from a floppy as do the
other 3 workstations (note: I realise this is a peer to peer network,
but until now only one machine acted as a "file server")

* remainder of message deleted*

--- End Included Message ---


I don't think WFW will run in 2M RAM, especially when running the
network apps. However, you might try to maximize available memory and
system resources by trying some combination of the following:

1) disabling SMARTDRV;

2) not loading drivers and TSRs which are not essential in CONFIG.SYS

3) stripping out unnecessary drivers and fonts in WFW; and

4) not loading other things like wallpaper, clocks, screen savers, etc.

Roger J. Denat
Software Engineer

Voice: (413) 494-6772
S-Mail: Lockheed Martin Defense Systems
100 Plastics Ave, Pittsfield, MA 01201

* The opinions stated herein are entirely my own,
and I reserve the right to deny I ever said them. *


Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 15:12:11 -0500
From: Jim Meagher <>
Subject: Re: WFW 3.11 Workstation


You probably need a monochrome .RLE file for the windows logo. WIN.COM
is just a boot loader plus the windows logo file. Your error is
probably due to the color logo and monochrome adapter combination BUT
this is all probably a moot point.....

A quick peek at the WFW User's Guide (hint hint ;-} ) shows that WFW
needs a minimum of 3 Meg of RAM to operate on a network.

Jim Meagher

Micro Solutions Consulting Programming, Training, Installation,
PO Box 1129 Network Administration and Service
Salisbury, MD 21802-1129 410-543-8996


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 01:19:00 EST
From: "Glen L. Bowess" <>
Subject: Re: WFW 3.11 Workstation

At 15:12 28/11/95 -0500, Jim Meagher wrote:

>You probably need a monochrome .RLE file for the windows logo. WIN.COM is
>just a boot loader plus the windows logo file. Your error is probably due
>to the color logo and monochrome adapter combination BUT this is all
>probably a moot point.....

Thanks for the advice Jim. I got the machine running (temporarily) by
installing directly from the floppies. However that's a lot of disk
real estate for such a small hard drive. Now that you bring this up I
remember reading somewhere that you can build your own and add
your own logo etc... maybe I'll have a look at the users guide :)

>A quick peek at the WFW User's Guide (hint hint ;-} ) shows that WFW needs
>a minimum of 3 Meg of RAM to operate on a network.

Can't always trust those things... when we set this network up the plan
was to run Q&A for DOS on the three workstations. The workstations all
(until now) boot and load the Windows network from floppies and never
actually run Windows. One 486DX/33 acts as file server and does run

The workstations perform quite well in DOS and really the extra meg of
RAM isn't used, except for the high memory area. Try to run Windows

Thanks again

Glen L. Bowes -
Bowes Computer Service


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V95 #175

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