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Markus H T Maki

Apr 20, 1994, 12:21:19 PM4/20/94

: I think you can do rather fine routines on a 386DX-40, so if you need a
: VLB66, which ISN'T common for most PC-"underdeveloped" countries, maybe
: 10% of the total PCs here, it shows you/they're not a good coder in my
: opinion. Of course design/graphics/music are equally necessary, but I am
: into the coding thing, thats why I care.

true, you can do fine routines with 386DX-40, but atleast FC will use
486/66 VLB to it's FULL potential. You can't do anything REALLY
spectacular on 386. What makes you a bad coder if you use 66VLB to its
extents? Believe me, we don't want to support bad coding.
Then, well, Finland is not undeveloped country (nor is Austria), but
here most new computers NOW are 486/33 or better with VLB. And there are
many faster CPUs than 486/66 nowadays so the prices of 66MHz 486
processors will drop in the 4 months before ASM94.
Why support OLD technology?
(no, I don't have a 486/66 yet, but I will buy one asap)

- Markus Maki (Henchman /FC)


Apr 20, 1994, 11:25:56 AM4/20/94

Well, Maki, I was talking about NEW routines, and running even on a slow
computer, rather than copies :-0

I think you can do rather fine routines on a 386DX-40, so if you need a
VLB66, which ISN'T common for most PC-"underdeveloped" countries, maybe
10% of the total PCs here, it shows you/they're not a good coder in my
opinion. Of course design/graphics/music are equally necessary, but I am
into the coding thing, thats why I care.

See ya, The Faker


Apr 21, 1994, 2:45:11 AM4/21/94
> I think you can do rather fine routines on a 386DX-40, so if you need a
> VLB66, which ISN'T common for most PC-"underdeveloped" countries, maybe
> 10% of the total PCs here, it shows you/they're not a good coder in my
> opinion. Of course design/graphics/music are equally necessary, but I am
> into the coding thing, thats why I care.
well, when i think of your newest routines... on 386/40 ????

> See ya, The Faker
hey, drop me a mail, your adress bounces...


Dhr Roland van Oorschot

Apr 21, 1994, 3:35:06 AM4/21/94

Were does it stop then?
If it goes on like this, the future demos will support pentium only (on run
decently on a pentium)!
I think the limit MUST be drawn by a 486DX33 for now and in the near future.
If your demo runs smooth on a 486DX2-66 and not on a 486DX33 i advise you
to quit coding and learn to optimize (or learn assembly ;) ).

You know that this is possible (smooth code on slow computers), just take
a look at Tran's releases, Show from Majic 12 and the releases from

BTW..there are too many BAD demogroups nowadays.
It seems that everybody can make vectors on a black background or a lame
3d's nice to show off at school, but we had that years ago
(even on the c-64).
NO! fellow demofreaks....the next step in demo-making is design, and that
is a bit harder than coding....

() Name : Roland van Oorschot SnailMail : Acaciastraat 29bis
{ } A.k.a.: Scout/Success PC 3551BE Utrecht
UU Email : Holland
II Phone : +31-(0)30-432509

Germans D

Apr 21, 1994, 4:07:01 AM4/21/94
to (Dhr Roland van Oorschot) writes:
: Were does it stop then?

: If it goes on like this, the future demos will support pentium only (on run
: decently on a pentium)!
: I think the limit MUST be drawn by a 486DX33 for now and in the near future.
: If your demo runs smooth on a 486DX2-66 and not on a 486DX33 i advise you
: to quit coding and learn to optimize (or learn assembly ;) ).
: You know that this is possible (smooth code on slow computers), just take
: a look at Tran's releases, Show from Majic 12 and the releases from
: Surprise!Productions.
: BTW..there are too many BAD demogroups nowadays.
: It seems that everybody can make vectors on a black background or a lame
: 3d's nice to show off at school, but we had that years ago
: (even on the c-64).
: NO! fellow demofreaks....the next step in demo-making is design, and that
: is a bit harder than coding....

Daar had je het zondag ook over. (You were talking about that sunday too).

Yes. Design is very important and it would be nice to see how the demo-scene
develops. I have a few ideas on the upcoming developments that would be nice
to discuss here:

- When will the first demo come out with a theme / short story ?? People were
writing things on rocks in the stone age (<<<< BC), but short stories and
poetry came much later (<< BC).

- Should we (demofreaks) consider finding out how the human brain with all
its sensory input works to psychologize demos (the eternal question: why
is a tophit a tophit and how can we make one) or should we stay with:
Look what I did with my computer ? I think demo's have to be products of
entertainment, also for non-demo people (people who don't know that it's
impossible to raytrace realtime, people who don't know that it's very good
to show Glenzvectorcubes at 50fps on a 386-25).

Let's make future !

(any opinions ??)


Simm / DVision

. - -- ---++==== I knew this was a one-way ticket ====++--- -- - .
(The Abyss)

Phil Carlisle

Apr 22, 1994, 2:06:18 PM4/22/94
>Yes. Design is very important and it would be nice to see how the demo-scene
>develops. I have a few ideas on the upcoming developments that would be nice
>to discuss here:
> - When will the first demo come out with a theme / short story ?? People were
> writing things on rocks in the stone age (<<<< BC), but short stories and
> poetry came much later (<< BC).

Definately... and soon... :) (asm 94 :))

Phil. (aka zoombapup // CodeX)

| Phil Carlisle - Hull,England...... |
| aka zoombapup // codex espr development, third eye productions... |

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