I wanted to write this HOWTO in order to make things easier to
How to Compile your own HP49G ROM from the LGPL CAS Release
Compiling the sources of this ROM will give you the lastest available
ROM for the HP49G (1.24 version)
The VERSION command returns:
Version HP49-C
Revision #1.24
Copyright HP 2003
The VER command returns:
Let's start with it:
Download the Casrelease.zip file from
Download the Cygwin Linux environment installer from
The default packages to install are correct, but you also need to
select the following packages under the Devel folder:
GCC: GCC C Compiler
GCC-G++ GCC C++ Compiler
MAKE: The GNU version of the 'Make' utility
FLEX: A fast lexical analyzer generator
Extract the casrelease.zip file into the C:\Cygwin\home\CAS folder for
Copy the files from C:\Cygwin\home\CAS\Tools into the folder
C:\Cygwin\Bin folder.
Start Cygwin and type:
cd /home/CAS/ROM
(if anything goes wrong type "make clean" and type "make" again)
Exit Cygwin (type logout)
You got the Compiled ROM in the C:\Cygwin\home\CAS\ROM folder
This are the files you need:
- Vger.flash: Use this file with the connectivity kit, or FDP to
upgrade your HP49G calculator
- rom.e49: the emu48 style file (HP4xG Emulator)
- rom.bin: the binary of the file. You can use it to directly burn a
flash rom with a rom programmer (Normally you don't
need this file)
Happy compiling!
An other Arnaud
"Arnaud Amiel" <aam...@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<pYgcc.30$%o4.12@newsfe1-win>...
> How to Compile your own HP49G ROM from the LGPL CAS Release
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Compiling the sources of this ROM will give you the lastest available
> ROM for the HP49G (1.24 version)
> iling!
You missed a very important step:
You'll have to install the HPTOOLS 3.0.8 (available on my site or
hpcalc) in order to compile the CAS and link it with HP binary objects..
The license is very specific on this matter:
You can't re-distribute binary image...
The necessary hptools is included in Parisse distribution.
You must however include the tools directory in your computers path or
maybe copy the files to the windows or system32 directory.
Jean-Yves Avenard <m...@privacy.net> wrote in message news:<c4u13u$2iklj0$1...@ID-177907.news.uni-berlin.de>...
Thanks for the instructions above.
The other Arnaud
This information was noticed on Japanese HPcalc forum.
Kenji Nagahama
Yokohama, Japan
John Torset <> wrote in message news:<5l6570t2hp6sqlgn6...@4ax.com>...
>Arnaud Amiel wrote:
Yes you can.
Taken from The LGPL license from 1. february 1999. Version 2.
" 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
medium customarily used for software interchange.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code. "
Part of the 'licence' for CASrelease states:
List of exception files from the ROM/CAS and ROM/CAS2 directories
(These files are not released under the LGPL license).
- directory ROM/CAS
<<<< List of files....................................
- directory ROM/CAS2
<<<< List of files....................................
According to LGPL it is not possible to distribute anything as not
LGPL as long as thoose files mentioned are needed to compile any
portion of a program released under LGPL.
1. Eighter are the whole resulting binaries + sources of the compiled
source released as LGPL or
2. The sources do not have the right to be distributed under the LGPL
So which option is the correct option here?