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CS-Doom 64: What's the status?

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Oct 6, 2004, 2:24:22 PM10/6/04
Hi Everyone,

This is directed towards Rick / Wildstar but it certainly applies to
anyone else involved....months after the fact, where do we stand today
with the CS-Doom 64 project? What's the progress so far? What's
working? What's finish? What still needs to be done? Are all the
people needed to make this project happen in place or are there still

Why is it that whenever I ask Rick as to the status of the project, he
always seems to respond with the following excuses:

"I'm waiting on XXXX hardware to be delivered"

"There's some personal issues I have to deal with"

"I'm not getting paid for this so if you want it done, pay me a year's

"Look!!! What's that behind you!?!" darts away as I look back.

Personally, I've always had my doubts but if this is going to happen,
let's see where things stand today. Otherwise, let's "fess up" to the
failure and move on.


Rick Balkins

Oct 6, 2004, 9:48:23 PM10/6/04

"mikec" <> wrote in message

> Hi Everyone,
> This is directed towards Rick / Wildstar but it certainly applies to
> anyone else involved....months after the fact, where do we stand today
> with the CS-Doom 64 project? What's the progress so far? What's
> working? What's finish? What still needs to be done? Are all the
> people needed to make this project happen in place or are there still
> gaps.

Alright, you want some answers - I'll put it in the end of the message.

> Why is it that whenever I ask Rick as to the status of the project, he
> always seems to respond with the following excuses:

<<< snip >>>

Because I don't want to answer to you with your past record of exaggerating
what I say or whatever to make me spend time on you and debating this.

Now to give you a little bit of info. I can not state alot right now but is
to be worked out is the "re-writing/modding" the render engine for the
VIC-II. Right now, there is alot of work in the core to be worked out. It is
a difficult project as is but I want to keep the reporting limited to those
like Robert Bernardo. I already solved the SuperCPU issue for the meantime
but ultimately I will require testing with PAL but I don't have a PAL C-128D
so some time during this project HAS to be dedicated to assisting in
"SuperCPU" emulation via VICE but I personally don't want to go into it
discussing it but you force my hand right. I hope that at some point after
getting some work on that done - that others can carry on and work it the
rest of the way to perfect the compatibility. This is newly demanded so I
have to work with 2 projects subsequently. Not to mention the needs for
SuperCPU emulation. I was hoping to not make ANY announcements on this side
of the picture since NOW you will be pesturing me on both. The updates on
both projects are going to be between me and Robert Bernardo, Jim Brain and
those specifically involved in the projects.

I was giving you an excuse to get you to go away. Since you are incredibly
at me. I guess I'll mention them to you to but I want to work with these
projects without you "pesturing" me. There is enough people to ask as is. I
understand the points from them but you tend to get me in a unhappy mood.
The pessimism from you simply bothers me. Do you understand ????

I didn't take the project on to think it is cakewalk to do. I don't need
someone telling people its going to fail on and on and on. Does it help me
and keep me "motivated". No. Not really helping, man. But I know there is a
Speccy version but I want to make this be a bit better than the Speccy
version. So this would mean that I will be getting more work with CS-Doom 64
and hopefully even have a SuperCPU / 65c816 supporting VICE sometime.

Jim Brain

Oct 7, 2004, 12:08:03 AM10/7/04
Rick Balkins wrote:
> "mikec" <> wrote in message
>>Hi Everyone,
>>This is directed towards Rick / Wildstar but it certainly applies to
>>anyone else involved....months after the fact, where do we stand today
>>with the CS-Doom 64 project? What's the progress so far? What's
>>working? What's finish? What still needs to be done? Are all the
>>people needed to make this project happen in place or are there still

I'm not sure if the #c64friends logs were already closed last weekend
when the topic came up, but I and Rick chatted about this.

It's a neat idea, to have DOOM on the 64
It's a lot of work.
Rick wants to do it.
If it's possible at all, it's only possible with a SuperCPU.

I think everyone can agree on that, maybe the last one is a sbuject of
debate, but for now, assume that's agreed on.

Since Rick's idea is to implement DOOM on SuperCPU equipped Rick needs a
good development platform to write his game on.

I've found that, unless you're a development purist, VICE makes an
excellent development platform.

Sadly, VICE does not have SuperCPU emulation, so I suggested Rick give a
try at adding support for SuperCPU into VICE.

A couple reasons:

DOOM code is in C, and it's pretty gnarly C at that, so getting more
exposure with some complex C code (i.e. VICE) won't hurt.

VICE with SuperCPU emulation would provide an easier way to test out theory.

VICE with SuperCPU would benefit a great number of people, regardless of
the outcome of CS DOOM 64.

In the end, I noted to Rick that he's got too many irons in the fire.
CSDOOM, an OS, C1 stuff, etc, etc. As hard as it is, he needs to pick 1
or two projects, and work on them. He's young, energetic, but
overcommitted, and some of these concepts are deceptively hard.

As well, the lack of progress on projects generates ill-will in this
group. So, that's all the more reason to concentrate on some stepping
stone projects and deliver some stuff.

In some respects, I wish I had the enthusiasm and the "never say die"
attitude he has, but I also remember taking quite a bit of heat for that
naive attitude... I also remember over-promising and under-deluvering,
and the nasty effect that has on people who place trust in the project
in question. Been there, done that, learned from it, won't do it again.

In the end, it's up to Rick to commit to one or two of his interests and
work didligently on delivering something.


Jim Brain, Brain Innovations
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!

Rick Balkins

Oct 7, 2004, 1:07:38 AM10/7/04
I have the logs to note. I was in turn - hesitant in "cancelling" CS-Doom 64
so I decide to not "cancel" the project "per se" but do some work to get
something that people can really use in this scene.

I am not "directly" worrying about absolute 100% compatibility of the
opcodes upfront because that is what a "community" of developers are here.
In fact it gets us one step closer to a top-quality SNES emulation. It also
makes better technical use of the SuperCPU at hand. Which would then mean
later for me to be able to really help me in more ways. Now this isn't about
me alone in this picture but it will help CS-Doom 64's development and
testing so that I would have that fully ready for Allan Bairstow.

So to make it clear CS-Doom 64 is "NOT" cancelled. But development time
would be shared with the SuperCPU emulation in VICE. CS-Doom 64 is a project
which may or may not be possible to fully do but I am NOT quiting without
trying at least. I understand Doom is a REALLY gnarly program and is a
significant challenge as is FOR anyone.

The successful completion of SuperCPU emulation in VICE will provide
developers the capabilities of developing software that would take advantage
of the power of the SuperCPU. If I recall correctly, Mauriced even asked for
such. This also allows more developers to be able to develop and TEST for
SuperCPU equipped Commodore 64/128 with their preferred assortment of
development & testing tools. Please note that I am not intending for people
to use this and NOT get a SuperCPU which I would prefer people to get
sometime. I personally don't want this to be an attack on Maurice or to be
seen as such in ANY way.

Time will be focused on different elements but Hey, if I get SuperCPU
emulation working - I won't need a SuperCPU for the development if I get the
emulation down pretty solid.

If Maurice gets things together - I hope this will in turn benefit Maurice
by the purchase of the SuperCPU by users and even developers. Thus building
interest for SuperCPU and SuperCPU enhanced games or games empowered by the

Jim probably noticed that I have had some concerns about "outright"
cancelling CS-Doom 64.
This is something I want to address clearly to make sure rumors are kept
where they belong - NON-EXISTANT. CS-DOOM will not be cancelled at this
time. Development may be slown down or postponed at times but NOT cancelled.
I will only cancel after significant efforts.

It would be A) STUPID and B) COWARDOUS. If it doesn't work for me - it might
work for someone else. I will at least try. As for MikeC, I hope you
understand my point in the issue.

Let's put it like this - if I give up now - I be a fraud but would I be a
fraud if I tried at least to some significant level ???????

PS: Thanks Jim for your comments quoted below.

"Jim Brain" <> wrote in message

Rick Balkins

Oct 7, 2004, 1:12:37 AM10/7/04

"Rick Balkins" <> wrote in

>I have the logs to note. I was in turn - hesitant in "cancelling" CS-Doom
>64 so I decide to not "cancel" the project "per se" but do some work to get
>something that people can really use in this scene.
> I am not "directly" worrying about absolute 100% compatibility of the
> opcodes upfront because that is what a "community" of developers are here.
> In fact it gets us one step closer to a top-quality SNES emulation. It
> also
ERR!!! - suppose to be read as SuperCPU emulation not SNES emulation

Ryan Sherwood

Oct 7, 2004, 7:49:32 AM10/7/04
Rick Balkins wrote:

> I have the logs to note. I was in turn - hesitant in "cancelling" CS-Doom
> 64 so I decide to not "cancel" the project "per se" but do some work to
> get something that people can really use in this scene.

A suggestion: One of the rules of good English (and presumably other
languages) is that you do not use quotation marks around every other word.
It looks very silly.
- Ryan


Oct 7, 2004, 7:52:19 AM10/7/04
>>>>> "JB" == Jim Brain <> writes:

JB> In the end, I noted to Rick that he's got too many irons in the
JB> fire. CSDOOM, an OS, C1 stuff, etc, etc. As hard as it is, he
JB> needs to pick 1 or two projects, and work on them. He's young,
JB> energetic, but overcommitted, and some of these concepts are
JB> deceptively hard.

He's a completely unskilled programmer. He hasn't produced anything
ever, and all he ever does is write lots of incoherent posts while
coming up with excuses for not doing anything. He's like a kid saying
he's going to build an airplane, while not being able to fix a flat
tire on his bike. He's been posting for three years about all the
things he's going to do, and haven't done one single thing. Not very
surprising, considering that he doesn't know how to code.

"I noticed alot of LDA and STA and JSR usage." - Rick's amazing
analysis of my c1 boot code.

"Do you know what libraries are. I am sure it will be done
automagically. I can write simple LDA commands if I need to do some
LDA/STA stuff. I am using that nice CC65 package." - He's got tons
of experience with asm programming, as you can see.

"Well C/C++ handles this kind of stuff and is technically a
high-level compiling language as C/C++ source is mere ASCII text
files and can compiles. BASIC can technically do this if someone
ever expanded the language to do it. It is just a matter of building
a text statement + value contain to be parsed down into an ML
routine that does this. BASIC breaks text into token which are
linked to ML subroutines. Then pass stuff like text as value." -
He's got a firm grasp of compiler technology too.

"Yes, that is why I have planned this stuff in incremental steps. I
do understand there is alot of work to come. First I plan to build
the base then the CLI & 2d GUI and then the 3d GUI and later the
A.I./Interactive Logic system. I have to be scalable." - he also has
a plan for how to code his OS.

"Also there is only three projects that besides "games" that are
solidly committed projects: the OS+VR/3D GUI, HTML/BBS+Webserver +
client/user-end software, and a Hardware dongle card." - he's had
two years since he wrote this, so I'm sure we'll be seeing betas

"As in the other thread, this OS has to be built on a hardware that
is reconfigurable on the fly. That means the hardware may be
reconfigured at anytime by an app. In general, if hardware is
re-mapped to a different location, the tables containing the
information about where hardware is located would have to be
updated. This may be as simple as re-updating the Hardware tables
accordingly. Then you update the FPGAs. When the application needs
to re-access that hardware, the app can now go access the hardware
table and retrieve the required info so that the app can properly
access the hardware." - and here we get a platform independent OS
through the use of magic hardware tables.

Maybe we should set up a site with quotes that you could
vote on. Or not.

___ . . . . . + . . o
_|___|_ + . + . + . Per Olofsson, arkadspelare
o-o . . . o +
- + + .


Oct 7, 2004, 11:53:29 AM10/7/04
Hi Jim,

> In the end, I noted to Rick that he's got too many irons in the fire.
> CSDOOM, an OS, C1 stuff, etc, etc.

You've, obviously, been around the comp.sys.cbm community a lot longer
than I have but the one thing I've come to realize over the years is
that Rick has consistently misrepresented himself.

For example:

He pretended to be one of the key members of the C-One team and acted
like their spokesperson. This continued until Jens blasting him,
exposing him to be a fraud.

He pretended to be in the know and working with Tulip until Ruud
finally clarified the situation and exposed him as a fraud (again).

Now, we're doing it all over again with CS-Doom 64. To announce that
Rick is the programmer for his project, a guy with no track record to
speak of, is just ludicrous. To think he's going to be able to add
SuperCPU code into VICE is just absurd.

> the lack of progress on projects generates ill-will in this group.

Sorry I have to completely disagree with this statement. I think
what's generating ill-will is the failure to complete projects.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of people working on projects that are
just never completed.

The C-One is the perfect example of this. When I re-entered the CBM
scene a few years ago, it was news of the C-One that prompted me to do
so. To me, it was a very exciting project and it seemed to be moving
forward at a decent pace. Several years later, there's nothing to show
for it except a few motherboards that just don't work as advertised.

It's great to see projects like your "Virtual IEC Peripheral" but if
it's not made available to the general public in a reasonable amount
of time, what's the point?

Another example is the C=VGA adaptor project. From what I understand,
it's close to being finished but if we go another year without a
release, people are going to give up and walk away.

Tulip is in a dangerous position for the same reason. If we don't see
the C64DTV by the end of 2004, I think it's going to seriously hurt
them to the point where they should just shutdown the whole Commodore
thing and forget able it.

> it's up to Rick to commit to one or two of his interests and
> work didligently on delivering something.

LOL, Rick has never delivered on anything...not even a simple web site

I think it's up to us, as a community, to ferret out those who
misrepresent themselves in order to protect the community because its
people like Rick who hurt this community and create ill-will.


Rick Balkins

Oct 7, 2004, 12:05:29 PM10/7/04

"MagerValp" <> wrote in message

>>>>>> "JB" == Jim Brain <> writes:
> JB> In the end, I noted to Rick that he's got too many irons in the
> JB> fire. CSDOOM, an OS, C1 stuff, etc, etc. As hard as it is, he
> JB> needs to pick 1 or two projects, and work on them. He's young,
> JB> energetic, but overcommitted, and some of these concepts are
> JB> deceptively hard.
> He's a completely unskilled programmer. He hasn't produced anything
> ever, and all he ever does is write lots of incoherent posts while
> coming up with excuses for not doing anything. He's like a kid saying
> he's going to build an airplane, while not being able to fix a flat
> tire on his bike. He's been posting for three years about all the
> things he's going to do, and haven't done one single thing. Not very
> surprising, considering that he doesn't know how to code.

You don't get a degree in Microcomputer Programming and Networking from a
"real" existing college that is "accredited" by real accrediting agencies
and not know any programming. Now, DID it EVER occur to you that THAT may be
part of what has taken up my time as well.

Nope, it didn't occur to you. That is because I didn't TELL you. I don't
explain things to those who I simply don't want to talk about things in my
private life.

> "I noticed alot of LDA and STA and JSR usage." - Rick's amazing
> analysis of my c1 boot code.

You took it out of its context and if you ALWAYS read my sentences after
taking them out of its context - no wonder you can't understand anything
written. QUIT FUCKING DISSECTING THE SENTENCES. Learn English or Read it in
its FUCKING Entirety as it was written in.

> "Do you know what libraries are. I am sure it will be done
> automagically. I can write simple LDA commands if I need to do some
> LDA/STA stuff. I am using that nice CC65 package." - He's got tons
> of experience with asm programming, as you can see.

I was jokingly f*cking with that individual. Because the individual was an
annoyance to me.

> "Well C/C++ handles this kind of stuff and is technically a
> high-level compiling language as C/C++ source is mere ASCII text
> files and can compiles. BASIC can technically do this if someone
> ever expanded the language to do it. It is just a matter of building
> a text statement + value contain to be parsed down into an ML
> routine that does this. BASIC breaks text into token which are
> linked to ML subroutines. Then pass stuff like text as value." -
> He's got a firm grasp of compiler technology too.

tokens are represenative values to ML subroutines. Java compiles to
something called "byte-code" which is somewhat similar in base principle.
Um, you think I am going to type out a 700 pages NOVEL at 7 point font this
to explain EVERY little aspect. It was PURPOSELY written as so. Not going
into detail because that is what will take a FREAKING week solid to type out
to any real detail. Better yet, just buy "Compiler Design in C" by Allen I.

> "Yes, that is why I have planned this stuff in incremental steps. I
> do understand there is alot of work to come. First I plan to build
> the base then the CLI & 2d GUI and then the 3d GUI and later the
> A.I./Interactive Logic system. I have to be scalable." - he also has
> a plan for how to code his OS.
> "Also there is only three projects that besides "games" that are
> solidly committed projects: the OS+VR/3D GUI, HTML/BBS+Webserver +
> client/user-end software, and a Hardware dongle card." - he's had
> two years since he wrote this, so I'm sure we'll be seeing betas
> soon.

Solidly comitted - sort of at the time to do. Ever heard of committed
projects to be worked on in the future. These would be worked on but since
CS-Doom 64 - those 3 have been put on hold. Does this mean I have cancelled
them ? No. Only ones that I have gotten tired of working on because of
constant insult and in case of the C-One - a totally delayed project that is
NOT done enough to warrant writing the above projects as of YET. Meaning -
Jens is partially at fault. He doesn't provide the information at hand or
constantly changes things on it but don't provide any info. Makes it not
worth my time to deal with Jens.

> "As in the other thread, this OS has to be built on a hardware that
> is reconfigurable on the fly. That means the hardware may be
> reconfigured at anytime by an app. In general, if hardware is
> re-mapped to a different location, the tables containing the
> information about where hardware is located would have to be
> updated. This may be as simple as re-updating the Hardware tables
> accordingly. Then you update the FPGAs. When the application needs
> to re-access that hardware, the app can now go access the hardware
> table and retrieve the required info so that the app can properly
> access the hardware." - and here we get a platform independent OS
> through the use of magic hardware tables.

The tables have to be linked to hardware "description" files that would give
information on what drivers to use. Duh !!!! This is more like a "hardware"
database that is used as part of automatic driver setup routines. Think
REALLY hard, all this is being played off the events and such events is the
reconfiguration of the core from an app for example. How in the world for
Jesus sake are you going to at ALL be able to recofigure the 1K100 at will
in a multi-task environment ????? Without MAKING sure the OS is ready with
the needed drivers. Since a - disable old driver, setup for new driver,
recofigure the FPGA, Initiate the new driver.

I was speaking in generality and not in entire routines since at the time of
posting - the C-1 was being constantly redesigned and reworked on - over and
over and over.

Anders Carlsson

Oct 7, 2004, 12:21:54 PM10/7/04
"Rick Balkins" <> writes:

> You don't get a degree in Microcomputer Programming and Networking
> from a "real" existing college that is "accredited" by real accrediting
> agencies and not know any programming.

Does this degree compare to anything like BSc, MSc, Lic or higher?

Maybe it is as simple as you are devoted to your Commodore machines,
you have studied some programming and you desperately would like to
apply your skills onto the Commodore, but so far failed to find time
and methods to convert the theories into practical coding?

By the way, I believe the common plaintext way to stress words is to
use *asterisks* around words rather than "quotation marks" which I
personally use for words with a different meaning than they normally
have or words normally not recognized.

Thus, I could play Devil's advocate and read your message above as
the college is not real, but "real" and that it is not accredited
but "accredited" -- which makes me think it is a hoax and you paid
$500 to get a nice diploma right from a bubblejet printer.

Anders Carlsson

Rick Balkins

Oct 7, 2004, 2:16:25 PM10/7/04
I think the college is quite real and has a physical campus and has been
serving as an institution of education for over 40 years.

Anyway, you do learn programming. I think that from the part in the
which I'll quote:

"Maybe it is as simple as you are devoted to your Commodore machines,
you have studied some programming and you desperately would like to
apply your skills onto the Commodore, but so far failed to find time
and methods to convert the theories into practical coding?"

is pretty close for the time during the 2000-2004 period. It takes alot of
to do these and I am not releasing stuff for the educational use as it
matter here.

Getting slammed at doesn't make someone want to write code for these people.
In fact, it makes the person say "Fuck You! and why should I do this for
you". Ok, I am not using it in context against you Anders but just stating
how it makes me feel at time.

Right now, I have a little more time as I would assume but jobs may take
precedence from time to time as that will be putting food on the table.

"Anders Carlsson" <> wrote in message

Anders Carlsson

Oct 7, 2004, 2:29:43 PM10/7/04
"Rick Balkins" <> writes:

> Getting slammed at doesn't make someone want to write code for these people.

Well, in most cases it seems you voluntarily stepped up to contribute,
but so far haven't gotten anywhere. It is not like people asked you to
develop this and that for their own sake?

Anyway, on the subject of CS-Doom, I thought it was Allan and to some
content Shaun who have insider information, not neccessarily Rick. The
web page says the pot currently is £500 (US$920) with up to 15 months
to go - preferrably the game should be available in 2004, but 2005 is
also within the goals.

For what we know, there might be one or more people actively working
on this, but officially there only is the mock-up screenshot MagerValp
converted which was said to be practically impossible to aim for.

Anders Carlsson

Rick Balkins

Oct 7, 2004, 3:11:02 PM10/7/04

"mikec" <> wrote in message
> Hi Jim,

> You've, obviously, been around the comp.sys.cbm community a lot longer
> than I have but the one thing I've come to realize over the years is
> that Rick has consistently misrepresented himself.
> For example:
> He pretended to be one of the key members of the C-One team and acted
> like their spokesperson. This continued until Jens blasting him,
> exposing him to be a fraud.

I never said I was their "spokesperson". You interpret it that way. You have
to be
an organization to have a "spokesperson". I was speaking from public
to you so you don't have to dig through the archive since they are busy.

I said I can talk to Jeri at the time and have. You don't "have" to be a
"spokesperson" to laison the information.

> He pretended to be in the know and working with Tulip until Ruud
> finally clarified the situation and exposed him as a fraud (again).

I never said "I work for them" in the extent of having a job. You again
Ruud has partial information. I have the letters. Secondly, Jens has most of
his information from Ruud and misinterpreted himself in that respect. I'm
not doubting Jens in the meeting he had with Tulip recently. But Jens
doesn't have the letters. I have the letters and precisely know the topics

> Now, we're doing it all over again with CS-Doom 64. To announce that
> Rick is the programmer for his project, a guy with no track record to
> speak of, is just ludicrous. To think he's going to be able to add
> SuperCPU code into VICE is just absurd.

If you want to believe what you say then don't pay attention to the CS-Doom
64 project and don't bother me about it.

>> the lack of progress on projects generates ill-will in this group.
> Sorry I have to completely disagree with this statement. I think
> what's generating ill-will is the failure to complete projects.
> Personally, I'm sick and tired of people working on projects that are
> just never completed.

Then STOP being such a pessimist and getting people to quit. Your messages
are depressing and not motivating and like ANY projects like such - it will
have its tough moments but having someone being so pessimistic and all is
like a downer, man. Enough of it and people quit. Be more supportive and
even I would feel more motivated to do such but you don't realize that such
messages like you write have a hurting feeling.

> The C-One is the perfect example of this. When I re-entered the CBM
> scene a few years ago, it was news of the C-One that prompted me to do
> so. To me, it was a very exciting project and it seemed to be moving
> forward at a decent pace. Several years later, there's nothing to show
> for it except a few motherboards that just don't work as advertised.
> It's great to see projects like your "Virtual IEC Peripheral" but if
> it's not made available to the general public in a reasonable amount
> of time, what's the point?

Define "reasonable" ????? How much time ????

That is different from person to person on what is reasonable. It is often
that these projects are one-man shows for awhile then people jump aboard but
yet it still is a one-man show. Meaning, we got alot of community around
IDE64 but very few really do any "development" of that project. But it has
improved though.

> Another example is the C=VGA adaptor project. From what I understand,
> it's close to being finished but if we go another year without a
> release, people are going to give up and walk away.
> Tulip is in a dangerous position for the same reason. If we don't see
> the C64DTV by the end of 2004, I think it's going to seriously hurt
> them to the point where they should just shutdown the whole Commodore
> thing and forget able it.

> LOL, Rick has never delivered on anything...not even a simple web site
> (cbmgateway).

Excuse me -

Go there and visit. I already told you that it is a work in progress and at
times things will be slow. But take a look at the Forum. Its been expanded.
Other things just put on hold while I do work on other projects. It does
what I want. People don't ask or attempt to give examples of what they like
to see. If you did that, it be great. I have a Forum there - please post.
Just make use of it. If you don't than don't expect me to wave the magic
wand and give you what you want. All I got from you is statements like "Give
Up", "Quit" and all.

Don't you think I get to the point of not liking you. Then you complain if I
don't do something. Do you not think I begin to hate even talking to you and
having anything to do with you. Geez, if you want to contribute to the
site - please contribute. I done more to the site than the original
webmaster. I offered that.

As we speak, I been talking to one of the developers of a 65c816 cpu core
for an SNES emulator on GPLing. I'm not misrepresenting here. Things are
still *YET* to be confirmed.

> I think it's up to us, as a community, to ferret out those who
> misrepresent themselves in order to protect the community because its
> people like Rick who hurt this community and create ill-will.

It is also people who whine and moan and groan if something isn't done as
fast as you want.
Your messages hurt the community as well.

Rick Balkins

Oct 7, 2004, 3:21:42 PM10/7/04

"Anders Carlsson" <> wrote in message

> "Rick Balkins" <> writes:
>> Getting slammed at doesn't make someone want to write code for these
>> people.
> Well, in most cases it seems you voluntarily stepped up to contribute,
> but so far haven't gotten anywhere. It is not like people asked you to
> develop this and that for their own sake?

Well, true but it definitely doesn't help having someone slam you if you
ain't writing it fast enough. It is entirely how it is written that makes a
difference and MikeC has a way of being hurtful in the way he writes it.

If he thinks he can write the program any faster or any better and meet
Allan Bairstow's needs - I'll be more than willing to pass on the SuperCPU
and project responsibility over to him after first sending the SuperCPU back
to Robert Bernardo (to follow contract) to send it to him. Then he can have
the big egg to deal with. I can understand people keeping a check on the
project. That doesn't bother me but its people like MikeC who irritates me.
I'm not going to on debate this anymore. I made my point. If MikeC doesn't
like it - so be it.

Jim Brain

Oct 8, 2004, 12:40:23 AM10/8/04
mikec wrote:
> You've, obviously, been around the comp.sys.cbm community a lot longer
> than I have but the one thing I've come to realize over the years is
> that Rick has consistently misrepresented himself.
I'm not blind to the threads; I'm simply taking the high road. If you
read my older postings, you'll see I mostly try that approach, although
I do it less now (getting older and more beligerant). I was once young,
and those who are good at Google can no doubt see some of the same in my
early postings. I am suitably embarrassed now, but what's done is done.

> He pretended to be in the know and working with Tulip until Ruud
> finally clarified the situation and exposed him as a fraud (again).

I do recall this, and I weighed in on that...

> To think he's going to be able to add
> SuperCPU code into VICE is just absurd.

If blame must be cast, cast it on the one who suggested the project. I
surmise Rick needs more C experience. As a self taught C developer, I
believe the best way to learn the language is to try to add a feature to
a complex C application. The VICE code is gnarly, but it qualifies as a
real world C application. I don't look at it as adding SuperCPU support
to VICE. I look at it as an educational opportunity with a possible
side benefit. >

>>the lack of progress on projects generates ill-will in this group.
> Sorry I have to completely disagree with this statement. I think
> what's generating ill-will is the failure to complete projects.

I worded it that way because projects are *never* finished. Hobbyist
projects are a journey for education and "itch-scratching", not a
destination. Bear in mind that I do not agree with the stance the group
takes on these projects, but I am reporting the group's consensus.

> It's great to see projects like your "Virtual IEC Peripheral" but if
> it's not made available to the general public in a reasonable amount
> of time, what's the point?

Someone worked on a project and gained some knowledge. Is there another

I understand your position, but I do not agree with it. This is a
hobbyist newsgroup, and few, if any of us get paid to develop these
things. Most of the projects that are discussed will NEVER make it to
fruition. Demanding that only developers who can assure their projects
will reach maturity post in this newsgroup virtually guarantees no one
will post about any project. In fact, I was instructed by others to not
post anything about VIP in the newsgroup, for this exact reason.
Sometimes, that's not an issue, but for projects like the ones I am
developing, I desperately need user input.

I am considering a project right now that is something everyone seems to
want and no one provides, but I have no idea if my idea will work. I
think the project would benefit from a discussion in here, but that
would reveal the existence and nature of the project. If I can't make
it work, it would be yet another unfinished project. What should I do?

Consider VIP as well. I'm still working on it. I work on it in bursts
of activity, followed by weeks of non-activity. I announced it here,
because I think it has a better than average chance of getting far
enough along that I can release it and feel good about it. But, if I
never complete it, I'd rather you not get upset. I never promised it
would get done. I only promise I continue to like working on it.

I remember people getting angry at me for not getting things done on
time in c.s.c. I remember how I handled it.

> Tulip is in a dangerous position for the same reason. If we don't see
> the C64DTV by the end of 2004, I think it's going to seriously hurt
> them to the point where they should just shutdown the whole Commodore
> thing and forget able it.

My personal opinion is that your posting applies most directly to Tulip.
They are a commercial concern. You can set expectations for them, as
they have money to drive development. Setting the same standard for
what amounts to a bunch of hobbyists might be placing the bar a bit too
high for us.

>>it's up to Rick to commit to one or two of his interests and
>>work didligently on delivering something.
> LOL, Rick has never delivered on anything...not even a simple web site
> (cbmgateway).

I stand by my statement. It's up to Rick to decide.

> I think it's up to us, as a community, to ferret out those who
> misrepresent themselves in order to protect the community because its
> people like Rick who hurt this community and create ill-will.

The USENET militia, as it were.

Here's how I see it.

o You can't keep Rick from posting, short of incapacitating him.
o The constant negative postings (of which I am guilty as charged) give
newcomers the idea this newsgroup is hostile.
o We all start somewhere. Carping on Rick does little to help him
understand the machine we all dearly love.
o There's always the killfile.

I only see two options:
1. Use killfile
2. Try to help Rick gain experience.

Some may argue my attempt at #2 is futile, and they may be correct, but
it's my time to waste. And, if I do decide they are right, I still have
#1 as an option.

Please accept my apologies if I've angered you. That was not my intent.
I understand your frustration about abandoned and never completed
projects, and I can see they take their toll on the readers here. I
just have a different vantage point, and I see the alternative as
equally problematic. I want to discuss my projects in an open forum,
but I don't want to have to promise to finish them.

Jim Brain

Oct 8, 2004, 12:50:26 AM10/8/04
MagerValp wrote:
>>>>>>"JB" == Jim Brain <> writes:
> He's a completely unskilled programmer. He hasn't produced anything
> ever, and all he ever does is write lots of incoherent posts while
> coming up with excuses for not doing anything. He's like a kid saying
> he's going to build an airplane, while not being able to fix a flat
> tire on his bike. He's been posting for three years about all the
> things he's going to do, and haven't done one single thing. Not very
> surprising, considering that he doesn't know how to code.
I noted that to him. I suggested some alternatives that might bring
back into the good graces of the community. I was once an unskilled
programmer who kept spouting about airplane plans with my unfixed bike
in the garage. I learned. I had some good mentors who gently coached
me on how best to keep my foot from lodging itself in my mouth. And, I
got older...

Although I'm guilty as well, we should probably discontinue discussing
Rick's postings. I assume the readership has seen all the evidence and
have made up their minds by now. Rick's gone into defensive mode, and
his responses are likely more fodder for discussion, so it perpetuates

At the end of the day, talk is cheap, and the only evidence that will
tip the scales is some tangible progress on a project. I'll do what I
can to help Rick along that road, short of doing it for him.


Oct 8, 2004, 1:27:14 AM10/8/04

> I never said I was their "spokesperson".

Reread what I wrote. I said you "acted" like their spokesperson...that
is until Jens told to you "shut the f*ck up." If you weren't talking
nonsense, why would he tell you off? I've been critical of the C-One
project but he's never said a word to me. In fact, I don't think he's
been critical toward anyone else except you. What makes you such a

> Ruud has partial information.

It's Ruud's word against yours and Ruud has a lot more credibility
than you.

> Then STOP being such a pessimist and getting people to quit.

It is obvious that you're a fraud and you really don't have anything
to show. If you did something, you'd show us. If you wanted to shut me
up, it would be pretty easy: provide a screenshot or some example code
or something.

The problem is: you always seem to respond to status updates with "I
can not state alot right now." I'll ask the question again: why not?
Why can't you "state a lot right now" ??? What's the secret? What's
going to happen if you provide us with a screenshot or some examples
of code or your ideas of how to "re-writing/modding" the render

If you're really working on CS-Doom 64, invite RobertB over or
something and show him what you've got so far and let him vouch for
you. I'm sure he'd like to know what's going on.

Bottom line: stop lying to people and misrepresenting yourself. We all
know that you can't program so let's drop this stupid act.


Rick Balkins

Oct 8, 2004, 2:33:24 AM10/8/04

"mikec" <> wrote in message
> Rick,

> Reread what I wrote. I said you "acted" like their spokesperson...that
> is until Jens told to you "shut the f*ck up." If you weren't talking
> nonsense, why would he tell you off? I've been critical of the C-One
> project but he's never said a word to me. In fact, I don't think he's
> been critical toward anyone else except you. What makes you such a
> target?

A) Jens doesn't always remembers what he wrote. I told me off for saying
what I said is BS and yet I quoted him "word for word".

B) Jens a jerk with money and some technical knowledge - PERIOD.

C) Jens simply don't like me because I told him straight out that he is a
jerk and an a**hole and the feelings ok are mutual. He doesn't rule the
project. Jeri does. Jens also isn't a perfect saint. I simply manage to get
pass his filter but he is the one who can't set a filter worth a c***. I
done NOTHING that involves hacking.

D) There is a personal dispute between me and him. I asked him for specific
information and he expects me to accomplish my goals blind.

> It's Ruud's word against yours and Ruud has a lot more credibility
> than you.

How would he have more credibility than the person who has the actual papers
from Tulip since it was SENT to ME not Ruud.

Ruud only has credibility in terms of contacting via phone privately because
A) He is in Netherlands but the subject matter involves me and Tulip not
Ruud and Tulip. PERIOD.

I can NOT go into ANY details and I don't think it would be legal for me to
disclose the name on the letters from whom the letters came from or the
content involved.

>> Then STOP being such a pessimist and getting people to quit.
> It is obvious that you're a fraud and you really don't have anything
> to show. If you did something, you'd show us. If you wanted to shut me
> up, it would be pretty easy: provide a screenshot or some example code
> or something.
> The problem is: you always seem to respond to status updates with "I
> can not state alot right now." I'll ask the question again: why not?
> Why can't you "state a lot right now" ??? What's the secret? What's
> going to happen if you provide us with a screenshot or some examples
> of code or your ideas of how to "re-writing/modding" the render
> engine?

The code isn't ready for a "screenshot". Secondly, I don't have the
equipment to get a decent snapshot from my TV. Otherwise it will look like
crap. Now, this is another reason for putting SCPU support in VICE. Now, I
am not willing to give you information because I don't like you and my trust
in you to not distort what I say and all is non-existant.

> If you're really working on CS-Doom 64, invite RobertB over or
> something and show him what you've got so far and let him vouch for
> you. I'm sure he'd like to know what's going on.

I will provide screenshots that will GIVE clean code.

> Bottom line: stop lying to people and misrepresenting yourself. We all
> know that you can't program so let's drop this stupid act.

If I said that I can NOT write a program than I be LYING but take me on this
challenge with Java. Let's see you program. You'll see but BELIEVE what you
want because I FRANKLY no longer going to GIVE a damn because you frankly
can state an opinion because you don't know me.

To be frank - I'm programming these projects on my OWN time when the time is
available so I will not continue ANYMORE with this waste of time. You are
now going to be mentally kill-filtered. Say what you want, Michael. Believe
what you want but I'll be MORE than happy to discredit you well after you
made your statements and spread it ALL around.

Because even ONE of these projects completed will discredit you.

This subject is closed as I will no longer spend ANYMORE time on this
thread. I will disclose the updates to Robert, Jim Brain and any of those
that I feel need this because I am not going to invoke a discontinuation of
posting to this newsgroup.

Secondly MikeC, the website DOES exactly what I want for now. A line of
wisdom - keep your mouth shut or your mouth might just volunteered yourself
to the task and responsibilities. Any more from you or you just volunteered
yourself to making CS-Doom 64, the OS project of mine for C-One under my
specifications,, and any other project that I had plan on
doing. Basically shut up or you get to do it. :-D ( Evil Sadistic Grin )

Rick Balkins

Oct 8, 2004, 4:29:28 AM10/8/04

> Because even ONE of these projects completed will discredit you.
> This subject is closed as I will no longer spend ANYMORE time on this
> thread. I will disclose the updates to Robert, Jim Brain and any of those
> that I feel need this because I am not going to invoke a discontinuation
> of posting to this newsgroup.

For a while -------------------/


Oct 8, 2004, 8:22:57 AM10/8/04

> Secondly MikeC, the website DOES exactly what I want for now. A line of
> wisdom - keep your mouth shut or your mouth might just volunteered
> yourself to the task and responsibilities. Any more from you or you just
> volunteered yourself to making CS-Doom 64, the OS project of mine for
> C-One under my specifications,, and any other project
> that I had plan on doing. Basically shut up or you get to do it. :-D
> ( Evil Sadistic Grin )

They're coming to take me away, ha ha
They're coming to take me away, ho ho, ha ha hee hee
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time. . . .

Strange how I hear that song in the background when I read your post.
Mike never made the claim that he *could* do it, or that he wanted to-- you
have. Just because you are proving that you are totally unable to back up
your BS regarding all these projects doesn't mean that Mike is responsible
for finishing Doom64. That's crazy talk. I'm imagining a little tweety
bird on a spring popping out of a trapdoor in your forehead when I read
that. Boing!

What Mike has done is this, a fantastic site
that's growing all the time. He must have put a ton of work in it. No one
has seen anything from you other than about a million c.s.c. posts. Your
credibility is absolutely zero, that's your fault not Mike's or anyone
·.·´¨ ¨)) -:|:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´
-:|:- ((¸¸ ·.·


Oct 8, 2004, 1:30:17 PM10/8/04
Hi Jim,

> If blame must be cast, cast it on the one who suggested the project.

I'm not here to point fingers at people and play the blame-game. I
know you have good intentions, as well as those who want to get this
project off the ground. I'm not faulting you or anyone else except

> I understand your position, but I do not agree with it. This is a
> hobbyist newsgroup, and few, if any of us get paid to develop these

Yes, I see your point. However, my perspective is that as soon as you
begin a project and bring it to the community and a public light, it
does create a level of responsibility or commitment. I'm not sure if
these are the right words but I hope you understand what I'm trying to

It's one thing to build something in your basement, for yourself and
your own enjoyment. It's another to announce it to the community and
offer status updates, etc. Sure, there's no financial or legal
obligation to follow it through but I think there might be a moral
obligation to see a project through or at least provide a mechanism to
ensure that it can be continued by others.

> I remember people getting angry at me for not getting things done on
> time in c.s.c. I remember how I handled it.'s probably unfair for people to get upset at you but that's
the way people are.

I hope you realize that this isn't directed at you or people like you.
I completely respect you and the work you've done for the Commodore
community. My comments are more directed at people, like Rick, who
misrepresent themselves and make promises they have no intention or
ability to keep.

> Please accept my apologies if I've angered you.

Absolutely no apologies are necessary. You haven't angered me at all.
Again, I totally respect you and what you've accomplished.

> I want to discuss my projects in an open forum,
> but I don't want to have to promise to finish them.

What about opening up your projects to a team of people that can
ensure that things do get finished? Are you willing to hand off
projects that you're unable or unwilling to finish on your own? I hope
you would be willing to do this.

I think what we need is something similar to SourceForge where
"abandoned" projects can be resurrected and eventually completed by
those who want it or need it the most. Projects shouldn't die just
because the originator loses interest.



Oct 8, 2004, 1:54:41 PM10/8/04

> B) Jens a jerk with money and some technical knowledge - PERIOD.

As opposed to a liar with no money and no technical knowledge, right

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Jens, he's done a lot for the
Commodore community in Europe. That's something that you can't deny
and certainly a million times more than what you've done.

> D) There is a personal dispute between me and him.

Exactly but you haven't stated the reason for this "personal dispute."
Maybe because you pass yourself as someone that you're not?

> How would he have more credibility than the person who has the actual papers

...because people don't trust you. People don't believe what you have
to say. Ruud has no reason and no incentive to "discredit" you. What
does he have to gain? Nothing, so I tend to believe what he has to
say. If he says you're making stuff up then I have no reason not to
believe him.

> I don't like you and my trust in you to not distort what I say and all is non-existent.

What does liking me or trusting me have anything to do with it? It's
about proving your own credibility. This position hurts you more than
me. It's about building your own credibility and showing the community
that progress is being made. I' not a programmer so it's not like I'm
going to be able to critique your work (I'm sure others will). My
concern is how you lead people on with your deceit.

> Secondly MikeC, the website DOES exactly what I want for now.

Your web site does NOTHING. There have never been updates to the home
page. There's only 3 messages in your bulletin section --- 2 are from
you. There's nothing in the classified section and your links page is
pretty useless with 2 out of three links pointing to Tulip/Commodore.

I guess that's exactly what you want, right?


Jakob Ludvig Gedionsen

Oct 8, 2004, 4:17:36 PM10/8/04
Well if you're so angry about it, why don't you help him out with some
programming? Strange attitude towards a guy making thing for free. Think of
it. He could choose not to do anything at all... Sad thing...

Have a nice day...



Oct 8, 2004, 4:41:08 PM10/8/04
>>>>> "JLG" == Jakob Ludvig Gedionsen <> writes:

JLG> Well if you're so angry about it, why don't you help him out with
JLG> some programming?

Well, as he said, he's not a programmer.

JLG> Strange attitude towards a guy making thing for free.

Making what for free? Empty promises? Meaningless posts?

JLG> Think of it. He could choose not to do anything at all...

He's made that choice, he's just pretending that he's doing something.
No idea why. It's frustrating to read about his grand plans day in and
day out - he's posted an average of 5 or 6 posts a day for three
years, yet hasn't produced a single line of code.

JLG> Sad thing...

Yes, he is.

Leif Bloomquist

Oct 8, 2004, 4:54:10 PM10/8/04

"mikec" <> wrote in message

> Personally, I'm sick and tired of people working on projects that are
> just never completed.

Hey mike, feel free to drop by next week to pick up another years's worth of
Ahoy mags for scanning :-)


P.S. I usually skip the "Future of Commodore" discussions at the Expos, but
I think this year's World of Commodore round table will be quite
entertaining. Mike, Jim Brain, Jeri, Tulip reps and more all in one room!
Wildstar, are you coming?

Jim Brain

Oct 8, 2004, 7:55:27 PM10/8/04
mikec wrote:
> Yes, I see your point. However, my perspective is that as soon as you
> begin a project and bring it to the community and a public light, it
> does create a level of responsibility or commitment. I'm not sure if
> these are the right words but I hope you understand what I'm trying to
> say.
I empathize, I just don;t know how to involve the community and not
create that sense of anticipation.

> at least provide a mechanism to
> ensure that it can be continued by others.
This is a very valid and reasoned response. I'm trying (as I get time)
to place all of my code, regardless of state, online. All I ask is that
people not take me to task for what appears to be sloppy code. I've
always made it work first, then made it work elegantly later. IN the
business I am in, you get paid for stuff that works, customers don't
always see the value in code efficiency or elegance (though I feel it is
important for maintenance).

>'s probably unfair for people to get upset at you but that's
> the way people are.

Yes, they are. Maybe we can meet halfway. They don't get overly upset
about such things, and folks like I can deal with that.

> I hope you realize that this isn't directed at you or people like you.
> I completely respect you and the work you've done for the Commodore
> community.

I understand, but the statements are pretty general, so I felt a need to
comment. As it stands, there's little *WE* can do here, short of taking
over the projects themselves. I've enough interesting projects to keep
me busy for some time, don't play games that often (oh, to have the
time...), and woulldn't call myself a good '02 programmer (I'm probably
2/3 Butterfield, but only 1/8 democoder, if that). I think games need
demo-coding skills.

> Absolutely no apologies are necessary. You haven't angered me at all.
> Again, I totally respect you and what you've accomplished.

I appreciate that. Sometimes, this medium is not ideal for communication.

> What about opening up your projects to a team of people that can
> ensure that things do get finished? Are you willing to hand off
> projects that you're unable or unwilling to finish on your own? I hope
> you would be willing to do this.

I am willing. Typically, few people want to actually participate in a
development role (I've got a few for VIP, and some folks who want to
test, but more are always appreciated). I'd love to have extra help on
any and all projects, that's always appreciated. I've had few take me
up on that offer, though.

> I think what we need is something similar to SourceForge where
> "abandoned" projects can be resurrected and eventually completed by
> those who want it or need it the most. Projects shouldn't die just
> because the originator loses interest.

Now, that is a fine idea. To me, that is a constructive solution to the
issue... Not to mention it would pool all the projects into one location.

Hmmm, interesting...

Cameron Kaiser

Oct 8, 2004, 10:24:15 PM10/8/04
"Leif Bloomquist" <sp...@> writes:

>P.S. I usually skip the "Future of Commodore" discussions at the Expos, but
>I think this year's World of Commodore round table will be quite
>entertaining. Mike, Jim Brain, Jeri, Tulip reps and more all in one room!

Kindly elucidate!

Cameron Kaiser * * posting with a Commodore 128
personal page:
** Computer Workshops: games, productivity software and more for C64/128! **
** **


Oct 8, 2004, 10:57:31 PM10/8/04
Hi Leif,

> Hey mike, feel free to drop by next week to pick up another years's worth of
> Ahoy mags for scanning :-)

Actually, I've added over 3 dozen new articles/pages to my Compute!'s
Gazette site in recent weeks so it's not like I've been sitting idle.

I'll get back on the Ahoy! stuff soon enough.

> Mike, Jim Brain, Jeri, Tulip reps and more all in one room!

Who me?!? I probably wouldn't have much to say. I'd rather listen to
people like Jim, Jeri and the Tulip guy.



Oct 9, 2004, 7:37:43 AM10/9/04
>>>>> "JB" == Jim Brain <> writes:

JB> Now, that is a fine idea. To me, that is a constructive solution
JB> to the issue... Not to mention it would pool all the projects into
JB> one location.

What's wrong with SourceForge itself? We're stuck under "Other OS" for
now, but I'm sure we could get them to add Commodore if enough of us
asked. Setting up CVS, web hosting, shells, and compilation farms
isn't exactly trivial, and is time better spent actually developing.

Jakob Ludvig Gedionsen

Oct 9, 2004, 9:23:08 AM10/9/04



Jim Brain

Oct 9, 2004, 6:56:40 PM10/9/04
MagerValp wrote:
>>>>>>"JB" == Jim Brain <> writes:
> JB> Now, that is a fine idea. To me, that is a constructive solution
> JB> to the issue... Not to mention it would pool all the projects into
> JB> one location.
> What's wrong with SourceForge itself? We're stuck under "Other OS" for
> now, but I'm sure we could get them to add Commodore if enough of us
> asked. Setting up CVS, web hosting, shells, and compilation farms
> isn't exactly trivial, and is time better spent actually developing.

I've heard not so great things about SF lately, considering uptime and
such for the development stuff.

Still, I'm mainly interested in satisfying the request to put the stuff
online somewhere. Specifics on how is much less important to me.

Sam Gillett

Oct 9, 2004, 10:47:09 PM10/9/04

"Jakob Ludvig Gedionsen" <> wrote ...

> :-)

Although Jim Brain has some valid points, some of the points made by Mikec
and MagerValp are valid also. A discussion about Rick (aka wildstar) is like
a discussion about politics or religion. It isn't likely that the parties to
the discussion will ever reach a harmony of opinion.

So... about Rick... we all agree to disagree! ;-)

Best regards,

Sam Gillett

Change is inevitable,
except from vending machines!


Oct 10, 2004, 2:07:47 AM10/10/04
Hi Jim,

> Now, that is a fine idea. To me, that is a constructive solution to the
> issue... Not to mention it would pool all the projects into one location.

Definitely! I think this is just what the community needs: a central
repository of various projects at various states of completion.


Leif Bloomquist

Oct 12, 2004, 8:42:25 AM10/12/04

"Cameron Kaiser" <> wrote in message

> Kindly elucidate!

It's all on the WOC2004 website...


0 new messages