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Dungeon Master

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J.J. Lehett

Oct 9, 1988, 8:21:00 PM10/9/88

I hope nobody flames this, as I am not sure if this is an acceptable
post here - but i cannot seem to get the info I want elsewhere. I am
very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?
Thanks in advance!

= = =
- J.J. Lehett - "Now that he holds it -
= (JJL101@PSUVM) = He knows this treasure =
- - Above all others: -
- Zeta Psi - Faith so certain -
= = Shall never be shaken =
- P.S.U. - By heaviest sorrow." - Bhagavad-Gita -
= = =

Anthony Lapadula

Oct 12, 1988, 3:52:45 PM10/12/88
In article <56354JJL101@PSUVM>, JJL...@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) writes:
> I hope nobody flames this, as I am not sure if this is an acceptable
> post here - but i cannot seem to get the info I want elsewhere. I am
> very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
> Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?
> Thanks in advance!
> J.J.

Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
Dungeon Master?

Geez, just buy it! You can get it for <$30 from almost any
mail-order software house.

And one last thing: It's unwise to announce software piracy over
the net -- and even less wise to pirate in the first place.

** What, you wanted something funny?
** --- Anthony Lapadula
** (That's ...!unh!al710 to you!)

Jon Brode

Oct 13, 1988, 10:27:17 AM10/13/88
In article <6...@unh.UUCP> al...@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) writes:
>In article <56354JJL101@PSUVM>, JJL...@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) writes:
>> post here - but i cannot seem to get the info I want elsewhere. I am
>> very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
>> Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?
>Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
>Dungeon Master?

Highly doubtful. Dungeon Master has an incredible protection scheme.
Last I heard, no one could figure out how to copy or "crack" it with
any degree of success.

One other thing, shut up. You obviously don't know much about Dungeon
Master. The booklet that it comes with does not include maps or spell
lists. Asking for them is a perfectly valid and legal (if cheating)
posting to the net. I bought my copy, maybe if you'd bought your you'd
know such things...

>And one last thing: It's unwise to announce software piracy over
>the net -- and even less wise to pirate in the first place.

I think you have those two mixed up, but you're on the right track.

Jon Brode --

Robert allen Jung

Oct 13, 1988, 11:11:32 AM10/13/88
In article <56354JJL101@PSUVM>, JJL...@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) writes:
> I hope nobody flames this, as I am not sure if this is an acceptable
> post here - but i cannot seem to get the info I want elsewhere. I am
> very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
> Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?

In article <6...@unh.UUCP> al...@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) writes:
>Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
>Dungeon Master?


The man asked for Maps and spell list -- NOT instructions. I'm not sure if
you played DM, Anthony (can I call you Anthony? We haven't been formally
introduced B-), but I have. The only place to get maps and spell lists are
from other experienced adventurers who have finished the game.

I'm afriad you've been found guilty of jumping to conclusions, and for
turning an innocent request into unbased criticism.

>Geez, just buy it! You can get it for <$30 from almost any
>mail-order software house.

Yeah! Great game, and at that price, even. FTL could have probably charged
$50 a package and still sell millions, but they kept the price down and made
all of us happy.

>And one last thing: It's unwise to announce software piracy over
>the net -- and even less wise to pirate in the first place.



Disclaimer: These are my views, and mine alone.
# ## #
Mailing address: Beats me, just reply to this message # ## #
( ## ## ##
#### ## ####

J.J. Lehett

Oct 13, 1988, 12:36:11 PM10/13/88

Dungeon Master is still an unable to be broken copy protection scheme,
and yes I do have an original Dungeon Master disk. Do not assume that someone
pirates something simply because they do not have the documentation. I, as
a college student happen to be borrowing the disk off of a friend who did not
bring his documentation from home. Therefore, the flame someone on the net set
up on me assuming that I pirate and freely express this is totally invalid.
I hope I have made a point here - and one last thing, the people who
complain about people pirating are often the ones who pirate the most

John T. Grieggs

Oct 13, 1988, 1:34:40 PM10/13/88
In article <6...@unh.UUCP> al...@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) writes:
>In article <56354JJL101@PSUVM>, JJL...@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) writes:

>> I hope nobody flames this, as I am not sure if this is an acceptable
>> post here - but i cannot seem to get the info I want elsewhere. I am
>> very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
>> Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> J.J.

There was a recent issue of ST Express which focused on Dungeon Master. It
included maps and (I believe) spells. If you can't find it, maps and spells
are available on most public bulletin board systems. If all else fails, the
company that makes Dungeon Master (FTL, I believe) has a book out - 'Guide to
the Dungeons' or something similar. I hear the book basically reveals all,
but have not purchased it myself. Why bother, after finishing it unaided?

>Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
>Dungeon Master?

>Geez, just buy it! You can get it for <$30 from almost any
>mail-order software house.

>And one last thing: It's unwise to announce software piracy over
>the net -- and even less wise to pirate in the first place.

Pardon me, but I saw nothing in his post that implied he had pirated
the software in question. There is no spells list in the Dungeon Master
package, nor are there maps. I suggest you research your facts in the
future before flaming publicly. And yes, I own the package.


John T. Grieggs (Telos @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Ca. 91109 M/S 301-260A (818) 354-0465
Uucp: {cit-vax,elroy,chas2}!jpl-devvax!grieggs
Arpa: ...jpl-devvax!gri...@cit-vax.ARPA

Jonathan A. Fischer

Oct 13, 1988, 4:00:59 PM10/13/88
In article <6...@unh.UUCP> al...@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) writes:
>In article <56354JJL101@PSUVM>, JJL...@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) writes:
>> ... I am

>> very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
>> Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?
>Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
>Dungeon Master? [etc.]

Just hold on a sec before jumping to conclusions, pal. J.J.
is asking for something which does not come included with Dungeon
Master! (The whole idea being that it's supposed to be FUN spending
many days trying to uncover these spells on your own. Yeah right).
He's not asking for the documentation to a pirated game. Methinks you
were just a tad hasty in jumping onto your high horse.

-Jonathan Fischer

Greg Wageman

Oct 13, 1988, 5:39:42 PM10/13/88
In article <6...@unh.UUCP> al...@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) writes:
>In article <56354JJL101@PSUVM>, JJL...@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) writes:
>> I hope nobody flames this, as I am not sure if this is an acceptable
>> post here - but i cannot seem to get the info I want elsewhere. I am
>> very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
>> Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> J.J.
>Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
>Dungeon Master?
>Geez, just buy it! You can get it for <$30 from almost any
>mail-order software house.
>And one last thing: It's unwise to announce software piracy over
>the net -- and even less wise to pirate in the first place.

That accusation boarders on slander. You are accusing this person of
having committed a crime, in front of tens of thousands of people.
And all because you misinterpreted his request.

J.J, if you have access to any of the commercial timeshare services,
such as CompuServe, GEnie or BIX, the maps and spell lists (and hints
and discussions etc..) are available there for the cost of the
download. Also, there is a commercially-available hint book, which
you can probably get from the dealer where you bought the game. If
you would like more specific information about any of the services,
e-mail me and I will be glad to send it to you.

For the sake of Mr. Lapadula, and anyone else who doesn't know,
Dungeon Master does not *come* with "maps and spell lists", they have
been compiled by users and widely circulated. Next time, Mr.
Lapadula, you should know whereof you speak before making such a
serious accusation. While I abhore software theft as much as anyone,
impuning a person's reputation in a public forum, based on your
misunderstanding of an innocent and legitimate request, is no less
serious a matter. If nothing else, you owe J.J. Lehett a public

Greg Wageman ARPA:
Schlumberger Technologies BIX: gwage
1601 Technology Drive CIS: 74016,352
San Jose, CA 95110 GEnie: GWAGEMAN
(408) 437-5198 UUCP: ...!decwrl!spar!sentry!greg
Opinions expressed herein are solely the responsibility of the author.

Bob BobR Retelle

Oct 13, 1988, 9:46:13 PM10/13/88
Regarding a message requesting a Spell List and set of Maps for Dungeon
Master, Anthony Lapadula writes:

>Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
>Dungeon Master?

Not necessarially... even the original documentation with Dungeon Master
is skimpy, and doesn't contain the information requested..

This is the realm of the "Hintbook"... I already send E-Mail to the
original requester with info on how to buy an excellent hintbook containing
all he asked for, and more... (the one I wrote, actually.. :)
A hintbook which is useless to pirates, as it doesn't give ANY info on
how to work the game itself, only hints (and answers) on how to solve the
puzzles in the game...

I agree though... Dungeon Master is such a great game for the price, it
really should be well supported, by *buying* it...!


Oct 14, 1988, 5:09:36 AM10/14/88
>"...translation: how do I get my pirated copy [of dungeon master]..."

Two things which ARE NOT in the book is a list of spells, and maps. These
can be made as you go (assuming you don't forget something or miss something)
since mapping is straightforward, and various scrolls give spells. The
problem is that you might have use for a spell described on a low level
early in the game. And some doors and things are well hidden.

However, both of these things (map and list) are in a book titled "The
lost scrolls of mount annias" which should be $10-$15 and gives a lot more
help than just the list and the maps.


Oct 14, 1988, 8:33:18 AM10/14/88
In article <6...@unh.UUCP>, al...@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) writes:
> In article <56354JJL101@PSUVM>, JJL...@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) writes:
> >
> > I hope nobody flames this, as I am not sure if this is an acceptable
> > post here - but i cannot seem to get the info I want elsewhere. I am

> Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
> Dungeon Master?

I know somebody who bought Dungeon Master and is looking for the same thing.
In DM you have to figure out the spells yourself and the maps certainly
aren't included. Soon there will be a DM hint book and at least at one time
there were maps available on GENIE. I don't own an ST and I never have used
DM, but I am sick of the self righteous noodnicks flaming people when
they don't know what they are talking about.

John Joubert

Oct 14, 1988, 4:02:27 PM10/14/88

Try getting the last two issues of ST-Log, it has a monthly column on tricks
and tips for Dungeon Master.

P.S. The new revamped ST-Log is very, very nice! check it out!

John Joubert | /\ | /\ | _
jpdr...@usl-pc.USL or ... | \|<>|>|> \|<>|>|><`|`|
ut-sally!usl!usl-pc!jpdres13 |-----/|-------/|----------------------
GEnie: J.JOUBERT | \/ \/

Hartmut Semken

Oct 15, 1988, 10:24:34 AM10/15/88
In article <6...@unh.UUCP> al...@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) writes:
>> very badly in need of a spells list and maps if possible to Dungeon Master.
>> Would some soul out there care to mail these to me?
>Translation: Could someone tell me how to use my pirated copy of
>Dungeon Master?

You got one?

I had to buy it: my pirated copy let all my adventurers die after 15 to 30

>Geez, just buy it! You can get it for <$30 from almost any
>mail-order software house.

And is is truly worth the bucks!

Hartmut Semken, Lupsteiner Weg 67, 1000 Berlin 37 ha...@netmbx.UUCP
If there is something more important than my ego, I want it caught and shot,
NOW! (Zaphod Beeblebrox)

Richard Alan Kaapke

Oct 15, 1988, 5:18:34 PM10/15/88
Actually, the Dungeon Master materials do not include maps or spell lists.
It is a valid request to ask for the maps, which are in .PI1 form or .TNY
form on BBSes (some are even PC Pursuitable). The spell list is a text file
that kinda spoils the adventure of discovering the scrolls....

Although I'm a consultant to FTL games, I'm not speaking for them.
-Richard Kaapke, voice of the Running Giggler "Heh-HEE-ha-ha!"
Richard_A...@PORTAL.CUP.COM {I think that's my address?!}

Bob BobR Retelle

Oct 17, 1988, 2:54:33 AM10/17/88
John Grieggs says:
>If all else fails, the company that makes Dungeon Master (FTL, I believe)
>has a book out - 'Guide to the Dungeons' or something similar. I hear the
>book basically reveals all, but have not purchased it myself.

Actually, the FTL book ("Secrets of Dungeon Mastery") is a nice story book,
and fits in nicely with the realm of Dungeon Master, but... it doesn't
give very much in the way of *real* help toward solving the game (I have it).

On the other hand, "The Lost Scrolls of Mount Anaias", the hintbook that
*I* wrote, will take you from the "front door" of the Dungeon, all the way
down to the ending scene... with just as much help as you want, and need...

There are other hintbooks available, and a "hint disk",all with varying
levels of help, but (he says, modestly) ask for "The Lost Scrolls" if you
really want to get through the game...



Bob BobR Retelle

Oct 17, 1988, 3:06:38 AM10/17/88
Umm... beware of incomplete and inaccurate maps which have been available
on GEnie and other BBSs...

The original "mapper", Michael J. Stetter and I have been working together
to bring the most complete set of maps for Dungeon Master to the "Champions"
wandering around lost in the Dungeon...

"The Lost Scrolls of Mount Anaias" hintbook contains the latest and most
detailed version of the maps. There are no "Unmappable Clockwise Rooms"
in the book.. even that area is there in "black and white", along with
solutions to all the puzzles...


Oct 17, 1988, 3:47:24 AM10/17/88
The Secrets of Dungeon Mastery, published by FTL Games, has no definitive
maps. Nor does it have "Walkthrough" type descriptions. It is an extension
of the Fantasy of the game, using stories and language to couch hints in
metaphorical manner.

There WILL be a FTL disk-based hint product that pretty much tells you
about every puzzle, treasure, and monster. I don't know what it's called,
as they are still a ways off of publication (RSN).

Richard Kaapke, voice of the Running Giggler

Consultant to, NOT spokesman for, FTL games

Ed Goldman

Oct 17, 1988, 1:19:37 PM10/17/88
A couple of items on DM hints:

1) FTL does have a hint book out on DM, I've seen it at a local atari dealer.
2) There's also another hint disk out which has graphical maps of all the levels
and hints. Can't remember who makes this, but this was also seen at dealer.
3) Latest issue of ST-action (mag from UK on st gaming) has special section on
DM hints.

Now to refute a previous posting:

The posting mentioned that DM was uncrackable and cannot be copied. I've talked to
someone who claims to have a cracked version which by-passes the copy protection.
I haven't verified this, so I guess you can assume its a rumour. Secondly, there's
a bitcopy package called "acopy" which will make perfectly good backups of the DM
master disk. NOW WAIT! I do not advocate piracy nor have I obtained an illegal
copy of DM. But this copy protection stuff is infuriating for people who want to
make legitimate backups of thier software. PLUS, I'm having *major* problems with
running DM at present. Maybe someone can offer a suggestion to the following

I've been playing DM for a couple of months now on my 1040st. 1 day the damn thing
would not boot. This now occurs both in trying to resume a saved game and in
starting a new one. After pressing the "enter" dungeon button on the 1st screen,
the game continues loading from the disk. At some point the drive makes a slightly
louder noise. Previously, the game would start soon after this "noise". Now, it
just seems to be in a loop where it continually makes this noise and the game never
starts. My guess is that it's the copy-protection scheme that causes the noise.
I've tested software, including games with copy protection, on my drive and every-
thing else works OK. I've taken the DM master disk to a dealer and booted on the
1040st there and it boots fine! Needless to say I am pissed off. My guess is that
a slight alteration in my disk's timing has thrown off DM copy protection scheme.
Copy-protection just goes to far when it inhibits one from using ligitimately
purchased software. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing. In
the meantime I'm going to try obtaining the cracked copy out of self-defense, even
if I have to slink about in the night, trading cash for something in a brown paper
bag, to get it.



Oct 17, 1988, 4:34:24 PM10/17/88

Since i messed up the first attempt at this post let me try
again... HELP! i'm stuck in Dungeon Master! Even the hint
book doesn't help. Can someone please tell me how to get
beyond the dead end with the inscription, "when is rock
not rock"? I've tried everything from fireballs to making
up spells.

P.S. if you don't want to post this valuable hint here, please
respond directly to me at homxc!dmk2



Jonathan A. Fischer

Oct 18, 1988, 3:41:29 PM10/18/88

All this talk of Dungeon Master brings to my mind the
question: when is the next FTL DM-type game coming out? There appear
to be a few netters with better ties to the FTL rumour mill than most.
Enquiring minds want to know! Will it be basically another Dungeon
Master but just with a different dungeon? If so, I'm not likely to
buy it. Dungeon Master is the best game I've played, but heck, I've
done the thing twice now, so why buy a clone?

What I'd be interested (and what I've heard of, I seem to
remember) is, say, a space-based adventure, one that had the same
general look and feel of DM, but *wasn't* a dungeon & dragons type
game, and had a slightly different way of interacting (e.g., instead
of fighting with monsters, you'd fly spaceships or control remote
robots or whatever).
-Jonathan Fischer

Michael B. Vederman

Oct 19, 1988, 9:44:49 AM10/19/88
'A rock is not a rock' when it isn't there!
Just to the left of the message, is a wall which isn't there! Just walk
thru the wall, but be ready!!

- mike

for (;;) : Use ATARINET, send an interactive
do_it(c_programmers); : message such as:
University Atari Computer Enthusiasts : University of Houston UACE

Robert allen Jung

Oct 19, 1988, 1:27:59 PM10/19/88
In article <> (Jonathan A. Fischer) writes:
> All this talk of Dungeon Master brings to my mind the
>question: when is the next FTL DM-type game coming out? There appear
>to be a few netters with better ties to the FTL rumour mill than most.
>Enquiring minds want to know! Will it be basically another Dungeon
>Master but just with a different dungeon? If so, I'm not likely to
>buy it. Dungeon Master is the best game I've played, but heck, I've
>done the thing twice now, so why buy a clone?

First, the bad news: FTL wants to release an "expanded adventure" for DM.
You boot up your current copy of DM, insert the new adventure disk, and then
click on "Enter". The adventure's supposed to be a LOT tougher, tho, so you
just might be interested in getting this "clone". Should be out (hopefully)
in a few months (early '89?)

> What I'd be interested (and what I've heard of, I seem to
>remember) is, say, a space-based adventure, one that had the same
>general look and feel of DM, but *wasn't* a dungeon & dragons type
>game, and had a slightly different way of interacting

FTL has also said that they want to take the basic (No, no, not *that*
BASIC! B-) Dungeon Master interface and use it for other types of games. A
space adventure seems possible (and fun), and the programmers hinted as much.
Who knows?

(No release dates for anything...Just what *is* FTL doing right now, anyway?)

Bob BobR Retelle

Oct 19, 1988, 8:08:12 PM10/19/88
Dan Kuster asks:

>Can someone please tell me how to get beyond the dead end with the
>inscription, "when is rock not rock"?

Take a look at what the inscription is written on, and imagine what you
could do if that wasn't really "real"... an illusion...

Then "bump your head" until you find a way out...

>Even the hint book doesn't help.

You've got the wrong hintbook..! :)


Oct 20, 1988, 1:02:38 AM10/20/88
FTL has a backup copy of Dungeon Master made with acopy. I was told that
the analysis of the disk was "close, but no cigar." Essentially, you cannot
play the game all the way through with a copy made by acopy 1.2e.

Strange booting symptoms are hard to diagnose, especially when you're the
only one whose machine burps and gronks. I think a fresh replacement disk
would be worth a try. The dealer if he's friendly enough, should let you
trade your gronker for a new disk, and they can send back the package.
Alternately, they can loan you a second master disk to see if all copies have
a problem on your machine.

Dungeon Master 1.2 (the rev is on save and load dialog boxes) has been
modified to work better on Mega STs (ie boot up period). If your copy is an
earlier rev, you may need 1.2 to work properly or well on your machine.
Also, try starting the game (booting) from a fresh power-up, so there's
nothing left floundering around memory that may not belong there.

Richard Kaapke, voice of the Running Giggler "Heh-HEE-ha-ha!"

Consultant to, NOT spokesman for, FTL games

Creative writer for FTL games' Dungeon Master Hint disk (RSN)

Oct 20, 1988, 1:08:21 AM10/20/88
When is a rock not a rock? When it's an illusion of a rock, my boy!

Very close to the message on the wall lies what seems to be a solis wall
of stone, but you can walk right through it. If you don't like head banging so
much, try having one of your back-rank characters throw something (arrow,
dagger, rock, dart) when facing a wall. If it goes whoosh and does NOT clank
to the floor in front of you, walk on past and fetch it!

This is not a big spoiler for anyone who has copies of the .PI1 or .TNY
format maps found on BBSes and other services, so I mention it publicly.

Richard Kaapke, Voice of the Running Giggler "Heh-HEE-Ha-Ha!"

Consultant to, NOT spokesman for, FTL games


Oct 20, 1988, 1:13:15 AM10/20/88
CHAOS STRIKES BACK will be an add-on adventure disk for DUNGEON MASTER. It\
will require the Dungeon Master disk; it contains new scenario data, but the
graphics (monsters, walls, doors, keys, fountains, etc., etc.) will be the
same. What will be new is a few additional items, new puzzles, a LOT of
outcomes to the game, rather than just one (well, uh, a lot of ways to
come to the conclusion is a better way to put it). This sequel will be
for those folks who would like a whole new set of challenges to face,
a whole new set of puzzles to conquer, and are satisfied to retain the

Richard Kaapke, Voice of the Running Giggler "Heh-HEE-Ha-Ha!"

Bob BobR Retelle

Oct 20, 1988, 11:25:22 PM10/20/88
Robert Jung asks:

> Just what *is* FTL doing right now, anyway?

Basically, they're doing what most other companies who want to stay in
business are doing... they're preparing the imminent release of
Dungeon Master for the Amiga, probably followed by the Apple II/GS
version... I've heard talk of a Macintosh version to come... nothing so
far about an IBM port, but I for one wouldn't mind if they did one..!

What I've heard is that the "mini-adventure" for the ST won't be released
until they get the Amiga version out the door...


Bob BobR Retelle

Oct 20, 1988, 11:39:45 PM10/20/88
Richard Alan Kaapke mentioned in his signature that he's a creative
writer for FTL's Dungeon Master Hint Disk...

Hmm... Richard, can you reveal any details about how the "hintdisk"
will work..?

I already have the "hintdisk" from Tony Severa, which has some graphically
very nice maps (although somewhat inaccurate)... but... the worst
failing of the "hintdisk" concept is that it's virtually useless without
your having *two* computers available... one to run Dungeon Master on,
and another to run the "hintdisk" on...

I had hoped for something which would boot as a "shell" for Dungeon Master,
and which would provide "online" help while playing the game, but in a
normal, one-computer situation (like mine), the way I ended up having to
use the current "hintdisk" was to make notes about where I was in the
Dungeon, boot up the "hintdisk", check out the area, then boot Dungeon
Master again... hardly the kind of thing I'd want to do allll the way
through the game...

There *is* a facility to print out the maps and hints on paper, but then
I ended up with a pile of loose maps and fan-folded hints, much as I'd
gotten from Public Domain sources, at a far lesser cost...

Will the "official" hint disk from FTL be any easier to use..?


Michael Elbel

Oct 21, 1988, 11:24:31 AM10/21/88
In article <38...@homxc.UUCP> dm...@homxc.UUCP (D.KUSTER) writes:
>Since i messed up the first attempt at this post let me try
>again... HELP! i'm stuck in Dungeon Master! Even the hint
>book doesn't help. Can someone please tell me how to get
>beyond the dead end with the inscription, "when is rock
>not rock"? I've tried everything from fireballs to making
>up spells.

Ok, you wanted to know: (Everybody, that is not interested just type 'n')

When is a wall not a wall ?
- When you can walk through it !!

But don't expect the game is so stupid (at that level) that you can just
walk through the inscription.

Try it one (or was it two ?) steps left of the iscription, and you will see
that the wall there is only imaginary.

Hope that helps, and be aware of the Dragon at Level 14


Hartmut Semken

Oct 20, 1988, 2:02:42 PM10/20/88
In article <38...@homxc.UUCP> dm...@homxc.UUCP (D.KUSTER) writes:
Can someone please tell me how to get
>beyond the dead end with the inscription, "when is rock
>not rock"? I've tried everything from fireballs to making
>up spells.

A rock is not a rock if you can walk through it...

>P.S. if you don't want to post this valuable hint here, please

Why not?

Discussing all the puzzeles/magic items/monsters/romms found in the
dungeon in the local (Berlin, Germany) net, led me to run it all over
again after having seen the the end scene but having solved only 60 % of
the puzzeles...

As for the copy protection: I tried to build a format like the one used
on my DM original disk.
I gave up with both: the WD 1772 and NEC 765 controller.

An Amiga copied the disk fine...

I don't like copy protection!

Oct 22, 1988, 4:39:45 PM10/22/88
There will be little, if any, printed materials with the Dungeon Master Hint
Disk. FTL is working hard to get release 1.0 out the door, and is stymied by
the project's programmer who has gotten bogged down with college again....

You will either have a release 1.3 of Dungeon Master that has a HINT or HELP
button at the front gate, or the disk will boot up and read your saved game
file and comment on it. It is context sensitive, cleverly scripted ;-),
and very informative. No graphical information is scheduled to be shown. The
rendering method for text, background art, other effects, user interface, etc.,
is quite nice. No price presently.

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