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Apple earnings today!

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Jan 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/19/00

Apple will post their results today with expecations of better than
expected. Looks like sales were phenominal(sp?) in Canada and Germany
despite being the home of the new Milan. Apple's transition as a
consumer company is nearly complete..Watch out..

just sinclap

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/21/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

1) it's spelled "expectations". With such atrocious spelling, TiFKAS
could never be hired an an "Apple Power Rep".

2) Doing well in Germany, huh? Ironically, just a few hours after
TiFKAS posted his drivel came this report from a respected German news
site that paints a much more Steve Jobs Reality-Distortion Field (tm)
free picture:

> Apple feuert deutsche Marketing-Abteilung
> Apple Europa hat die gesamte Marketing-Abteilung der deutschen
> Niederlassung in Feldkirchen bei München entlassen, wie c't aus
> Insider-Kreisen erfuhr. In Zukunft will der kalifornische Hersteller das
> Marketing europaweit vom Firmensitz in Paris aus organisieren. Die
> übrigen Abteilungen der deutschen Niederlassung bleiben den Informationen
> zufolge erhalten. Die Nachfrage der c't-Redaktion beantwortete Georg
> Albrecht von der Presseabteilung in Feldkirchen nur lapidar mit: "Kein
> Kommentar.

In English (courtesy Babelfish):

"Apple Europe has dismissed the entire marketing department of the
German arm in Munich, according to an inside source. In the future the
California manufacturer wants to organize marketing European-wide from
the company headquarters in Paris. The remaining departments of the
German address are preserved according to to the information. Queries by
Insider to George Albrecht Apple's press department were met with the
reply: " no comment. "

the way business works, if you aren't doing too hot in the business,
you get rid of the deadwood. Seems Apple Germany's marketing department
couldn't organize a piss-up in one of their fine breweries, so they had
to go. If they really were selling lots of iMacs, they'd still have
their jobs.

TiFKAS is either being entirely dishonest about how well Apple is
doing in Germany, or more likely in his attempts to pretend being an
"Apple Power Rep", got the story from a website and began making up
things out of whole cloth.

Apple has been taking a lot of heat in Europe as of late, especially
after their controversial decision to pull out of a major Apple show
being held in April in London.

We fully expect to see TiFKAS go into major damage control mode on
this one, complete with supposedly witty ripostes against his imaginary
friend "Chunks".

3) Sales going well in Canada? Think Different.

About two weeks after TiFKAS posted an article from an Apple club
claiming that you couldn't find ANY Apple product in Canada, stores were
being flooded with Rev D 333mHZ iMacs - first just in green, then in all
five fruit flavours. Even at this late date, Computer City is completely
glutted with older iMacs and are trying to blow them out at fire-sale

TiFKAS should also be checking his own back yard, 'cause according to
a number of well-respected mail order houses in the US like Small Dog,
as well as companies like Price Club, they're also similarly glutted
with older iMacs and are likewise blowing them out at fire-sale prices.

Oh, and did I mention the lawsuit that's been launched against Apple
Canada by Computer Warehouse, one of their major distributors? Seems
Apple is refusing to allow them or other of the Canadian retail stores
to sell the iMac online on their web sites, instead giving all Canada
selling rights to MacWarehouse - which may explain why Apple hasn't
launched a Canadian version of Apple Store despite their many promises
to do so Real Soon Now (two years and counting).

4) Milan? You mean the Milan II, which recently got a huge boost when
Hewlett-Packard officially announced that they will be providing full
support for all their new USB products for Milan II. You know HP, don't
you, TiFKAS - the company that recently DROPPED all scanner support for
Apple products.

But then, we all know about TiFKAS' axe to grind against Milan,
especially after he announced (before the original Milan was released!)
that "90% of all Atari applications fall over on the Milan", and was
proven horribly wrong. Or his chicken-littling FUD claiming that Milans
were all horribly buggy hardware wise, when it turned out it was just a
minority of earlier machines that Milan GmBH quickly replaced. Or his
championing the GateWay Amiga as a "Milan-crusher", only to have the
vapour from that sorry project blow up in his face?

What do you say to that, Mr. "I never called Steve Jobs an arrogant
bonehead who would destroy Apple if he ever came back"?

5) it appears that TiFKAS has now given up on DejaNews and is now
(shock, horror!) using an ACTUAL NEWSREADER to post from. So much for
his constant crowing "portals are the future, newsreaders are obsolete".
Which is doubly embarassing for him seeing as the new version of MT
Newswatcher has been getting rave reviews from the denizens of
comp.sys.mac.advocacy, you know, the place TiFKAS is afraid to go to
because he'd be quickly unmasked as the all-talk know-nothing we all
know him to be? BTW, TiFKAS, who set up your newsreader for you -
someone at your company who felt sorry for the janitor?

I'll wait for you to get your head out from "Up There" before you
reply. :)

> just sinclap


Jan 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/24/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>, sinclap
> <> wrote:
> > Apple will post their results today with expecations of better than
> > expected. Looks like sales were phenominal(sp?) in Canada and Germany
> > despite being the home of the new Milan. Apple's transition as a
> > consumer company is nearly complete..Watch out..
> 1) it's spelled "expectations". With such atrocious spelling, TiFKAS
> could never be hired an an "Apple Power Rep".

OOPS I screwed up on one word. Forgot to check since time is limited
in this business..

> 2) Doing well in Germany, huh? Ironically, just a few hours after
> TiFKAS posted his drivel came this report from a respected German news
> site that paints a much more Steve Jobs Reality-Distortion Field (tm)
> free picture:

> In English (courtesy Babelfish):
> "Apple Europe has dismissed the entire marketing department of the
> German arm in Munich, according to an inside source. In the future the
> California manufacturer wants to organize marketing European-wide from
> the company headquarters in Paris. The remaining departments of the
> German address are preserved according to to the information. Queries by
> Insider to George Albrecht Apple's press department were met with the
> reply: " no comment. "
> the way business works, if you aren't doing too hot in the business,
> you get rid of the deadwood. Seems Apple Germany's marketing department
> couldn't organize a piss-up in one of their fine breweries, so they had
> to go. If they really were selling lots of iMacs, they'd still have
> their jobs.

Or it could mean is that they want to have marketing consistancy
worldwide. I believe the same thing happened to the UK dept as well.
Apple UK has done well. My mother mailed the iMac insert from Germany.
The adv insert was the same as the U.S. version with minor
modification. Apple's unit sales in Europe were up 50% in Q1.

> TiFKAS is either being entirely dishonest about how well Apple is
> doing in Germany, or more likely in his attempts to pretend being an
> "Apple Power Rep", got the story from a website and began making up
> things out of whole cloth.

Apple sales are up in Germany. Apple Worldwide could only deliver 70%
of the German product backorder in Q1.

> Apple has been taking a lot of heat in Europe as of late, especially
> after their controversial decision to pull out of a major Apple show
> being held in April in London.

Yep. The Paris show is bigger and a better return on investment.
Their call.

> We fully expect to see TiFKAS go into major damage control mode on
> this one, complete with supposedly witty ripostes against his imaginary
> friend "Chunks".

No need to..

> 3) Sales going well in Canada? Think Different.
> About two weeks after TiFKAS posted an article from an Apple club
> claiming that you couldn't find ANY Apple product in Canada, stores were
> being flooded with Rev D 333mHZ iMacs - first just in green, then in all
> five fruit flavours. Even at this late date, Computer City is completely
> glutted with older iMacs and are trying to blow them out at fire-sale
> prices.

Happens when a new replacement line comes on board. Demand falls off
on the remaining end of line(EOL) models. Apple must not have offered
price protection immediately. The remaining stocks are low since Apple
currently keeps low stocks in the channel.

> TiFKAS should also be checking his own back yard, 'cause according to
> a number of well-respected mail order houses in the US like Small Dog,
> as well as companies like Price Club, they're also similarly glutted
> with older iMacs and are likewise blowing them out at fire-sale prices.

Glutted? Whats a fire-sale price? $899 is not enough. Should read
Robert Morgan's recon article about the likes of Cosco, Sam's Club and
Price Club. What he calls Apple's safety valve..

> Oh, and did I mention the lawsuit that's been launched against Apple
> Canada by Computer Warehouse, one of their major distributors? Seems
> Apple is refusing to allow them or other of the Canadian retail stores
> to sell the iMac online on their web sites, instead giving all Canada
> selling rights to MacWarehouse - which may explain why Apple hasn't
> launched a Canadian version of Apple Store despite their many promises
> to do so Real Soon Now (two years and counting).

So what does that have to do with Apple's blow out Q1?

> 4) Milan? You mean the Milan II, which recently got a huge boost when
> Hewlett-Packard officially announced that they will be providing full
> support for all their new USB products for Milan II. You know HP, don't
> you, TiFKAS - the company that recently DROPPED all scanner support for
> Apple products.

So when will the Milan II reach the shores of Boston Harbor?

Hate to burst the bubble here. HP did an out face a few days ago when
they announced that they made a mistake of leaving the Mac scanner
market and will re-enter the market by March. He he he...

> But then, we all know about TiFKAS' axe to grind against Milan,
> especially after he announced (before the original Milan was released!)
> that "90% of all Atari applications fall over on the Milan", and was
> proven horribly wrong. Or his chicken-littling FUD claiming that Milans
> were all horribly buggy hardware wise, when it turned out it was just a
> minority of earlier machines that Milan GmBH quickly replaced. Or his
> championing the GateWay Amiga as a "Milan-crusher", only to have the
> vapour from that sorry project blow up in his face?

The Milan is vapor! Can you buy one at the Boston Harbor? The Amiga
lives on at Amino..Still think the BEOS is the off spring to replace.

But with Mac X with Aqua...who cares...

> What do you say to that, Mr. "I never called Steve Jobs an arrogant
> bonehead who would destroy Apple if he ever came back"?

i thought we resolved this...

> 5) it appears that TiFKAS has now given up on DejaNews and is now
> (shock, horror!) using an ACTUAL NEWSREADER to post from. So much for
> his constant crowing "portals are the future, newsreaders are obsolete".
> Which is doubly embarassing for him seeing as the new version of MT
> Newswatcher has been getting rave reviews from the denizens of
> comp.sys.mac.advocacy, you know, the place TiFKAS is afraid to go to
> because he'd be quickly unmasked as the all-talk know-nothing we all
> know him to be? BTW, TiFKAS, who set up your newsreader for you -
> someone at your company who felt sorry for the janitor?

Nope. Still like the portals. Will subscribe to as well.

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/24/00
In article <>, The iDiot Forever
Known As Sinclap
<> wrote:

> In article <>, Daniel
> L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:
> > In article <>, sinclap
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > > Apple will post their results today with expecations of better than
> > > expected. Looks like sales were phenominal(sp?) in Canada and
> > > Germany
> > > despite being the home of the new Milan. Apple's transition as a
> > > consumer company is nearly complete..Watch out..
> >
> >
> > 1) it's spelled "expectations". With such atrocious spelling, TiFKAS
> > could never be hired an an "Apple Power Rep".
> OOPS I screwed up on one word. Forgot to check since time is limited
> in this business..

you have a history of screwups, TiFKAS. That's why Apple wouldn't
hire you.

> > 2) Doing well in Germany, huh? Ironically, just a few hours after
> > TiFKAS posted his drivel came this report from a respected German news
> > site that paints a much more Steve Jobs Reality-Distortion Field (tm)
> > free picture:
> >
> >
> >
> > In English (courtesy Babelfish):
> >
> >
> > "Apple Europe has dismissed the entire marketing department of the
> > German arm in Munich, according to an inside source. In the future the
> > California manufacturer wants to organize marketing European-wide from
> > the company headquarters in Paris. The remaining departments of the
> > German address are preserved according to to the information. Queries
> > by
> > Insider to George Albrecht Apple's press department were met with the
> > reply: " no comment. "
> >
> > the way business works, if you aren't doing too hot in the business,
> > you get rid of the deadwood. Seems Apple Germany's marketing department
> > couldn't organize a piss-up in one of their fine breweries, so they had
> > to go. If they really were selling lots of iMacs, they'd still have
> > their jobs.
> Or it could mean is that they want to have marketing consistancy
> worldwide. I believe the same thing happened to the UK dept as well.
> Apple UK has done well. My mother mailed the iMac insert from Germany.
> The adv insert was the same as the U.S. version with minor
> modification. Apple's unit sales in Europe were up 50% in Q1.

what's 50% of squat, TiFKAS?

> > TiFKAS is either being entirely dishonest about how well Apple is
> > doing in Germany, or more likely in his attempts to pretend being an
> > "Apple Power Rep", got the story from a website and began making up
> > things out of whole cloth.
> Apple sales are up in Germany. Apple Worldwide could only deliver 70%
> of the German product backorder in Q1.

only on your word. And we know how rotten your word is, TiFKAS.
Wanna post some REAL NUMBERS?

> > Apple has been taking a lot of heat in Europe as of late, especially
> > after their controversial decision to pull out of a major Apple show
> > being held in April in London.
> Yep. The Paris show is bigger and a better return on investment.
> Their call.

bad call. they've managed to totally cheese off many British Mac
users, and it's going to come back to haunt them. This according to

> > We fully expect to see TiFKAS go into major damage control mode on
> > this one, complete with supposedly witty ripostes against his imaginary
> > friend "Chunks".
> No need to..

you'll need to now....

> > 3) Sales going well in Canada? Think Different.
> >
> > About two weeks after TiFKAS posted an article from an Apple club
> > claiming that you couldn't find ANY Apple product in Canada, stores
> > were
> > being flooded with Rev D 333mHZ iMacs - first just in green, then in
> > all
> > five fruit flavours. Even at this late date, Computer City is
> > completely
> > glutted with older iMacs and are trying to blow them out at fire-sale
> > prices.
> Happens when a new replacement line comes on board. Demand falls off
> on the remaining end of line(EOL) models. Apple must not have offered
> price protection immediately. The remaining stocks are low since Apple
> currently keeps low stocks in the channel.

uh-uh, TiFKAS. You made a claim that they were ALL SOLD OUT. TWO
WEEKS LATER, a glut of iMacs arrived that they're having trouble
dumping. Methinks Mr. Jobs is using the stores for warehousing space...

> > TiFKAS should also be checking his own back yard, 'cause according
> > to
> > a number of well-respected mail order houses in the US like Small Dog,
> > as well as companies like Price Club, they're also similarly glutted
> > with older iMacs and are likewise blowing them out at fire-sale prices.
> >
> Glutted? Whats a fire-sale price? $899 is not enough. Should read
> Robert Morgan's recon article about the likes of Cosco, Sam's Club and
> Price Club. What he calls Apple's safety valve..

at $899, it's still too much for out-of-date technology.

> > Oh, and did I mention the lawsuit that's been launched against Apple
> > Canada by Computer Warehouse, one of their major distributors? Seems
> > Apple is refusing to allow them or other of the Canadian retail stores
> > to sell the iMac online on their web sites, instead giving all Canada
> > selling rights to MacWarehouse - which may explain why Apple hasn't
> > launched a Canadian version of Apple Store despite their many promises
> > to do so Real Soon Now (two years and counting).
> So what does that have to do with Apple's blow out Q1?

jsut making you wake up and smell the catfood, TiFKAS. Apple is in
SERIOUS trouble up here....

> > 4) Milan? You mean the Milan II, which recently got a huge boost
> > when
> > Hewlett-Packard officially announced that they will be providing full
> > support for all their new USB products for Milan II. You know HP, don't
> > you, TiFKAS - the company that recently DROPPED all scanner support for
> > Apple products.
> So when will the Milan II reach the shores of Boston Harbor?

pretty soon, TiFKAS. Just be patient.

> Hate to burst the bubble here. HP did an out face a few days ago when
> they announced that they made a mistake of leaving the Mac scanner
> market and will re-enter the market by March. He he he...

that was nice going. But HP's also supporting Milan right out of the
box. Seems they have just as much confidence in an "obsolete" system as
they do with the toy iMacs...

> > But then, we all know about TiFKAS' axe to grind against Milan,
> > especially after he announced (before the original Milan was released!)
> > that "90% of all Atari applications fall over on the Milan", and was
> > proven horribly wrong. Or his chicken-littling FUD claiming that Milans
> > were all horribly buggy hardware wise, when it turned out it was just a
> > minority of earlier machines that Milan GmBH quickly replaced. Or his
> > championing the GateWay Amiga as a "Milan-crusher", only to have the
> > vapour from that sorry project blow up in his face?
> The Milan is vapor! Can you buy one at the Boston Harbor?

can you buy a G4 500mHZ tower ANYWHERE in the world right now,
TiFKAS? Howzabout Half-Life for the Mac. Seems Stevie's been breaking
out in rash promises again..

which Milan, TiFKAS? Milan 040 has been out since August '98. Milan
060 came out about six months later. Milan II was shown at a German
Atari show with reps from Motorola and HP talking about construction and
peripheral support. Right now the schedule for release appears to be on
time. We have at least two members who have expressed interest in the
new machine, and when they get them and show them at a TAF meeting
(which I personally will ensure gets promoted), you'll see a lot more

The only vapour you should be concerned about emanates from your
hind-quarters anytime you have a thought....

The Amiga
> lives on at Amino..Still think the BEOS is the off spring to replace.

BeOS is also in trouble. Amiga has had many lives, but so far has
failed to produce one scrap of hardware, while Atari hardware has

> But with Mac X with Aqua...who cares...

which, according to TiFKAS' yardstick, is also vapour.....

> > What do you say to that, Mr. "I never called Steve Jobs an arrogant
> > bonehead who would destroy Apple if he ever came back"?
> i thought we resolved this...

sure we did. You lied when you claimed that you never called Steve

Jobs an "arrogant bonehead" who would "destroy Apple if he ever came

back". When I went through DejaNews and found the EXACT POSTING that
contained your foot-in-mouth disease, you conveniently ran away like the
coward you are.

Ready to start doing some serious boot-licking to Mr. Jobs? Be
careful, he may have been walking through a cow field :)


Jan 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/26/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> > >
> > > 1) it's spelled "expectations". With such atrocious spelling, TiFKAS
> > > could never be hired an an "Apple Power Rep".
> >
> > OOPS I screwed up on one word. Forgot to check since time is limited
> > in this business..
> you have a history of screwups, TiFKAS. That's why Apple wouldn't
> hire you.

No..I should not type in the dark again..

> > Or it could mean is that they want to have marketing consistancy
> > worldwide. I believe the same thing happened to the UK dept as well.
> > Apple UK has done well. My mother mailed the iMac insert from Germany.
> > The adv insert was the same as the U.S. version with minor
> > modification. Apple's unit sales in Europe were up 50% in Q1.
> what's 50% of squat, TiFKAS?

50% increase over Q1 '99...

> >
> > > TiFKAS is either being entirely dishonest about how well Apple is
> > > doing in Germany, or more likely in his attempts to pretend being an
> > > "Apple Power Rep", got the story from a website and began making up
> > > things out of whole cloth.
> >
> > Apple sales are up in Germany. Apple Worldwide could only deliver 70%
> > of the German product backorder in Q1.
> only on your word. And we know how rotten your word is, TiFKAS.
> Wanna post some REAL NUMBERS?

Read the financial earnings release report and the 10K filing..

> > Yep. The Paris show is bigger and a better return on investment.
> > Their call.
> bad call. they've managed to totally cheese off many British Mac
> users, and it's going to come back to haunt them. This according to
> MacFormat.

They will get over it..Why not find out the reason before the eggs
splatter in your block as a head..Even Charlie Brown eventually got a

> >
> > No need to..
> you'll need to now....
> >

> > Happens when a new replacement line comes on board. Demand falls off
> > on the remaining end of line(EOL) models. Apple must not have offered
> > price protection immediately. The remaining stocks are low since Apple
> > currently keeps low stocks in the channel.
> uh-uh, TiFKAS. You made a claim that they were ALL SOLD OUT. TWO
> WEEKS LATER, a glut of iMacs arrived that they're having trouble
> dumping. Methinks Mr. Jobs is using the stores for warehousing space...

At the time..the stock was about sold out and eventually replenished..
When a new line comes along will cause sales of the out going line to
slow. Have you ever been part of a product launch and life cycle?
Having a sense when something new comes down the road soon and use the
remaining time to attempt to clear out the existing line. Pretty
Exhilerating and challenging if you ask me..

> >
> > > TiFKAS should also be checking his own back yard, 'cause according
> > > to
> > > a number of well-respected mail order houses in the US like Small Dog,
> > > as well as companies like Price Club, they're also similarly glutted
> > > with older iMacs and are likewise blowing them out at fire-sale prices.
> > >
> > Glutted? Whats a fire-sale price? $899 is not enough. Should read
> > Robert Morgan's recon article about the likes of Cosco, Sam's Club and
> > Price Club. What he calls Apple's safety valve..
> at $899, it's still too much for out-of-date technology.

Actually a shopper mentioned today that the Sam's Club had them at
$700. Even I am tempted. But drawn to the current iMac 350 for the
price. I'd rather have a G4 but can't justify the cost for what I will
be usin it for.

> >
> > > Oh, and did I mention the lawsuit that's been launched against Apple
> > > Canada by Computer Warehouse, one of their major distributors? Seems
> > > Apple is refusing to allow them or other of the Canadian retail stores
> > > to sell the iMac online on their web sites, instead giving all Canada
> > > selling rights to MacWarehouse - which may explain why Apple hasn't
> > > launched a Canadian version of Apple Store despite their many promises
> > > to do so Real Soon Now (two years and counting).
> >
> > So what does that have to do with Apple's blow out Q1?
> jsut making you wake up and smell the catfood, TiFKAS. Apple is in
> SERIOUS trouble up here....

In what way? CA sales are up to..

> >
> >
> > > 4) Milan? You mean the Milan II, which recently got a huge boost
> > > when
> > > Hewlett-Packard officially announced that they will be providing full
> > > support for all their new USB products for Milan II. You know HP, don't
> > > you, TiFKAS - the company that recently DROPPED all scanner support for
> > > Apple products.
> >
> > So when will the Milan II reach the shores of Boston Harbor?
> pretty soon, TiFKAS. Just be patient.

Why? Whats the hold up. Why do Atari users always have to wait for
new CPU's..Usually a half decade later. Still doing the 68K..

> >
> > Hate to burst the bubble here. HP did an out face a few days ago when
> > they announced that they made a mistake of leaving the Mac scanner
> > market and will re-enter the market by March. He he he...
> that was nice going. But HP's also supporting Milan right out of the
> box. Seems they have just as much confidence in an "obsolete" system as
> they do with the toy iMacs...

An HP employese grandmother can write drivers..Whats the marketing and
distribution plan for the Milan? Should I check C's Term...for the

> >
> > > But then, we all know about TiFKAS' axe to grind against Milan,
> > > especially after he announced (before the original Milan was released!)
> > > that "90% of all Atari applications fall over on the Milan", and was
> > > proven horribly wrong. Or his chicken-littling FUD claiming that Milans
> > > were all horribly buggy hardware wise, when it turned out it was just a
> > > minority of earlier machines that Milan GmBH quickly replaced. Or his
> > > championing the GateWay Amiga as a "Milan-crusher", only to have the
> > > vapour from that sorry project blow up in his face?
> >
> > The Milan is vapor! Can you buy one at the Boston Harbor?
> can you buy a G4 500mHZ tower ANYWHERE in the world right now,
> TiFKAS? Howzabout Half-Life for the Mac. Seems Stevie's been breaking
> out in rash promises again..

No you can get a G4/450...Is that the best you can do?

> which Milan, TiFKAS? Milan 040 has been out since August '98. Milan
> 060 came out about six months later. Milan II was shown at a German
> Atari show with reps from Motorola and HP talking about construction and
> peripheral support. Right now the schedule for release appears to be on
> time. We have at least two members who have expressed interest in the
> new machine, and when they get them and show them at a TAF meeting
> (which I personally will ensure gets promoted), you'll see a lot more
> sold.

So where can one purchase a Milan 040-060 in the states?

> The only vapour you should be concerned about emanates from your
> hind-quarters anytime you have a thought....
> The Amiga
> > lives on at Amino..Still think the BEOS is the off spring to replace.
> BeOS is also in trouble. Amiga has had many lives, but so far has
> failed to produce one scrap of hardware, while Atari hardware has
> proliferated.

BEOS will be free which can only help. i wonder if Mac X was the
factor along with Linux?

> >
> > But with Mac X with Aqua...who cares...
> which, according to TiFKAS' yardstick, is also vapour.....
> >
> > > What do you say to that, Mr. "I never called Steve Jobs an arrogant
> > > bonehead who would destroy Apple if he ever came back"?
> >
> > i thought we resolved this...
> sure we did. You lied when you claimed that you never called Steve
> Jobs an "arrogant bonehead" who would "destroy Apple if he ever came
> back". When I went through DejaNews and found the EXACT POSTING that
> contained your foot-in-mouth disease, you conveniently ran away like the
> coward you are.

You have beaten this to death many times and you know my mea culpa on
this.. I'd say that you have been scratching your balls too long on

> Ready to start doing some serious boot-licking to Mr. Jobs? Be
> careful, he may have been walking through a cow field :)

Sorry..I am too far away from Cupertino. The field channel keeps me

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/26/00
In article <>, The iDiot Forever
Known As Sinclap
<> wrote:

> >
> > you have a history of screwups, TiFKAS. That's why Apple wouldn't
> > hire you.
> No..I should not type in the dark again..

TiFKAS is always in the dark.....

> > > Or it could mean is that they want to have marketing consistancy
> > > worldwide. I believe the same thing happened to the UK dept as well.
> > >
> > > Apple UK has done well. My mother mailed the iMac insert from
> > > Germany.
> > > The adv insert was the same as the U.S. version with minor
> > > modification. Apple's unit sales in Europe were up 50% in Q1.
> >
> > what's 50% of squat, TiFKAS?
> 50% increase over Q1 '99...

again, what's 50% of squat? Apple traditionally does very poorly in

Real numbers, please.

> > > Apple sales are up in Germany. Apple Worldwide could only deliver
> > > 70%
> > > of the German product backorder in Q1.
> >
> > only on your word. And we know how rotten your word is, TiFKAS.
> > Wanna post some REAL NUMBERS?
> Read the financial earnings release report and the 10K filing..

why don't you produce them? Or are you afraid of showing the real

> > bad call. they've managed to totally cheese off many British Mac
> > users, and it's going to come back to haunt them. This according to
> > MacFormat.
> They will get over it..Why not find out the reason before the eggs
> splatter in your block as a head..Even Charlie Brown eventually got a
> clue..

uh-uh TiFKAS. Judging from what I've read in the Register, they're
quite mad. And when people get mad, they tend to have long memories
about who screwed them over. Not just users, but also all those people
who spent time and money to set up what was expected to be a
well-attanded show before Apple wimped out.

I have a perfectly round head just like anyone. Why not get that into
your pin of a head?

> > uh-uh, TiFKAS. You made a claim that they were ALL SOLD OUT. TWO
> > WEEKS LATER, a glut of iMacs arrived that they're having trouble
> > dumping. Methinks Mr. Jobs is using the stores for warehousing space...
> At the time..the stock was about sold out and eventually replenished..
> When a new line comes along will cause sales of the out going line to
> slow. Have you ever been part of a product launch and life cycle?
> Having a sense when something new comes down the road soon and use the
> remaining time to attempt to clear out the existing line. Pretty
> Exhilerating and challenging if you ask me..

again, you're noy getting it. You come in here crowing that Apple is
selling iMacs faster than they can make them - "fying off the shelves"
-and yet I'm seeing the opposite, where even in your back yard they're
rotting on mail-order shelves.

> >
> > at $899, it's still too much for out-of-date technology.
> Actually a shopper mentioned today that the Sam's Club had them at
> $700. Even I am tempted. But drawn to the current iMac 350 for the
> price. I'd rather have a G4 but can't justify the cost for what I will
> be usin it for.

better, but still too much. Try $500 CDN and I think we'll have a
deal :)

BTW, it's spelled "using" or "usin'".

> > >
> > > So what does that have to do with Apple's blow out Q1?
> >
> > jsut making you wake up and smell the catfood, TiFKAS. Apple is in
> > SERIOUS trouble up here....
> In what way? CA sales are up to..

up to what? Again, you keep crowing about how well Apple is doing,
and yet you're afraid to post real numbers. Or are the numbers as fake
as your claims that you're an "Apple Power Rep", to which you're too
chicken to produce any real evidence?

I'm going to ask David Rosen in a few weeks at ComputerFest (an
honest Apple writer) about what's going on. I can trust David, he makes
sure the rose-coloured glasses stay off....

> > >
> > > So when will the Milan II reach the shores of Boston Harbor?
> >
> >
> > pretty soon, TiFKAS. Just be patient.
> Why? Whats the hold up. Why do Atari users always have to wait for
> new CPU's..Usually a half decade later. Still doing the 68K..

Milan II is on time and on schedule. April 2000 is the slated date.
And, word is that if they meet their projected sales target, the next
batch may well be PowerPC.

Again, TiFKAS reveals his waster mentality - as well as once again
putting his foot in his mouth, because everytime he slams 68K STs, he
equally calls 68K Macs "junk". And again he writes up his own history of

> > >
> > > Hate to burst the bubble here. HP did an out face a few days ago
> > > when
> > > they announced that they made a mistake of leaving the Mac scanner
> > > market and will re-enter the market by March. He he he...
> >
> > that was nice going. But HP's also supporting Milan right out of the
> > box. Seems they have just as much confidence in an "obsolete" system as
> > they do with the toy iMacs...
> An HP employese grandmother can write drivers..

can you produce one of these amazing grandmothers?

Whats the marketing and
> distribution plan for the Milan? Should I check C's Term...for the
> skuu's?

why should we tell YOU? Why should we throw pearls before swine? :)

> > > The Milan is vapor! Can you buy one at the Boston Harbor?
> >
> > can you buy a G4 500mHZ tower ANYWHERE in the world right now,
> > TiFKAS? Howzabout Half-Life for the Mac. Seems Stevie's been breaking
> > out in rash promises again..
> No you can get a G4/450...Is that the best you can do?

trying to weasel out of a bad situation, TiFKAS? Steve Jobs promised
a 500mHZ G4 by November. November has come and gone, and January (the
next projected date) is almost over. Motorola is ticked off with Jobs'
insinuating it was their fault for not producing a chip that was vapour
when Steve announced it. And to make it even worse, Apple then tried to
charge the same amount for a 450 as much as the 500mHZ. Never mind that
they had to back off, Apple tried to get away with murder. Remember what
I said about long memories?

Until Apple produces the 500mHZ G4 Tower that many people want, I'd
suggest you keep your trap shut about vapourware as an argument.

BTW, when's Pharoah coming out for the Mac? :)

> So where can one purchase a Milan 040-060 in the states?

where can one purchase a 500mHZ G4 Tower anywhere?

> > BeOS is also in trouble. Amiga has had many lives, but so far has
> > failed to produce one scrap of hardware, while Atari hardware has
> > proliferated.
> BEOS will be free which can only help. i wonder if Mac X was the
> factor along with Linux?

how can vapour be a deciding factor? Linux yes, but the $999 Mac OSX
Server? Client is still vapour, according to TiFKAS' yardstick - it's
three years and counting, right?

> > >
> > > > What do you say to that, Mr. "I never called Steve Jobs an
> > > > arrogant
> > > > bonehead who would destroy Apple if he ever came back"?
> > >
> > > i thought we resolved this...
> >
> > sure we did. You lied when you claimed that you never called Steve
> > Jobs an "arrogant bonehead" who would "destroy Apple if he ever came
> > back". When I went through DejaNews and found the EXACT POSTING that
> > contained your foot-in-mouth disease, you conveniently ran away like
> > the
> > coward you are.
> You have beaten this to death many times and you know my mea culpa on
> this.. I'd say that you have been scratching your balls too long on
> this..

yes, I know your approach. It's called lying about it. It's also
called ass-kissing when things blow in the other direction, you
two-faced brown-nosing hypocrite. When Jobs was out, you insulted him.
The minute he got back in, out came the tongue to be applied to shoe
leather. Even when he sold out to Micro$oft, you were praising him to
the skies. Now that it turns out Billy Boy threatened to crush him like
a bug if IE4 wasn't made top browser on the Mac, do you feel any
different about it?

TiFKAS obviously bases his own career around that of Waylon Smithers,
from you-know-what-TV-show that he's jealous of the creator's success
that he's has to constantly attack it....

I understand, though, that in real life Jobs doesn't really like

> > Ready to start doing some serious boot-licking to Mr. Jobs? Be
> > careful, he may have been walking through a cow field :)
> Sorry..I am too far away from Cupertino. The field channel keeps me
> occupied

Yep, digging dotches certainly keeps you occupied. But not long
enough to lick Stevie's boots.


Jan 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/26/00
"Daniel L. Dreibelbis" wrote:
> Milan II is on time and on schedule. April 2000 is the slated date.
> And, word is that if they meet their projected sales target, the next
> batch may well be PowerPC.

Hmmm - you will, perhaps, pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for
them to appear in Canader !!!!

The Canadian Curmudgeon (in +2C, wet, Calgary)

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/27/00
In article <>,

> > Milan II is on time and on schedule. April 2000 is the slated date.
> > And, word is that if they meet their projected sales target, the next
> > batch may well be PowerPC.
> >

> Hmmm - you will, perhaps, pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for
> them to appear in Canader !!!!

when one of our members gets one and we have a TAF meeting based
around it (and believe me, we will), I think you'll have plenty of
reasons to exhale :)


Jan 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/27/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>, The iDiot Forever
> Known As Sinclap
> <> wrote:
> > >
> > > you have a history of screwups, TiFKAS. That's why Apple wouldn't
> > > hire you.
> >
> > No..I should not type in the dark again..
> TiFKAS is always in the dark.....

Not really...When most of my written work is done at late night or
early morning is when the spilling arrors okkurr..

> >
> > > what's 50% of squat, TiFKAS?
> >
> > 50% increase over Q1 '99...
> again, what's 50% of squat? Apple traditionally does very poorly in
> Europe.

Says who? Apple's international bus accounted for 51% of sales for Q1..

> Real numbers, please.
> > > > Apple sales are up in Germany. Apple Worldwide could only deliver
> > > > 70%
> > > > of the German product backorder in Q1.
> > >
> > > only on your word. And we know how rotten your word is, TiFKAS.
> > > Wanna post some REAL NUMBERS?
> >
> > Read the financial earnings release report and the 10K filing..
> why don't you produce them? Or are you afraid of showing the real
> figures?

I may do so. You have been warned..

> > They will get over it..Why not find out the reason before the eggs
> > splatter in your block as a head..Even Charlie Brown eventually got a
> > clue..
> uh-uh TiFKAS. Judging from what I've read in the Register, they're
> quite mad. And when people get mad, they tend to have long memories
> about who screwed them over. Not just users, but also all those people
> who spent time and money to set up what was expected to be a
> well-attanded show before Apple wimped out.

Will see..

> I have a perfectly round head just like anyone. Why not get that into
> your pin of a head?

Lets a picure of yourself and will decide..

> >
> > At the time..the stock was about sold out and eventually replenished..
> > When a new line comes along will cause sales of the out going line to
> > slow. Have you ever been part of a product launch and life cycle?
> > Having a sense when something new comes down the road soon and use the
> > remaining time to attempt to clear out the existing line. Pretty
> > Exhilerating and challenging if you ask me..
> again, you're noy getting it. You come in here crowing that Apple is
> selling iMacs faster than they can make them - "fying off the shelves"
> -and yet I'm seeing the opposite, where even in your back yard they're
> rotting on mail-order shelves.

They did. But when a new line comes out, a slow down will occur on the
old stuff.

> > >
> > > at $899, it's still too much for out-of-date technology.
> >
> > Actually a shopper mentioned today that the Sam's Club had them at
> > $700. Even I am tempted. But drawn to the current iMac 350 for the
> > price. I'd rather have a G4 but can't justify the cost for what I will
> > be usin it for.
> better, but still too much. Try $500 CDN and I think we'll have a
> deal :)

Very cheap are you not?

> BTW, it's spelled "using" or "usin'".

Yes..I left out the g..I should slow down the typing..

> >
> > In what way? CA sales are up to..
> up to what? Again, you keep crowing about how well Apple is doing,
> and yet you're afraid to post real numbers. Or are the numbers as fake
> as your claims that you're an "Apple Power Rep", to which you're too
> chicken to produce any real evidence?

Sales are up to one million three hundred fifty-seven thousand units in
Q1 worldwide. Thats a 40% increase over Q1 99

> I'm going to ask David Rosen in a few weeks at ComputerFest (an
> honest Apple writer) about what's going on. I can trust David, he makes
> sure the rose-coloured glasses stay off....

The sensible thing to do.But he will tell you what you do not want to

> > Why? Whats the hold up. Why do Atari users always have to wait for
> > new CPU's..Usually a half decade later. Still doing the 68K..
> Milan II is on time and on schedule. April 2000 is the slated date.
> And, word is that if they meet their projected sales target, the next
> batch may well be PowerPC.

Is that what you call vapor?

> Again, TiFKAS reveals his waster mentality - as well as once again
> putting his foot in his mouth, because everytime he slams 68K STs, he
> equally calls 68K Macs "junk". And again he writes up his own history of
> things.....
> >
> > > >
> >

> > An HP employese grandmother can write drivers..
> can you produce one of these amazing grandmothers?

Yea sure..-)

> Whats the marketing and
> > distribution plan for the Milan? Should I check C's Term...for the
> > skuu's?
> why should we tell YOU? Why should we throw pearls before swine? :)
> > > > The Milan is vapor! Can you buy one at the Boston Harbor?
> > >
> > > can you buy a G4 500mHZ tower ANYWHERE in the world right now,
> > > TiFKAS? Howzabout Half-Life for the Mac. Seems Stevie's been breaking
> > > out in rash promises again..
> >
> > No you can get a G4/450...Is that the best you can do?
> trying to weasel out of a bad situation, TiFKAS? Steve Jobs promised
> a 500mHZ G4 by November. November has come and gone, and January (the
> next projected date) is almost over. Motorola is ticked off with Jobs'
> insinuating it was their fault for not producing a chip that was vapour
> when Steve announced it. And to make it even worse, Apple then tried to
> charge the same amount for a 450 as much as the 500mHZ. Never mind that
> they had to back off, Apple tried to get away with murder. Remember what
> I said about long memories?

Jobs did not promise a 500mhz by November. Were is the press release on
this or is it delusion?

Also, they downgraded the clock speed by 50mhz on each configuration
but everything else is the same..

Also, later G4/350 buyers got the sawtooth motherboard and DVD for the
same price..not bad..

> Until Apple produces the 500mHZ G4 Tower that many people want, I'd
> suggest you keep your trap shut about vapourware as an argument.

They cancelled the model and have not said anything more about it.
Thats not vapor. Vapor is when firms promise and promise and not

While I am writing this, CNN has been bombarded with the latest new
iMac commercials. very well done. A company advertising in Q2 like
this is unheard. Looks like Apple is expecting another blow out in Q2.

> BTW, when's Pharoah coming out for the Mac? :)

Nope. Mac gaming users did not want it..But thats were VPC come

> >
> > So where can one purchase a Milan 040-060 in the states?
> where can one purchase a 500mHZ G4 Tower anywhere?

You can't..

> > > BeOS is also in trouble. Amiga has had many lives, but so far has
> > > failed to produce one scrap of hardware, while Atari hardware has
> > > proliferated.
> >
> > BEOS will be free which can only help. i wonder if Mac X was the
> > factor along with Linux?
> how can vapour be a deciding factor? Linux yes, but the $999 Mac OSX
> Server? Client is still vapour, according to TiFKAS' yardstick - it's
> three years and counting, right?

Apple has deliverd consistant upgrades of the OS. Nice try..

> >
> > You have beaten this to death many times and you know my mea culpa on
> > this.. I'd say that you have been scratching your balls too long on
> > this..
> yes, I know your approach. It's called lying about it. It's also
> called ass-kissing when things blow in the other direction, you
> two-faced brown-nosing hypocrite. When Jobs was out, you insulted him.
> The minute he got back in, out came the tongue to be applied to shoe
> leather. Even when he sold out to Micro$oft, you were praising him to
> the skies. Now that it turns out Billy Boy threatened to crush him like
> a bug if IE4 wasn't made top browser on the Mac, do you feel any
> different about it?

Lets get this straight. First off, I thought deja all over again.
Many thought so to. I guess over a decade in exile changed his ways
and became matured in the role.

Microsoft bought $150 million in Apple's preferred shares. You will
see it on the financial consolidated sheets. Apple had plenty of cash
at the time. MS investment was directed toward the street when Apple's
credibility was an all time low.

> TiFKAS obviously bases his own career around that of Waylon Smithers,
> from you-know-what-TV-show that he's jealous of the creator's success
> that he's has to constantly attack it....

Your deluded..How's the hardware business?

> I understand, though, that in real life Jobs doesn't really like
> toadies...
> >
> > > Ready to start doing some serious boot-licking to Mr. Jobs? Be
> > > careful, he may have been walking through a cow field :)
> >
> > Sorry..I am too far away from Cupertino. The field channel keeps me
> > occupied
> Yep, digging dotches certainly keeps you occupied. But not long
> enough to lick Stevie's boots.

licking boots from experience..Must be that bonding thing..

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/27/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> Not really...When most of my written work is done at late night or
> early morning is when the spilling arrors okkurr..

that's nothing to be proud about - your lack of spelling....

> > > > what's 50% of squat, TiFKAS?
> > >
> > > 50% increase over Q1 '99...
> >
> > again, what's 50% of squat? Apple traditionally does very poorly in
> > Europe.
> Says who? Apple's international bus accounted for 51% of sales for Q1..

and in reward for that, they lay off Apple Germany's marketing staff,
lay off everyone at Apple UK, pull out of a major UK Apple show, etc.
etc. Sure TiFKAS, that's what successful companies do all the time....

> > why don't you produce them? Or are you afraid of showing the real
> > figures?
> I may do so. You have been warned..

oh, I so afraid of TiFKAS, the paper tiger...

> > I have a perfectly round head just like anyone. Why not get that
> > into
> > your pin of a head?
> Lets a picure of yourself and will decide..

sure, in a few days. If you'll likewise post a picture of yourself.

BTW, it's spelled "picture".

> > again, you're noy getting it. You come in here crowing that Apple is
> > selling iMacs faster than they can make them - "fying off the shelves"
> > -and yet I'm seeing the opposite, where even in your back yard they're
> > rotting on mail-order shelves.
> They did. But when a new line comes out, a slow down will occur on the
> old stuff.

backing off your original claim, wienerhead?

> >
> > better, but still too much. Try $500 CDN and I think we'll have a
> > deal :)
> Very cheap are you not?

no, pragmatic. I like getting bang for my buck, and not going
humongously in debt....

> > BTW, it's spelled "using" or "usin'".
> Yes..I left out the g..I should slow down the typing..

or start thinking before you type. It would make for less wasted
bandwidth that could be put to better use for SPAM :)

> Sales are up to one million three hundred fifty-seven thousand units in
> Q1 worldwide. Thats a 40% increase over Q1 99

I asked for the specific Canadian results, weinerhead. Don't weasel
out of that one...

> > I'm going to ask David Rosen in a few weeks at ComputerFest (an
> > honest Apple writer) about what's going on. I can trust David, he makes
> > sure the rose-coloured glasses stay off....
> The sensible thing to do.But he will tell you what you do not want to
> hear.

Sure there's that possibility. But he's also consistent in telling
the stuff TiFKAS doesn't want you to know.....

> >
> > > Why? Whats the hold up. Why do Atari users always have to wait for
> > > new CPU's..Usually a half decade later. Still doing the 68K..
> >
> > Milan II is on time and on schedule. April 2000 is the slated date.
> > And, word is that if they meet their projected sales target, the next
> > batch may well be PowerPC.
> Is that what you call vapor?

did they specifically promise there will be? No, only if certain
things goals are met. Unlike Jobs and the 500mHZ G4.

> > >
> > > No you can get a G4/450...Is that the best you can do?
> >
> > trying to weasel out of a bad situation, TiFKAS? Steve Jobs promised
> > a 500mHZ G4 by November. November has come and gone, and January (the
> > next projected date) is almost over. Motorola is ticked off with Jobs'
> > insinuating it was their fault for not producing a chip that was vapour
> > when Steve announced it. And to make it even worse, Apple then tried to
> > charge the same amount for a 450 as much as the 500mHZ. Never mind that
> > they had to back off, Apple tried to get away with murder. Remember
> > what
> > I said about long memories?
> Jobs did not promise a 500mhz by November. Were is the press release on
> this or is it delusion?

he certainly did - does THIS jog your selective memory?

Where's the G4/500?

21 January 2000 Dan Knight

Remember how Steve Jobs announced the Power Mac G4 on August 31,
1999? Therewould be a less-expensive 400 MHz model plus two faster
machines with AGP video and more. The "Sawtooth" models would run at 450
and 500 MHz.

Due to production problems at Motorola, the G4/500 was postponed until
January 2000.

Then, on October 13, Apple dropped the base G4 to 350 MHz and offered
the"Sawtooth" version in 400 and 450 MHz variants.

At the start of December, Apple quietly replaced the "Yikes!" G4/350
with a "Sawtooth" model at the same price.

Where's the Beef?

It's late January. Macworld Expo has come and gone without a single
Applehardware announcment. No "Pismo" PowerBook. No faster iMac. No
iBook with adequate memory.

And no Power Mac G4/500.

> > Until Apple produces the 500mHZ G4 Tower that many people want, I'd
> > suggest you keep your trap shut about vapourware as an argument.
> They cancelled the model and have not said anything more about it.
> Thats not vapor. Vapor is when firms promise and promise and not
> deliver.

which is what they did with the G4 500mHZ.

> > BTW, when's Pharoah coming out for the Mac? :)
> Nope. Mac gaming users did not want it..But thats were VPC come
> through.

lots of Mac users did want it. And it's being considered as another
black eye to the Mac gaming community.

May we also add the decision to cancel Pharoah by the developer had
to do with the fact that Caeser III, also done by the same company,
tanked as a Mac game?

Sounds like sour grapes....

> > >
> > > So where can one purchase a Milan 040-060 in the states?
> >
> > where can one purchase a 500mHZ G4 Tower anywhere?
> You can't..

okay. so shut your trap.

> > how can vapour be a deciding factor? Linux yes, but the $999 Mac OSX
> > Server? Client is still vapour, according to TiFKAS' yardstick - it's
> > three years and counting, right?
> Apple has deliverd consistant upgrades of the OS. Nice try..

but it ain't OSX Client, which is a complete replacement; unlike the
OS upgrades, which basically adds chrome wheels and stripes to a Yugo.

> Lets get this straight. First off, I thought deja all over again.
> Many thought so to. I guess over a decade in exile changed his ways
> and became matured in the role.

it's spelled "too".

judging from his performance from a non Reality-Distortion Field (tm)
stance, Steve hasn't grown up. Witness the hissy fit at Macworld Japan,
breaking out in rash promises regarding Macs whose processors haven't
been developed yet, and reports from mac.advocacy that Steve has once
again turned the Cupertino offices into an armed camp with employees
fearful for their jobs. Yep, it's deja vu all over again....

> Microsoft bought $150 million in Apple's preferred shares. You will
> see it on the financial consolidated sheets. Apple had plenty of cash
> at the time. MS investment was directed toward the street when Apple's
> credibility was an all time low.

once again, revisionism. Pirates of Silicone Valley and Judge
Jackson's deposition showed the real story....

> > TiFKAS obviously bases his own career around that of Waylon
> > Smithers,
> > from you-know-what-TV-show that he's jealous of the creator's success
> > that he's has to constantly attack it....
> Your deluded..

It's spelled "you're" - and talk about Pot/Kettle/Black, this is the
same guy who constantly babbles about fat people who aren't there....

How's the hardware business?

doing quite well, thank you. We did very well regarding Christmas,
and you wouldn't believe the traffic we did in Y2K-based stuff during
the last week - we even sold three barbecues in one day.

> >
> > Yep, digging dotches certainly keeps you occupied. But not long
> > enough to lick Stevie's boots.
> licking boots from experience..Must be that bonding thing..

Ahaa, so you admit it!

Brian E. Smith

Jan 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/28/00

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Daniel L. Dreibelbis wrote:

> > Hmmm - you will, perhaps, pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for
> > them to appear in Canader !!!!
> when one of our members gets one and we have a TAF meeting based
> around it (and believe me, we will), I think you'll have plenty of
> reasons to exhale :)

Ahhh - but m'dear Daniel - the whole of Canader does not live in Toronto,
thank god - and I won't hold my breath until they are in distribution out
here in the darkened wastes of Colonial (Eastern) Canader !

The Canadian Curmudgeon (in sunny Calgary)


Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
Hi there,

sinclap wrote:
> > > So when will the Milan II reach the shores of Boston Harbor?
> >
> >
> > pretty soon, TiFKAS. Just be patient.
> Why? Whats the hold up. Why do Atari users always have to wait for
> new CPU's..Usually a half decade later. Still doing the 68K..

Yes, still doing the 68k, but using Coldfire hardware that will run
at 400MHz by the end of 2000 according to Motorola...

The frugal resource drain inherent in Atari OS and software will mean
that a 400MHz Coldfire CPU will provide an extremely fast computer at
a price equivalent to low-end PC's.

Also, if Milan II sales targets are met then development on Milan may
shift toward PPC core chips like the G4/MPC units. Its always quite
satisfying the way my Falcon boots to a useable desktop in ten seconds
from cold, unlike all/most Macs. I'd LOVE to see how quickly a MagiC
Milan machine would boot...

Kind regards,

Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch, New Zealand.
/|\ ATARI Falcon030 owner.


Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
Hi there,

VE6HY wrote:

> "Daniel L. Dreibelbis" wrote:
> >
> > Milan II is on time and on schedule. April 2000 is the slated date.
> > And, word is that if they meet their projected sales target, the next
> > batch may well be PowerPC.

> Hmmm - you will, perhaps, pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for
> them to appear in Canader !!!!

> The Canadian Curmudgeon (in +2C, wet, Calgary)

I'm not holding my breath either, but I ordered my Falcon from the UK all
the way from New Zealand. Quite a number of guys here had already done the
same. I'm prepared to do the same again with MilanII once I've seen the
official release and have seen favourable comments from the new users...

...and I'll still probably get that BEFORE the local Mac store can get me
a 500MHz G4... :)

Kind regards,

Chris Wilkinson, in hot muggy 30'C Christchurch, New Zealand.
/|\ ATARI Falcon030 owner.


Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
Hi there,

"Daniel L. Dreibelbis" wrote:
> > > I have a perfectly round head just like anyone. Why not get that
> > > into
> > > your pin of a head?
> >
> > Lets a picure of yourself and will decide..
> sure, in a few days. If you'll likewise post a picture of yourself.
> BTW, it's spelled "picture".

Can I post mine too? hehe! :)

I've seen Dan's in an Atari magazine, and a standard issue human face it
indeed is...lets see Mr.Tifkas now! Or does 'Mr Apple power rep' not do
such things due to 'privacy clause' in his 'contract' with Joes fruit
emporium? :)

Kind regards,

Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch, New Zealand.
/|\ ATARI Falcon030 owner.


Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> that's nothing to be proud about - your lack of spelling....

And millions of posts are error free? Including the ones by the Jihads?

> >
> > > again, what's 50% of squat? Apple traditionally does very poorly in
> > > Europe.
> >
> > Says who? Apple's international bus accounted for 51% of sales for Q1..

Apple's Q1 sales were $2.34 billion with 51% percent international. Do
the math..

> and in reward for that, they lay off Apple Germany's marketing staff,
> lay off everyone at Apple UK, pull out of a major UK Apple show, etc.
> etc. Sure TiFKAS, that's what successful companies do all the time....

Called being efficient. If you have not noticed this..Apple has
implemented worldwide their target market and strategies. Why have

Coke is doing the same. Are they not a successful company?

> > > why don't you produce them? Or are you afraid of showing the real
> > > figures?
> >
> > I may do so. You have been warned..
> oh, I so afraid of TiFKAS, the paper tiger...

Once the 10K is done I will..

> > Lets a picure of yourself and will decide..
> sure, in a few days. If you'll likewise post a picture of yourself.

Will do..

> BTW, it's spelled "picture".
> > > again, you're noy getting it. You come in here crowing that Apple is
> > > selling iMacs faster than they can make them - "fying off the shelves"
> > > -and yet I'm seeing the opposite, where even in your back yard they're
> > > rotting on mail-order shelves.
> >
> > They did. But when a new line comes out, a slow down will occur on the
> > old stuff.
> backing off your original claim, wienerhead?


> > >
> > > better, but still too much. Try $500 CDN and I think we'll have a
> > > deal :)
> >
> > Very cheap are you not?
> no, pragmatic. I like getting bang for my buck, and not going
> humongously in debt....

You had to when they jacked up the prices on the Mega's and TT models..

> > > BTW, it's spelled "using" or "usin'".
> >
> > Yes..I left out the g..I should slow down the typing..
> or start thinking before you type. It would make for less wasted
> bandwidth that could be put to better use for SPAM :)

Spam is when mass mailing unsolicitated mailings..

> I asked for the specific Canadian results, weinerhead. Don't weasel
> out of that one...

Wait for the 10k report and find out yourself..

> >
> > Is that what you call vapor?
> did they specifically promise there will be? No, only if certain
> things goals are met. Unlike Jobs and the 500mHZ G4.

In the meantime, the iBook, iMac DV, iMac 350 and G4's were
delivered..90%+ track record..

> ..

> > Jobs did not promise a 500mhz by November. Were is the press release on
> > this or is it delusion?
> he certainly did - does THIS jog your selective memory?

It's not a press release. Were is the SJ quote? Heersay..

> Where's the G4/500?
> 21 January 2000 Dan Knight

There mistaken? Were is the press release?

> Remember how Steve Jobs announced the Power Mac G4 on August 31,
> 1999? Therewould be a less-expensive 400 MHz model plus two faster
> machines with AGP video and more. The "Sawtooth" models would run at 450
> and 500 MHz. ^^^^^^^

Yes..Due to supply issues with the 500mhz G4 chip, they had to revise
the product line..Whats your point?

> Due to production problems at Motorola, the G4/500 was postponed until
> January 2000.
> Then, on October 13, Apple dropped the base G4 to 350 MHz and offered
> the"Sawtooth" version in 400 and 450 MHz variants.
> At the start of December, Apple quietly replaced the "Yikes!" G4/350
> with a "Sawtooth" model at the same price.

Yes...Oh that was the reason for the holdup..Da!

> Where's the Beef?
> It's late January. Macworld Expo has come and gone without a single
> Applehardware announcment. No "Pismo" PowerBook. No faster iMac. No
> iBook with adequate memory.

Thats what you get for taking the rumor web sites as fact..Hope you
learn your lesson here..Thats not vapor because no prenouncement was

> And no Power Mac G4/500.

Probably nver will be..

> > > Until Apple produces the 500mHZ G4 Tower that many people want, I'd
> > > suggest you keep your trap shut about vapourware as an argument.

Oh sorry charlie..

> > They cancelled the model and have not said anything more about it.
> > Thats not vapor. Vapor is when firms promise and promise and not
> > deliver.

Apple did not promise...And you know that...Where is the press release
on this?

> which is what they did with the G4 500mHZ.
> > > BTW, when's Pharoah coming out for the Mac? :)
> >
> > Nope. Mac gaming users did not want it..But thats were VPC come
> > through.
> lots of Mac users did want it. And it's being considered as another
> black eye to the Mac gaming community.

We take the lumps..But other titles are around the corner..

> May we also add the decision to cancel Pharoah by the developer had
> to do with the fact that Caeser III, also done by the same company,
> tanked as a Mac game?
> Sounds like sour grapes....
> >
> >

> > You can't..
> okay. so shut your trap.

But you can purchase the G4/450 one...

> >
> > Apple has deliverd consistant upgrades of the OS. Nice try..
> but it ain't OSX Client, which is a complete replacement; unlike the
> OS upgrades, which basically adds chrome wheels and stripes to a Yugo.

What ever you say...-)

> >
> > Lets get this straight. First off, I thought deja all over again.
> > Many thought so to. I guess over a decade in exile changed his ways
> > and became matured in the role.
> it's spelled "too".
> judging from his performance from a non Reality-Distortion Field (tm)
> stance, Steve hasn't grown up. Witness the hissy fit at Macworld Japan,
> breaking out in rash promises regarding Macs whose processors haven't
> been developed yet, and reports from mac.advocacy that Steve has once
> again turned the Cupertino offices into an armed camp with employees
> fearful for their jobs. Yep, it's deja vu all over again....

And the financial results speak for themselves. Holding people
accountable is bad?

> > Microsoft bought $150 million in Apple's preferred shares. You will
> > see it on the financial consolidated sheets. Apple had plenty of cash
> > at the time. MS investment was directed toward the street when Apple's
> > credibility was an all time low.
> once again, revisionism. Pirates of Silicone Valley and Judge
> Jackson's deposition showed the real story....

So what are the facts as percieved by 'Chunks'?

> How's the hardware business?
> doing quite well, thank you. We did very well regarding Christmas,
> and you wouldn't believe the traffic we did in Y2K-based stuff during
> the last week - we even sold three barbecues in one day.

Cool..Maybe you will have programmable Y2k compliant toilets some day..

> > >
> > > Yep, digging dotches certainly keeps you occupied. But not long
> > > enough to lick Stevie's boots.
> >
> > licking boots from experience..Must be that bonding thing..
> Ahaa, so you admit it!

No..due to sinclap's punctionality deficit, he left out the question
mark..asking you...


"The iMac has been the biggest computer launch we've seen in
our history. Apple is back, and iMacs are flying off CompUSA store
shelves across the United States."

James Halpin, president and chief executive officer of CompUSA

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> In article <>, Daniel
> L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:
> > that's nothing to be proud about - your lack of spelling....
> And millions of posts are error free? Including the ones by the Jihads?

trying to shift blame the imaginary "Jihads" to cover for your own

You're supposed to be a college graduate and a professional salesman.
Your constant spelling mistakes beg to prove the opposite.

> Apple's Q1 sales were $2.34 billion with 51% percent international. Do
> the math..

again, what's 50% of SQUAT in Europe.

> > and in reward for that, they lay off Apple Germany's marketing
> > staff,
> > lay off everyone at Apple UK, pull out of a major UK Apple show, etc.
> > etc. Sure TiFKAS, that's what successful companies do all the time....
> Called being efficient. If you have not noticed this..Apple has
> implemented worldwide their target market and strategies. Why have
> duplication?

if you'll remember, the Tramiels were making the same excuses when
they folded their subsidiaries. And we all know how that ended.

Quit using Ivan Boesky-talk to try to fuzzify the mudification.

> Coke is doing the same. Are they not a successful company?

who are also bleeding red ink, which is why they're restructuring.

> >
> > > > why don't you produce them? Or are you afraid of showing the
> > > > real
> > > > figures?
> > >
> > > I may do so. You have been warned..
> >
> > oh, I so afraid of TiFKAS, the paper tiger...
> Once the 10K is done I will..

read - NEVER. Why not NOW, weinerhead?

> >
> > > Lets a picure of yourself and will decide..
> >
> > sure, in a few days. If you'll likewise post a picture of yourself.
> Will do..

read- NEVER.

BUT - be sure to wear your "Apple Power Rep" suit if you decide to do

I'm sure that many here would LOVE to know what a clueless internet
troll really looks like in real life.:)

> > > They did. But when a new line comes out, a slow down will occur on
> > > the
> > > old stuff.
> >
> > backing off your original claim, wienerhead?
> Nope..

Yep. Saying they're "Flying off the shelves" and "unavailable and
back-ordered", then backing off when the real truth comes out, is called
backing off.

Why didn't you use that excuse after the Daily Tubby blunder?

> > no, pragmatic. I like getting bang for my buck, and not going
> > humongously in debt....
> You had to when they jacked up the prices on the Mega's and TT models..

excuse me, but when did THAT happen. Or are you once again making up

> > > > BTW, it's spelled "using" or "usin'".
> > >
> > > Yes..I left out the g..I should slow down the typing..
> >
> > or start thinking before you type. It would make for less wasted
> > bandwidth that could be put to better use for SPAM :)
> Spam is when mass mailing unsolicitated mailings..

SPAM is also posting unrelated topics in newsgroups where it don't
belong. Like when you were posting pro-Mac stuff in,
which got you a reprimand from

> > I asked for the specific Canadian results, weinerhead. Don't weasel
> > out of that one...
> Wait for the 10k report and find out yourself..

YOU made the claims, YOU provide the evidence....

> > >
> > > Is that what you call vapor?
> >
> > did they specifically promise there will be? No, only if certain
> > things goals are met. Unlike Jobs and the 500mHZ G4.
> In the meantime, the iBook, iMac DV, iMac 350 and G4's were
> delivered..90%+ track record..

dodging the issues again, I see, it must be embarrassing to you when
you've been proven wrong....

> > ..
> > > Jobs did not promise a 500mhz by November. Were is the press release
> > > on
> > > this or is it delusion?
> >
> > he certainly did - does THIS jog your selective memory?
> >
> >
> It's not a press release. Were is the SJ quote? Heersay..

it's by Dan McKnight, who is really trustworthy and believable,
unlike the chicken-littling of TiFKAS....

> > Where's the G4/500?
> >
> > 21 January 2000 Dan Knight
> There mistaken? Were is the press release?
> > Remember how Steve Jobs announced the Power Mac G4 on August 31,
> > 1999? Therewould be a less-expensive 400 MHz model plus two faster
> > machines with AGP video and more. The "Sawtooth" models would run at
> > 450
> > and 500 MHz. ^^^^^^^
> Yes..Due to supply issues with the 500mhz G4 chip, they had to revise
> the product line..Whats your point?

a 500 mHZ G4 was promised for delivery. It was never delivered. It
turns out that a 500mHZ G4 didn't even exist when Jobs promised it, and
when it was discovered that Motorola couldn't produce one due to
crippling problems, it remained vapour. What part of that don't you

Please note that he also gave the exact date when Jobs announced the
500mHZ G4 and when it would be available. I find it hard to believe that
such an "Apple Power Rep" would suddenly conveniently come up with
amnesia regarding his hero....

> >
> > Due to production problems at Motorola, the G4/500 was postponed
> > until
> > January 2000.
> >
> > Then, on October 13, Apple dropped the base G4 to 350 MHz and
> > offered
> > the"Sawtooth" version in 400 and 450 MHz variants.
> >
> > At the start of December, Apple quietly replaced the "Yikes!" G4/350
> > with a "Sawtooth" model at the same price.
> Yes...Oh that was the reason for the holdup..Da!

nope. That's the result of Apple forced to use all the G4 chips that
couldn't even handle 400mHZ. If you'll remember, Apple wouldn't even
consider anything below 400mHZ.

> > Where's the Beef?
> >
> > It's late January. Macworld Expo has come and gone without a single
> > Applehardware announcment. No "Pismo" PowerBook. No faster iMac. No
> > iBook with adequate memory.
> Thats what you get for taking the rumor web sites as fact..Hope you
> learn your lesson here..Thats not vapor because no prenouncement was
> given..

he didn't say they were vapour, did he. But the announced but never
released 500mHZ G4 qualifies.

> > And no Power Mac G4/500.
> Probably nver will be..

so you're admitting it's vapour. Fine.

Now SHUT YOUR TRAP when trying to declare the Milan II (which HAS
been shown as a prototype, HAS the support of two companies, and HAS the
backing of a company with a proven track record) "vapour" because you
know you're losing an argument....

> Oh sorry charlie..

atari.advocacy wants posts with TASTE, not posts from tasteless
paranoid clowns with no life.....

> > > They cancelled the model and have not said anything more about it.
> > > Thats not vapor. Vapor is when firms promise and promise and not
> > > deliver.
> Apple did not promise...And you know that...Where is the press release
> on this?

can you prove otherwise. Once again, Dan McKnight, who runs
LowEndMac, is a well-respected journalist whose integrity and honesty is
beyond reproach. Wheras TiFKAS, a troll of dubious honesty who leaves a
trail of slime wherever he goes, has been caught with his pants down so
many times he makes Bill Clinton look virginal....

> >
> > lots of Mac users did want it. And it's being considered as another
> > black eye to the Mac gaming community.
> We take the lumps..But other titles are around the corner..

yep, and being gouged price-wise. Why can you get TR II for $9.99 for
the PC now when Mac users have to pay through the nose at $69.99 CDN...

> > okay. so shut your trap.
> But you can purchase the G4/450 one...

but not the promised G4/500mHZ model, which qualifies as vapour.
Again, shut your trap.

> > > Microsoft bought $150 million in Apple's preferred shares. You will
> > > see it on the financial consolidated sheets. Apple had plenty of
> > > cash
> > > at the time. MS investment was directed toward the street when
> > > Apple's
> > > credibility was an all time low.
> >
> > once again, revisionism. Pirates of Silicone Valley and Judge
> > Jackson's deposition showed the real story....
> So what are the facts as percieved by 'Chunks'?

why are you bringing up your imaginary friend who doesn't exist....

> Cool..Maybe you will have programmable Y2k compliant toilets some day..

and you'll be cleaning them. Just as you're cleaning them now....

> > > > Yep, digging dotches certainly keeps you occupied. But not long
> > > > enough to lick Stevie's boots.
> > >
> > > licking boots from experience..Must be that bonding thing..
> >
> > Ahaa, so you admit it!
> No..due to sinclap's punctionality deficit, he left out the question
> mark..asking you...

nope, I don't boot-lick. Never have. Never will.

and look, TiFKAS admits he has a punctuation deficiency, which like
his lack of spelling skills, is nothing to make light of. And which
proves he's pretending to be an "Apple Power Rep", since the guidelines
for what they require in a candidate include superlative language and
spelling skills....

Now get back under that desk! Mr. Jobs has an important meeting to go
to, and he wants those boots to shine like mirrors!

> sinclap
> "The iMac has been the biggest computer launch we've seen in
> our history. Apple is back, and iMacs are flying off CompUSA store
> shelves across the United States."

and InCompUSA, meanwhile, has been bleeding red ink quite profusely.

Still claiming iMacs are flying off the shelves?

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00
oh, yeah, here's something I found on Macintouch (once again, a
well-respected Mac site that isn't afraid to pull punches):

"Jobs finally revealed Apple's new "pro desktop" line, the Power Mac G4
"personal supercomputer," designed to handle image processing,
encryption and similar tasks that are "bringing today's personal
computers to their knees." Apple's new line, powered by the new PowerPC
G4 chip, qualifies as a personal supercomputer by its ability to execute
more than one billion floating-point operations per second (a gigaflop).
Its "velocity engine" is a 128-bit instruction unit with the ability to
execute four or more instructions in one cycle.

" Prices range from $1599 to $3499 for models running at 400, 450 and
500 MHz. (The Apple Store lists a $1499 configuration without modem.)
The Power Mac G4 architecture differs between low-end [model M7631] and
high-end [M7232, M6921] products. The 400-MHz computer represents the
low end and is shipping now (although the Apple Store is quoting 30 days
for delivery), while 450- and 500-MHz versions are promised for later,
in September and October respectively."

please note - this is a news story from a respected news web site
which clearly states that Steve Jobs, indeed, promised delivery of a
500mHZ G4 system to consumers on August 31st, 1999 - by OCTOBER, which
makes his scheduling announcing of vapourware even worse. Macintouch has
no reason to make up a news story of significance to the Mac community.
TiFKAS, on the other hand, due to the fact that he has to wipe the egg
from his face in his futile attempts to label the Milan II, a computer
system that completely ruins his whole world-view that "Atari is Crap",
vapourware, has a very good reason for constantly denying that Steve
Jobs ever made such a statement, and is willing to be completely
deceitful in order to maintain his fantasy world.

Ready to surrender, TiFKAS? Too afraid to admit you made a boo-boo?


Jan 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/30/00

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Brian Van TIlborg wrote:

> However, if a Milan makes it as far as the CN Tower, it will easily make
> the 3 days travel to Calgary.

Should do - but is there a 'dealer' who would be interested in it ?

> I am curious to know, if you would be interested in actually owning such a
> beast? If I am correct you still use a Mega for Pagestream? Do you know if
> such a program would work on a Milan? And if so, Does Pagestream take
> advantage of the higher resolution and colours? Such as Calamus would.

Yup - I still use the Mega/STE for Pagestream and a few other things -
altho I am fast becoming a convert to 'Appleworks' which seems to do
most 'business' things that I want to do.

PageStream is my choice of DTP as it does almost everything I want and
is now available in a Mac version - which I will be ordering shortly.

But - yes - I would be interested in the Milan - assuming of course
that the OS is as simple and rock solid as the old Atari OS - and the
price would not cause my nose to bleed !

The Canadian Curmudgeon (in sunny, 5C, Calgary)

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
In article
<>, VE6HY
<> wrote:

> PageStream is my choice of DTP as it does almost everything I want and
> is now available in a Mac version - which I will be ordering shortly.
> But - yes - I would be interested in the Milan - assuming of course
> that the OS is as simple and rock solid as the old Atari OS - and the
> price would not cause my nose to bleed !

well, the Milan II will be shipping with a MagiC/NVDI setup as its
default running operating system (and Pagestream DOES run quite well
under MagiC, from my own experience with it on the Falcon) - but if you
prefer something simpler, you can press a key while it boots up and go
straight into standard Milan TOS.

Just remember, though, that under an '060 system Pagestream will
SCREAM, be sure your chair is bolted to the floor :)

And price? They're still talking sub-$1000. That's also including
what's turning out to be a nice set of pre-packaged software, including
internet setup, utilities including a lite version of Papyrus, graphics
programs and games. Not to mention the ability to plug and play
Hewlett-Packard peripherals via USB.


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

The good news from the international front is pouring in...

Daily News
Buoyant Apple Plans New Stores
By David Frith, Computer Daily News.
January 28, 2000

Apple Australia [NASDAQ:APPL] hopes to see five or six extra
specialist AppleStore retail outlets operating in major Australian
cities this year, says Diana Ryall, managing director of the local
subsidiary. The Australian subsidiary - which pulled out of mass market
outlets several years ago - scored a "phenomenal" increase in sales of
its iMac and iBook consumer Macs, especially high-end models, in the
Christmas quarter, which saw the opening of a number of new AppleCentre
satellite stores, Ryall said. About 60 independently owned AppleCentres
operate in major Australian towns and cities. Most are one-brand
operations, selling Macintoshes, software, service and support to both
the consumer and business sectors Ryall was commenting on the boom
first quarter results announced by Apple HQ in Cupertino last week.
But, as is customary with Apple under chief executive Steven Jobs,
country managers are forbidden to even hint at numbers for local sales.
Ryall said the company was "very excited" about sales through another
new series of outlets: the OptusWorld retail stores operated by
Australia's numbertwo telecommunications carrier, Cable & Wireless
Optus. The OptusWorld stores did an excellent job of promoting the iMac
and iBook in an innovative setting, said Ryall. She believed Apple
Australia was most unlikely ever to return to supermarket-style retail
chains, where sales had been indifferent.

Reported By


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> >
> > And millions of posts are error free? Including the ones by the Jihads?
> trying to shift blame the imaginary "Jihads" to cover for your own
> stupidity?

By your standard, you are slamming many Atari Jihads that have spelling

> You're supposed to be a college graduate and a professional salesman.
> Your constant spelling mistakes beg to prove the opposite.

What world are you on? This is usenet! Who cares about spillieng?
Any docs I send out gets spilled chequird.

Also, do you think that the QB(by the way is a '94'(same year as me)
Univ. Northern Iowa graduate-a fine school thank you) of the St Louis
Rams can spill bittur?

> >
> > Apple's Q1 sales were $2.34 billion with 51% percent international. Do
> > the math..
> again, what's 50% of SQUAT in Europe.

Apple Europe probably had sales in the $800 million range. Much more
than the 50 Milans sold in a month..

> >
> > > and in reward for that, they lay off Apple Germany's marketing
> > > staff,
> > > lay off everyone at Apple UK, pull out of a major UK Apple show, etc.
> > > etc. Sure TiFKAS, that's what successful companies do all the time....
> >
> > Called being efficient. If you have not noticed this..Apple has
> > implemented worldwide their target market and strategies. Why have
> > duplication?
> if you'll remember, the Tramiels were making the same excuses when
> they folded their subsidiaries. And we all know how that ended.

But the Atari subsidiaries collapsed due to deathly sales. Apple
increased their revenues by over $600 million from Q1 99..

> Quit using Ivan Boesky-talk to try to fuzzify the mudification.

What ever happened to that fella? "Greed is good"

> > Coke is doing the same. Are they not a successful company?
> who are also bleeding red ink, which is why they're restructuring.

Nope. Coke is making money. But will take charges for the

> read - NEVER. Why not NOW, weinerhead?

Once its out I will post the pertient parts..

> > Will do..

I will someday..A picture with a Cupertino background in March.

> read- NEVER.
> BUT - be sure to wear your "Apple Power Rep" suit if you decide to do
> so.

I don't wear a suit in the field. business casual all the way.

> I'm sure that many here would LOVE to know what a clueless internet
> troll really looks like in real life.:)

You will be jealous..that.. can be handsome in this field..

> Yep. Saying they're "Flying off the shelves" and "unavailable and
> back-ordered", then backing off when the real truth comes out, is called
> backing off.

For awhile that was the case..Remember the iMac DV SE that many
retailers were publicly reporting?

> Why didn't you use that excuse after the Daily Tubby blunder?

What excuse?

> > > no, pragmatic. I like getting bang for my buck, and not going
> > > humongously in debt....
> >
> > You had to when they jacked up the prices on the Mega's and TT models..
> excuse me, but when did THAT happen. Or are you once again making up
> stories.

The Mega 4's were in the $2000 plus neighborhood plus the Lazer. The
lowend Mega 2 were priced in the $1799 range.

> > Spam is when mass mailing unsolicitated mailings..
> SPAM is also posting unrelated topics in newsgroups where it don't
> belong. Like when you were posting pro-Mac stuff in,
> which got you a reprimand from

You should know

> > > I asked for the specific Canadian results, weinerhead. Don't weasel
> > > out of that one...
> >
> > Wait for the 10k report and find out yourself..
> YOU made the claims, YOU provide the evidence....
> >

> > In the meantime, the iBook, iMac DV, iMac 350 and G4's were
> > delivered..90%+ track record..
> dodging the issues again, I see, it must be embarrassing to you when
> you've been proven wrong....

Where was Apple's public press release on this?

> >
> > It's not a press release. Were is the SJ quote? Heersay..
> it's by Dan McKnight, who is really trustworthy and believable,
> unlike the chicken-littling of TiFKAS....

And web sites are accurate? I read the article. Apple did not promise
that the G4/500 would be out. There is no quote from any Apple
execs..And I did not read a memo about it either..

> >
> >
> > Yes..Due to supply issues with the 500mhz G4 chip, they had to revise
> > the product line..Whats your point?
> a 500 mHZ G4 was promised for delivery. It was never delivered. It
> turns out that a 500mHZ G4 didn't even exist when Jobs promised it, and
> when it was discovered that Motorola couldn't produce one due to
> crippling problems, it remained vapour. What part of that don't you
> understand?

It was not promised...Prove it...

> Please note that he also gave the exact date when Jobs announced the
> 500mHZ G4 and when it would be available. I find it hard to believe that
> such an "Apple Power Rep" would suddenly conveniently come up with
> amnesia regarding his hero....

No amnesia here..

> >
> > Yes...Oh that was the reason for the holdup..Da!
> nope. That's the result of Apple forced to use all the G4 chips that
> couldn't even handle 400mHZ. If you'll remember, Apple wouldn't even
> consider anything below 400mHZ.

How do you know?

> > Thats what you get for taking the rumor web sites as fact..Hope you
> > learn your lesson here..Thats not vapor because no prenouncement was
> > given..
> he didn't say they were vapour, did he. But the announced but never
> released 500mHZ G4 qualifies.

SJ never mentioned of alleged new PB, iBook and iMac. Too early to
release new products considering that 75% of the new line happened in

> > Probably nver will be..
> so you're admitting it's vapour. Fine.

No. Has Apple been talking up the G4/500 model in the last three
months for immediate delivery? Show me one Apple exec quote..

> Now SHUT YOUR TRAP when trying to declare the Milan II (which HAS
> been shown as a prototype, HAS the support of two companies, and HAS the
> backing of a company with a proven track record) "vapour" because you
> know you're losing an argument....

It is vapor..Where's the beef?

> > Apple did not promise...And you know that...Where is the press release
> > on this?
> can you prove otherwise. Once again, Dan McKnight, who runs
> LowEndMac, is a well-respected journalist whose integrity and honesty is
> beyond reproach. Wheras TiFKAS, a troll of dubious honesty who leaves a
> trail of slime wherever he goes, has been caught with his pants down so
> many times he makes Bill Clinton look virginal....

Still have not proven it..

> > >
> > > lots of Mac users did want it. And it's being considered as another
> > > black eye to the Mac gaming community.
> >
> > We take the lumps..But other titles are around the corner..
> yep, and being gouged price-wise. Why can you get TR II for $9.99 for
> the PC now when Mac users have to pay through the nose at $69.99 CDN...

Once the product life cycle comes to an end..will see a low
price..Nothing new here..

> > > okay. so shut your trap.
> >
> > But you can purchase the G4/450 one...
> but not the promised G4/500mHZ model, which qualifies as vapour.
> Again, shut your trap.

There was no promise here..

> >
> > Cool..Maybe you will have programmable Y2k compliant toilets some day..
> and you'll be cleaning them. Just as you're cleaning them now....

> > No..due to sinclap's punctionality deficit, he left out the question
> > mark..asking you...
> nope, I don't boot-lick. Never have. Never will.
> and look, TiFKAS admits he has a punctuation deficiency, which like
> his lack of spelling skills, is nothing to make light of. And which
> proves he's pretending to be an "Apple Power Rep", since the guidelines
> for what they require in a candidate include superlative language and
> spelling skills....

You just slammed millions of successful professionals...

> Now get back under that desk! Mr. Jobs has an important meeting to go
> to, and he wants those boots to shine like mirrors!

From experience?

> >
> > sinclap
> >
> > "The iMac has been the biggest computer launch we've seen in
> > our history. Apple is back, and iMacs are flying off CompUSA store
> > shelves across the United States."
> and InCompUSA, meanwhile, has been bleeding red ink quite profusely.

And your point?

> Still claiming iMacs are flying off the shelves?

Yep...with lots to go around..

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00
In article <>, The iDiot Forever
Known As Sinclap
<> wrote:

> In article <>, Daniel
> L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:
> > >
> > > And millions of posts are error free? Including the ones by the
> > > Jihads?
> >
> > trying to shift blame the imaginary "Jihads" to cover for your own
> > stupidity?
> By your standard, you are slamming many Atari Jihads that have spelling
> errors.

how can I, when the "Atari Jihads" only exist in your paranoid little

Wanna name some examples? Dates, times, situations?

BTW, that's "Atari Jihads WHO have spelling errors". Syntax is as
important as spelling. The imaginary Jihads in your head ARE people too,
you know :)

> > You're supposed to be a college graduate and a professional
> > salesman.
> > Your constant spelling mistakes beg to prove the opposite.
> What world are you on? This is usenet! Who cares about spillieng?
> Any docs I send out gets spilled chequird.

people who want to make sure that they're getting the best info want
to make sure they're not getting it from a doofus. This has been brought
up many times in MacAddict.

> Also, do you think that the QB(by the way is a '94'(same year as me)
> Univ. Northern Iowa graduate-a fine school thank you) of the St Louis
> Rams can spill bittur?

what does this have to do with computers? Or are you just trying to
dodge the question?

> >
> >
> > >
> > > Apple's Q1 sales were $2.34 billion with 51% percent international.
> > > Do
> > > the math..
> >
> > again, what's 50% of SQUAT in Europe.
> Apple Europe probably had sales in the $800 million range. Much more
> than the 50 Milans sold in a month..

"probably" doesn't cut it.

And that's still pretty good for a small company, 50 computers a
month. Now imagine what's going to happen now that Motorola is behind
the new one. :)

> > > Called being efficient. If you have not noticed this..Apple has
> > > implemented worldwide their target market and strategies. Why have
> > > duplication?
> >
> > if you'll remember, the Tramiels were making the same excuses when
> > they folded their subsidiaries. And we all know how that ended.
> But the Atari subsidiaries collapsed due to deathly sales. Apple
> increased their revenues by over $600 million from Q1 99..

uh-uh, TiFKAS. they're using the same excuses the Tramiels did in
getting out of the UK, and why they've fired the German marketing
department. You can't have it both ways. Somewhere they're bleeding red
ink, and most likely it's in Europe, where they've traditionally had
poor sales.

> > Quit using Ivan Boesky-talk to try to fuzzify the mudification.
> What ever happened to that fella? "Greed is good"

made to look like an idiot in a particular movie, "Wall Street".

and spent hard time.....

> > > Coke is doing the same. Are they not a successful company?
> >
> > who are also bleeding red ink, which is why they're restructuring.
> Nope. Coke is making money. But will take charges for the
> restructuring.

nope, Coke is LOSING money. Only companies who are losing money fire
longtime employees. Or are you using the same logic you used when you
claimed "Apple made a profit!" when they announced a ONE BILLION DOLLAR

I'd like to see you wiggle out of THIS one....

> > > Will do..
> I will someday..A picture with a Cupertino background in March.

how will we know you won't be using Photoshop?

> >
> > BUT - be sure to wear your "Apple Power Rep" suit if you decide to
> > do
> > so.
> I don't wear a suit in the field. business casual all the way.

well, be sure to include a picture of your business card then. Or is
that also verbotten by your imaginary "non-disclosure agreement"?

> > I'm sure that many here would LOVE to know what a clueless internet
> > troll really looks like in real life.:)
> You will be jealous..that.. can be handsome in this field..

why should I be jealous of a man who needs to wear a bag over his
head so he doesn't crack the lens :)

> > Yep. Saying they're "Flying off the shelves" and "unavailable and
> > back-ordered", then backing off when the real truth comes out, is
> > called
> > backing off.
> For awhile that was the case..Remember the iMac DV SE that many
> retailers were publicly reporting?

You mean the buggy, doesn't run as advertised iMac SE?

> > Why didn't you use that excuse after the Daily Tubby blunder?
> What excuse?

already weaseling out, I see....

> > > > no, pragmatic. I like getting bang for my buck, and not going
> > > > humongously in debt....
> > >
> > > You had to when they jacked up the prices on the Mega's and TT
> > > models..
> >
> > excuse me, but when did THAT happen. Or are you once again making up
> > stories.
> The Mega 4's were in the $2000 plus neighborhood plus the Lazer. The
> lowend Mega 2 were priced in the $1799 range.

again, when did they jack up the prices from the originals? Cites,

> > > Spam is when mass mailing unsolicitated mailings..
> >
> > SPAM is also posting unrelated topics in newsgroups where it don't
> > belong. Like when you were posting pro-Mac stuff in,
> > which got you a reprimand from
> You should know

yep, 'cause I was the one who got you reprimanded..... :)

> >
> > > > I asked for the specific Canadian results, weinerhead. Don't
> > > > weasel
> > > > out of that one...
> > >
> > > Wait for the 10k report and find out yourself..
> >
> > YOU made the claims, YOU provide the evidence....
> > >
> > > In the meantime, the iBook, iMac DV, iMac 350 and G4's were
> > > delivered..90%+ track record..
> >
> > dodging the issues again, I see, it must be embarrassing to you when
> > you've been proven wrong....
> Where was Apple's public press release on this?

where is a press release denying that they ever did? Enough reporters
were there to hear Jobs promise a 500mHZ G4 and reported so.

You're just to afraid to admit you were wrong. Admit it.

> > >
> > > It's not a press release. Were is the SJ quote? Heersay..
> >
> > it's by Dan McKnight, who is really trustworthy and believable,
> > unlike the chicken-littling of TiFKAS....
> And web sites are accurate? I read the article. Apple did not promise
> that the G4/500 would be out. There is no quote from any Apple
> execs..And I did not read a memo about it either.

probably because you seem to be selective about reading?

Macintouch also reported that Jobs said so, and when they were to be
released. Macintouch is well-respected at getting things right.

Just because Apple is being tight-lipped about this elephantine
blunder doesn't mean it didn't happen. After all, Nixon denied anything
was going on regarding Watergate.

> > >
> > >
> > > Yes..Due to supply issues with the 500mhz G4 chip, they had to revise
> > > the product line..Whats your point?
> >
> > a 500 mHZ G4 was promised for delivery. It was never delivered. It
> > turns out that a 500mHZ G4 didn't even exist when Jobs promised it, and
> > when it was discovered that Motorola couldn't produce one due to
> > crippling problems, it remained vapour. What part of that don't you
> > understand?
> It was not promised...Prove it...

> > Please note that he also gave the exact date when Jobs announced the
> > 500mHZ G4 and when it would be available. I find it hard to believe
> > that
> > such an "Apple Power Rep" would suddenly conveniently come up with
> > amnesia regarding his hero....
> No amnesia here..

sure there is. Just like you said "I never called Steve Jobs an
arrogant bonehead who would destroy Apple if he ever came back" and "I
never said Calamus is crap"....

> > >
> > > Yes...Oh that was the reason for the holdup..Da!
> >
> > nope. That's the result of Apple forced to use all the G4 chips that
> > couldn't even handle 400mHZ. If you'll remember, Apple wouldn't even
> > consider anything below 400mHZ.
> How do you know?

quite simple - friends in mac.advocacy told me who are close to Apple.

> > > Thats what you get for taking the rumor web sites as fact..Hope you
> > > learn your lesson here..Thats not vapor because no prenouncement was
> > > given..
> >
> > he didn't say they were vapour, did he. But the announced but never
> > released 500mHZ G4 qualifies.
> SJ never mentioned of alleged new PB, iBook and iMac. Too early to
> release new products considering that 75% of the new line happened in
> Q4.

but that's not the point. Apple never announced those, but they did
announce a 500mHZ G4 to be made available in October.

How can you miss that? Or did you once again have your head up your
ass when the announcement was made?

> > > Probably nver will be..
> >
> > so you're admitting it's vapour. Fine.
> No. Has Apple been talking up the G4/500 model in the last three
> months for immediate delivery? Show me one Apple exec quote..


> > Now SHUT YOUR TRAP when trying to declare the Milan II (which HAS
> > been shown as a prototype, HAS the support of two companies, and HAS
> > the
> > backing of a company with a proven track record) "vapour" because you
> > know you're losing an argument....
> It is vapor..Where's the beef?

where's the 500mHZ G4?

> > > Apple did not promise...And you know that...Where is the press
> > > release
> > > on this?
> >
> > can you prove otherwise. Once again, Dan McKnight, who runs
> > LowEndMac, is a well-respected journalist whose integrity and honesty
> > is
> > beyond reproach. Wheras TiFKAS, a troll of dubious honesty who leaves a
> > trail of slime wherever he goes, has been caught with his pants down so
> > many times he makes Bill Clinton look virginal....
> Still have not proven it..

still haven't proven your point, KOOK....

your pants are down again - and we can see your doodle! :)

> > > But you can purchase the G4/450 one...
> >
> > but not the promised G4/500mHZ model, which qualifies as vapour.
> > Again, shut your trap.
> >
> There was no promise here..

it was promised and you know it!

> >
> > nope, I don't boot-lick. Never have. Never will.
> >
> > and look, TiFKAS admits he has a punctuation deficiency, which like
> > his lack of spelling skills, is nothing to make light of. And which
> > proves he's pretending to be an "Apple Power Rep", since the guidelines
> > for what they require in a candidate include superlative language and
> > spelling skills....
> You just slammed millions of successful professionals...

no I haven't. Successful professionals can spell and carry on
meaningful conversations.

> > Now get back under that desk! Mr. Jobs has an important meeting to
> > go
> > to, and he wants those boots to shine like mirrors!
> From experience?

Your experience, not mine. I don't boot lick, wheras you've developed
a taste for shoe polish....


Jan 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/31/00

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Daniel L. Dreibelbis wrote:

> And price? They're still talking sub-$1000. That's also including
> what's turning out to be a nice set of pre-packaged software, including
> internet setup, utilities including a lite version of Papyrus, graphics
> programs and games. Not to mention the ability to plug and play
> Hewlett-Packard peripherals via USB.

Now, I'm starting to salivate - but - I'll still not hold my breath !

The Canadian Curmudgeon (in sunny, warm, Calgary)


Feb 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/1/00
In article <>, J WILKINSON
<> wrote:

> Hi there,
> VE6HY wrote:
> >
> > "Daniel L. Dreibelbis" wrote:
> > >

> > > Milan II is on time and on schedule. April 2000 is the slated date.
> > > And, word is that if they meet their projected sales target, the next
> > > batch may well be PowerPC.
> >

> > Hmmm - you will, perhaps, pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for
> > them to appear in Canader !!!!
> >
> > The Canadian Curmudgeon (in +2C, wet, Calgary)
> I'm not holding my breath either, but I ordered my Falcon from the UK all
> the way from New Zealand. Quite a number of guys here had already done the
> same. I'm prepared to do the same again with MilanII once I've seen the
> official release and have seen favourable comments from the new users...
> ...and I'll still probably get that BEFORE the local Mac store can get me
> a 500MHz G4... :)

You mean a 450 one. Plenty available. No such thing ast the 500 model.

> Kind regards,
> Chris Wilkinson, in hot muggy 30'C Christchurch, New Zealand.
> /|\ ATARI Falcon030 owner.


Feb 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/9/00
Hi there,

sinclap wrote:
> Apple Australia [NASDAQ:APPL] hopes to see five or six extra
> specialist AppleStore retail outlets operating in major Australian
> cities this year, says Diana Ryall, managing director of the local
> subsidiary. The Australian subsidiary - which pulled out of mass market
> outlets several years ago - scored a "phenomenal" increase in sales of
> its iMac and iBook consumer Macs, especially high-end models,

But they are still twice the price of mid-level PIII machines in
Australia and New Zealand. It will be hard to convince PC owners
in this area that a Mac is the machine for them when a fast PC is
that much cheaper...

Kind regards,

Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch, New Zealand.
/|\ ATARI Falcon030 owner.

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Feb 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/9/00
In article <>, J, WILKINSON wrote:

> Hi there,
> sinclap wrote:
> >
> > Apple Australia [NASDAQ:APPL] hopes to see five or six extra
> > specialist AppleStore retail outlets operating in major Australian
> > cities this year, says Diana Ryall, managing director of the local
> > subsidiary. The Australian subsidiary - which pulled out of mass market
> > outlets several years ago - scored a "phenomenal" increase in sales of
> > its iMac and iBook consumer Macs, especially high-end models,
> But they are still twice the price of mid-level PIII machines in
> Australia and New Zealand. It will be hard to convince PC owners
> in this area that a Mac is the machine for them when a fast PC is
> that much cheaper...

not to mention the fact that TiFKAS offered this as proof that Apple
Europe was doing well. As usual, dodging the issue (and revealing he
doesn't know beans about geography, either)....

Martin-Eric Racine

Feb 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/9/00
On 2000-2-9, J WILKINSON <> wrote:

> But they are still twice the price of mid-level PIII machines in
> Australia and New Zealand. It will be hard to convince PC owners
> in this area that a Mac is the machine for them when a fast PC is
> that much cheaper...

It's the same anywhere outside North America...

I would buy an iMac, but definitely not pay twice the price of a
well-equipped PC. Here, the "basic" iMac 350 sells for 8000 FIM.
For that price, I can buy a couple of well-equiped hi-end PCs.

Martin-Éric Racine Atari TT030 FAQ
Lappeenranta, Finland. Surfing on a Intel/Microsoft-free GEM OS


Feb 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/19/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>, J, WILKINSON wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > sinclap wrote:
> > >
> > > Apple Australia [NASDAQ:APPL] hopes to see five or six extra
> > > specialist AppleStore retail outlets operating in major Australian
> > > cities this year, says Diana Ryall, managing director of the local
> > > subsidiary. The Australian subsidiary - which pulled out of mass market
> > > outlets several years ago - scored a "phenomenal" increase in sales of
> > > its iMac and iBook consumer Macs, especially high-end models,
> >

> > But they are still twice the price of mid-level PIII machines in
> > Australia and New Zealand. It will be hard to convince PC owners
> > in this area that a Mac is the machine for them when a fast PC is
> > that much cheaper...

> not to mention the fact that TiFKAS offered this as proof that Apple
> Europe was doing well. As usual, dodging the issue (and revealing he
> doesn't know beans about geography, either)....

Eh Beavis! Apple Europe did well! Did you not read the 10K report?



Feb 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/19/00
In article <>, J WILKINSON
<> wrote:

> Hi there,
> sinclap wrote:
> >
> > Apple Australia [NASDAQ:APPL] hopes to see five or six extra
> > specialist AppleStore retail outlets operating in major Australian
> > cities this year, says Diana Ryall, managing director of the local
> > subsidiary. The Australian subsidiary - which pulled out of mass market
> > outlets several years ago - scored a "phenomenal" increase in sales of
> > its iMac and iBook consumer Macs, especially high-end models,
> But they are still twice the price of mid-level PIII machines in
> Australia and New Zealand. It will be hard to convince PC owners
> in this area that a Mac is the machine for them when a fast PC is
> that much cheaper...

Still selling well despite your PIII claims. Look for Apple Australia
to be a star in fiscal 2000.

> Kind regards,
> Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch, New Zealand.
> /|\ ATARI Falcon030 owner.



Feb 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/19/00
In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10002090846270.69-100000@rakas>, Martin-Eric
Racine <> wrote:

> On 2000-2-9, J WILKINSON <> wrote:

> > But they are still twice the price of mid-level PIII machines in
> > Australia and New Zealand. It will be hard to convince PC owners
> > in this area that a Mac is the machine for them when a fast PC is
> > that much cheaper...

Apple Asia Pacific and Apple Australia had a phenominal Q1 sales..

> It's the same anywhere outside North America...
> I would buy an iMac, but definitely not pay twice the price of a
> well-equipped PC. Here, the "basic" iMac 350 sells for 8000 FIM.
> For that price, I can buy a couple of well-equiped hi-end PCs.

In the states, an iMac 350 is $999. A well equipped PC would cost more.



Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00

> On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Daniel L. Dreibelbis wrote:
> > And price? They're still talking sub-$1000. That's also including
> > what's turning out to be a nice set of pre-packaged software, including
> > internet setup, utilities including a lite version of Papyrus, graphics
> > programs and games. Not to mention the ability to plug and play
> > Hewlett-Packard peripherals via USB.
> Now, I'm starting to salivate - but - I'll still not hold my breath !

Why not? Chunk's word is his word...If it will be out worldwide in
March, my golly he must be credible...-)

> The Canadian Curmudgeon (in sunny, warm, Calgary)


somewere in MN


Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00
In article <sfAr4.124$>, Clockmeister
<> wrote:

> sinclap <> wrote in message

> As would a well equipped Mac, so what's your point?.

The iMac 350 is already well equipped..

> Regards,
> Clockmeister.


somewere in MN


Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00

> On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Brian Van TIlborg wrote:
> > However, if a Milan makes it as far as the CN Tower, it will easily make
> > the 3 days travel to Calgary.
> Should do - but is there a 'dealer' who would be interested in it ?
> > I am curious to know, if you would be interested in actually owning such a
> > beast? If I am correct you still use a Mega for Pagestream? Do you know if
> > such a program would work on a Milan? And if so, Does Pagestream take
> > advantage of the higher resolution and colours? Such as Calamus would.
> Yup - I still use the Mega/STE for Pagestream and a few other things -
> altho I am fast becoming a convert to 'Appleworks' which seems to do
> most 'business' things that I want to do.

And AppleWorks 6 continues the tradition..

> PageStream is my choice of DTP as it does almost everything I want and
> is now available in a Mac version - which I will be ordering shortly.

When will it be available?

> But - yes - I would be interested in the Milan - assuming of course
> that the OS is as simple and rock solid as the old Atari OS - and the
> price would not cause my nose to bleed !

Sounds like they reversed their pricing with Apple..

> The Canadian Curmudgeon (in sunny, 5C, Calgary)


somewere in MN


Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article
> <>, VE6HY
> <> wrote:
> >
> > PageStream is my choice of DTP as it does almost everything I want and
> > is now available in a Mac version - which I will be ordering shortly.
> >

> > But - yes - I would be interested in the Milan - assuming of course
> > that the OS is as simple and rock solid as the old Atari OS - and the
> > price would not cause my nose to bleed !

Cheapscape. Quality costs a reasonable return on
investment for the shareholders..

> well, the Milan II will be shipping with a MagiC/NVDI setup as its
> default running operating system (and Pagestream DOES run quite well
> under MagiC, from my own experience with it on the Falcon) - but if you
> prefer something simpler, you can press a key while it boots up and go
> straight into standard Milan TOS.

How about Mac X?

> Just remember, though, that under an '060 system Pagestream will
> SCREAM, be sure your chair is bolted to the floor :)

An 060 in 2000...sheesh..A G4 will cause that..

> And price? They're still talking sub-$1000. That's also including
> what's turning out to be a nice set of pre-packaged software, including
> internet setup, utilities including a lite version of Papyrus, graphics
> programs and games. Not to mention the ability to plug and play
> Hewlett-Packard peripherals via USB.

A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> In article <>, Daniel
> L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:
> > In article
> > <>, VE6HY
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > >
> > > PageStream is my choice of DTP as it does almost everything I want and
> > > is now available in a Mac version - which I will be ordering shortly.
> > >
> > > But - yes - I would be interested in the Milan - assuming of course
> > > that the OS is as simple and rock solid as the old Atari OS - and the
> > > price would not cause my nose to bleed !
> Cheapscape. Quality costs a reasonable return on
> investment for the shareholders..

how can we trust anyone who can't even spell "cheapskate?"

And look who's calling us "cheap" - the same guy who won't take a
crowbar to his wallet to pay for the wonderful iCAB. The guy who
allegedly takes handouts from his so-called "employer", rather than
applying cash towards the super-systems he preaches about to the already

> > well, the Milan II will be shipping with a MagiC/NVDI setup as its
> > default running operating system (and Pagestream DOES run quite well
> > under MagiC, from my own experience with it on the Falcon) - but if you
> > prefer something simpler, you can press a key while it boots up and go
> > straight into standard Milan TOS.
> How about Mac X?

MagIC's already here and is proven. Mac OSX - bloated vapour.

> > Just remember, though, that under an '060 system Pagestream will
> > SCREAM, be sure your chair is bolted to the floor :)
> An 060 in 2000...sheesh..A G4 will cause that..

Yep, an '060 in 2000 - shows you that the architecture is still valid.

And according to TiFKAS' yardsticks, a G4 is now "yester-decade
technology". And trying to play catch-up to 850 MHz Athlons.....

> > And price? They're still talking sub-$1000. That's also including
> > what's turning out to be a nice set of pre-packaged software, including
> > internet setup, utilities including a lite version of Papyrus, graphics
> > programs and games. Not to mention the ability to plug and play
> > Hewlett-Packard peripherals via USB.
> A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain
> here.

yep, overpriced, underpowered iMac. No bargain here.

where can we find a fully loaded blueberry iMac in Canada for $999
CDN, TiFKAS? Or for what it should REALLY be worth, which should be $599


Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00
sinclap wrote:

> Cheapscape. Quality costs a reasonable return on
> investment for the shareholders..

I'm quite aware of that - but a Milan would need to be priced less than a
comparable Mac !

> A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain
> here.

And there's no $999 Mac in Canader - even with manufacturer rebates !

At least, not in this area !

The Canadian Curmudgeon (in the land of the 65 cent dollar thanks to John Cretin)


Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00
sinclap wrote:

> And AppleWorks 6 continues the tradition..

Appleworks '6' ????????

Mine is 5.0.3 - and I have not seen any later version here - or will it be
coming with the Milan ?

The Canadian Curmudgeon (in sunny, warm, Calgary)


Feb 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/23/00
On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 07:20:47 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>In article <>, Daniel
>L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:
>> In article
>> <>, VE6HY
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> > PageStream is my choice of DTP as it does almost everything I want and
>> > is now available in a Mac version - which I will be ordering shortly.
>> >
>> > But - yes - I would be interested in the Milan - assuming of course
>> > that the OS is as simple and rock solid as the old Atari OS - and the
>> > price would not cause my nose to bleed !
>Cheapscape. Quality costs a reasonable return on
>investment for the shareholders..

No, quality just costs money. Sometimes it doesn't even
cost all that much, especially in electronics.

Dividends are just something to make you less competitive
in a cutthroat price sensitive market.

>> well, the Milan II will be shipping with a MagiC/NVDI setup as its
>> default running operating system (and Pagestream DOES run quite well
>> under MagiC, from my own experience with it on the Falcon) - but if you
>> prefer something simpler, you can press a key while it boots up and go
>> straight into standard Milan TOS.
>How about Mac X?

Once the FSF have managed to deal with all the little bits
in the Apple dev tools for OpenStep where they obfuscated
it, you shouldn't have any problems building Apple OpenStep
apps on any 030 or better Atari or Amiga actually...

Or, those Atari's could just run BSD directly and nevermind
the GNUstep cruft...

>> Just remember, though, that under an '060 system Pagestream will
>> SCREAM, be sure your chair is bolted to the floor :)
>An 060 in 2000...sheesh..A G4 will cause that..

Some people are still bragging about their 040 NeXT slabs...

>> And price? They're still talking sub-$1000. That's also including
>> what's turning out to be a nice set of pre-packaged software, including
>> internet setup, utilities including a lite version of Papyrus, graphics
>> programs and games. Not to mention the ability to plug and play
>> Hewlett-Packard peripherals via USB.

>A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain

Certainly. You can get a simlar PC configuration for half.


Resistance is not futile. / | \

Need sane PPP docs? Try


Feb 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/24/00

sinclap <> wrote in message

For $999 I'd expect the technology to be a bit less past it's use-by date.

Does it have a 50 speed CD-ROM?.
DVD drive?.
At least a 8Gb HDD?.
At least 64Mb RAM?.
Decent 3d accellerator?.
A floppy drive?. (I find a floppy drive handy, so it does matter to me)
PIII 500+ Mhz?.

iMac 350 well equipped... pigs arse!.




Feb 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/26/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> how can we trust anyone who can't even spell "cheapskate?"


> And look who's calling us "cheap" - the same guy who won't take a
> crowbar to his wallet to pay for the wonderful iCAB. The guy who
> allegedly takes handouts from his so-called "employer", rather than
> applying cash towards the super-systems he preaches about to the already
> converted?

Why? Netscape 4.7 is better and free. I was about to buy a new system
until I got the good news..he he he..

> >
> > > well, the Milan II will be shipping with a MagiC/NVDI setup as its
> > > default running operating system (and Pagestream DOES run quite well
> > > under MagiC, from my own experience with it on the Falcon) - but if you
> > > prefer something simpler, you can press a key while it boots up and go
> > > straight into standard Milan TOS.
> >
> > How about Mac X?

> MagIC's already here and is proven. Mac OSX - bloated vapour.

Mac X will knock your socks off. I wonder what FUD you will throw
at...But you will use and praise it..

> > > Just remember, though, that under an '060 system Pagestream will
> > > SCREAM, be sure your chair is bolted to the floor :)
> >
> > An 060 in 2000...sheesh..A G4 will cause that..

> Yep, an '060 in 2000 - shows you that the architecture is still valid.

No...they have no technical no how to go PPC..

> And according to TiFKAS' yardsticks, a G4 is now "yester-decade
> technology". And trying to play catch-up to 850 MHz Athlons.....

The G4 totally destroys the Athlons!

> > > And price? They're still talking sub-$1000. That's also including
> > > what's turning out to be a nice set of pre-packaged software, including
> > > internet setup, utilities including a lite version of Papyrus, graphics
> > > programs and games. Not to mention the ability to plug and play
> > > Hewlett-Packard peripherals via USB.
> >
> > A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain
> > here.

> yep, overpriced, underpowered iMac. No bargain here.

Much faster than 060 with 100 mhz mother board with AGP graphics with
built in Harmon Karden speakers. Oh did I say will support the airport

> where can we find a fully loaded blueberry iMac in Canada for $999
> CDN, TiFKAS? Or for what it should REALLY be worth, which should be $599
> CDN.

Contact your local Apple provider..A list is in the yellow pages..


soon to be somewere in iowa


Feb 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/27/00
In article <slrn8b85jh....@pyromania.mishnet>, JEDIDIAH
<jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> No, quality just costs money. Sometimes it doesn't even
> cost all that much, especially in electronics.
> Dividends are just something to make you less competitive
> in a cutthroat price sensitive market.

With out capital from investors, there would of been no intel, apple,
compaq etc...Capital investing legitimizes one..

Ask e-Machines why they are in trouble..

> >
> >> well, the Milan II will be shipping with a MagiC/NVDI setup as its
> >> default running operating system (and Pagestream DOES run quite well
> >> under MagiC, from my own experience with it on the Falcon) - but if you
> >> prefer something simpler, you can press a key while it boots up and go
> >> straight into standard Milan TOS.
> >
> >How about Mac X?

> Once the FSF have managed to deal with all the little bits
> in the Apple dev tools for OpenStep where they obfuscated
> it, you shouldn't have any problems building Apple OpenStep
> apps on any 030 or better Atari or Amiga actually...
> Or, those Atari's could just run BSD directly and nevermind
> the GNUstep cruft...

You obvious have no clue what X is...

> >
> >> Just remember, though, that under an '060 system Pagestream will
> >> SCREAM, be sure your chair is bolted to the floor :)
> >
> >An 060 in 2000...sheesh..A G4 will cause that..

> Some people are still bragging about their 040 NeXT slabs...


> >
> >
> >A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain
> >here.

> Certainly. You can get a simlar PC configuration for half.

What brand?


somewere in Bloomington, MN

> [deletia]


Feb 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/27/00
In article <>, VE6HY
<> wrote:

> sinclap wrote:
> > Cheapscape. Quality costs a reasonable return on
> > investment for the shareholders..

> I'm quite aware of that - but a Milan would need to be priced less than a
> comparable Mac !

> > A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain
> > here.

> And there's no $999 Mac in Canader - even with manufacturer rebates !

Just drive over the border down south..

> At least, not in this area !
> The Canadian Curmudgeon (in the land of the 65 cent dollar thanks to John Cretin)

Chunk's seems to worship the cretin. Believes the best since slice


somewere in MN


Feb 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/27/00
In article <>, VE6HY
<> wrote:

> sinclap wrote:
> > And AppleWorks 6 continues the tradition..
> Appleworks '6' ????????
> Mine is 5.0.3 - and I have not seen any later version here - or will it be
> coming with the Milan ?

Nope. Will be a wintel version.. AppleWorks 6 is available from the
AppleStore for $79 and is shipping to the channel soon. May eventually
be bundled with iMacs in the future..

> The Canadian Curmudgeon (in sunny, warm, Calgary)


somewere in wet MN


Feb 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/27/00
> > The iMac 350 is already well equipped..
> For $999 I'd expect the technology to be a bit less past it's use-by date.
> Does it have a 50 speed CD-ROM?.

Do you need one?

> DVD drive?.

> At least a 8Gb HDD?.

6 G's..The DV ones have 10 G's.

> At least 64Mb RAM?.

> Decent 3d accellerator?.

A floppy drive?. (I find a floppy drive handy, so it does matter to me)

Nope..Do you need one? A zip is better.

> PIII 500+ Mhz?.

Nope..just a Pentium crushing G3 processor.

> iMac 350 well equipped... pigs arse!.

Have you use one or just talking out of your ass?

Martin-Eric Racine

Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
On 2000-2-27, VE6HY <> wrote:

> > For one thing, iCAB actually translates HTML properly. Fast.
> > Efficient. And without the bloat of Netscape and IE.
> May one be so bold as to ask - where can one obtain a copy of iCAB ?

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
In article <>,

> "Daniel L. Dreibelbis" wrote:
> > uh, no. For one thing, iCAB actually translates HTML properly. Fast.
> > Efficient. And without the bloat of Netscape and IE. Oh, and BTW,
> > there'll be a free version of iCAB as well as the full trimmings
> > version.
> >
> > Many Mac users are using iCAB and are praising it highly, and
> > completely disagree with you.

> May one be so bold as to ask - where can one obtain a copy of iCAB ?

certainly - try over at . There you'll find iCab
in a variety of languages, in both PPC and 68K form (another advantage,
iCAB supports older Macs including older PowerBooks - no wonder TiFKAS
has been running a disinformation campaign against it!), and even some
replacement icons for use with it.

Yep, Alexander Clauss brought the best of what he did for the
original CAB and made it even better.


Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>, sinclap

> <> wrote:
> > In article <>, VE6HY
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > > I'm quite aware of that - but a Milan would need to be priced less than
> > > a
> > > comparable Mac !
> > >
> > > > A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No
> > > > bargain
> > > > here.
> > >
> > > And there's no $999 Mac in Canader - even with manufacturer rebates !
> >
> > Just drive over the border down south..

> and after the translation from Canadian to American dollars, duty,
> taxes, etc, you come right back to $1,599 CDN, plus you wasted all that
> gas and put wear and tear on your car. Some savings.

What taxes? Just declare the computer as beer..a special imac
blend...-) No wear and tear...I drive a Nissan..

> > > At least, not in this area !
> > >
> > > The Canadian Curmudgeon (in the land of the 65 cent dollar thanks to
> > > John Cretin)
> >
> > Chunk's seems to worship the cretin. Believes the best since slice
> > toast..

> "Chunks" don't exist, TiFKAS.
> Chretien ain't perfect, but he certainly has proven popular here
> despite all his problems as of late. He's truly Mr. Teflon, compared to
> his predecessor Brian Mulroney, who proved to be Mr. Velcro and left the
> Conservatives to be torn to pieces by the electorate.

There was an article in Sunday's NY Times in regard to the growing CA
tax cheats who are fed up with the high taxes and the poor governement
services. Seems that the folks like ones in the escort business wants
to be paid under the table in cash, that many MBA students who attend
down south never return and etc...What gives? Also Mike 'Newt' Harris
was re-elected last May despite Chunk's asertion that he is going


somewere in MN


Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>,
> wrote:
> > "Daniel L. Dreibelbis" wrote:
> >
> > > uh, no. For one thing, iCAB actually translates HTML properly. Fast.
> > > Efficient. And without the bloat of Netscape and IE. Oh, and BTW,
> > > there'll be a free version of iCAB as well as the full trimmings
> > > version.
> > >
> > > Many Mac users are using iCAB and are praising it highly, and
> > > completely disagree with you.
> >
> > May one be so bold as to ask - where can one obtain a copy of iCAB ?
> certainly - try over at . There you'll find iCab
> in a variety of languages, in both PPC and 68K form (another advantage,
> iCAB supports older Macs including older PowerBooks - no wonder TiFKAS
> has been running a disinformation campaign against it!), and even some
> replacement icons for use with it.

Nope...I just prefer to use Netscape..I like choice!

> Yep, Alexander Clauss brought the best of what he did for the
> original CAB and made it even better.


somewere in MN


Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>, sinclap
> <> wrote:
> > In article <>, Daniel

> > L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:
> > > And look who's calling us "cheap" - the same guy who won't take a
> > > crowbar to his wallet to pay for the wonderful iCAB. The guy who
> > > allegedly takes handouts from his so-called "employer", rather than
> > > applying cash towards the super-systems he preaches about to the
> > > already
> > > converted?
> >
> > Why? Netscape 4.7 is better and free. I was about to buy a new system
> > until I got the good news..he he he..

> uh, no. For one thing, iCAB actually translates HTML properly. Fast.
> Efficient. And without the bloat of Netscape and IE. Oh, and BTW,
> there'll be a free version of iCAB as well as the full trimmings version.

No bloat here...Netscape runs fine and is free!

> Many Mac users are using iCAB and are praising it highly, and
> completely disagree with you.

Many would disagree with them as well..Whats your point?

> >
> > Mac X will knock your socks off. I wonder what FUD you will throw
> > at...But you will use and praise it..

> gain, according to your yardsticks, MacOSX is vapour. MagiC is here
> and has been proven....

Were can one buy MagiC in Minneapolis?

> > No...they have no technical no how to go PPC..

> and you don't have the educational know-how to spell "know-how".

Sue me..

> and of course, TiFKAS puts his foot in his mouth yet again, for
> Motorola is invloved with the manufacture of the Milan II boards.
> Motorola knows computers - TiFKAS don't!

He he he..Motorola will make money producing 50 Milans a month?

> >
> > > And according to TiFKAS' yardsticks, a G4 is now "yester-decade
> > > technology". And trying to play catch-up to 850 MHz Athlons.....
> >
> > The G4 totally destroys the Athlons!

> uh, uh. It's the other way around, weinerboy.
> of course, TiFKAS is so syncophantic to Steve Jobs that he'll believe
> anything he says without questioning such nonsense. Why, I bet that if
> Steve Jobs told a MacWorld audience that cat feces tasted like ice
> cream, TiFKAS would be the first one at the litterbox brandishing a
> spoon. :)

Say again..

> again, here's the real evidence, that TiFKAS will once again claim to
> be a conspiracy:
> Yet another person who has let Apple's irresponsible hype influence
> subjective observations. The G4 is not even close to 850 MHz Athlon
> performance in general, although in certain specific conditions it may
> be faster, just like in certain specific conditions a 450 MHz PIII may
> be much faster than a 450 MHz G4.

Noot according to the Pro's..


> > > >
> > > > A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No
> > > > bargain
> > > > here.
> > >

> > > yep, overpriced, underpowered iMac. No bargain here.
> >
> > Much faster than 060 with 100 mhz mother board with AGP graphics with
> > built in Harmon Karden speakers. Oh did I say will support the airport
> > card?

> still no bargain. and it has to be that fast in order to support the
> bloated Mac OS, a real resource and speed hog, compared to the
> MagiCMilan OS which requires less resources and does more, and has more
> choices in alternate desktops like Thing and Jinnee II. With the
> freeware fVDI project, the Milan II will support PCI ATI Rage cards. The
> consumer will have the choice of whatever speakers he wants, whether it
> be Harmon-Kardon, Bose, Yamaha etc. Airport? One-trick pony, overhyped,
> and will get you jailed in France for using it....

Jealous arn't we? The iMac 350 comes with 14 high quality apps that
the Milan could not compare to. Nice try at spin.

> >
> > > where can we find a fully loaded blueberry iMac in Canada for $999
> > > CDN, TiFKAS? Or for what it should REALLY be worth, which should be
> > > $599
> > > CDN.
> >
> > Contact your local Apple provider..A list is in the yellow pages..

> uh, I go to Mac shops, TiFKAS. Show me where I can find a Blueberry
> 350MHz iMac for $999 CDN. I'd really like to see that, 'cause they DON'T
> EXIST at that price point - try $1,599 CDN, trollboy....

That would be U.S. $999 dollars..Why the complaint?


soon to be somewere in omaha!


Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 03:57:08 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>> > The iMac 350 is already well equipped..
>> For $999 I'd expect the technology to be a bit less past it's use-by date.
>> Does it have a 50 speed CD-ROM?.
>Do you need one?

Does 'anyone' need FAST storage?

>> DVD drive?.

What happens when Johnny wants the Encyclopedia Galactia or
the hybrid version of Warcraft IV and it only comes on DVD?

>> At least a 8Gb HDD?.
>6 G's..The DV ones have 10 G's.
>> At least 64Mb RAM?.
>> Decent 3d accellerator?.

Not really...

> A floppy drive?. (I find a floppy drive handy, so it does matter to me)
>Nope..Do you need one? A zip is better.

Hardly. It isn't a pervasive standard. It's proprietary.
Thus you either to hope you're lucky enough that your
recipient will be able to deal the media or the drive

A CD burner would be much more useful and would actually
be quite appropriate on a 'progressive media machine'.

Too bad Apple is really a bunch of posers...

[rubbish deleted]

We know a lowend bargain basement free-PC with the
x86 replaced with a PPC when we see one.


Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 03:48:58 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>In article <slrn8b85jh....@pyromania.mishnet>, JEDIDIAH
><jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> No, quality just costs money. Sometimes it doesn't even
>> cost all that much, especially in electronics.
>> Dividends are just something to make you less competitive
>> in a cutthroat price sensitive market.
>With out capital from investors, there would of been no intel, apple,
>compaq etc...Capital investing legitimizes one..

Operating capital != dividends.

The current market frenzy isn't being driven by dividends but
by potential future worth. For once americans are actually
managing to think past tomorrow and realize that sometimes a
company can't afford to spread around the money that it could
put to better use re-investing in the company.

>Ask e-Machines why they are in trouble..
>> >
>> >> well, the Milan II will be shipping with a MagiC/NVDI setup as its
>> >> default running operating system (and Pagestream DOES run quite well
>> >> under MagiC, from my own experience with it on the Falcon) - but if you
>> >> prefer something simpler, you can press a key while it boots up and go
>> >> straight into standard Milan TOS.
>> >
>> >How about Mac X?
>> Once the FSF have managed to deal with all the little bits
>> in the Apple dev tools for OpenStep where they obfuscated
>> it, you shouldn't have any problems building Apple OpenStep
>> apps on any 030 or better Atari or Amiga actually...
>> Or, those Atari's could just run BSD directly and nevermind
>> the GNUstep cruft...
>You obvious have no clue what X is...

Sure it do. It's a recycled NeXT.

Mach + a BSD Subsystem+OpenStep + a few proprietary Mac bits.

>> >
>> >> Just remember, though, that under an '060 system Pagestream will
>> >> SCREAM, be sure your chair is bolted to the floor :)
>> >
>> >An 060 in 2000...sheesh..A G4 will cause that..
>> Some people are still bragging about their 040 NeXT slabs...

Mebbe if you got out more and possibly hung out in the
advocacy group(s) for your own platform you might see a
few examples... <snicker>

>> >
>> >
>> >A $999 iMac with fourteen included apps is available today..No bargain
>> >here.

>> Certainly. You can get a simlar PC configuration for half.
>What brand?


Martin-Éric Racine

Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
On 2000-2-28, sinclap <> wrote:

> No bloat here...Netscape runs fine and is free!

If it really ran fine, I would not have persistant crashes every
time a Java applet is started, nor run into the click that
flashes the link but doesn't access it bug.

> > gain, according to your yardsticks, MacOSX is vapour. MagiC is here
> > and has been proven....
> Were can one buy MagiC in Minneapolis?

Where can one buy Macs in Lappeenranta? Surely an "Apple power
rep" would know the answer to that one, or do you, sinclap?


Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 21:53:48 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-2-28, sinclap <> wrote:
>> No bloat here...Netscape runs fine and is free!
>If it really ran fine, I would not have persistant crashes every
>time a Java applet is started, nor run into the click that
>flashes the link but doesn't access it bug.

Java can crash any browser. This is no great black mark
against Netscape. It's just the state of things.


Martin-Éric Racine

Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
On 2000-2-28, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> Java can crash any browser. This is no great black mark
> against Netscape. It's just the state of things.

Except since a few versions, Java cannot be disabled completely.
There used to be an "on/off switch" in the preferences.


Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 22:54:54 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-2-28, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> Java can crash any browser. This is no great black mark
>> against Netscape. It's just the state of things.
>Except since a few versions, Java cannot be disabled completely.
>There used to be an "on/off switch" in the preferences.

A few versions? NS is in version 4.71 and the Win32 version
of NS 4.6 still has the 'switch' as does the Linux version
of 4.61.

Martin-Éric Racine

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
On 2000-2-29, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> NS is in version 4.71 and the Win32 version of NS 4.6 still
> has the 'switch' as does the Linux version of 4.61.

The win32 version is currently underfeatured, compared to any
other version. Not only is the java switch gone, but the number
of character-sets supported are quite fewer.

Btw, the java switch has been gone since longer than this.


Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 20:24:27 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-2-29, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> NS is in version 4.71 and the Win32 version of NS 4.6 still
>> has the 'switch' as does the Linux version of 4.61.
>The win32 version is currently underfeatured, compared to any
>other version. Not only is the java switch gone, but the number
>of character-sets supported are quite fewer.
>Btw, the java switch has been gone since longer than this.

Funny, it's still there in my copy.

As far as being 'underfeatured' that's more you buying into
the Windows Bloatware mentality than anything else. All the
hellspawn of Mosaic need to be taken out back and shot.

I'll be really glad when the Linux version of Opera gets
out of alpha. It's performance is so much better than
either NS or IE that it's almost surreal.

Martin-Éric Racine

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
On 2000-2-29, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> >The win32 version is currently underfeatured, compared to any
> >other version. Not only is the java switch gone, but the number
> >of character-sets supported are quite fewer.

> As far as being 'underfeatured' that's more you buying into
> the Windows Bloatware mentality than anything else.

No, it's not. I need something that supports iso-8859-15, but
only the Linux version of Netscape supports it. Disabling image
display or Java? Linux! The Windooze version enables everything
in a very fascist way and expects you to enjoy it.

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> > > May one be so bold as to ask - where can one obtain a copy of iCAB ?
> >
> > certainly - try over at . There you'll find iCab
> > in a variety of languages, in both PPC and 68K form (another advantage,
> > iCAB supports older Macs including older PowerBooks - no wonder TiFKAS
> > has been running a disinformation campaign against it!), and even some
> > replacement icons for use with it.
> Nope...I just prefer to use Netscape..I like choice!

translation: I like being a lemming!

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> > uh, no. For one thing, iCAB actually translates HTML properly. Fast.
> > Efficient. And without the bloat of Netscape and IE. Oh, and BTW,
> > there'll be a free version of iCAB as well as the full trimmings
> > version.

> No bloat here...Netscape runs fine and is free!

nope - check out Mac advocacy, lots of complaints about Netscape
crashing, bloated, buggy....

> > Many Mac users are using iCAB and are praising it highly, and
> > completely disagree with you.
> Many would disagree with them as well..Whats your point?

what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they loved it for
the very reason many Mac users love it - better HTML handling, no code
bloat. They said they were amazed that it did so much for what was
little space requirements....

> > >
> > > Mac X will knock your socks off. I wonder what FUD you will throw
> > > at...But you will use and praise it..
> >

> > gain, according to your yardsticks, MacOSX is vapour. MagiC is here
> > and has been proven....
> Were can one buy MagiC in Minneapolis?

can't spell "Where"?

it's called mail order, TiFKAS - and you can get it via Systems For
Tomorrow or Chro-Magic in Missouri.

Of course, your wanting a copy of MagiC is superfluous. Or are you
planning to buy all of Kent Kordes' copies of it and burn them all in a
huge bonfire? (Don't worry, he'll order more :) )

> > > No...they have no technical no how to go PPC..
> >
> > and you don't have the educational know-how to spell "know-how".
> Sue me..

I could, but you wouldn't have enough to take from you to justify it

> > and of course, TiFKAS puts his foot in his mouth yet again, for
> > Motorola is invloved with the manufacture of the Milan II boards.
> > Motorola knows computers - TiFKAS don't!
> He he he..Motorola will make money producing 50 Milans a month?

we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and that
they were back-ordered. Having Motorola behind them to help build the
new Milan USBs will eliminate that problem. Motorola believing in the
project obviously is an advantage that this is not a joke computer

can't even spell "Not", TiFKAS?

oh yeah? here's what one pro has to say about this:

Subject: Re: Aqua screenshots from Mac OS X DP3
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 01:09:45 -0600
From: "Raist3d" <>
To: "Liberty for ALL!" <>

The problem is not the OS, atlhough I certainly would like to use daily
apps to see how the performance has improved over Mac OS. The problem is
that the G4 at its top speed is much slower than the AMD Athlon chip at
its current speed. It requires about 100-150Mhz more of speed for an
Athlon to match a G4 in FPU and the current G4's top speed is 450Mhz
while Athlon is already going at 850Mhz.

Also the Athlon has a fairly strong FPU unit- the Athlon is actually
toasting the fastest Intel coppermine chips at the same speed for 3d
graphics rendering (about 30-36% faster at the same Mhz). On normal
apps, they are about the same.

While the G4 has the Altivec instructions, the Altivec do not lend
themselves well to everything, and for a 3d application require some
serious recompiling/manual optimization that in pragmatic terms is very
hard to do, for reaching its optimum potential.

For sure Mac OS X will kick ass being NeXSTEP in disguise. I wonder what
Apple will do for upgrading the speed of their computers. For many tasks
(word processing/etc) they are fine but for 3d graphics rendering they
are behind (not to mention extremely overpriced). Also in realtime
graphics they are about 2 generations of graphic boards behind the PC
now. When Nvidia comes out with Nv15 based boards on the PC that would
be 3 generations back. (I know 3dfx is coming with the voodoo4/5's to
the Macs, but the NV15 from Nvidia will be most likely better).

Anyway, I have thought about switching to the Mac because of the new OS,
and because mostly of what I use on the PC is "dual platform". But I
can't put away the fact that rendering would be much faster in an Athlon
and that's one of the things I am doing the most.

- Raist


> >
> > still no bargain. and it has to be that fast in order to support the
> > bloated Mac OS, a real resource and speed hog, compared to the
> > MagiCMilan OS which requires less resources and does more, and has more
> > choices in alternate desktops like Thing and Jinnee II. With the
> > freeware fVDI project, the Milan II will support PCI ATI Rage cards.
> > The
> > consumer will have the choice of whatever speakers he wants, whether it
> > be Harmon-Kardon, Bose, Yamaha etc. Airport? One-trick pony, overhyped,
> > and will get you jailed in France for using it....
> Jealous arn't we? The iMac 350 comes with 14 high quality apps that
> the Milan could not compare to. Nice try at spin.

the Milan will also come with high-quality apps that will hold their
own with the bundled software in the iMac. Nice try at FUD, TiFKAS...

Why should I be jealous of an internet troll with no life who can't
even spell "aren't"?

> > >
> > > > where can we find a fully loaded blueberry iMac in Canada for
> > > > $999
> > > > CDN, TiFKAS? Or for what it should REALLY be worth, which should be
> > > > $599
> > > > CDN.
> > >
> > > Contact your local Apple provider..A list is in the yellow pages..
> >
> > uh, I go to Mac shops, TiFKAS. Show me where I can find a Blueberry
> > 350MHz iMac for $999 CDN. I'd really like to see that, 'cause they
> > DON'T
> > EXIST at that price point - try $1,599 CDN, trollboy....
> That would be U.S. $999 dollars..Why the complaint?

I asked where I can find an iMac at $999 CDN, which you claimed I
could. TiFKAS, dodging the issue as always.....

> sinclap!
> soon to be somewere in omaha!

oh, so the good people in Iowa decided they DIDN'T want their village
idiot back? :)

Martin-Éric Racine

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
> what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they
> loved it for the very reason many Mac users love it - better
> HTML handling, no code bloat. They said they were amazed that
> it did so much for what was little space requirements....

iCab and Opera both proved that compact, efficient coding beats
the crap out of commercial bloatware. Fat features do not ever
require fat hardware, only efficient coding.

They also proved without a doubt that you don't need to "upgrade"
in 100 MHz steps every 6 months, just because of poor programming
skills in Redmond.

> > The iMac 350 comes with 14 high quality apps that
> > the Milan could not compare to. Nice try at spin.

The Milan already includes a true who's who of Atari products and
more is coming, now that Milan has HP and Motorola's backing.


Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 08:46:11 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-2-29, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> >The win32 version is currently underfeatured, compared to any
>> >other version. Not only is the java switch gone, but the number
>> >of character-sets supported are quite fewer.
>> As far as being 'underfeatured' that's more you buying into
>> the Windows Bloatware mentality than anything else.
>No, it's not. I need something that supports iso-8859-15, but

That's the sort of thing an application shouldn't
be futzing with on it's own.

>only the Linux version of Netscape supports it. Disabling image
>display or Java? Linux! The Windooze version enables everything

Who are you trying to kid? I disable both of those on a
regular basis quite easily in the win32 version.

>in a very fascist way and expects you to enjoy it.


Martin-Éric Racine

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
On 2000-3-1, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> >No, it's not. I need something that supports iso-8859-15, but
> That's the sort of thing an application shouldn't
> be futzing with on it's own.

Netscape for Linux supports iso-8859-15; not the win32 version.

> >Disabling image display or Java? Linux! The Windooze version
> >enables everything
> Who are you trying to kid? I disable both of those on a
> regular basis quite easily in the win32 version.

Proove it.

On Win32, you can only disable Java/Javascript on a site-by-site
basis. The Linux version has specific menu options to handle it.
Same for iso-8859-15 support.


Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 22:24:59 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-3-1, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> >No, it's not. I need something that supports iso-8859-15, but
>> That's the sort of thing an application shouldn't
>> be futzing with on it's own.
>Netscape for Linux supports iso-8859-15; not the win32 version.
>> >Disabling image display or Java? Linux! The Windooze version
>> >enables everything
>> Who are you trying to kid? I disable both of those on a
>> regular basis quite easily in the win32 version.
>Proove it.
>On Win32, you can only disable Java/Javascript on a site-by-site
>basis. The Linux version has specific menu options to handle it.
>Same for iso-8859-15 support.

It's the same menu structure as the Linux version actually.

It's right there on the Preferences->Advanced tab.

Infact, Netscape added another option in later versions (rather
than removing them) so you can disable javascript in mail &
news (a recently discovered security problem).

David Bolt

Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003012221520.302-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric
Racine <> writes

>On 2000-3-1, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

>> >Disabling image display or Java? Linux! The Windooze version
>> >enables everything
>> Who are you trying to kid? I disable both of those on a
>> regular basis quite easily in the win32 version.
>Proove it.

Look at <URL:>. That's
the preferences dialog for Netscape 4.7 on Windows 98. As you can see, I
normally use Netscape with images turned on, but with both Javascript
and Java turned off. If I find I need Java or Javascript I turn it on
and reload the page.

>On Win32, you can only disable Java/Javascript on a site-by-site

Not true, as you can see from the above.

> The Linux version has specific menu options to handle it.
>Same for iso-8859-15 support.

David Bolt

Martin-Éric Racine

Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
On 2000-3-2, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 22:24:59 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
> >Netscape for Linux supports iso-8859-15; not the win32 version.
> >Fact.

No answer to this one?

> >> >Disabling image display or Java? Linux! The Windooze version
> >> >enables everything
> >>
> >> Who are you trying to kid? I disable both of those on a
> >> regular basis quite easily in the win32 version.

> >> It's right there on the Preferences->Advanced tab.

Found the Java one, but there is no image on/off; only a "load
images automatically" option.


Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 11:24:09 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-3-2, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 22:24:59 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>> >Netscape for Linux supports iso-8859-15; not the win32 version.
>> >Fact.
>No answer to this one?
>> >> >Disabling image display or Java? Linux! The Windooze version
>> >> >enables everything
>> >>
>> >> Who are you trying to kid? I disable both of those on a
>> >> regular basis quite easily in the win32 version.
>> >> It's right there on the Preferences->Advanced tab.
>Found the Java one, but there is no image on/off; only a "load
>images automatically" option.

Have you been using Netscrape since just yesterday or
something? THAT is the 'images off' switch. After you
toggle it you get a new task bar button that allows
you to manually trigger image loading for a particular
document. Otherwise, images are 'off'.

Martin-Éric Racine

Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
On 2000-3-2, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> >Found the Java one, but there is no image on/off; only a "load
> >images automatically" option.
> Have you been using Netscrape since just yesterday or
> something? THAT is the 'images off' switch.

No, it is not. On the Linux version, you can litterally toggle
images back and forth, on an already loaded page. Just like in
CAB. Not so on the Win32 version.


Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 21:54:29 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-3-2, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> >Found the Java one, but there is no image on/off; only a "load
>> >images automatically" option.
>> Have you been using Netscrape since just yesterday or
>> something? THAT is the 'images off' switch.
>No, it is not. On the Linux version, you can litterally toggle
>images back and forth, on an already loaded page. Just like in
>CAB. Not so on the Win32 version.

Once you've cached the images, what's the point?

Once the images are local to your machine, there's
really no good reason to deprive yourself anymore.



Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

I like freebies..I saw Cab in action in Omaha. Was just another
browser to me..Nothing special..But NS is free.

> translation: I like being a lemming!

No...I like preserving dollars in my wallet...


back home somewere in MN

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> In article <>, Daniel
> L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:
> > In article <>, sinclap
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > > > May one be so bold as to ask - where can one obtain a copy of
> > > > > iCAB ?
> > > >
> > > > certainly - try over at . There you'll find
> > > > iCab
> > > > in a variety of languages, in both PPC and 68K form (another
> > > > advantage,
> > > > iCAB supports older Macs including older PowerBooks - no wonder
> > > > TiFKAS
> > > > has been running a disinformation campaign against it!), and even
> > > > some
> > > > replacement icons for use with it.
> > >
> > > Nope...I just prefer to use Netscape..I like choice!
> I like freebies..I saw Cab in action in Omaha. Was just another
> browser to me..Nothing special..But NS is free.

you "saw" it but you didn't actually USE it.....

> > translation: I like being a lemming!
> No...I like preserving dollars in my wallet...

translation: I like being a CHEAP lemming!


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003011840190.302-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric
Racine <> wrote:

> > what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they
> > loved it for the very reason many Mac users love it - better
> > HTML handling, no code bloat. They said they were amazed that
> > it did so much for what was little space requirements....

And NS and IE are free and continously improved..

> iCab and Opera both proved that compact, efficient coding beats
> the crap out of commercial bloatware. Fat features do not ever
> require fat hardware, only efficient coding.

Late to the game..

> They also proved without a doubt that you don't need to "upgrade"
> in 100 MHz steps every 6 months, just because of poor programming
> skills in Redmond.

I don't..Never will. I have not bought a machine since '96'

> > > The iMac 350 comes with 14 high quality apps that
> > > the Milan could not compare to. Nice try at spin.

> The Milan already includes a true who's who of Atari products and
> more is coming, now that Milan has HP and Motorola's backing.

And what is the support? Packing cartons?



Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>, sinclap
> <> wrote:
> > > uh, no. For one thing, iCAB actually translates HTML properly. Fast.
> > > Efficient. And without the bloat of Netscape and IE. Oh, and BTW,
> > > there'll be a free version of iCAB as well as the full trimmings
> > > version.
> >
> > No bloat here...Netscape runs fine and is free!
> nope - check out Mac advocacy, lots of complaints about Netscape
> crashing, bloated, buggy....

Not me..

> >
> > > Many Mac users are using iCAB and are praising it highly, and
> > > completely disagree with you.

Will they buy it?

> > Many would disagree with them as well..Whats your point?
> what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they loved it for
> the very reason many Mac users love it - better HTML handling, no code
> bloat. They said they were amazed that it did so much for what was
> little space requirements....

I don't agree with all of MacAddict's reviews...Your point is?

> > > >
> > > > Mac X will knock your socks off. I wonder what FUD you will throw
> > > > at...But you will use and praise it..
> > >
> > > gain, according to your yardsticks, MacOSX is vapour. MagiC is here
> > > and has been proven....
> >
> > Were can one buy MagiC in Minneapolis?
> can't spell "Where"?
> it's called mail order, TiFKAS - and you can get it via Systems For
> Tomorrow or Chro-Magic in Missouri.

How much?

> Of course, your wanting a copy of MagiC is superfluous. Or are you
> planning to buy all of Kent Kordes' copies of it and burn them all in a
> huge bonfire? (Don't worry, he'll order more :) )

No..that would be encouraging them with R&D money..

> >
> > > > No...they have no technical no how to go PPC..
> > >
> > > and you don't have the educational know-how to spell "know-how".
> >
> > Sue me..
> I could, but you wouldn't have enough to take from you to justify it
> :)
> >
> > > and of course, TiFKAS puts his foot in his mouth yet again, for
> > > Motorola is invloved with the manufacture of the Milan II boards.
> > > Motorola knows computers - TiFKAS don't!
> >
> > He he he..Motorola will make money producing 50 Milans a month?
> we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
> producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and that
> they were back-ordered. Having Motorola behind them to help build the
> new Milan USBs will eliminate that problem. Motorola believing in the
> project obviously is an advantage that this is not a joke computer
> system...

Oh being a follower with USB? No midi?

> > > >
> > > > > And according to TiFKAS' yardsticks, a G4 is now "yester-decade
> > > > > technology". And trying to play catch-up to 850 MHz Athlons.....
> > > >
> > > > The G4 totally destroys the Athlons!
> > >
> > > uh, uh. It's the other way around, weinerboy.
> > >
> > > of course, TiFKAS is so syncophantic to Steve Jobs that he'll
> > > believe
> > > anything he says without questioning such nonsense. Why, I bet that if
> > > Steve Jobs told a MacWorld audience that cat feces tasted like ice
> > > cream, TiFKAS would be the first one at the litterbox brandishing a
> > > spoon. :)
> >
> > Say again..
> of course, TiFKAS is so syncophantic to Steve Jobs that he'll
> believe anything he says without questioning such nonsense. Why, I bet
> that if Steve Jobs told a MacWorld audience that cat feces tasted like
> ice cream, TiFKAS would be the first one at the litterbox brandishing a
> spoon. :)

Adobe and Macromedia believe them...Why has intel and AMD not sue? You
know the answer..

> >
> > > again, here's the real evidence, that TiFKAS will once again claim
> > > to
> > > be a conspiracy:
> > >
> > > Yet another person who has let Apple's irresponsible hype influence
> > > subjective observations. The G4 is not even close to 850 MHz Athlon
> > > performance in general, although in certain specific conditions it may
> > > be faster, just like in certain specific conditions a 450 MHz PIII may
> > > be much faster than a 450 MHz G4.
> >
> > Noot according to the Pro's..
> can't even spell "Not", TiFKAS?
> oh yeah? here's what one pro has to say about this:

What makes you think he is a Pro?'s Raist..He does not own a Mac but an ST and or Amiga too...You
remember him?

> --


> > Jealous arn't we? The iMac 350 comes with 14 high quality apps that
> > the Milan could not compare to. Nice try at spin.
> the Milan will also come with high-quality apps that will hold their
> own with the bundled software in the iMac. Nice try at FUD, TiFKAS...

Yea...what are those apps?

> Why should I be jealous of an internet troll with no life who can't
> even spell "aren't"?

Becuase you do..

> >
> > > >
> > > > > where can we find a fully loaded blueberry iMac in Canada for
> > > > > $999
> > > > > CDN, TiFKAS? Or for what it should REALLY be worth, which should be
> > > > > $599
> > > > > CDN.
> > > >
> > > > Contact your local Apple provider..A list is in the yellow pages..
> > >
> > > uh, I go to Mac shops, TiFKAS. Show me where I can find a Blueberry
> > > 350MHz iMac for $999 CDN. I'd really like to see that, 'cause they
> > > DON'T
> > > EXIST at that price point - try $1,599 CDN, trollboy....
> >
> > That would be U.S. $999 dollars..Why the complaint?
> I asked where I can find an iMac at $999 CDN, which you claimed I
> could. TiFKAS, dodging the issue as always.....

U.S. $999!

> > sinclap!
> >
> > soon to be somewere in omaha!
> oh, so the good people in Iowa decided they DIDN'T want their village
> idiot back? :)


back home...somewere in MN

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> >
> > nope - check out Mac advocacy, lots of complaints about Netscape
> > crashing, bloated, buggy....
> Not me..

that's because you're a stupid little sheep who's too afraid to
venture into the mac newsgroups, because you'll be burned beyond

> > >
> > > > Many Mac users are using iCAB and are praising it highly, and
> > > > completely disagree with you.
> Will they buy it?

yes, they will. Nobody is buying your tired rhetoric....

> > the very reason many Mac users love it - better HTML handling, no code
> > bloat. They said they were amazed that it did so much for what was
> > little space requirements....
> >
> I don't agree with all of MacAddict's reviews...Your point is?

that MacAddict knows what's good in a product - and you don't. And
that MacAddict doesn't kiss Apple's ass, while you wind up Lewinskying
Steve's boots..

> > > > and has been proven....
> > >
> > > Were can one buy MagiC in Minneapolis?
> >
> > can't spell "Where"?
> >
> > it's called mail order, TiFKAS - and you can get it via Systems For
> > Tomorrow or Chro-Magic in Missouri.
> How much?

$99.95 US....

> > Of course, your wanting a copy of MagiC is superfluous. Or are you
> > planning to buy all of Kent Kordes' copies of it and burn them all in a
> > huge bonfire? (Don't worry, he'll order more :) )
> No..that would be encouraging them with R&D money..

which they have plenty of, and are currently doing. ASH is on record
that they're going to be around with Atari users for a long time, and
they have some special surprises coming in the next few months....

> > >
> > > He he he..Motorola will make money producing 50 Milans a month?
> >
> > we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
> > producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and
> > that
> > they were back-ordered. Having Motorola behind them to help build the
> > new Milan USBs will eliminate that problem. Motorola believing in the
> > project obviously is an advantage that this is not a joke computer
> > system...
> Oh being a follower with USB? No midi?

no, cutting edge. MIDI will be no problem with the USB solution -
why, according to you, even a grandmother could write a USB driver. Your
point (other than the one on your head?)?

> > > Say again..
> >
> > of course, TiFKAS is so syncophantic to Steve Jobs that he'll
> > believe anything he says without questioning such nonsense. Why, I bet
> > that if Steve Jobs told a MacWorld audience that cat feces tasted like
> > ice cream, TiFKAS would be the first one at the litterbox brandishing a
> > spoon. :)
> Adobe and Macromedia believe them...Why has intel and AMD not sue? You
> know the answer..

they don't have to sue, becuase they already know the truth, that the
850 mHZ Athlon absolutely crushes the G4. As well as the 900 MHz model,
and the 1.0 gig model. Looks like Apple is being left in the dust....

Another manifestation of TiFKAS' tactics - when someone comes out
with a salient point, TiFKAS tries to smear them.....

> >
> > the Milan will also come with high-quality apps that will hold their
> > own with the bundled software in the iMac. Nice try at FUD, TiFKAS...
> Yea...what are those apps?

go to and take a look for yourself, pinhead....

> > Why should I be jealous of an internet troll with no life who can't
> > even spell "aren't"?
> Becuase you do..

because TiFKAS can't even spell "because". I stand vindicated.

> > > > uh, I go to Mac shops, TiFKAS. Show me where I can find a
> > > > Blueberry
> > > > 350MHz iMac for $999 CDN. I'd really like to see that, 'cause they
> > > > DON'T
> > > > EXIST at that price point - try $1,599 CDN, trollboy....
> > >
> > > That would be U.S. $999 dollars..Why the complaint?
> >
> > I asked where I can find an iMac at $999 CDN, which you claimed I
> > could. TiFKAS, dodging the issue as always.....
> U.S. $999!

No, I asked where can I find a blueberry iMac for $999 CDN, which you
claimed I could. If you can't provide with with that info on a Canadian
dealership who can provide me with a brand-new iMac at that price, shut
your festering gob, you pathetic pile of parrot droppings :)


Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
On Sun, 05 Mar 2000 06:05:07 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003011840190.302-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric
>Racine <> wrote:
>> > what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they
>> > loved it for the very reason many Mac users love it - better
>> > HTML handling, no code bloat. They said they were amazed that
>> > it did so much for what was little space requirements....
>And NS and IE are free and continously improved..

They're still both crap.

>> iCab and Opera both proved that compact, efficient coding beats
>> the crap out of commercial bloatware. Fat features do not ever
>> require fat hardware, only efficient coding.
>Late to the game..

So? The web is supposed to be based on open standards. Plus,
many people still just don't have the bandwidth to deal with
most of the extra fluff that wouldn't make the web an open

Plus, Opera runs so much faster than NS or IE once you do
crank up the speed of the network it isn't even funny...

Martin-Éric Racine

Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
On 2000-3-5, sinclap <> wrote:

> > They also proved without a doubt that you don't need to "upgrade"
> > in 100 MHz steps every 6 months, just because of poor programming
> > skills in Redmond.
> I don't..Never will. I have not bought a machine since '96'

So, what you're saying is, you did not buy one of those
oh-so-great iMac 350. Now, you look _really_dumb_.


Mar 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/7/00
In article <slrn8c5bol....@localhost.localdomain>, JEDIDIAH
<jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> On Sun, 05 Mar 2000 06:05:07 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
> >In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003011840190.302-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric
> >Racine <> wrote:
> >

> >> > what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they
> >> > loved it for the very reason many Mac users love it - better
> >> > HTML handling, no code bloat. They said they were amazed that
> >> > it did so much for what was little space requirements....
> >

> >And NS and IE are free and continously improved..
> They're still both crap.
> >
> >> iCab and Opera both proved that compact, efficient coding beats
> >> the crap out of commercial bloatware. Fat features do not ever
> >> require fat hardware, only efficient coding.
> >
> >Late to the game..
> So? The web is supposed to be based on open standards. Plus,
> many people still just don't have the bandwidth to deal with
> most of the extra fluff that wouldn't make the web an open
> standard.
> Plus, Opera runs so much faster than NS or IE once you do
> crank up the speed of the network it isn't even funny...

Only in your mind!


somewere in wi

> [deletia]


Mar 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/7/00
In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003062229500.187-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric
Racine <> wrote:

> On 2000-3-5, sinclap <> wrote:
> > > They also proved without a doubt that you don't need to "upgrade"
> > > in 100 MHz steps every 6 months, just because of poor programming
> > > skills in Redmond.
> >
> > I don't..Never will. I have not bought a machine since '96'
> So, what you're saying is, you did not buy one of those
> oh-so-great iMac 350. Now, you look _really_dumb_. will get my PB upgraded to the next one..


somewere in wi


Mar 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/7/00
On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 06:38:14 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>In article <slrn8c5bol....@localhost.localdomain>, JEDIDIAH
><jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> On Sun, 05 Mar 2000 06:05:07 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>> >In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003011840190.302-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric

>> >Racine <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> > what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they
>> >> > loved it for the very reason many Mac users love it - better
>> >> > HTML handling, no code bloat. They said they were amazed that
>> >> > it did so much for what was little space requirements....
>> >
>> >And NS and IE are free and continously improved..
>> They're still both crap.
>> >
>> >> iCab and Opera both proved that compact, efficient coding beats
>> >> the crap out of commercial bloatware. Fat features do not ever
>> >> require fat hardware, only efficient coding.
>> >
>> >Late to the game..
>> So? The web is supposed to be based on open standards. Plus,
>> many people still just don't have the bandwidth to deal with
>> most of the extra fluff that wouldn't make the web an open
>> standard.
>> Plus, Opera runs so much faster than NS or IE once you do
>> crank up the speed of the network it isn't even funny...
>Only in your mind!

Spoken like a true janitor.


Some of us here actually do technical work for a living (programming).

Phil Walding

Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
In article <>,
"Daniel L. Dreibelbis" <> wrote:

> we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
> producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and that
> they were back-ordered.

Wow!! That's really going to bring the software developers screaming
out of the woods.

Love your Atari for what it was and is - and a Mac-killer it ain't!!!

Phil Walding
Christchurch, New Zealand

Phil Walding

Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
In article <>, sinclap
<> wrote:

> > PageStream is my choice of DTP as it does almost everything I want and
> > is now available in a Mac version - which I will be ordering shortly.
> When will it be available?

I've been using Pagestream (Mac) for seems like around 4 or 5 years now
(was in beta for a while).

Personally I found 3.3r7 to be the most stable version. I haven't tried
Pagestream 4.

Compared to Pagestream (Atari) the files and postscript are huge. And
I'd grow wiskers trying to run it on a well-spec'ed Quadra 950 or
8100/80. It goes ok on my 8600/200, but sadly I've been forced to start
migrating design setups to other applications due to the problems with
accessing advanced print features on higher-end digital/laser printers.

Atari and Amiga files can be opened in the Mac version but some bits
don't come across properly. However it does ok for some layouts.


Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
On Thu, 09 Mar 2000 22:02:49 +1300, Phil Walding <> wrote:
>In article <>,
>"Daniel L. Dreibelbis" <> wrote:
>> we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
>> producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and that
>> they were back-ordered.
>Wow!! That's really going to bring the software developers screaming
>out of the woods.
>Love your Atari for what it was and is - and a Mac-killer it ain't!!!

Apple doesn't really need any help doing that... killing the
mac that is. They already price their more serious desktop
PC's at about the same price as twice faster clocked brand name
PC systems (GW2K, Compaq).


Mar 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/9/00
On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 07:38:09 +1300, Phil Walding <> wrote:
>> Apple doesn't really need any help doing that... killing the
>> mac that is. They already price their more serious desktop
>> PC's at about the same price as twice faster clocked brand name
>> PC systems (GW2K, Compaq).
>A decent Mac system does cost a bit more up front, but saves a bundle in
>time and / or support charges later on.

Twice the cost leaves a lot of room for TCO finaegle
even in the worst case. This assertion doesn't even
address the less problematic installation.

>I split my time between two businesses - one providing PC support and
>one digital print & copy services. In the shop whereever possible I run
>Mac (with pleasure), Atari (with pleasure) and Windows (where
>unavoidable). The Atari never needs anything - just goes. The Macs
>mainly just keep on going. PC's - every so often something screws up
>the registry and the most efficient cure seems to be "Format c:" and
>re-install. If I had as much trouble as some client sites with PC's,
>I'd be out of the print business. As for Compaq, I could tell a few

This is likely a Win9x oriented anecdote. Other x86 OSes aren't
nearly as problematic. Even Win 3.1 is less failure prone in
this particular aspect.

If you wish to merely throw money at the issue, you can just
pay a little more for NT.

>stories about them out here in our neck of the woods.
>But hey, I hear where you guys are coming from. I think these Mac guys
>are just over here yanking your chain to get a reaction.

When the Open spec PPC boards finally hit the street, I'm there.
However, Steve's PPCs just don't quite do it for me. If I'm going
to blow that kind of money on a system, I'd much rather get an
Alpha or mebbe even a Sparc.

Phil Walding

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
> Apple doesn't really need any help doing that... killing the
> mac that is. They already price their more serious desktop
> PC's at about the same price as twice faster clocked brand name
> PC systems (GW2K, Compaq).

A decent Mac system does cost a bit more up front, but saves a bundle in
time and / or support charges later on.

I split my time between two businesses - one providing PC support and

one digital print & copy services. In the shop whereever possible I run
Mac (with pleasure), Atari (with pleasure) and Windows (where
unavoidable). The Atari never needs anything - just goes. The Macs
mainly just keep on going. PC's - every so often something screws up
the registry and the most efficient cure seems to be "Format c:" and
re-install. If I had as much trouble as some client sites with PC's,
I'd be out of the print business. As for Compaq, I could tell a few

stories about them out here in our neck of the woods.

But hey, I hear where you guys are coming from. I think these Mac guys
are just over here yanking your chain to get a reaction.


Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
In article <>, Phil Walding
<> wrote:

> In article <>,
> "Daniel L. Dreibelbis" <> wrote:

> > we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
> > producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and
> > that
> > they were back-ordered.

> Wow!! That's really going to bring the software developers screaming
> out of the woods.

already has, m'boy - new Calamus announced for the Milan, a new
Papyrus Office Suite, three new games, GFA Basic 3.6 has been
re-released in Germany.

Small, but building.

> Love your Atari for what it was and is - and a Mac-killer it ain't!!!

I use both at home - Mac for most of my day to day things, Falcon for
MIDI and as a backup system when the Mac goes down (makes a great
Internet system).

Besides, my function here is to cancel out TiFKAS' signal-to-noise
ratio - it's rather a fun activity, poking trolls with sticks until they
squeak :)

Martin-Éric Racine

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
On 2000-3-9, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> This is likely a Win9x oriented anecdote. If you wish to

> merely throw money at the issue, you can just pay a little
> more for NT.

Which is still crap. I could also tell a lot of horror stories
on work wasted because NT is not quite 95-compatible and a lot
of applications that advertise themselves as "95/98/NT" really
are a crap on NT.

> Steve's PPCs just don't quite do it for me. If I'm going to
> blow that kind of money on a system, I'd much rather get an
> Alpha or mebbe even a Sparc.

iMacs _are_ really cute user appliances. Nothing really feels
like you are using a computer anymore. The size and combination
of features is right too. What I really don't get is why they
think they can get away with charging twice the price of an
equivalently-equipped PC. Heck, even an Alpha-based machine can
be built for about the same price as a meatball PC, nowadays.


Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 13:30:08 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine <> wrote:
>On 2000-3-9, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> This is likely a Win9x oriented anecdote. If you wish to
>> merely throw money at the issue, you can just pay a little
>> more for NT.
>Which is still crap. I could also tell a lot of horror stories
>on work wasted because NT is not quite 95-compatible and a lot
>of applications that advertise themselves as "95/98/NT" really
>are a crap on NT.

While I will certainly agree that when comparing against
VMS or Unix that NT is crap. However, compared to MacOS,
it just isn't so.

The existence of crap for a particular platform is hardly
a compelling argument. The state of software engineering
is non-existent in general. That's what REAL OSes are for,
to deal with the common crud without any major inconvenience.

>> Steve's PPCs just don't quite do it for me. If I'm going to
>> blow that kind of money on a system, I'd much rather get an
>> Alpha or mebbe even a Sparc.
>iMacs _are_ really cute user appliances. Nothing really feels
>like you are using a computer anymore. The size and combination
>of features is right too. What I really don't get is why they
>think they can get away with charging twice the price of an
>equivalently-equipped PC. Heck, even an Alpha-based machine can
>be built for about the same price as a meatball PC, nowadays.



Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
In article <slrn8ca9id....@pyromania.mishnet>, JEDIDIAH
<jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

You would know from experience from sweeping up the Star Wars set...Did
Lucas drop banana peels ...?

> [deletia]
> Some of us here actually do technical work for a living (programming).

And so?


soon to be somewere in ca


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
In article <slrn8cfkg4....@pyromania.mishnet>, JEDIDIAH
<jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:

> On Thu, 09 Mar 2000 22:02:49 +1300, Phil Walding <>

> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> >"Daniel L. Dreibelbis" <> wrote:
> >
> >> we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
> >> producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and that
> >> they were back-ordered.
> >
> >Wow!! That's really going to bring the software developers screaming
> >out of the woods.
> >

> >Love your Atari for what it was and is - and a Mac-killer it ain't!!!

> Apple doesn't really need any help doing that... killing the
> mac that is. They already price their more serious desktop
> PC's at about the same price as twice faster clocked brand name
> PC systems (GW2K, Compaq).

Remember, the G4's are equivelant to upto 2.9 times percent of the
Pentium clock speeds...Apple is selling lost of these boxes..

But the Hades is worse...Still using the ancient 68k stuff...So the
price performance is you book of course.


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
In article <>, Daniel
L. Dreibelbis <> wrote:

> In article <>, Phil Walding

> <> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > "Daniel L. Dreibelbis" <> wrote:
> >
> > > we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
> > > producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and
> > > that
> > > they were back-ordered.
> >
> > Wow!! That's really going to bring the software developers screaming
> > out of the woods.

> already has, m'boy - new Calamus announced for the Milan, a new
> Papyrus Office Suite, three new games, GFA Basic 3.6 has been
> re-released in Germany.

Anyone can announce but delivering is an issue..

> Small, but building.

> >
> > Love your Atari for what it was and is - and a Mac-killer it ain't!!!

> I use both at home - Mac for most of my day to day things, Falcon for
> MIDI and as a backup system when the Mac goes down (makes a great
> Internet system).
> Besides, my function here is to cancel out TiFKAS' signal-to-noise
> ratio - it's rather a fun activity, poking trolls with sticks until they
> squeak :)

From practise? Will you buy a Milan II?


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003101324270.300-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric
Racine <> wrote:

> On 2000-3-9, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
iMacs _are_ really cute user appliances. Nothing really feels
> like you are using a computer anymore. The size and combination
> of features is right too. What I really don't get is why they
> think they can get away with charging twice the price of an
> equivalently-equipped PC. Heck, even an Alpha-based machine can

> be built for about the same price as a meatball PC, nowadays.

Here in the states, the iMac's are priced to go...The market has
determined the price and that is reflected in Apple's price
share...which sinclap is still kicking himself for cashing most out at
$55 to pay the rent...

Oh well..


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
On Sat, 11 Mar 2000 08:07:11 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>In article <slrn8cfkg4....@pyromania.mishnet>, JEDIDIAH
><jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> On Thu, 09 Mar 2000 22:02:49 +1300, Phil Walding <>

>> wrote:
>> >In article <>,
>> >"Daniel L. Dreibelbis" <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> we already know from Milan GmBH's record so far that they were
>> >> producing at capacity when they were selling 50 Milans a month, and that
>> >> they were back-ordered.
>> >
>> >Wow!! That's really going to bring the software developers screaming
>> >out of the woods.
>> >
>> >Love your Atari for what it was and is - and a Mac-killer it ain't!!!
>> Apple doesn't really need any help doing that... killing the
>> mac that is. They already price their more serious desktop
>> PC's at about the same price as twice faster clocked brand name
>> PC systems (GW2K, Compaq).
>Remember, the G4's are equivelant to upto 2.9 times percent of the
>Pentium clock speeds...Apple is selling lost of these boxes..

Why do you insist on repeating this fantasy? We've shown
you specmarks, application benchmarks and game benchmarks
that quite clearly show that G4 have about a 20% edge per
clock at best.

G4's can even cope up in photoshop is you exercise the
entire program and not the just bits that make Apple
look good.

>But the Hades is worse...Still using the ancient 68k stuff...So the
>price performance is you book of course.


The hades isn't a system built no Windows-esque bloatware
and featuritus.


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
On Sat, 11 Mar 2000 08:03:31 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>In article <slrn8ca9id....@pyromania.mishnet>, JEDIDIAH
><jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 06:38:14 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>> >In article <slrn8c5bol....@localhost.localdomain>, JEDIDIAH
>> ><jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Sun, 05 Mar 2000 06:05:07 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>> >> >In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003011840190.302-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric

>> >> >Racine <> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> > what about MacAddict? They did a review of iCAB and they
>> >> >> > loved it for the very reason many Mac users love it - better
>> >> >> > HTML handling, no code bloat. They said they were amazed that
>> >> >> > it did so much for what was little space requirements....
>> >> >
>> >> >And NS and IE are free and continously improved..
>> >>
>> >> They're still both crap.
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >> iCab and Opera both proved that compact, efficient coding beats
>> >> >> the crap out of commercial bloatware. Fat features do not ever
>> >> >> require fat hardware, only efficient coding.
>> >> >
>> >> >Late to the game..
>> >>
>> >> So? The web is supposed to be based on open standards. Plus,
>> >> many people still just don't have the bandwidth to deal with
>> >> most of the extra fluff that wouldn't make the web an open
>> >> standard.
>> >>
>> >> Plus, Opera runs so much faster than NS or IE once you do
>> >> crank up the speed of the network it isn't even funny...
>> >
>> >Only in your mind!
>> Spoken like a true janitor.
>You would know from experience from sweeping up the Star Wars set...Did
>Lucas drop banana peels ...?
>> [deletia]
>> Some of us here actually do technical work for a living (programming).
>And so?

Doing intranet database web scripting tends to show you
what the real performance DOGS are in terms of Web
browsers. 100BaseT eliminates all those inetbound
bottlenecks that actually make the Mosaic hellspawn look
considerably better than they really are.


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
On Sat, 11 Mar 2000 08:13:07 GMT, sinclap <> wrote:
>In article <Pine.MNT.4.10.10003101324270.300-100000@rakas>, Martin-Éric

>Racine <> wrote:
>> On 2000-3-9, JEDIDIAH <jedi...@dementia.mishnet> wrote:
> iMacs _are_ really cute user appliances. Nothing really feels
>> like you are using a computer anymore. The size and combination
>> of features is right too. What I really don't get is why they
>> think they can get away with charging twice the price of an
>> equivalently-equipped PC. Heck, even an Alpha-based machine can
>> be built for about the same price as a meatball PC, nowadays.
>Here in the states, the iMac's are priced to go...The market has

Not compared to other systems they aren't.

>determined the price and that is reflected in Apple's price
>share...which sinclap is still kicking himself for cashing most out at
>$55 to pay the rent...

However, the consumer is easy enough to fool. That IBM
trademark did wonders...


Jun 19, 2012, 1:14:18 AM6/19/12
aapl is doing fabulously..

On Friday, January 21, 2000 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, Daniel L. Dreibelbis wrote:
> In article <>, sinclap
> <> wrote:
> > Apple will post their results today with expecations of better than
> > expected. Looks like sales were phenominal(sp?) in Canada and Germany
> > despite being the home of the new Milan. Apple's transition as a
> > consumer company is nearly complete..Watch out..


Jul 6, 2012, 5:46:21 PM7/6/12
Apple's transition as a consumer company? What was that statement
about? Referring to how Apple has products that are trendy and sought
after while at the same time readily replacable by the next model and
almost disposable?

Could see that.

I have been using Apple computers since 1989, well made products for the
most part, though lately due to interface (how you load and set up
devices) I am not a fan of the iPhone or iPad. Been going more Android
on that front.

Doc Clu
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