I have a video cassette of the installation of System 6 that I would
like to copy before the tape totally deteriorates.
It started off with a 15 minute Sneak Preview narrated by Joe Gleason
who was the President of Quality Computers at that time. Sneak preview
advertised the Q Drive hard drive; 4MB Q RAM GS card; Zip GS
Accelerator card and the software: Pointless true type fonts,
Signature GS, Six Pack and Salvation Supreme. ( I had a 40 mb Q Drive
at one time ). Then it launched into the Feature Presentation which is
another 40 plus minutes that includes the Overview, Preparation,
Installation, The Apple Desktop and finally the IIGS Finder.
The tape is in pretty good condition but it is copyrighted and I would
like permission to copy it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
As far as I know Quality Computers no longer exists. If you want
permission to copy it you might try Googling Joe Gleason and see if
you can find something that references him and Quality Computers, but
with a current e-mail.
That's my two centsworth anyway,
I have a Quality Computers video as well. I think it was called the
Apple II Review and had some reviews of hardware and software as well as
some coverage of AppleFest I believe. If you contact someone about
getting permission, make sure to ask for permission for other videos
too. I should be able to capture this one onto my PC without too many
> The tape is in pretty good condition but it is copyrighted and I would
> like permission to copy it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I've been in recent contact with Joe Gleason -- I'll send him an e-
> > The tape is in pretty good condition but it is copyrighted and I would
> > like permission to copy it. =A0Any help is appreciated. =A0Thanks
> I've been in recent contact with Joe Gleason -- I'll send him an e-
> mail.
I've sent Joe an e-mail and will report back as soon as he replies.
Sean Fahey
...and as to his offer to help with anything else, I already asked if
he could help us with Appleworks reclassification -- and iirc, he
couldn't. But if anyone has anything else, I'll pass it along.
Thanks... Sounds great... of course you can convert - love to see
Let me know if I can help with anything else
-----Original Message-----
From: sfahey [mailto:sfa...@a2central.com]
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 9:30 AM
To: xx...@xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Quality Computers -- Apple II videos
Hi Joe -- I'm writing on behalf of some Apple II enthusiasts who've
asked about
the status of videos you produced during your Quality Computers days
specifically, the AppleFest and System 6 videos (and product sneak
peek). They
are seeking permission to convert them from VHS to digital format and
post them to YouTube or somewhere for historical preservation
(possibly on
Since the videos are copyrighted, these enthusiasts are being
respectful of
your rights and wishes, and are asking for your permission before
Thanks in advance,
Sean Fahey
Thanks Sean. Actually I had not thought about posting on You tube.
After I burn the video to DVD I can mail you a copy if you would like
to post it.
Thanks again,
> ...and as to his offer to help with anything else, I already asked if
> he could help us with Appleworks reclassification -- and iirc, he
> couldn't. But if anyone has anything else, I'll pass it along.
You _had_ to ask.
While Joe may not be able to help with the reclassification of AppleWorks
5.1, perhaps there is something he can do regarding the AppleWorks 4
Reference Manual and the companion AppleWorks 5 Delta Manual.
In April I 'spoke' with Jerry Kindall, who worked for Joe at Quality, and he
confirmed that the AppleWorks 4 Reference Manual consisted of a single
Microsoft Word 5.1 file for _each_ chapter of the Manual.
I had hoped that I could obtain these files and convert the whole slew into
one .pdf, provided, of course, that I wouldn't step outside of legal bounds.
While Quality published the Reference Manual, I know they used portions of
Claris' AppleWorks 3 material, probably under some kind of license
Anyway, Jerry didn't have any of the original files, even though I think he
did the lion's share of the work compiling the AppleWorks 4 Reference
Manual. {Doug Cuff wrote the AppleWorks 5 Delta Manual}.
If Joe could cast about and find the source Word files for the AppleWorks 4
Reference Manual for our (permitted) use, it would be just swell. Count me
in for doing the pdf conversion. Moreover, adding the AppleWorks 5 Delta
Manual material would be gravy.
AppleWorks 5.1 has my vote for being one of the best 8-bit computer programs
ever written. It's a shame that the docs, which number in excess of 600
pages, are in limbo.
Hugh Hood
> Thanks Sean. Actually I had not thought about posting on You tube.
> After I burn the video to DVD I can mail you a copy if you would like
> to post it.
> Thanks again,
> Don
Sure, we'll be happy to post and host.
> AppleWorks 5.1 has my vote for being one of the best 8-bit computer programs
> ever written. It's a shame that the docs, which number in excess of 600
> pages, are in limbo.
> Hugh Hood
I agree. I'll pass it on... in fact, I'll ask him if he'd be willing
to pop in to CSA2.
> If Joe could cast about and find the source Word files for the AppleWorks 4
> Reference Manual for our (permitted) use, it would be just swell. Count me
> in for doing the pdf conversion. Moreover, adding the AppleWorks 5 Delta
> Manual material would be gravy.
I'm sorry to report that Joe doesn't have those documents.
Sean Fahey
Thanks for taking the time to ask Joe about the AppleWorks docs.
I have one other thought on this -- Do you think Joe might remember which
printing house he used to have those manuals produced? I suppose Quality
could have done it in house, but I'd bet against it, since the pages are
7-1/2" x 9", and are 'perfect bound.'
My business works with a printer that keeps the files from things I did 20
years ago. I don't know why, but they do.
Otherwise, scanning 600+ pages (even assuming we had permission) would be
quite the chore, and one I would say to pass on to the 'next guy' who has a
lot of time and not much to do. <grin>
Hugh Hood
in article 4AB0FF72.1313...@a2central.com, sfahey at
sfa...@a2central.com.remove-47n-this wrote on 9/16/09 10:08 AM: