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Herbert Fung

Nov 26, 1992, 2:04:56 AM11/26/92
I was just thinking, why did Sanyo go through all the trouble of
re-engineering the 65816 to run at 14MHz? What other devices other than
the GS and possible the Super Nintendo that might use it? Just curious.

Herbert Fung | "Hard work doesn't make miracles,
Edmonton Remote Systems | Miracles just make hard work!"
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | The Herbster! 1988

Herbert Fung

Soenke Behrens

Nov 26, 1992, 4:52:53 AM11/26/92
Herbert Fung ( wrote:

: I was just thinking, why did Sanyo go through all the trouble of

: re-engineering the 65816 to run at 14MHz? What other devices other than
: the GS and possible the Super Nintendo that might use it? Just curious.

Not many. But the SNES is large enough a market to justify the effort,
no? It might be that Sanyo bought into the ASIC design (ASIC like the
company, not Application Specific Integrated Circuit :), so perhaps
it was not that much of an effort for them.


More than silver, more than gold, I need ! behrenss@informatik.
electricity. I need it for my dreams. !
(RACTER) ! FIDO: 2:246/13 Soenke Behrens

Cameron Silver

Nov 27, 1992, 1:55:05 AM11/27/92
to (Soenke Behrens) writes:

>Herbert Fung ( wrote:

>: I was just thinking, why did Sanyo go through all the trouble of
>: re-engineering the 65816 to run at 14MHz? What other devices other than
>: the GS and possible the Super Nintendo that might use it? Just curious.

>Not many. But the SNES is large enough a market to justify the effort,
>no? It might be that Sanyo bought into the ASIC design (ASIC like the
>company, not Application Specific Integrated Circuit :), so perhaps
>it was not that much of an effort for them.


Some pinball machines also use 65816s.

Just thought I'd mention it!


Jawaid Bazyar

Nov 27, 1992, 2:19:29 AM11/27/92
to (Soenke Behrens) writes:

>Herbert Fung ( wrote:

>: I was just thinking, why did Sanyo go through all the trouble of
>: re-engineering the 65816 to run at 14MHz? What other devices other than
>: the GS and possible the Super Nintendo that might use it? Just curious.

>Not many. But the SNES is large enough a market to justify the effort,

It is, but SNES's don't run at 14MHz.

>It might be that Sanyo bought into the ASIC design (ASIC like the
>company, not Application Specific Integrated Circuit :), so perhaps
>it was not that much of an effort for them.

It wouldn't have been, but that's not what they did either.

Sanyo is working on a personal data assistant type project and decided
that the 816 was the perfect processor for it. So... they made one.
Hey, when you're a $4billion + corporation, you can do things like that! :)

Jawaid Bazyar | Ask me about the GNO Multitasking Environment
Procyon, Inc. | for the Apple IIgs! | P.O Box 620334
--Apple II Forever!-- | Littleton, CO 80162-0334 (303) 933-4649

Roy Barrett

Nov 27, 1992, 1:39:03 PM11/27/92
Jawaid Bazyar ( wrote:

: (Soenke Behrens) writes:
: >Herbert Fung ( wrote:
: >: I was just thinking, why did Sanyo go through all the trouble of
: >: re-engineering the 65816 to run at 14MHz? What other devices other than
: >: the GS and possible the Super Nintendo that might use it? Just curious.
: >Not many. But the SNES is large enough a market to justify the effort,
: >no?
: It is, but SNES's don't run at 14MHz.
: >It might be that Sanyo bought into the ASIC design (ASIC like the
: >company, not Application Specific Integrated Circuit :), so perhaps
: >it was not that much of an effort for them.
: It wouldn't have been, but that's not what they did either.
: Sanyo is working on a personal data assistant type project and decided
: that the 816 was the perfect processor for it. So... they made one.
: Hey, when you're a $4billion + corporation, you can do things like that! :)
: --
Oh really? Heh, maybe there could be a GS Emulator, No? I'd love to see
a Newton-GS.. ;)

What does the SNES-CD going to use?

Also, who makes the SNES 65816? WDC?
: Jawaid Bazyar | Ask me about the GNO Multitasking Environment

: Procyon, Inc. | for the Apple IIgs!
: | P.O Box 620334
: --Apple II Forever!-- | Littleton, CO 80162-0334 (303) 933-4649


===================================== #1@#31

Roy Barrett... Yep, that's my name...

Brian Tao

Nov 28, 1992, 10:42:03 AM11/28/92
In article <> (Roy Barrett) writes:
>Oh really? Heh, maybe there could be a GS Emulator, No? I'd love to see
>a Newton-GS.. ;)
>What does the SNES-CD going to use?

Apparently a 21-MHz 65816, if I'm not mistaken. I think I will hold off
upgrading my ZipGS until then and blow the rest of you guys out of the water.

-- Real name: Brian Tao (Dept. of Exobiology, University of Toronto)
-- Preferred: (checked daily)
-- Alternate: (no mail over 15K, please!)
-- """""""""""""""""""""""""

Philip McDunnough

Nov 30, 1992, 1:11:44 AM11/30/92
In article <> (Brian Tao) writes:

[ ]

>>What does the SNES-CD going to use?
> Apparently a 21-MHz 65816, if I'm not mistaken. I think I will hold off
>upgrading my ZipGS until then and blow the rest of you guys out of the water.

This is very unlikely. There may very well be fast 65816's in their game
cartridges, but their CD will be a 32 bit one. Moreover since it will be
CD-I compatible that implies something.

Philip McDunnough

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