Mark Wade wrote:
> I have a card I purchased some years ago installed in slot 7 of a IIgs. I
> don't remember its provenance or name but was wondering if anyone
> remembers
> just what it is and if it will work in a //e.
If it will work in a IIe: more likely yes than no.
> The SCSI drive hooked to a Super Serial card in my //e seems to have
> failed
> (SCSI boot error), not the first time or drive. I've ordered a used 160 MB
> IBM HD from eBay, hopefully I can get that working. I'd rather leave the
> SATA drive in the IIgs but if I need to I was wondering if it's an option
> for the //e.
Are you referring to a SCSI card in your IIe that failed? If you want to
continue using SCSI devices, you could upgrade to a solid state SCSI disk
emulator such as a SCSI2SD.
The New Apple II User's Guide: