> I'm greatly impressed by your work
Thanks. It's nice to know when people enjoy the results.
> Will you kindly consider making uncompressed, single-load versions of your Moon Patrol and Joust ports which can be used with Beautiful Boot or Compatiboot available?
Hmm, I think that both of them are too big to load uncompressed alongside any OS, which is why I compressed them in the first place. However, the fact that they are compressed should not interfere with their ability to be used in Beautiful Boot or similar. Just drop them into the right place on the disk - they carry the unpacker so they can run directly. They don't have any ProDOS dependencies.
> Is Mr. Do! also possible to make into a single-load binary? I seem to recall a three-level demo was cracked into a ~140 sector Binary file.
Ah, I believe that the "demo" was intended to be the full version, and someone overlooked that the cutscenes are loaded from disk, so it crashes as a result.
If the machine has 128kb, then my port *is* a single-loader (unlike the original). It's just not a single file.
It could be made into a single file, ~120 sectors, but the experience wouldn't be "authentic" (the screen would be visibly filled with garbage during the load).
> Do you also use Exomizer or some generic LZMA compression scheme to compress the single-load games? All the single load ports seem to be compressed.
I use aPLib to compress, and my own unpacker (see
All of the multi-load ports are compressed, too, except for the Aquatron high score file.
> Will your multi-file Prodos ports also work in regular DOS 3.3?
No, you'd need a DOS version of the port. I have a DOS port for Conan on Asimov, but my more recent titles (Karateka, Mr Do, Jungle Hunt, Plasmania, Swashbuckler, Aquatron) are only for ProDOS. They're intended to be run from a hard-disk. There's no point in a DOS port for them, because you could use the full disk image instead.