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Can Contiki 8-bit Web Browser Open a Local File?

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Dec 12, 2023, 12:05:22 AM12/12/23
I made a simple home.html file that just contains "hello". I stored it in the same directory as the browser executable. I plugged away with various punctuation into the url-input of Contiki, but no luck. The program always tries "resolving the web host" to no avail.

My thought was to make a local html file as a home page that has the now (unfortunately) huge links required to get things like the weather, even when using FrogFind. Airport codes for weather via FrogFind no longer work, but it is still possible with HUGE url strings including GPS locations.

I guess I could try having a network local web server hosting such a page, but I don't know enough about routing and such to prevent attacks on a local web server. Was kind of hoping it could just be an html file on the Apple II.

Thanks for reading.

Bill Chatfield

Dec 12, 2023, 9:27:36 AM12/12/23
It is unclear exactly what you're trying to do but it sounds like
you're trying to serve up a web page. Here is a page with an Applesoft
web server.

Bill Chatfield

Dec 12, 2023, 9:36:22 AM12/12/23
On Tue, 12 Dec 2023 05:05:54 GMT
TRS-90 <> wrote:

I understand what you're trying to do now. I don't know if contiki has
code to access local files. It looks like Firefox, Chrome and Edge all
use this syntax to address a local file:

I don't know what's up with the 3 slashes.

Oliver Schmidt

Dec 12, 2023, 3:24:56 PM12/12/23

The answer to your question in the subject is a simple 'no'.

> My thought was to make a local html file as a home page that has the now
> (unfortunately) huge links required to get things like the weather, even
> when using FrogFind. Airport codes for weather via FrogFind no longer
> work, but it is still possible with HUGE url strings including GPS locations.

I totally see your point.

> I guess I could try having a network local web server hosting such a
> page, but I don't know enough about routing and such to prevent attacks
> on a local web server. Was kind of hoping it could just be an html file on the Apple II.

That's much easier than you may think: Usually you'll have a hard time to
make a local web server accessible from the outside. So when you do nothing
to explicitly reach that goal then your web server is typically only
accessible from the inside. And this is exactly what you want.

Just enter the bare IPv4 address of the machine running the web server in
the URL field of the Contiki web browser.



Dec 12, 2023, 6:03:51 PM12/12/23
> The answer to your question in the subject is a simple 'no'.
> Just enter the bare IPv4 address of the machine running the
> web server in the URL field of the Contiki web browser.

Thanks Oliver, that's great information. The first line of your response made me laugh because it dispenses with every follow-up question I might have had!

Thanks again,


Oliver Schmidt

Dec 14, 2023, 5:15:34 PM12/14/23
Hi Matt,

> Thanks Oliver, that's great information.

You're welcome!

> The first line of your response made me laugh because it dispenses with
> every follow-up question I might have had!




Dec 14, 2023, 8:24:45 PM12/14/23
> That's much easier than you may think: Just enter the bare
> IPv4 address of the machine running the web server
> in the URL field of the Contiki web browser.

You were right, setting it up was quite easy. It's working. Thanks.

After thrashing around a bit to see what works, I -think- the only viable HTML tags for setting up a home page in Contiki are:

ascii characters only
<br> - for vertical spacing
&nbsp; - for horizontal spacing
<a> for href links

And that seems to be the lot.

So a home page might look like:

&nbsp; (multiple for centering, etc...)
ascii text wherever
<a href=> whatever locations, multiple

So far that works, am I on the right track?

Thanks for reading,


Oliver Schmidt

Dec 15, 2023, 7:29:56 PM12/15/23
Hi Matt,

>> [...]

> You were right, setting it up was quite easy. It's working. Thanks.


>> [...]

> So far that works, am I on the right track?



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