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GNO 2.0.6 install

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Eric Le Bras

Feb 9, 2023, 6:10:56 AM2/9/23

I've done a fresh install of GNO 2.0.6 on my IIgs. My configuration includes a MicroDrive/Turbo, a 16 MHz TWGS and a 4Mb GS Sauce memory expansion card. I also have a FujiNet plugged onto the Smartport. The install was done following the procedure described in the GNO Overview and Installation on a separate 32Mb ProDOS partition plus an HFS partition. My GS/OS system is 6.0.4.

When I launch the gno kernel, I get the login prompt. After entering root I get the "message of the day", then no prompt. Hitting any key (including ctrl-D) does not get me to the prompt. The trick I found is to go to the GNO Snooper CDA, terminate the gsh process. This gets me to the login prompt again. After entering root, I get the motd and no prompt again, but this time hitting ctrl-D gets me to the gsh prompt.

I tried removing the FujiNet, that did not help. Is there something else I should try? Does it relate to a known issue? I did not find anything related in the FAQ.

Kelvin Sherlock

Feb 9, 2023, 11:32:25 AM2/9/23
It is a known issue. As I recall, gsh normally uses a SIGCHLD signal
handler to wait() on child processes. However it can also call wait()
immediately after spawning them so if the child process is very quick
(as is the case when executing gshrc) there can be a race condition
where the SIGCHILD signal occurs after the child has already been dealt
with and the signal handler hangs. It's a bug in gsh but also GNO only
has wait() (no waitpid()). Dropping into GNO snooper and killing it is
the only fix for now.

You might also switch to the hush shell.

Eric Le Bras

Feb 9, 2023, 12:26:20 PM2/9/23
Thanks for the tip. I did not know about the hush shell. I'll give it a try!

Gno on the gs + Golden Gate on the pc is the perfect combination to allow moving from one environment to the other!
Thank you for making this possible.
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