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6502bench SourceGen disassembler updated

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Aug 4, 2019, 6:15:51 PM8/4/19
6502bench SourceGen ( v1.2.0 has been released. This is just like v1.1, but implemented on a different UI library.

SourceGen v1.3.0-dev2 is now available. Key features:

- Partial support for ACME cross-assembler. I say "partial" because ACME's internal program counter is apparently only 16 bits, so 65816 code targeted outside bank zero is problematic.

- Apple /// SOS MLI calls, which are like ProDOS MLI calls but with BRK instead of JSR, are now handled. This change also breaks all existing SourceGen plugins, but I'm guessing there aren't a lot of those. (See for notes on updating existing projects.)

- Changed handling of BRK. I was treating it 65816-style, as a two-byte instruction, but hardly anything else does that, and things were getting awkward.

- Updated cc65 support for cc65 v2.18, although nothing much is different from v2.17 as far as SourceGen is concerned.

- Minor fixes to the new UI.

Source code and pre-built Windows binaries are available from

Antoine Vignau

Aug 5, 2019, 2:46:12 AM8/5/19

Frank M.

Aug 5, 2019, 10:40:54 AM8/5/19
nice. thanks for adding acme. look forward to checking it out.


Aug 5, 2019, 4:31:47 PM8/5/19
On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 7:40:54 AM UTC-7, Frank M. wrote:
> nice. thanks for adding acme. look forward to checking it out.

ACME works great unless you're disassembling 65816 code. I've pinged the author to see if there's a way around the problem. (As noted in the docs, the internal PC is only 16 bits, so it has trouble with code outside bank zero.)

There's some potential room for improvement, e.g. using !xor to generate high-ASCII text strings.

Speaking of 65816 code, nobody can agree on what MVN/MVP args should look like: . Merlin 32 is winning that one. :-)

Frank M.

Aug 5, 2019, 5:45:24 PM8/5/19
On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 1:31:47 PM UTC-7, fadden wrote:
> There's some potential room for improvement, e.g. using !xor to generate high-ASCII text strings.

I was wondering how to do that. My first big project with acme targeted the ][+ where I didn't need to worry about figuring it out.


Brian Patrie

Aug 7, 2019, 5:38:03 AM8/7/19
On 04/08/2019 17.15, fadden wrote:
> - Changed handling of BRK. I was treating it 65816-style, as a two-byte instruction, but hardly anything else does that, and things were getting awkward.

AFAIK, The 6502 also treats BRK as a two byte instruction; but the weird
precedent of treating it as a single was set (perhaps by the Apple II
disassembler), and it stuck.


Aug 7, 2019, 10:50:06 AM8/7/19
It *behaves* like a two-byte instruction, but the data sheet for the 6502 says it's a 1-byte instruction. (See e.g. the table on page 8 of )

The 65CE02 sheet correctly lists it as two bytes.
Message has been deleted

James Davis

Aug 7, 2019, 8:57:52 PM8/7/19
According to Rodnay Zaks, in "Programming the 6502" (page 126), BRK is a single byte instruction, with a value of zero ($00).


Sep 9, 2019, 2:25:18 PM9/9/19
6502bench SourceGen v1.3.0-dev5 is now available. There are three new features.

The first is local variable tables. When disassembling some code I ran into a part that did something like:

LDA ($00),Y
INC $02

And then later on used the same zero-page locations in a different way:

INC $00
LDA ($01),Y

This made assigning a global name useless. To make this better, you can now define tables at different points in the file, and create variable definitions. The same labels can be re-used, so one bit of code can refer to $00 as PTR and $02 as COUNT, while another bit can call $00 COUNT and $01 PTR.

This also works for the 8-bit operand to 65816 stack-relative instructions (LDA $00,S or LDA $(00,S),Y). So if you have compiled code that uses stack-relative operands to access arguments, you can put a table at the start of each function and give the arguments names. Local variables have an explicit width, so you can identify 2-byte and 3-byte pointers.

Appropriate code is generated for all four cross-assemblers. 64tass, cc65, and Merlin 32 use .var, .set, and ']', respectively. ACME uses !zone to constrain local variable scope.

The second feature is a rewrite of the way SourceGen handles strings. This allows the disassembler to tag strings as ASCII, C64 PETSCII, or C64 screen codes. Apple II code won't benefit from that directly, but because PETSCII strings sometimes have embedded control characters to do things like change the text color, I updated the string recognizers to accept some non-printable characters.

In practical terms, it means that what used to be shown like this:

.DD1 $0D

is now the slightly nicer:


I included $07, $0A, and $0D in the set for ASCII.

Having strings in various encodings is only helpful if you can tell them apart when reading the code, so string delimiters are now fully configurable. You can have Merlin-style single-vs-double quote for low vs. high ASCII, or define various prefix/suffix combinations. (I'm actually implementing support for high-ASCII immediate operands in non-Merlin assemblers by setting the suffix to "| $80".)

The third feature is a rewrite of the Edit Instruction Operand dialog, which had some mildly baffling "shortcuts" at the bottom. These have been replaced with buttons that let you edit labels, project symbols, and local variables associated with the operand.


Sep 21, 2019, 7:30:58 PM9/21/19
6502bench SourceGen v1.3.0-alpha1 is now available. There is one new feature, and lots of little improvements.

SourceGen can now "export" the project listing to text, CSV, or HTML. This behaves similarly to the text-copy option that has been around for a while, in that it exports the text as it appears on the screen, rather than formatted for some specific assembler. This gives you full control over text delimiters, pseudo-opcodes, expression syntax, cycle counts, and so on.

As an exercise, I converted Bob Sander-Cederlof's disassembly of Applesoft to SourceGen format, and exported it to HTML. The project file and HTML output can be found here:

I'm not quite sold on the HTML style. All of the symbols are output as links, and the blue underlined text feels kind of distracting. I may tweak the formatting in the CSS file. Maybe even just make it look like plain text that happens to be clickable?

Source code and pre-built Windows executables for SourceGen are available from

Antoine Vignau

Sep 22, 2019, 5:34:47 AM9/22/19
Nice work, Andy!



Sep 22, 2019, 10:02:22 PM9/22/19
On Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 4:30:58 PM UTC-7, fadden wrote:
> As an exercise, I converted Bob Sander-Cederlof's disassembly of Applesoft to SourceGen format, and exported it to HTML. The project file and HTML output can be found here:

I felt like getting more exercise.

Autostart ROM, direct from the Apple II Reference Manual:

James Davis

Sep 25, 2019, 4:51:34 PM9/25/19
Strange, this last link is not working directly from Google Groups with MSIE-11 (error message: this page cannot be displayed), but the address works if I copy it to the IE address bar and go to it from there.


Sep 27, 2019, 5:54:50 PM9/27/19
6502bench SourceGen ( v1.3.0 has been released. Key changes since v1.2:

- Added local variable tables. These are redefinable symbols that can be used for zero-page and stack-relative operands.
- Added support for the ACME cross-assembler (65816 support is limited).
- Added support for multiple character encodings. C64 PETSCII and screen code strings can be detected automatically, and the encodings may now be manually specified for characters and strings. Some non-printable characters, such as CR/LF, are now allowed in strings.
- Added ability to "export" the code listing to text, CSV, or HTML.
- Character and string delimiters are configurable.
- Rewrote the Edit Instruction Operand dialog to make the "shortcuts" less obscure.
- Made various improvements to source code generation for 64tass, cc65 (now v2.18), and Merlin 32.
- Changed handling of BRK to treat it as a single-byte instruction with no operand.
- Added support for Apple /// SOS MLI calls, which use BRK instructions with inline data.
- Various bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements.

Source code and pre-built Windows binaries are available from


Sep 27, 2019, 6:04:19 PM9/27/19
On Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 7:02:22 PM UTC-7, fadden wrote:
> I felt like getting more exercise.

Added another one. This is the one that inspired me to add local variable tables: Bill Budge's 3-D Graphics System and Game Tool. I disassembled a "module" generated by the tool to see how he handled math and line drawing.

(if you're not familiar with this program, I've got a bunch of links on the page, including a video of the demo that comes with it)

James Davis

Oct 2, 2019, 3:41:44 AM10/2/19
For those of us who like to double-click a project file and have it run the SourceGen program with the file loaded, here is a sameple RegEdit file to adapt and merge [for *.dis65 & *.sym65 files (on W7U64DTC)]:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; SourceGen Files (SourceGen.reg)

; Notes:
; Unzipped "" to "C:\Program Files\6502bench"
; (on a Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Lenovo desktop computer).
; On first OpenWith, named:
; "*.dis65" files, "SourceGen Project File"
; (Open with: "SourceGen.exe"); and,
; "*.sym65" files, "SourceGen Platform Symbol File"
; (Open with: "NotePad.exe").
; Renamed *_auto_files from "*65_auto_file" to "*65file".








@="SourceGen Project File"

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\6502bench\\SourceGen.exe\" \"%1\""








;@="SourceGen Platform Symbol File"
@="SourceGen Symbol File"; (short name)

;@="%SystemRoot%\\system32\\NOTEPAD.EXE %1"

;@="%SystemRoot%\\system32\\NOTEPAD.EXE %1"


@="\"C:\\Program Files\\6502bench\\SourceGen.exe\" \"%1\""


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache]
"C:\\Program Files\\6502bench\\SourceGen.exe"="SourceGen"



Oct 2, 2019, 10:58:08 AM10/2/19
On Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 12:41:44 AM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> For those of us who like to double-click a project file and have it run the SourceGen program with the file loaded, here is a sameple RegEdit file to adapt and merge [for *.dis65 & *.sym65 files (on W7U64DTC)]:


In related news, I found a crashing bug, so v1.3.1 has been released. (Open a project, and immediately click on the "Actions" menu... boom. Whoops. Edge case where no lines are selected.)

In related news, I can recommend the "OneFlow" methodology for managing hotfixes in a simple git repository.

FWIW, v1.3 added a crash trap that writes a "CrashLog.txt" into the installation directory when a fatal exception is encountered. So if the program crashes, look there for details.

James Davis

Oct 3, 2019, 2:13:52 AM10/3/19

That happened to me, too. Do you want me to email the crash report to you?

James Davis


Oct 3, 2019, 10:37:27 AM10/3/19
On Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 11:13:52 PM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> That happened to me, too. Do you want me to email the crash report to you?

If the crash looks like the one in (look for "CanCreateLocalVariableTable()" a few lines from the top), then it's already fixed in v1.3.1.

James Davis

Oct 5, 2019, 4:20:24 AM10/5/19
I have found two crashlog.txt files (that I renamed):

6502bench SourceGen Disassembler CrashLog [2019-10-01].txt (13KB) [Contains "CanCreateLocalVariableTable()"]

6502bench SourceGen Disassembler CrashLog [2019-10-03].txt (5KB) [Does not contain "CanCreateLocalVariableTable()"]

They do not say internally which version of 6502bench SourceGen crashed. They are Greek to me. If you want to look at them, I will send them to you. If you do not, I will delete them.

James Davis

Oct 5, 2019, 4:40:17 AM10/5/19

I have gone through the Tutorials and have found a few quirks, but it is getting too late (1:35 AM), so I will write about it the next time I am online here.

Good night,

James Davis


Oct 5, 2019, 2:23:45 PM10/5/19
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 1:20:24 AM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> I have found two crashlog.txt files (that I renamed):
> 6502bench SourceGen Disassembler CrashLog [2019-10-01].txt (13KB) [Contains "CanCreateLocalVariableTable()"]
> 6502bench SourceGen Disassembler CrashLog [2019-10-03].txt (5KB) [Does not contain "CanCreateLocalVariableTable()"]

The second one sounds interesting. Please do forward that to my e-mail if you get a chance. (Alternatively, create a new issue at and attach the file.)

> They do not say internally which version of 6502bench SourceGen crashed.

They do now. :-) When you asked about the logs a few days back, it occurred to me that the crash logs should do a better job of identifying themselves, so now the app version and OS version are printed before each crash. (This'll start showing up in the first 1.4 dev release.)

Note that crashes are appended to CrashLog.txt if it already exists. Search for "***" to find the start of each. Your files are small enough that they probably only have one crash in them (WPF generates some deep stack traces).

James Davis

Oct 6, 2019, 4:01:38 AM10/6/19
Here are some of the quirks I have noticed ...

6502bench SourceGen Quirks:

In the disassembly window, at the bottom, when the slider bar is
not all the way to the left, and/or any amount or all the way to
the right, double-clicking on a column (e.g., the label-column*)
brings up the action-window for the column just to the right of
the column double-clicked (e.g., the attribute-column*,
respectively); unless the cursor is an equal offset to the right
(within the column-field selected) as the distance (lighter-
area) to the right of the slider-bar. [In other words, (it's
"Weird!" that) you have to offset your mouse-click, too!]


In the disassembly window, I keep expecting the (long or short)
comments and notes to work like in a word-processor (e.g.,
NotePad, MetaPad or {my preferred} WordPad), by clicking in the
column or field once, then trying to place the cursor within the
field by clicking it again somewhere else within the field;
instead of quickly double-clicking it in the first place.

It would be nice if comments and notes also worked like in a
word-processor or worked to bring up the edit-window with a
second single-click (on new short-comments, if possible, and
existing comments {both, within the comment-column}, and on
long-comments and notes).

A quick double-click should not be necessary for editing
existing (long or short) comments and notes; two single-clicks
should also work within the same field {of lines--for "multi-
line" comments and notes} (no matter where the mouse/cursor has
been between single-clicks). [Some kind of "field-single-
clicked-twice (with no-clicks-outside-the-field-between-
clicks)" flag might do the trick.]


There needs to be a way [using Windows' standard (large) Color
selector dialog] to set some or all the colors used in the
application to user preferred colors (e.g., all the different
highlighting colors, window background color, etc.) vs. the
Users' windows-theme or Windows' standard colors; one or the
other of which should be selectable as a base to start with (or
to build upon).

[See attached picture.]

[For example, I would prefer all the 'SELECTED' field-
highlighting to be the same (e.g., dark background with light
lettering {e.g., blue/white}), not the (light background and
dark lettering) colors you have enabled for long-comments and
notes.--{No offense meant!}]


Allow fonts (for individual words and characters) to be normal,
bold, italic, underlined, struck-through, and subscripted or
superscripted; like in a word-processor (e.g., WordPad {RTF});
especially in comments and notes. [Maybe there is an RTF.DLL
for textual fields you could incorporate.]


In the disassembly window, at the top, the column headers should
also be re-adjustable using the standard Windows ctrl-+, shift-
+, and non-standard ctrl-shift-+ key-combinations; to set them
to (ctrl-+) the maximum column widths used (below them), and
(shift-+) to the same but with the column header-name widths as
a minimum (so the names are not truncated), and (ctrl-shift-+)
to reset them to their application defaults; respectively.


It would be nice to be able to insert extra blank-lines, long-
comments and notes, above and/or below other lines and at the
very end, in the disassemblies.

And/or, it would be nice to be able to drag-&-drop blank-lines,
long-comments and notes, up or down in the disassemblies.

A line space is achievable as a single space in a long-comment
or note, but they have inline artifacts!

To put anything below the last line, one would have to pad the
original binary/hexadecimal machine code with an extra zero
byte, and remove it after editing the disassembly. Would the
edit remain or disappear? I will have to test this.


It would be nice to be able to load an ASCII text of another
disassembly created by other means and have SourceGen be able to
use it (detecting which assembler format to use, too), with or
without a binary/hexadecimal machine code file to go with it.


The settings keep resetting/reverting to 64tass on the last
three tabs. They do not stay set to Merlin from session to
session. Do you think this is because of the windows
permissions for the path I am using, "C:\Program Files\6502bench
\"? Or, could it be a bug in SourceGen?



Oct 6, 2019, 5:12:12 PM10/6/19
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 1:01:38 AM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> In the disassembly window, at the bottom, when the slider bar is
> not all the way to the left, and/or any amount or all the way to
> the right, double-clicking on a column (e.g., the label-column*)
> brings up the action-window for the column just to the right of
> the column double-clicked (e.g., the attribute-column*,
> respectively);

That's a bug. WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) is based on the philosophy that hard things should be possible, and easy things should be really hard. One manifestation of this is the absence of "what row and column was clicked on" methods in ListView and DataGrid. My implementation failed to take the horizontal scroll position into account.


> In the disassembly window, I keep expecting the (long or short)
> comments and notes to work like in a word-processor (e.g.,
> NotePad, MetaPad or {my preferred} WordPad)

I have a "to do" list item for in-place editing of labels and comments. There might be a way to convince WPF to do it for me, but it'll likely require using a fully custom control.

The main disassembly window is a WPF ListView control with some style changes, mostly to have text that extends across multiple columns. This was sufficiently difficult that I created a separate github project just to play with it ( I'm not yet experienced with WPF to know how hard in-place editing would be.

> A quick double-click should not be necessary for editing
> existing (long or short) comments and notes; two single-clicks
> should also work within the same field {of lines--for "multi-
> line" comments and notes} (no matter where the mouse/cursor has
> been between single-clicks).

I think that would make sense for in-place editing. I'm picturing the way Windows lets you rename a file by selecting it, and then doing a second single click. I don't think it feels right when the action is to open an editor window though.

> There needs to be a way [using Windows' standard (large) Color
> selector dialog] to set some or all the colors used in the
> application to user preferred colors (e.g., all the different
> highlighting colors, window background color, etc.) vs. the
> Users' windows-theme or Windows' standard colors; one or the
> other of which should be selectable as a base to start with (or
> to build upon).

I have a long-standing request for a "dark" theme. Seems like it should be straightforward in WPF, but I haven't figured it out yet.

> [For example, I would prefer all the 'SELECTED' field-
> highlighting to be the same (e.g., dark background with light
> lettering {e.g., blue/white}), not the (light background and
> dark lettering) colors you have enabled for long-comments and
> notes.--{No offense meant!}]

That's another bug. The custom style that allows me to have long comments extend across multiple columns also requires me to define how highlighting works. In Win10, the system-wide theme has essentially no effect on the app, so my selected colors look the same as everything else in the list. I tried it just now on Win7, and the "high contrast" system theme significantly altered all of the colors in SourceGen, except for the ones in the replacement style. Ugh.

So I need to figure out how to get the appropriate color out of the system style. There's some chance that the Win7 Aero stuff behaves in a totally different way from what Win10 uses, which would make this even more fun.

> Allow fonts (for individual words and characters) to be normal,
> bold, italic, underlined, struck-through, and subscripted or
> superscripted; like in a word-processor (e.g., WordPad {RTF});
> especially in comments and notes.

This is doable, but I'm a little hesitant because one of the primary goals of SourceGen is to generate plain text source code, which means either stripping the formatting (which could lose information, e.g. the fact that text was struck out) or generating comments with RTF format strings (which is not especially easy for humans to read). It's useful for HTML output, but I'd rather have people express themselves within the confines of a fixed-width Unicode font so that things look the same everywhere.

> In the disassembly window, at the top, the column headers should
> also be re-adjustable using the standard Windows ctrl-+, shift-
> +, and non-standard ctrl-shift-+ key-combinations

I'm unclear as to how standard those are in terms of column widths. For example, in Chrome, those change the page "zoom" level.

> It would be nice to be able to insert extra blank-lines, long-
> comments and notes, above and/or below other lines and at the
> very end, in the disassemblies.
> And/or, it would be nice to be able to drag-&-drop blank-lines,
> long-comments and notes, up or down in the disassemblies.

This is doable. The reason it's not done now is that everything is associated with a file offset, and you only get one of each thing. So if you add a long comment, that comment is associated with a specific byte in the file, and is always displayed above that byte.

The mechanism could be made more general, e.g. multiple comments per offset, which can be placed above or below. Blank lines can be fiddled with. I think drag & drop or some other affordance would be necessary, since tweaking with the cosmetic aspects is awkward if you have to do it through a dialog window.

> A line space is achievable as a single space in a long-comment
> or note, but they have inline artifacts!

It would be easy to treat an empty single-line long comment as an explicit blank line. There's a potential issue in that it's hard to tell it apart from the automatically generated blank lines. (I could have a "don't put leading semicolons on blank lines" checkbox.)

> To put anything below the last line, one would have to pad the
> original binary/hexadecimal machine code with an extra zero
> byte, and remove it after editing the disassembly. Would the
> edit remain or disappear? I will have to test this.

The .dis65 file includes the file length and CRC, so you'd have to update those values before SourceGen would accept the altered file. It would then notice that you have something with an invalid offset, and ignore it. So... don't do this.

> It would be nice to be able to load an ASCII text of another
> disassembly created by other means and have SourceGen be able to
> use it (detecting which assembler format to use, too), with or
> without a binary/hexadecimal machine code file to go with it.

This would be best done with a tool that generated a .dis65 file. The goal of such a thing would be to facilitate conversion of source code from one assembler to another by using SourceGen as a least-common-denominator format. The trouble is that SourceGen is far less expressive than a typical assembler, and you'd lose a lot. But if you can keep most of the labels and comments, that'd be an easier place to start from.

> The settings keep resetting/reverting to 64tass on the last
> three tabs. They do not stay set to Merlin from session to
> session.

This isn't a bug so much as it's just bad UI design. It annoys me too.

If you launch SourceGen v1.0, the "Quick Set" box has three buttons, "Default", "cc65", and "Merlin 32". You click the button, and the various fields get reconfigured. Simple.

In SourceGen v1.1, I added support for 64tass, and realized that my previous scheme didn't scale well, and made it difficult to add new assemblers. So instead of a pair of buttons, you have a pop-up menu, with a "Set" button to actually apply the values.

The problem, as you have noted, is that it looks like something is configured for 64tass, even though in practice nothing happens when you select a different assembler from the pop-up menu.

So the question is how to change the UI to make sense. One possibility is to get rid of "Set" and just make the combo box live: selecting a different assembler immediately updates all values. A new entry, "Custom", would hold the state of any recent edits. The pop-up would either show the name of the assembler (if all fields match) or "custom" (if any don't). So as soon as you make a change to any field, it switches to "custom" and obliterates any previously established custom setting... but I don't see a way around doing so that doesn't require wrapping a heavyweight customization UI around something that should be simple.


Oct 6, 2019, 9:38:48 PM10/6/19
SourceGen v1.3.2 has been released, to fix an "export HTML" crash that is likely responsible for the [2019-10-03] CrashLog.txt. I also threw in the fix for selecting the wrong column when the disassembly window is scrolled horizontally.

James Davis

Oct 7, 2019, 8:36:13 PM10/7/19
Two more quirks (but they are probably related to each other):

1. *.dis65 files do not work (reload into SourceGen) after being renamed (e.g.,
"Apple2.ROM.dis65" to "Apple2Plus.ROM.dis65" {SourceGen says it does not

2. *.dis65 files do not work (reload into SourceGen) within a folder named
"Apple II+"; but they will work after renaming the folder to "Apple II Plus"
(e.g., "Apple2.ROM.dis65" does not work from within the "Apple II+" folder,
but works in the "Apple II Plus" folder (renamed); but "Apple2Plus.ROM.dis65"
still does not work {SourceGen says it does not exist!}).


Oct 7, 2019, 8:53:46 PM10/7/19
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 5:36:13 PM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> 1. *.dis65 files do not work (reload into SourceGen) after being renamed (e.g.,
> "Apple2.ROM.dis65" to "Apple2Plus.ROM.dis65" {SourceGen says it does not
> exist!}).
> 2. *.dis65 files do not work (reload into SourceGen) within a folder named
> "Apple II+"; but they will work after renaming the folder to "Apple II Plus"

I tried this a few different ways and didn't have any problems, so we're apparently doing different things. I will point out that the "Recent Projects" menu item, and the two recent project buttons on the initial screen, do not update when files move around in the filesystem. So if you rename or relocate a project, you will need to File > Open it rather than using the quick-load button.

This can be a little confusing because the buttons on the main screen only show the filename, so if you've opened something in two different places it's not immediately obvious which one is which. The Recent Projects menu does show full paths, so check and see if that matches up.

(It now occurs to me that the existing UI is dumb, because it's showing you a quick-load button for a project that isn't there. I'll fix that.)

The only requirement on filenames should be that the .dis65 file and the data file live in the same directory, and have the same name (just without ".dis65" for the data file). If that's not the case you'll get the opportunity to locate the file manually. Otherwise you should be able to call it anything Windows will tolerate.

James Davis

Oct 7, 2019, 8:58:09 PM10/7/19
I am not using Aero effects. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit made to look like Classic Windows 95~98se with a Classic Start Menu. [I am a square!-box/ASCII-text kind of guy (;-D). But I do like WordPad and RTF, too.]

My preferred Apple II disassembler was the Mini-Assembler/Disassembler. And, my preferred Apple II assembler was EDASM. So, I suppose you should just stick to ASCII text for comments and notes. I prefer the Merlin format in SourceGen because it is closest to EDASM. Can you add an EDASM format? It is very similar to the original Apple II Mini-Assembler/Disassembler format.
Message has been deleted

James Davis

Oct 7, 2019, 9:14:37 PM10/7/19
No, that's not it. I am talking about double-clicking the *.dis65 files to start a fresh instance of SourceGen (e.g., with my reg-edits {submitted above}) [with no other instances of SourceGen running]. It must have something to do with the "+" in the folder name, the double-dots in the filenames, long filenames, or long pathnames (my path/filename is pretty long). It is probably MicroSoft-Windows' fault!

James Davis

Oct 7, 2019, 9:19:17 PM10/7/19
Don't worry about it. Replacing the "+" with " plus" in the folder name has fixed the problem. ...And, matching the source and disassembly filenames.

James Davis

Oct 8, 2019, 4:28:08 PM10/8/19
6502bench SourceGen Quirks & Replies [Edited]:

> On Sunday, October 6, 2019, Andy McFadden wrote:
>> On Sunday, October 6, 2019, James Davis wrote:


>> In the disassembly window, at the bottom, when the slider bar is
>> not all the way to the left, and/or any amount or all the way to
>> the right, double-clicking on a column (e.g., the label-column*)
>> brings up the action-window for the column just to the right of
>> the column double-clicked (e.g., the attribute-column*,
>> respectively);

> That's a bug. WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) is based on
> the philosophy that hard things should be possible, and easy things
> should be really hard. One manifestation of this is the absence of
> "what row and column was clicked on" methods in ListView and
> DataGrid. My implementation failed to take the horizontal scroll
> position into account.

> Fixed.



>> In the disassembly window, I keep expecting the (long or short)
>> comments and notes to work like in a word-processor (e.g.,
>> NotePad, MetaPad or {my preferred} WordPad)

> I have a "to do" list item for in-place editing of labels and
> comments. There might be a way to convince WPF to do it for me, but
> it'll likely require using a fully custom control.

> The main disassembly window is a WPF ListView control with some
> style changes, mostly to have text that extends across multiple
> columns. This was sufficiently difficult that I created a separate
> github project just to play with it
> ( I'm not yet experienced
> with WPF to know how hard in-place editing would be.

>> A quick double-click should not be necessary for editing
>> existing (long or short) comments and notes; two single-clicks
>> should also work within the same field {of lines--for "multi-
>> line" comments and notes} (no matter where the mouse/cursor has
>> been between single-clicks).

> I think that would make sense for in-place editing. I'm picturing
> the way Windows lets you rename a file by selecting it, and then
> doing a second single click. I don't think it feels right when the
> action is to open an editor window though.

I think it would feel better than not having anything happen at all!
Something is better than nothing. Opening an editor window is better
than being surprised when nothing at all happens; especially when one
is mentally elsewhere, ahead of the action, waiting for it to happen,
so ready to start editing the line(s) that one "can't hardly wait!"
[:-)] And, it should be easier to implement than in-place editing.

Win7 themes are kept in the "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft
\Windows\Themes\" folder (e.g., "Custom.theme" and others). Which
theme is currently in force is in the Windows Registry at key/value:
"CurrentTheme" and the data is a drive:\path\filename. You probably
need to use the "[VisualStyles]" data section of the current theme


>> Allow fonts (for individual words and characters) to be normal,
>> bold, italic, underlined, struck-through, and subscripted or
>> superscripted; like in a word-processor (e.g., WordPad {RTF});
>> especially in comments and notes.

> This is doable, but I'm a little hesitant because one of the
> primary goals of SourceGen is to generate plain text source code,
> which means either stripping the formatting (which could lose
> information, e.g., the fact that text was struck out) or generating
> comments with RTF format strings (which is not especially easy for
> humans to read). It's useful for HTML output, but I'd rather have
> people express themselves within the confines of a fixed-width
> Unicode font so that things look the same everywhere.

Forget it. It is a bad idea.


>> In the disassembly window, at the top, the column headers should
>> also be re-adjustable using the standard Windows ctrl-+, shift-
>> +, and non-standard ctrl-shift-+ key-combinations

> I'm unclear as to how standard those are in terms of column
> widths. For example, in Chrome, those change the page "zoom" level.

I got used to this in Windows Explorer and in most of the NirSoft
Utilities that show detailed listings of data. The non-standard ctrl-
shift-+ key-combination is my idea exclusively for SourceGen to reset
column widths to the basic standard it starts with or what is set in
the SourceGen settings. [I do not use any Chromium based products.
I like Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Windows Live Mail.]


>> It would be nice to be able to insert extra blank-lines, long-
>> comments and notes, above and/or below other lines and at the
>> very end, in the disassemblies.
> >
>> And/or, it would be nice to be able to drag-&-drop blank-lines,
>> long-comments and notes, up or down in the disassemblies.

> This is doable. The reason it's not done now is that everything is
> associated with a file offset, and you only get one of each thing.
> So if you add a long comment, that comment is associated with a
> specific byte in the file, and is always displayed above that byte.

> The mechanism could be made more general, e.g., multiple comments
> per offset, which can be placed above or below. Blank lines can be
> fiddled with. I think drag & drop or some other affordance would be
> necessary, since tweaking with the cosmetic aspects is awkward if
> you have to do it through a dialog window.

>> A line space is achievable as a single space in a long-comment
>> or note, but they have inline artifacts!

> It would be easy to treat an empty single-line long comment as an
> explicit blank line. There's a potential issue in that it's hard to
> tell it apart from the automatically generated blank lines. (I
> have a "don't put leading semicolons on blank lines" checkbox.)

>> To put anything below the last line, one would have to pad the
>> original binary/hexadecimal machine code with an extra zero
>> byte, and remove it after editing the disassembly. Would the
>> edit remain or disappear? I will have to test this.

> The .dis65 file includes the file length and CRC, so you'd have to
> update those values before SourceGen would accept the altered file.
> It would then notice that you have something with an invalid offset,
> and ignore it. So... don't do this.

Why don't you add (a choice to have) an extra line at the end of the
disassembly listing that has the mnemonic "END" and all the rest of
the editable fields that code lines have. Then one could edit its
short-comment or put a long-comment or a note above it, if so
desired. It would not need an address, nor some other things, so you
could leave those fields blank or filed with stars. For example:

**************************** END *****************************


>> It would be nice to be able to load an ASCII text of another
>> disassembly created by other means and have SourceGen be able to
>> use it (detecting which assembler format to use, too), with or
>> without a binary/hexadecimal machine code file to go with it.

> This would be best done with a tool that generated a .dis65 file.
> The goal of such a thing would be to facilitate conversion of source
> code from one assembler to another by using SourceGen as a least-
> common-denominator format. The trouble is that SourceGen is far
> expressive than a typical assembler, and you'd lose a lot. But if
> you can keep most of the labels and comments, that'd be an easier
> place to start from.

Okay, that should be your second 6502bench tool: a translator that
takes a pre-existing ASCII/ANSI text file, a disassembly listing
(with or without the address, code bytes, line numbers, and other
data that preceedes the label field), and creates a .dis65 file from
it. (It should also work with SourceGen's text-file exports.) [But,
can it be done without a binary-source file? The tool might also have
to generate one for SorceGen to work with; which means the tool would
also be an assembler (e.g., "The Fadden Assembler").]

Your third 6502bench tool should do something similar for .sym65;
translating from pre-existing ASCII/ANSI text file, symbol tables
(e.g., AppleWin {}'s Apple2e.sym) and/or disassembly
listings (e.g., their "Equate Tables"). [Should be a part of "The
Fadden Assembler"!]

[Call the whole thing "The Fadden Editor/Assembler/Disassembler
(FEDASM65)"; or keep it as "6502bench" if you like.]

[Then I could re-create all my "Apple II Memory Equates for Assembly
Programmers" text-edits in SourceGen. I have added quite a lot to
some of the published Apple II disassembly listing I have. I have
been re-analyzing them off and on for the last couple of years. They
are verbosely commented; especially the 'Equates' documents; with
quite a few new (undocumented) entry points (for m/l programming
{tricks}) I have discovered. They are all works in progress.]

I see in my "C:\Program Files\6502bench\SourceGen-settings" (no
extension) file, that it only has Merlin listed:


And, all my disassemblies are in Merlin format, so "64tass" is just
an annoyance.



Oct 8, 2019, 5:01:36 PM10/8/19
6502bench SourceGen v1.4-dev1 is now available. Key features:

- Platform and project symbols now have explicit widths.
- Extension script formatting capabilities have been expanded.
- ProDOS 8 symbol file and script have been enhanced.

Platform and project symbols are used to define labels for addresses outside the project file, like zero-page locations, jump vectors, and ROM entry points. Being able to identify pointers, vectors, and multi-byte tables makes the auto-disassembly more accurate when something references PTR+1 or BUFFER+23.

After adding widths to the symbol definitions, I was able to remove the formatting from about 110 locations in the Applesoft disassembly, mostly for access to floating-point storage locations like FAC (6 bytes). This also allowed me to fully describe the ProDOS 8 MLI globals page, so those definitions have been added to the symbol file that ships with SourceGen.

This may require updates to existing projects with project symbols, as the external symbols were effectively being treated as 3 bytes wide in v1.3. So some things that used to pick up "PTR+1" won't anymore until you define PTR as 2 bytes.

The set of inline data format options available to extension scripts has been expanded to include strings. Also, scripts can now get at project and user symbols (i.e. labels on things inside the file), and can query the data structure that defines the mapping of offsets to addresses. The benefits of these changes can be demonstrated with an example.

Consider Glen Bredon's "Cat Doctor" utility. Given this P8 Open call:

2154: 20 00 bf jsr P8_MLI
2157: c8 .dd1 P8_OPEN
2158: bf 21 .dd2 L21BF

You could double-click on the .dd2 to jump to the data area, which looks like this:

21bf: 03 L21BF .dd1 $03
21c0: cf .dd1 $cf
21c1: 21 .dd1 $21
21c2: 00 .dd1 $00
21c3: b0 .dd1 $b0
21c4: 00 L21C4 .dd1 $00

The updated ProDOS 8 script converts $21bf to a file offset, and formats the data at that location automatically. It now looks like this:

21bf: 03 L21BF .dd1 3
21c0: cf 21 .dd2 L21CF
21c2: 00 b0 .dd2 $b000
21c4: 00 L21C4 .dd1 0

Of particular note is the second line, which is now correctly recognized as a pointer to a pathname buffer, and has a label generated automatically.

This is handy, but the real trick when poking around in Cat Doctor is the inline string function. Calls to a certain address are followed by string data, using the same sort of mechanism the ProDOS MLI does to skip past the function code and param block pointer.

With the new formatting capabilities, if you see a JSR to the string-print code, you can format the block of data that follows the JSR as an inline null-terminated string, and the disassembler will step over it. Hard-coding locations into the extension script is annoying, so we use the label lookup feature to avoid doing so.

Given this:

0872: 20 8c 22 jsr $228c
0875: 21 c3 and ($c3,x)
0877: c1 d4 cmp ($d4,x)
0879: a0 c4 ldy #$c4
087b: cf c3 d4 cf+ .str “OCTOR 6.8”,$8d
0885: 19 .dd1 $19
0886: c3 ef f0 f9+ .str “Copyright 1990 by Glen Bredon”,$8d,$8d
08a6: 00 .dd1 $00
08a7: 84 .dd1 $84
08a8: da .dd1 $da

If you add an appropriate script (such as SourceGen/Examples/Scripts/InlineNullTerm.cs), and set the label at $228c to "PrintInlineZString", SourceGen will disassemble this to:

0872: 20 8c 22 jsr PrintInlineZString
0875: 21 c3 c1 d4+ .zstr $21,“CAT DOCTOR 6.8”,$8d,$19,“Copyright 1990 by Glen Bredon”
+ $8d,$8d
08a7: 84 da sty $da

(You may have to hit F5 to refresh after editing the label. This is due to SourceGen trying to be efficient and only do a partial re-analysis after a label change. I'm still trying to figure out a good way to handle this.)


Oct 19, 2019, 2:28:11 PM10/19/19
6502bench SourceGen v1.4-dev2 is now available. Changes:

- Added .junk/.align directives. These allow you to mark the contents of a memory region as irrelevant, and indicate whether you think it exists to align the output address to a page boundary or other power-of-two value.
- Added I/O-direction-specific symbol declarations. These are for memory-mapped I/O locations that behave differently when read or written. For example, reading from $C000 gets you the last character read, while writing to $C000 changes the state of the 80-column hardware.
- Added address mirroring. This is mostly for systems like the Atari 2600, where RAM, ROM, and I/O appear at multiple addresses.
- Restored the ability to treat BRK as a two-byte instruction (choose 1-byte or 2-byte from the project properties).
- Added "find previous" (Shift+F3).
- Changed the way extension scripts interact with the symbol table, so that we can update the display when a symbol that a plugin cares about is updated.
- Updated the style on the main code list so it looks the same on all lines, regardless of the system theme. Added a switch to enable "dark mode".
- Changed the "quick set" combo box in the last couple of app settings tabs to set the assembler values immediately. (The previous UI was misleading.)
- Changed the sort order on the equate list so all constants come before all addresses.
- Improved navigation back to a local variable table entry. Before, if you selected a local variable, double-clicked on a reference, and then hit "back", the selection would be on the following instruction rather than the variable table entry.

James Davis

Oct 20, 2019, 1:47:42 AM10/20/19
Still using v1.3.2

Is there a way to make all symbols/labels global and exported, easily, all at once?

I have enhanced several of the sym65 files via text editor, but is there a way to tell SourceGen to make the symbols global and exported from the sym65 file?

Every once in a while I come across the means to do it for individual labels in SourceGen, but most of the time I can never find the property page that allows setting a symbol/label to global and exported. Where is it?


Oct 20, 2019, 10:51:07 AM10/20/19
On Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 10:47:42 PM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> Is there a way to make all symbols/labels global and exported, easily, all at once?
> I have enhanced several of the sym65 files via text editor, but is there a way to tell SourceGen to make the symbols global and exported from the sym65 file?

The idea behind an exported symbol is that it's available to import into other projects. All symbols in a .sym65 file are global and exported: external address symbols are inherently global, and you can import them into any project by including the file.

The symbol files can live in the RuntimeData directory for system-level stuff, or in the project directory, so you can create your own versions and keep them with the project file. The order in which the files are included is significant, meaning you can replace the "built in" definitions with your own and distribute the changes with your project. (You can see an example in Examples/A2-Amper-fdraw, which has a .sym65 for the fdraw library entry points.)

> Every once in a while I come across the means to do it for individual labels in SourceGen, but most of the time I can never find the property page that allows setting a symbol/label to global and exported. Where is it?

You can set it when editing an address label (double-click on a label).

Currently the "export" flag has two uses: (1) exported symbols show up in the HTML dump; (2) you can import one project's external symbols into another project as a crude way to do multi-binary disassembly. Are you doing one of these things, or something else? (If it's #1, it would be far easier to add an "include all global symbols". Then you could just turn off the label localizer to include everything.)

James Davis

Oct 20, 2019, 3:36:26 PM10/20/19
On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 7:51:07 AM UTC-7, fadden wrote:
> On Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 10:47:42 PM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> > Is there a way to make all symbols/labels global and exported, easily, all at once?
> >
> > I have enhanced several of the sym65 files via text editor, but is there a way to tell SourceGen to make the symbols global and exported from the sym65 file?
> The idea behind an exported symbol is that it's available to import into other projects. All symbols in a .sym65 file are global and exported: external address symbols are inherently global, and you can import them into any project by including the file.

How do I include the file?

When I try to import my "APPLE2.ROM.dis65"* (Apple II Plus ROM Disassembly) into another (new) project, it says there are no exported symbols [except for the few individual symbols that I have since {miraculously** (see below)} made 'global and exported' from within SourceGen].

[* It uses my {highly commented} "Apple2Plus_UC.sym65" (Apple II Plus ROM Symbols) file that is in the project folder.]

> The symbol files can live in the RuntimeData directory for system-level stuff, or in the project directory, so you can create your own versions and keep them with the project file. The order in which the files are included is significant, meaning you can replace the "built in" definitions with your own and distribute the changes with your project. (You can see an example in Examples/A2-Amper-fdraw, which has a .sym65 for the fdraw library entry points.)
> > Every once in a while I come across the means to do it for individual labels in SourceGen, but most of the time I can never find the property page that allows setting a symbol/label to global and exported. Where is it?
> You can set it when editing an address label (double-click on a label).

This option is rarely there/available in my version of SourceGen! [** I think it is a miracle when it shows up!]

> Currently the "export" flag has two uses: (1) exported symbols show up in the HTML dump; (2) you can import one project's external symbols into another project as a crude way to do multi-binary disassembly. Are you doing one of these things, or something else? (If it's #1, it would be far easier to add an "include all global symbols". Then you could just turn off the label localizer to include everything.)

Number (2); see replies above.

What do you mean by, "multi-binary disassembly"?

How do I 'add an "include all global symbols"'? Where and to what?
[I think you mean: During setup for HTML/text output of a listing (?).]


Oct 20, 2019, 7:43:58 PM10/20/19
On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 12:36:26 PM UTC-7, James Davis wrote:
> > The idea behind an exported symbol is that it's available to import into other projects. All symbols in a .sym65 file are global and exported: external address symbols are inherently global, and you can import them into any project by including the file.
> How do I include the file?

You include a .sym65 file via Edit > Project Properties, Symbol Files tab, then "Add".

You import global symbols from a .dis65 file via Edit > Project Properties, Project Symbols tab, then "Import".

But I think you know that already. :-)

> > You can set it when editing an address label (double-click on a label).
> This option is rarely there/available in my version of SourceGen! [** I think it is a miracle when it shows up!]

I will amend my previous statement: double-click on a label *on code or data that is inside the file*. The window title will be "Edit Label".

If you double-click on a label that is part of a .EQ (equate) directive, it will either open the project property editor (title is "Edit Symbol"), or do nothing (can't edit .sym65 files from here). Double-clicking on the label of a .VAR (local variable) directive won't work either.

The point of "export" is to export symbols associated with the contents of the file being disassembled. Exporting lists of external addresses that were imported from somewhere else isn't a feature.

> > Currently the "export" flag has two uses: (1) exported symbols show up in the HTML dump; (2) you can import one project's external symbols into another project as a crude way to do multi-binary disassembly. [...]
> Number (2); see replies above.
> What do you mean by, "multi-binary disassembly"?

An arrangement where there are multiple binaries that interact with each other. As opposed to having a single large binary that encompasses everything.

If you've got one file fully disassembled before you start on the next, it works fine. If you're ping-ponging between two files, the manual import step is annoying.

What I'm trying to accomplish with "export" is similar to Merlin 32 ENT/EXT directives. Merlin's ENT directive adds as ENTry for the symbol to a table included in a linkable object file. Other object files declare the symbol as EXTternal, and it gets resolved at link time. Marking a symbol "export" in SourceGen would cause an ENT directive to be emitted in generated sources if SourceGen had more thorough multi-binary support.

James Davis

Oct 24, 2019, 9:46:18 PM10/24/19
OK, I think I understand it better now.


Oct 25, 2019, 9:32:16 PM10/25/19
6502bench SourceGen v1.4-alpha1 is now available. Changes:

- Added a message list to point out subtle problems, like bad formatting or references to nonexistent symbols.
- Added an instruction chart. The window displays a summary of all 256 instructions for the selected CPU (6502, 65C02, or 65816).
- Tweaked some stuff in the UI.
- Updated the tutorial with a section on inline data formatting, and a section on extension scripts.


Oct 25, 2019, 9:38:43 PM10/25/19
I have updated the projects at to use the features available in SourceGen v1.4, and added a new project.

Bob Bishop's Micro-Painter fascinated me because of two features. First, it had a flood fill that actually looked like a flood. Second, it had a "zoom" mode that used the lo-res screen to let you edit the hi-res screen.

If you haven't seen the program in action before, I captured a brief video here:

I always wondered how it worked. Now I know. :-)

Frank M.

Oct 26, 2019, 12:54:33 AM10/26/19
I've been playing around with Apple-1 stuff and came up with a symbol list for the machine, if you're interested in adding it to SourceGen.


Apple-1 Symbol List.sym65

*Apple-1 symbol list for SourceGen
*2019 Frank Milliron

*System Symbols

XAML @ $24 ;Last "opened" location Low
XAMH @ $25 ;Last "opened" location High
STL @ $26 ;Store address Low
STH @ $27 ;Store address High
L @ $28 ;Hex value parsing Low
H @ $29 ;Hex value parsing High
YSAV @ $2A ;Used to see if hex value is given

IN @ $0200,$027F ;Input buffer

USER4 @ $0280,0FFF ;User RAM (4k system)
USER8 @ $0280,1FFF ;User RAM (8k system)

KBD @ $D010 ;PIA.A keyboard input
KBDCR @ $D011 ;PIA.A keyboard control register
DSP @ $D012 ;PIA.B display output register
DSPCR @ $D013 ;PIA.B display control register

*WOZACI (Woz's Apple Cassette Interface) Symbols

HEX1L @ $24 ;End address of dump block
HEX1H @ $25
HEX2L @ $26 ;Begin address of dump block
HEX2H @ $27
SAVEINDEX @ $28 ;Save index in input buffer
LASTSTATE @ $29 ;Last input state

FLIP @ $C000 ;Output flip-flop
TAPEIN @ $C081 ;Tape input

WOZACI @ $C100 ;Apple Cassette Interface Entry
NEXTCMD @ $C125 ;Start parsing first or a new tape command
DIG @ $C153
GOESC @ $C163 ;Return to monitor (ESCAPE), prints \ first
SEP @ $C166 ;Separating period found. Copy HEX1 to HEX2
WRITE @ $C170 ;Write a block of memory to tape
WRNEXT @ $C175
READ @ $C18D ;Read from tape
WHEADER @ $C1CC ;Write header to tape
WRITEBIT @ $C1DB ;Write a full bit cycle
INCADDR @ $C1F1 ;Increment current address and compare with last

*Apple-1 Cassette BASIC

BASIC @ $E000 ;Cold start location
WARMSTART @ $E2B3 ;Warm start location

*Apple-1 ROM

RESET @ $FF00 ;ROM cold start location
ESCAPE @ $FF1A ;Escape back to monitor
NEXTHEX @ $FF5F ;trying to parse a new hex value
RUN @ $FF94 ;RUN user's program from last opened location
NOTSTOR @ $FF97 ;We're not in Store mode
NXTPRNT @ $FFA4 ;Print address and data from this address
PRBYTE @ $FFDC ;Subroutine to print a byte in A in hex form (destructive)
PRHEX @ $FFE5 ;Subroutine to print a hexadecimal digit
ECHO @ $FFEF ;Subroutine to print a character to the terminal
NMI_VEC @ $FFFA ;NMI vector ($0F00)
RESET_VEC @ $FFFC ;RESET vector ($FF00)
IRQ_VEC @ $FFFE ;IRQ vector ($0000)

Frank M.

Oct 26, 2019, 12:58:01 AM10/26/19
I also have a much-expanded symbol list for the Apple /// that's in a semi-not finished state currently.


Oct 26, 2019, 11:43:29 AM10/26/19
On Friday, October 25, 2019 at 9:54:33 PM UTC-7, Frank M. wrote:
> I've been playing around with Apple-1 stuff and came up with a symbol list for the machine, if you're interested in adding it to SourceGen.

Nice! I've added a .sym65 for it and updated the system definition list:

Please give it a once-over. You can apparently leave comments directly on that change list by clicking on lines, though you might need to be signed in to do so.

I made a couple of changes:

> IN @ $0200,$027F ;Input buffer

Multi-byte items are "<address> <length>" rather than "<start>,<end>", so this became "$0200 128".

> USER4 @ $0280,0FFF ;User RAM (4k system)
> USER8 @ $0280,1FFF ;User RAM (8k system)

These would cause any memory reference outside the bounds of the program being disassembled to appear as "USER4 + <offset>", rather than just "$0F12" or whatever. That seemed undesirable, so I changed it to:

USER = $0280

So there's a constant for the start but it doesn't replace all unknown addresses.

> XAML @ $24 ;Last "opened" location Low
> HEX1L @ $24 ;End address of dump block

FYI: if you have multiple symbols for the same address in the same platform symbol file, the "lookup by address" function will resolve it alphabetically. So "LDA $24" will be auto-formatted as "LDA HEX1L" because it's lexically before "XAML". (You can of course set the LDA operand to the symbol of your choice, but that's a manual step.)

> I also have a much-expanded symbol list for the Apple /// that's in a semi-not finished state currently.

Another machine about which I know nearly nothing. :-) Anything that helps the Apple ///-ers would be welcome.

Frank M.

Oct 26, 2019, 3:01:29 PM10/26/19
I made up the labels USER4/8 anyway. :)

Yes, the Apple /// is a bit under-documented. I've been using MAME memory dumps and SourceGen to look at various programs and found a lot of references to things not in the available memory maps.

The Apple-1 is pretty well documented. Though it's such a limited machine there's not a lot to get. Side note, the only emulator which seems to work properly for this machine is OpenEmulator. For Apple /// it's MAME.



Oct 28, 2019, 5:55:39 PM10/28/19
I've long wondered what sort of algorithm DDDeluxe 5.0 applied when packing disk images. There were a number of competing programs in the pre-ShrinkIt days. ISTR DDDeluxe working better than most.

I started disassembling it, but kept finding lots of weird self-modifying code. Not the usual sorts of "set up the pointer I'm about to use a lot", but rather "let's copy this 3-byte JMP instruction on top of other code".

I wasn't sure why it was doing those things, until I found this:

.str ‘This message is for you, the asshole who tryto disassemble my ’
+ ‘program D.D.DeLUXE V5.0:I know why you do this: You don't hav’
+ ‘e enoughimagination to program your own packing algorithmand p’
+ ‘rogram.Because you are not enough intelligent, you preferto co’
+ ‘py what I did... That's the true!Don't forget this program is’
+ ‘ a SHAREWARE and it isa copyrighted product by LOGIX INNOVATIO’
+ ‘NS 1989.You can be pursuit for $10000 if you copy anypart of t’
+ ‘his program without the autorization ofLOGIX INNOVATIONS. Fuc’
+ ‘k you, NO-BRAND !’

Hugh Hood

Oct 28, 2019, 7:14:31 PM10/28/19