Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or subscriptions. Historical content remains viewable.
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Google Groups dropping Usenet support

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Dec 14, 2023, 7:06:53 PM12/14/23
"Starting on February 22, 2024, you can no longer use Google Groups (at to post content to Usenet groups, subscribe to Usenet groups, or view new Usenet content. You can continue to view and search for historical Usenet content posted before February 22, 2024 on Google Groups."

That might put a damper on the viability of csa2/cea2/csa2p.


Dec 14, 2023, 7:40:52 PM12/14/23
> That might put a damper on the viability of csa2/cea2/csa2p.

That's a polite way of putting it.

I think this could kill the csa2 groups. This sucks. For me at least, Google Groups was how I found CSA2 in the first place, and I imagine that is the same for many. So now new-commers won't even be able to find it?

I am Rob

Dec 14, 2023, 8:20:02 PM12/14/23
> "Starting on February 22, 2024, you can no longer use Google Groups (at to post content to Usenet groups, subscribe to Usenet groups, or view new Usenet content. You can continue to view and search for historical Usenet content posted before February 22, 2024 on Google Groups."
> That might put a damper on the viability of csa2/cea2/csa2p.

Then I would like to invite everyone to meet me over on Atariage. It is a way better forum anyways that allows one to post files, pictures and videos.
And a way better editor for entering posts. No checking off that you are not a bot. And the best of all, NO SPAM.

Your Name

Dec 14, 2023, 10:10:32 PM12/14/23
Google Groups has always been an extremely crap way to read Usenet, as
well as a source of tons of tolling morons. Anyone with sense gets a
Usenet provider service (there are free ones) and a proper newsreader


Dec 15, 2023, 1:05:35 AM12/15/23
On Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 7:10:32 PM UTC-8, Your Name wrote:
> Google Groups has always been an extremely crap way to read Usenet, as
> well as a source of tons of tolling morons. Anyone with sense gets a
> Usenet provider service (there are free ones) and a proper newsreader
> app.

The problem isn't that people who want to read comp.sys.apple2 won't be able to. The problem is that people who have no idea what comp.sys.apple2 is will no longer have a zero-barrier way to access it. They need to find an app and a feed provider, which creates a barrier to access that many people won't cross simply because it's inconvenient.

Google Groups made it possible to post a simple URL and say, "comp.sys.apple2 is here, you can read and post easily". I agree that it's not a great way to access Usenet, but it's really convenient.

Sebastian P.

Dec 15, 2023, 12:02:35 PM12/15/23
In article <>,
That's so typical Google - killing services at a whim.

Maybe it's a chance. Let the (nerdy) world know that csa2 exists and how
to connect to it. (from either old or new devices)


Dec 15, 2023, 1:05:27 PM12/15/23

I am Rob

Dec 15, 2023, 3:40:39 PM12/15/23
Facebook "Apple II enthusiasts" and "Apple IIGS enthusiasts" both have a pretty big following. isn't bad either. But it doesn't have an Apple II specific forum, just a few 6502 related discussion groups.

Your Name

Dec 15, 2023, 4:42:01 PM12/15/23
Convenient to access, but disgustingly bad to actually use, which puts
sane people off.

For those who want web brwoser based Usent, there are other ways.
Easynews being one, although it is not free (there is a free trial and
you can get 80% off the price via,

Your Name

Dec 15, 2023, 4:44:09 PM12/15/23
On 2023-12-15 17:02:32 +0000, Sebastian P. said:
> In article <>,
> fadden <> wrote:
>> "Starting on February 22, 2024, you can no longer use Google Groups (at
>> to post content to Usenet groups, subscribe to Usenet
>> groups, or view new Usenet content. You can continue to view and search for
>> historical Usenet content posted before February 22, 2024 on Google Groups."
>> That might put a damper on the viability of csa2/cea2/csa2p.
> That's so typical Google - killing services at a whim.

Most Internet Service Providers killed off their free Usenet access
years ago on a whim (as well as free email and website space), and yet
continue to charge more and more money for less and less services. :-(


Dec 15, 2023, 6:30:29 PM12/15/23
> That's so typical Google - killing services at a whim.

I read Google's statement on why, and I do understand. Usenet is absolutely full of spam, and the binaries are all basically illegal copies of content. Legitimate content certainly does struggle against the tidal waves of garbage.

> Maybe it's a chance. Let the (nerdy) world know that csa2 exists and how
> to connect to it. (from either old or new devices)

I was thinking that too. Has anyone who uses the other online Apple II sites ever written about "Check out csa2 on Usenet"? I don't believe I've ever seen such a mention. It could be mentioned that EternalSeptember is free, and there are some free clients out there. On my Windows machine I have GrabIt, which is free and works pretty good. Maybe an artice on some popular forum "All About comp.sys.apple2 and How to Participate for Free"


Dec 15, 2023, 7:22:25 PM12/15/23
On 12/15/2023 3:31 PM, TRS-90 wrote:
> Maybe an artice on some popular forum "All About comp.sys.apple2 and How to Participate for Free"

Well, let's see if this works.

I signed up for a free account at Eternal September
(, downloaded the free Mozilla
Thunderbird (, and configured it to talk to
ES. It took a bit of poking around to get Thunderbird to ask for a
login and password, but I got there.

(Hit "alt" to make the menu bar visible, then Tools -> Account Settings
-> Server Settings and check "Always request authentication when
connecting to this server". Then restart the app and hit "refresh" in
the newsgroup subscription window, which you get to by right-clicking on
the server entry and selecting "Subscribe...".)

If all goes well, this message will be posted on comp.sys.apple2.

I am Rob

Dec 15, 2023, 7:42:26 PM12/15/23
> Well, let's see if this works.
> I signed up for a free account at Eternal September
> (, downloaded the free Mozilla
> Thunderbird (, and configured it to talk to
> ES. It took a bit of poking around to get Thunderbird to ask for a
> login and password, but I got there.
> (Hit "alt" to make the menu bar visible, then Tools -> Account Settings
> -> Server Settings and check "Always request authentication when
> connecting to this server". Then restart the app and hit "refresh" in
> the newsgroup subscription window, which you get to by right-clicking on
> the server entry and selecting "Subscribe...".)
> If all goes well, this message will be posted on comp.sys.apple2.

It is still viewable on Google. :O). They haven't shut the doors yet.

I kind of like FireFox. Any negative attributes about FireFox?

Kent Dickey

Dec 16, 2023, 6:08:41 PM12/16/23
In article <>,
mmphosis <> wrote:
>I will continue to post on USENET.
>and elsewhere ...

I'm just pointing out clearly that lets anyone read
comp.sys.apple2 (and some other groups) using a web-browser at: and it says by creating an account
there, you can post as well (I've not done this though). This might
be a reasonable fit for apple 2 folks using google groups.


D Finnigan

Dec 16, 2023, 11:07:58 PM12/16/23
It’s how I read and post to Usenet. :-)
The system works well enough for me, but if others use it and see
opportunities for improvement, my ears are open.

The New Apple II User's Guide:


Dec 16, 2023, 11:48:31 PM12/16/23
> I'm just pointing out clearly that lets anyone read
> comp.sys.apple2 (and some other groups) using a web-browser at:
> and it says by creating an account
> there, you can post as well (I've not done this though). This might
> be a reasonable fit for apple 2 folks using google groups.

Yes, could be. I'm just wondering if the people of CSA2 care enough about preserving and continuing the very good place that it is... Honestly, I think it might be one of the last places on Usenet still viable. I know the C64 pages are all spam. I would be willing to spend the time to learn and write about how to make CSA2 accessible to the newly interested, but really what is the audience size? Are there twenty of us users here? Frankly, I don't imagine that new audiences will take the time to do (for example) what I have done and build a IIgs machine to get here. I think the ease of reddit and others via web browser is the new form of communication. I don't like it, but that is what it seems to be. The ending of access from Google Groups is likely the death bell unless someone or someones basically start advertising CSA2 and how to join. And that is very unfortunate, because both CSA2 groups really have a lot to offer that isn't on the www.

Jerry Penner

Dec 17, 2023, 12:23:36 AM12/17/23
It worked.

I've been using eternal september for years, with emacs Gnus.

As has been mentioned, the important thing for comp.sys.apple2 and
related groups to continue to see traffic is to encourage/invite folks
from other online forums to visit. Your description of how you managed
to connect is helpful. NNTP isn't well-known anymore, and there isn't a
protocol guru "across the lab" to ask, like there was back in the days
when I discovered it.

While I know about applefritter and atariage and few other places where
Apple II computing is discussed, I'm sure there are a lot of places I
don't know about. It would be good to know what those are...

Jerry jerry+a2 at

Steve Nickolas

Dec 17, 2023, 12:44:22 AM12/17/23
It's my Plan B for when Eternal September hacks up a hairball.



Dec 17, 2023, 10:40:08 AM12/17/23
On Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 7:06:53 PM UTC-5, fadden wrote:
> "Starting on February 22, 2024, you can no longer use Google Groups (at to post content to Usenet groups, subscribe to Usenet groups, or view new Usenet content. You can continue to view and search for historical Usenet content posted before February 22, 2024 on Google Groups."
> That might put a damper on the viability of csa2/cea2/csa2p.

Certainly seems like the end of an era doesn't it? Like when all the roundtables and discussion groups closed down on the various online services. I'll admit that I've been tired of wading through all the spam to see new messages lately, so I'm not surprised that Google is finally killing the newsgroups. Hopefully AtariAge will pick up the slack and be a centralized location for Apple II discussion, but I might be a bit biased there. :)

Jeff Blakeney

Dec 17, 2023, 11:56:07 AM12/17/23
I'm of an opposite mind with regard to web based message boards. I
can't stand them (especially reddit; what a horribly designed site). I
was keeping up on the Facebook groups for a while until a few years ago
when Facebook changed their site and made it even harder for me to find
unread posts or replies.

I would probably be okay with web based message boards if they could
write them to work like earlier systems like usenet and BBS boards.
Having unread messages clearly marked and easily accessed. "Offline"
reading would also be wonderful. Being able to grab all new messages at
once and read and reply at my leisure and then upload the replies either
immediately or in a bunch at once.

Unfortunately a lot of the web based message boards include banner ads
so they want people on their sites for as long as possible and loading
page after page. These sites have no motivation to make it easier for
the users.

I could read the messages here using my real or emulated IIgs but I've
been using Thunderbird for a very long time so I just use it with
Eternal September for reading messages here whenever I check my e-mail.

Oh, and just a note, there are five Apple II newsgroups (at least on
Eternal September): comp.emulators.apple2, comp.sys.apple2,
comp.sys.apple2.marketplace, comp.sys.apple2.programmer and

Michael 'AppleWin Debugger Dev'

Dec 17, 2023, 12:15:11 PM12/17/23
On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 12:40:39 PM UTC-8, I am Rob wrote:
> Facebook "Apple II enthusiasts" and "Apple IIGS enthusiasts" both have a pretty big following.

I will never use FarceBook (sic.) as long as they disrespect people by profiting off other people's data. (Not saying Google is any better.)



Dec 17, 2023, 12:53:49 PM12/17/23
"Michael 'AppleWin Debugger Dev'" wrote:

> I will never use FarceBook (sic.) as long as they disrespect people by
> profiting off other people's data. (Not saying Google is any better.)
> m.

Farcebook. That's a pretty good one. I'm actually happy to learn that I'm not the only one who feels that Farcebook is absolute crap.

Your Name

Dec 17, 2023, 3:21:21 PM12/17/23
Farcebook, Twithead (now Ex), Instagrunt, Pinuninterest, DickToc,
YouBoob, etc. ... *all* Social Media is complete garbage. They're badly
designed by greedy companies solely to make money from fools with
massive egos who think other people want to know what inane thing
they're doing now. :-\

"Just say 'No'." :-)

Michael 'AppleWin Debugger Dev'

Dec 17, 2023, 3:49:58 PM12/17/23
On Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 9:53:49 AM UTC-8, TRS-90 wrote:
> "Michael 'AppleWin Debugger Dev'" wrote:
> Farcebook. That's a pretty good one. I'm actually happy to learn that I'm not the only one who feels that Farcebook is absolute crap.

Normally I use the name FecesBook for all the dumb shit people post on it but I was being polite. =P

Another name is FakeBook -- because people's lives are so devoid of any _actual_ meaning they have to get fake sentiments by posting dumb selfies crap to boost their insecurity.

At least it isn't Shitter I mean Twitter -- some people are CONSTANTLY arguing over dumb shit that no one gives a fuck about on _that_ cesspool.

God forbid you ASK an _honest question_ on Reddit before you get down-voted into oblivion by the echo chamber redditards. Seems like the GOOD subs are far and few between.

Why have we forgotten basic (n)etiquetteon on Social Media? Maybe Penny Arcade's G.I.F.T. is the reason... :-/

I guess it is time to sign up for AtariAge or some other service ... Thanks for the suggestions everyone.


Steve Nickolas

Dec 17, 2023, 5:34:45 PM12/17/23
My jab of choice is Failbook.


Steve Nickolas

Dec 17, 2023, 5:36:52 PM12/17/23
That is, if Nutari doesn't decide they're going to rejig it into a forum
specific to tooting their own horn and get rid of all the non-Atari stuff.
(I'm fully expecting that to happen *eventually*, just not making a
prediction on how eventually eventually is, but the second I found out
about that, I dropped the forum like a bad habit.)



Dec 17, 2023, 5:53:47 PM12/17/23
"Michael 'AppleWin Debugger Dev'" wrote:

> Why have we forgotten basic (n)etiquetteon on Social Media? Maybe Penny
> Arcade's G.I.F.T. is the reason... :-/

Because the Internet is in Eternal September.

> I guess it is time to sign up for AtariAge or some other service ...

I hear you, but I truly hope people can promote CSA2. I've been on CSA2 since 2016, I think. I have received code soulutions via this forum that I honestly am not sure people would be willing to post to the "big www". I don't think, for example, that the new ProDOS conversions will likely be announced on http. I guess I could be wrong about that.


Dec 17, 2023, 6:05:05 PM12/17/23
"Steve Nickolas" wrote:

> That is, if Nutari doesn't decide they're going to rejig it into a
> specific to tooting their own horn and get rid of all the non-Atari
> stuff. (I'm fully expecting that to happen *eventually*)...

I'm with you on that one.

May I ask what system you used to post? Here on my IIgs your post included a bunch of stuff about MIME conversions, and it made me curious about how others might be connecting.

D Finnigan

Dec 17, 2023, 7:38:32 PM12/17/23
You'll need a Plan C in that event, because Mac GUI uses Eternal-September
for NNTP access.


Steve Nickolas

Dec 17, 2023, 8:26:40 PM12/17/23
Debian, with Alpine. (And not exactly the most up-to-date Debian, since
I've set up the machine and pretty much left it to its own devices.)


Steve Nickolas

Dec 17, 2023, 8:27:36 PM12/17/23
Yeah, but it'll have downloaded new messages already.


Scott Alfter

Dec 18, 2023, 2:10:47 PM12/18/23
In article <ulgg33$1onmo$>,
Your Name <> wrote:
>On 2023-12-15 00:41:31 +0000, TRS-90 said:
>>> That might put a damper on the viability of csa2/cea2/csa2p.
>> That's a polite way of putting it.
>> I think this could kill the csa2 groups. This sucks. For me at least,
>> Google Groups was how I found CSA2 in the first place, and I imagine
>> that is the same for many. So now new-commers won't even be able to
>> find it?
>Google Groups has always been an extremely crap way to read Usenet, as
>well as a source of tons of tolling morons. Anyone with sense gets a
>Usenet provider service (there are free ones) and a proper newsreader

...not to mention the recent crapflood of spam arriving via Google Groups.
It's gotten bad enough that I'm considering switching back to trn from tin
(got tin working under a really old Debian version in a Docker container,
since it won't easily compile on current systems) so that I can use this
incantation in ~/News/KILL:


It slows down newsgroup loading, but it's effective at killing the

/ v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( Top-posting!
\_^_/ >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

Scott Alfter

Dec 18, 2023, 3:20:02 PM12/18/23
In article <uln975$317mc$>,
Jeff Blakeney <> wrote:
>I would probably be okay with web based message boards if they could
>write them to work like earlier systems like usenet and BBS boards.
>Having unread messages clearly marked and easily accessed. "Offline"
>reading would also be wonderful. Being able to grab all new messages at
>once and read and reply at my leisure and then upload the replies either
>immediately or in a bunch at once.

If RSS feeds are available on a given site, you can use those in a feed
reader to track topics with new posts.

I use a feed reader to follow a bunch of websites, but haven't tried using
it with any of the forums with Apple II content. On a whim, I tried looking
up the AtariAge RSS feeds and found that if you replace the trailing slash
in a section (?) URL with ".xml", you'll get a feed. For instance, this is
the Apple II section:

and this is the feed:

none Scott Alfter

Dec 18, 2023, 3:21:23 PM12/18/23
In article <uln975$317mc$>,
Jeff Blakeney <> wrote:
>I would probably be okay with web based message boards if they could
>write them to work like earlier systems like usenet and BBS boards.
>Having unread messages clearly marked and easily accessed. "Offline"
>reading would also be wonderful. Being able to grab all new messages at
>once and read and reply at my leisure and then upload the replies either
>immediately or in a bunch at once.

Jeff Blakeney

Dec 19, 2023, 10:27:50 AM12/19/23
On 2023-12-18 3:21 p.m., Scott Alfter wrote:
> If RSS feeds are available on a given site, you can use those in a feed
> reader to track topics with new posts.

I vaguely remember trying RSS feeds when they first came into being but
I know I didn't continue using them. Probably because they didn't work
the way I would like. However, things may have changed since then so I
might have to give them another look. That might make it easier to read
stuff but I would probably still have to manually connect to post replies.

I'm pretty sure the Facebook groups, which were quite active when I was
using them, will not have RSS feeds.

Andrew Roughan

Dec 19, 2023, 1:43:53 PM12/19/23
mmphosis <> wrote:
> I will continue to post on USENET.
> and elsewhere ...
> Forums
> * thanks to "I am
> Rob"
> In Print!
> Podcasts
> Community
> * for example:
> Other
> Any others?

Good list. Reminds me that there are other pockets that I don’t frequent.

There’s two major ones missing though.

There are lots of groups on Facebook but if you’re not there already I
certainly don’t suggest that it is something to start just for Apple Ii
content. The best should be found elsewhere and the rest you won’t miss.

I do however highly recommend the A2 Infinitum Slack space

There are channels to follow and chronological content and searching and
threads (which don’t get used enough) - but it is possible to keep up and
catch up.
There’s a bestof channel which in theory gets cross posts into interesting
threads so if you wanted to see what you’ve missed up until now you could
start there.

I personally baulk at contributing apple 2 information to a site with Atari
in the domain name. That just seems misplaced.



Dec 20, 2023, 12:28:43 PM12/20/23

> fadden wrote:
> "Starting on February 22, 2024, you can no longer use Google
Groups (at to post content to Usenet groups,
subscribe to Usenet groups, or view new Usenet content. You can
continue to view and search for historical Usenet content posted
before February 22, 2024 on Google Groups."
> That might put a damper on the viability of

Many of use prefer to use web based front ends
instead of newsreader/nntp server access. Fortunately there are
still a few that carry the group. If yours doesn't, I'm sure they
will add it - just ask.

This is a response to the post seen at:


Dec 20, 2023, 3:39:16 PM12/20/23

> fadden wrote:
> "Starting on February 22, 2024, you can no longer use Google
Groups (at to post content to Usenet groups,
subscribe to Usenet groups, or view new Usenet content. You can
continue to view and search for historical Usenet content posted
before February 22, 2024 on Google Groups."
> That might put a damper on the viability of csa2/cea2/csa2p.

Did a little digging and found the culprit of the mass spamming on
Google Groups is using some service called "DeepLeo" to do
their spamming and automated article writing. Found a DeepLeo on
Github and seems to be some sort of interface with ChatGPT

It was only a matter of time before that resource was utilized for
that type of bad activity.


Dec 20, 2023, 4:15:42 PM12/20/23
On 12/19/2023 10:43 AM, Andrew Roughan wrote:
> I personally baulk at contributing apple 2 information to a site with Atari
> in the domain name. That just seems misplaced.

There's a musical tour right now with Def Leppard, Journey, and Steve
Miller Band. It's unlikely these would have been touring together back
in the day. If you wait long enough it all gets rolled together. :-)

Scott Alfter

Dec 21, 2023, 2:02:17 PM12/21/23
In article <ulscpj$3et2$>,
Jeff Blakeney <> wrote:
>On 2023-12-18 3:21 p.m., Scott Alfter wrote:
>> If RSS feeds are available on a given site, you can use those in a feed
>> reader to track topics with new posts.
>I vaguely remember trying RSS feeds when they first came into being but
>I know I didn't continue using them. Probably because they didn't work
>the way I would like.

Some sites return the entire article at a link, while others only return a
summary. I knocked together a script that somewhat helps with the latter,
but malformed HTML can confuse it, leading to parts of the article not being

>I'm pretty sure the Facebook groups, which were quite active when I was
>using them, will not have RSS feeds.

Definitely not. They'd prefer you never ventured outside their walled


Andrew Roughan

Dec 26, 2023, 8:00:56 PM12/26/23
Andrew Roughan <no_e...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> mmphosis <> wrote:
> I do however highly recommend the A2 Infinitum Slack space
> There are channels to follow and chronological content and searching and
> threads (which don’t get used enough) - but it is possible to keep up and
> catch up.
> There’s a bestof channel which in theory gets cross posts into interesting
> threads so if you wanted to see what you’ve missed up until now you could
> start there.

I thought that this may stir some interest in the Slack space, but it does
not appear to have enticed anyone. Which is perplexing when I tried to give
it a great wrap.


Jeff Blakeney

Dec 27, 2023, 7:13:24 AM12/27/23
I'm pretty sure I looked into Slack when people first started using it
for Apple II content but wasn't impressed. I just clicked the link in
the post but I can't even see what it is like without giving them an
e-mail address. I do have some junk addresses but as I really haven't
liked any web based system I've seen so far, I'm not sure it is worth
the bother.


Dec 27, 2023, 9:39:29 PM12/27/23
> I'm pretty sure I looked into Slack when people first started using it
> for Apple II content but wasn't impressed.

I personally feel that an Apple II forum should be reachable via an Apple II. I'm not sure if that makes me a "purist" or more likely an "idiot". I've tried Slack, and yes, I know things like that have very good interaction. 8-Bit Guy very politely clued me in to some of the web-based forums and my questions certainly did get answered by very knowledgable persons (in my case Nox Archaist in A2Desktop questions).

But I'm still an aging idiot, and prefer non-web anything when it comes to Apple II stuff. Yes, I need the IIgs for Usenet, but on IIe the Telnet sites are really good ( I admit that the time limitations are annoying).

I just think that Usenet and Telnet are very viable still.

Thanks for reading,


D Finnigan

Dec 28, 2023, 9:46:26 AM12/28/23
Jeff Blakeney wrote:
> but as I really haven't
> liked any web based system I've seen so far, I'm not sure it is worth
> the bother.

Which is unfortunate, because as I discovered just a few years ago, it's
where most all the Apple II discussion activity has gone from csa2.

There's a lot of useful stuff going on in this Slack group, but it's like an
IRC where you have to scroll back a lot to read older messages if you want
to catch up.

The New Apple II User's Guide:

Jerry Penner

Dec 29, 2023, 2:22:04 AM12/29/23
I went to the site. No HTTPS certificate, for one thing. Tried to sign
up and got an error: "Error:Error: certificate has expired". Sounds
like the same problem in two forms.

I'd give it a try if I could get in.

Jerry jerry+a2 at

Oliver Schmidt

Dec 29, 2023, 5:11:19 AM12/29/23

> Which is unfortunate, because as I discovered just a few years ago, it's
> where most all the Apple II discussion activity has gone from csa2.

That's THE point. It doesn't matter if I personally like of dislike Slack.
It's where "it" happens today.


Scott Alfter

Dec 29, 2023, 12:13:57 PM12/29/23
No certificate errors here (must've been upgraded), but demanding an email
address right off the bat is a turn-off.

You're Kidding

Dec 29, 2023, 12:35:06 PM12/29/23
On Dec 29, 2023 at 12:13:54 PM EST, "Scott Alfter" <Scott Alfter> wrote:

> In article <>, Jerry Penner <> wrote:
>> Andrew Roughan <no_e...@invalid.invalid> writes:
>>> Andrew Roughan <no_e...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>>> mmphosis <> wrote:
>>>> I do however highly recommend the A2 Infinitum Slack space
>>>> There are channels to follow and chronological content and searching and
>>>> threads (which don’t get used enough) - but it is possible to keep up and
>>>> catch up.
>>>> There’s a bestof channel which in theory gets cross posts into
>> interesting
>>>> threads so if you wanted to see what you’ve missed up until now you could
>>>> start there.
>>> I thought that this may stir some interest in the Slack space, but it does
>>> not appear to have enticed anyone. Which is perplexing when I tried to give
>>> it a great wrap.
>> I went to the site. No HTTPS certificate, for one thing. Tried to sign
>> up and got an error: "Error:Error: certificate has expired". Sounds
>> like the same problem in two forms.
> No certificate errors here (must've been upgraded), but demanding an email
> address right off the bat is a turn-off.

I get the same error message trying with 4 different browsers. I've been
trying to access slack for over a month.

Kent Dickey

Dec 30, 2023, 1:31:51 AM12/30/23
In article <umft04$3li8f$>,