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2nd RFD: Remove comp.sys.apple2.comm

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D. Finnigan

Oct 26, 2012, 2:02:00 PM10/26/12
This is a formal Request for Discussion (RFD) to remove the
unmoderated newsgroup comp.sys.apple2.comm.

Newsgroups Line:
comp.sys.apple2.comm Apple II data communications.


Proponent: D. Finnigan <>


=== CHARTER: comp.sys.apple2.comm (unmoderated)

The original proposal called for the "comp.sys.apple2.bbs"
newsgroup. The new name is offered here as a more accurate
alternative. Topics suitable for discussion in csa2.comm include (but
are not limited to):

1. Telecommunications software (ProTERM, ANSITerm, ZLink, TIC, etc.)
2. Bulletin board software (METAL/FutureVision, ProLine, Warp Six,
GBBS Pro, Prime, etc.)
3. Online services (GEnie, CompuServe, America Online, etc.)
4. Telecommunications hardware (high-speed modems, building cables,
selecting a serial card, etc.)
5. Networking (AppleShare, LocalTalk, Ethertalk, CAP, etc.)
6. Cross-platform connectivity (IBM-to-Apple, Apple-to-Macintosh,
Apple-to-UNIX via UUCP, etc.)

This proposal also calls for the merging of the "a2bbs" mailing
list, currently maintained by Doug Granzow on the ProLine BBS network
system. Creation of csa2.comm will expand the distribution of this
popular mailing list (over 100 readers) to the Usenet domain.

Rationale for removal:

Posting volume had dropped to little more than two FAQ posts per month
since 2007. FAQ posting ceased in December 2010 and the group had 2
posts in all of 2011 one of which was off-topic, and 2 posts so far
for this year, both of which were off-topic.

Discussions of Apple II systems and software can take place in the
main comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup, which has a far wider readership and
posting volume. As the catch-all newsgroup for the Apple II, all
on-topic posts in csa2.comm would also be on-topic for comp.sys.apple2.

Whereas the rise of broadband Internet has all but extinguished the
use of modems and telehpone-based communications, and being that the
Apple II computer system is obsolete, it is improbable that the volume
of on-topic discussions will ever increase in comp.sys.apple2.comm.

Discussion so far:

There has been one post supporting the removal of this newsgroup
from Linards Ticmanis. Message-ID:

History of the Group:

comp.sys.apple2.comm is an unmoderated newsgroup which passed its vote for
creation by 259:38 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 28 May 1993.

For your newsgroups file:
comp.sys.apple2.comm Apple II data communications.


Those who wish to comment on this request to remove this newsgroup should
subscribe to news:news.groups.proposals and participate in the relevant threads in
that newsgroup.

To this end, the followup header of this RFD has been set to

All discussion of active proposals should be posted to

If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the discussion may be
crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure that all
discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well.

For more information on the newsgroup removal process, please see

History of this RFD:

2012-10-26: Revised for 2nd RFD
2012-10-16: Initial proposal

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