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LocoLink and the PcW16

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John Elliott

Mar 20, 2002, 3:00:50 PM3/20/02
One of the things that it says about the PcW16 in all the FAQs is that
it has at least some of LocoLink built in. So this evening I set up a
PcW16 and a PCW9512 side by side, plugged the cables in, booted
LocoLink 2.02 on the 9512, turned on the 16, created a new document, and
selected the "Import" option.

Nothing happened.

Just to check that system was working properly, I connected the 9512
to a PC running LocoScript Professional. LocoLink worked first time.
Back to the PCW16. Nothing.

So what _is_ the story with the PCW16 and LocoLink?

------------- --------------------
John Elliott |BLOODNOK: "But why have you got such a long face?"
|SEAGOON: "Heavy dentures, Sir!" - The Goon Show

John Elliott

Mar 20, 2002, 4:25:09 PM3/20/02
Oh, and while we're on the LocoLink topic, PCW Plus once reviewed a
program suite called "PCWlink" by Three Inch Software (round about
October 1992, I think). It was supposed to allow you to LocoLink two PCWs,
provided that one was a 9512. Does anyone have a copy of it?

Kevin Thacker

Mar 21, 2002, 6:13:15 AM3/21/02
to (John Elliott) wrote in message news:<>...

> One of the things that it says about the PcW16 in all the FAQs is that
> it has at least some of LocoLink built in. So this evening I set up a
> PcW16 and a PCW9512 side by side, plugged the cables in, booted
> LocoLink 2.02 on the 9512, turned on the 16, created a new document, and
> selected the "Import" option.
> Nothing happened.
> Just to check that system was working properly, I connected the 9512
> to a PC running LocoScript Professional. LocoLink worked first time.
> Back to the PCW16. Nothing.
> So what _is_ the story with the PCW16 and LocoLink?
I know it is in the ROM, and appears to work like any other

Here is a quote:
".... LOCOLINK support. This is
automatically invoked when File Selector is called for IMPORT if CP/M
discs are
permitted and the LocoLink cable is present and able to communicate
a remote PcW. "

Some kind of detection is required and then it seems that options will
appear on the file selector where you can choose locolink.

It seems the detection works on a disk change, a CP/M disc should be
in the PCW16 drive, and the locolink should be connected and started.
Possibly as the PcW as the master.


Howard Fisher

Mar 22, 2002, 12:22:09 PM3/22/02
In article <>, John
Elliott <> wrote

> One of the things that it says about the PcW16 in all the FAQs is that
>it has at least some of LocoLink built in. So this evening I set up a
>PcW16 and a PCW9512 side by side, plugged the cables in, booted
>LocoLink 2.02 on the 9512, turned on the 16, created a new document, and
>selected the "Import" option.
> Nothing happened.
> Just to check that system was working properly, I connected the 9512
>to a PC running LocoScript Professional. LocoLink worked first time.
>Back to the PCW16. Nothing.
> So what _is_ the story with the PCW16 and LocoLink?
I'm speaking from memory here, but I'm pretty sure you need the LocoLink
for Windows PCW disc, not the LocoLink for LocoScript disc.
Howard Fisher

John Elliott

Mar 22, 2002, 6:43:41 PM3/22/02
Howard Fisher <> wrote:
>I'm speaking from memory here, but I'm pretty sure you need the LocoLink
>for Windows PCW disc, not the LocoLink for LocoScript disc.

[looking up from heaps of ROM disassmblies, xanne and xjoyce packet logs,

Sounds likely. The first packet that the PCW16 sends starts 5A,46,31
where the receiver expects 0B,41,31.

John Elliott

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