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Disks 81-88 now available

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Fred Fish

Jul 8, 1987, 6:07:27 PM7/8/87

Disks 81-88 are now available. I had hoped to get another couple ready
for this release (up to 90) but never quite found the time to finalize
the last two. Thanks to all who submitted material for this release.

Here is a list of the contents of 81-88:


Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.1.0, binary
only. Well documented.
Author: W. Wesley Howe

AutoFacc Autofacc automatically shrinks the ASDG FACC window and
moves it to the back. Also allows the number of buffers
to be increased or decreased. Most useful from the
Startup-Sequence file while booting. Binary only.
Author: Andry Rachmat

Brushes Contains 53 custom brushes for use in DPaint while drawing
schematics. Includes things like resistors, capacitors,
gates, transistors, IC pacs, etc.
Author: Jim Lee

CheckIFF Program to check the structure of IFF files and report
any problems. Binary only.
Author: Unknown

Cled A simple command line editor which allows you to edit
your commands before and after they are processed.
Uses the arrow keys and simple control sequence keystrokes
for cursor positioning and editing tasks. Update to version
on disk number 74, this is version 1.4, binary only.
Author: Pat Empleo

Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
handler, that provides line editing and command line
histories completely transparent to any application program
that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well
worth a donation to the author. Version 0.99B, binary only.
Author: William Hawes

Fonts Several miscellaneous new fonts for your enjoyment.
Author: (Several)

Icon Version 6.0 of the public domain implementation of Icon
from the University of Arizona. Binary only.
Author: Ralph Griswold, Cary Coutant, Steve Wampler, et al.
Amiga port by Scott Ballantyne

KeyLock Freezes the keyboard and mouse until the correct password
is typed. Protection against inquisitive kids, cats, and
other lifeforms. Binary only.
Author: Andry Rachmat

Scat Another display hack, created from Leo Schwab's "Ing"
display hack. Binary only.
Author: Stephen Pietrowicz

Smush Another display hack, feed it an iff file and see what
happens. Binary only.
Author: Hobie Orris

Target A little program which takes over the mouse pointer and
turns it into a gunsight. Pressing the mouse button
flashes the pointer and gives a gunshot. Version 1.23,
binary only.
Author: Matt Fruin and Michael McCarty


Adventure A port of the classic Adventure game originally
written by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Has been
extended to a 550 point version. Also speaks as it
prints (though I found this feature annoying).
Minimum 512K recommended. Binary only.
Author: David Platt, Ken Wellsch, Dave Haynie

AmicTerm A new terminal/communications program based on
Dan James' "comm" program, but greatly enhanced.
Includes a script language, auto redialing, choice of
display beep or audible beep, enhanced file requester,
and more. Version .50 (beta), binary only.
Author: David Salas and Albert Kirk

D2D-Demo Demo version of Disk-2-Disk from Central Coast Software
(submitted by George Chamberlin). Binary only.
Author: Central Coast Software

DX-Synth Voice filer program for Yamaha DX series synthesizers.
Voices are transfered to and from the Amiga over MIDI.
Update to "VoiceFiler" released on disk number 38.
Binary only.
Author: Jack Deckard

DiskMan Another "disk browser and/or dirutil" type program.
Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Greg Cunningham

Icons Miscellaneous new disk, directory, and file icons,
including John Olsen's great "fishdisk" icon (thanks
John!). Binary only.
Author: Several

Panl A universal midi patch panel that allows midi parameter info
to be sent from the Amiga to any midi device that can accept
param info. Version 1.2, binary only.
Author: David Weinbach

Rocket Another interesting Workbench display hack. This one
is really a game in disguise. Binary only.
Author: Peter da Silva

Sand This program has "magnetic grains of sand" that follow the
pointer wherever it goes. Cute. Binary only.
Author: Eric Vaughan


This disk contains a demo version of TeX, ported to the Amiga by
Tomas Rokicki. The disk is unchanged except for the following:

(1) I have added this file, README.list83, the standard
distribution info file, README.dist, and associated
icon files, plus "less" to read the text files.

(2) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted
disk, to create the master distribution disk, using
xcopy, which preserves the file dates. This insures
that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum.

(3) In order to make room for the files I have added, I
have compressed the file TeX/inputs/amigatex.tex using
a version of compress (compress.b13) that should run on
any standard 512K amiga. This version of compress is
found in c/compress.b13. To recover the original file,
execute the commands:

cd AmigaLibDisk83:TeX/inputs
:c/compress.b13 <amigatex.tex.Z >ram:amigatex.tex -d

Since this is a demo version of Tom's commercial product, it has
several limitations that let you get the flavor of the real thing
but encourage you to buy the commercial version. These limitations
include TeX being limited to processing only small files, the
previewer being limited to displaying ten pages or less, and only a
small number of fonts being provided. The full version of AmigaTeX
comes on eight floppies and will handle larger documents than most
mainframe versions of TeX. See the tex/README file for further info.


AudioTools Demo programs from Rob Peck's article in the July/August
issue of Amiga World on accessing the audio device.
Includes source.
Author: Rob Peck

BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with
the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety.
It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the
registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate
individual registers and perform blits on a magnified
bitmap. This is version 1.2, an update to the version
released on disk number 69. Includes source.
Author: Tomas Rokicki

Ed An editor based on the editor described in the original
Software Tools book. It is very similar to the Unix
"ed" editor, but not identical. Includes source.
Author: Brian Beattie

GravityWars The object of this game is for one player to hit the
other player's ship with a missle, before being hit
yourself. The ships and planets don't move, but
aiming the missle in the presence of gravity fields
and black holes makes hitting your target difficult.
Version 1.04, shareware, author suggests $5 donation.
This is an update to the version on disk number 70, and
includes source in Modula-2.
Author: Ed Bartz

HunkPad Two programs to help reduce problems with padding
added by xmodem transmission.
Author: J. Hamilton and Aaron Avery

PipeHandler An AmigaDOS pipe device which supports OPEN, CLOSE, READ,
WRITE, LOCK, EXAMINE, and EXNEXT. Thus you can have
"named pipes". It also supports "taps" on a pipe, to
capture all data flowing through the pipe. Version 1.2,
includes source.
Author: Ed Puckett

PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any
time without having to load workbench or exit whatever
program you may be using. Also has a builtin screen
saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console
screen when there has been no input for a specified
period of time. Version III, an update to the version
on disk number 40. Includes source.
Author: John Toebes

Requester A file name requester that looks like the one used in
Deluxe Paint, and a sample program for using the
requester. This is an update to the version released
on disk number 34. Includes source.
Author: Kevin Clague, enhancements by Randy Finch

ScottDevice A mountable MicroForge SCSI driver. Supports one SCSI buss
device with two hard disk units attached to it. Version
33.1, includes source.
Author: Scott Turner

Viacom Another of Leo's amusing little hacks. Sort of a political
statement regarding the quality of service of a certain
San Francisco area cable TV service. Includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab


Csh Version 2.06 of Matt Dillon's csh like shell, modified
for Manx C. Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew

FileReq Another file requester, but this one also has a fast
pattern matching capability. Includes source.
Author: Peter da Silva

Hide A small utility to allow you to run old or ill-written
applications on systems with expansion ram. When hide
is running, all memory allocations take place in chip
memory. Somehow, something like this missed making it
onto my earlier disks. Binary only.
Author: Francois Rouaix

ImageTools A set of shareware tools, submitted by the author, to
do various manipulations on IFF images, including comparison
of the color palettes of a pair of IFF images, filtering
an IFF image in various ways, producing a color usage
frequency chart for an IFF image, reducing the size of
an IFF image to produce a miniature to use as an icon,
converting an icon to an IFF image, and recoloring an IFF
image using the palette of a second image, in a least
squared error fashion. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen

LowMem Another fine freely redistributable product from ASDG.
This one is a low memory server, which is a compact shared
library which allows arbitrary processes to register their
desire to be notified of impending memory shortages. This
allows good citizen programs to free up memory that they
may not need, so other programs can use it. Binary only.
Author: Perry Kivolowitz

Plot6 A star plotting program. Short on documentation and
user friendliness, but interesting nevertheless.
Also includes source.
Author: Darrin West

RawIO Example of how to set your standard input to what is
commonly known as "raw" and/or "CBREAK" mode on Unix
systems. Includes source.
Author: Chuck McManis

Rocket Another interesting Workbench display hack. This one
is really a game in disguise. It is the same as the
one on disk number 82, but also includes source.
Author: Peter da Silva

VMore A shareware program, submitted by the author, that
is a "more" like text file viewing utility that can
be run on multiple files from either the WorkBench or
the CLI. Version 1.00, includes source.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen

Vnews A simple news file reader, that will read all the news
files in a specified directory, optionally starting with
a specified file. Includes source.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen


AutoPoint Autopoint serves two functions: it automatically
selects the window underneath the mouse pointer and
it provides a very nice screen saver facility.
Binary only.
Author: Jude Katsch

ClickToFront ClickToFront extends the user-interface so that
a double-click into a window brings it to the front.
Now as long as you can see any part of a window you can
bring it to the front without having to hunt for the page
gadgets. Version 1.1, includes source.
Author: Bryce Nesbitt

Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output
to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging
or "offline" printing. Version 3, includes source.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner

FileIISG-Demo A demo version of Softwood File IIsg, a database manager
with sound and graphics. Also includes a database of
of previously released disks in this library, courtesy
of Stan Spence. Binary only.
Author: Woody Williams and Donald Brady


AdvSys An adventure writing system, as described in the May 1987
issue of Byte magazine. Advsys is a special purpose
programming language that was specifically designed to
be used to write computer text adventure games.
Version 1.2, binary only.
Author: David Betz

AutoIconOpen Example code to fool WorkBench into thinking it is receiving
mouse inputs that select and open icons. This is version
1.2, an update to the version on disk number 73. Includes
Author: Tony Wills

Claz Converts IFF picture files to POSTSCRIPT. Works with
Amiga HAM pictures, as well as "normal" pictures. Also
includes scaling. Version 2.0, includes source.
Author: Steve Ludtke

Commodities Commodities Exchange, an Amiga exec library which can be
opened and used by application programs to gain access to
input in a very flexible way. This is a "minimal, binary
only" copy. Source may be available on a future disk.
Version 0.4.
Author: Jim Mackraz

Diff A simple version of diff. Update to version on disk
number 75, includes source.
Author: Erik Baalbergen

Dme Version 1.27 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Update
to version on disk number 74. Binary only.
Author: Matt Dillon

DropShadow A program that makes your WorkBench windows have
dropshadows. This is version 2.0, the same as on disk
number 74, but also includes source.
Author: Jim Mackraz

Elib Example of building a shared library using small model
Manx C. Includes source.
Author: Jim Mackraz

ID-Handler An AmigaDOS device handler, that generates unique
identifiers. Generates a new unique 16 digit decimal
number each time it is opened by an application.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Ed Puckett

Install Two possible replacement versions of the standard
install program (to make a disk bootable). Includes
Author: Bryce Nesbitt and Scott Turner

MemWatch Memwatch is a program intended to sit in the background
and watch for random trashing of low memory by an
application under development. If it detects a write
to low memory, it repairs it to what used to be there,
then puts up a requester indicating what damage had been
done. Very useful! Version II, includes source.
Author: John Toebes

MovePointer Moves the pointer to any specified location on the screen,
specified by X-Y coordinates. Includes source.
Author: "Cewy"

MoveWindow Move a named window to any arbitrary X-Y coordinate and
possibly resize it at the same time. Includes source.
Author: "Cewy"

MunchingSq Leo's "Munching Squares" hack, now upgraded to take a
single argument for a seed value. Includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab

PalTest Example code of how to determine dynamically whether
or not you are running on a PAL machine. Includes source.
Author: Christof Bonnkirch

Sc Program which demonstrates generation of good looking
pseudo-random scenery. Includes source in C (translated
from Draco version on disk number 61).
Author: Chris Gray

Tek4695 A Tek4695 printer driver. Binary only.
Author: Philip Staub

WBDualPF An example of using a dual-playfield screen, using
a method contrary to documentation in the Intuition
Manual. Fixed version of copy released on disk
number 41. Includes source.
Author: Jim Mackraz

WarpText Fast text rendering routines, to be linked with application
programs. Reported to be able to display text as fast,
or faster than, "blitz". Includes source.
Author: Bill Kelly

Yaiffr Yet Another IFF Reader. Handles HAM, HIRES, and overscan,
includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab

Zoo A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different
in implementation and user interface details. Includes
some nice features that "arc" lacks (such as file/path
names up to 255 characters in length). Version 1.42A,
binary only.
Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters


DirMaster A very nicely done shareware disk cataloger, submitted
by the author for inclusion in the library. Includes
sample database of some disk libraries. Version 1.0a,
binary only.
Author: Greg Peters

FuncKey A shareware function key editor, submitted by the author
for inclusion in the library. Version 1.01, binary only
(source available from author).
Author: Anson Mah

MFF-Demo Demo copy of the MicroFiche Filer program from Software
Visions Inc. The MicroFiche File is a full-powered
database program for manipulation of text, numbers, and
pictures. It uses the microfiche metaphor for dealing
with your data graphically. This is a full production
version except that the save option has been disabled.
Includes a sample database of my disk library. Binary
Author: Gary Samad

ScreenShift Screenshift is a small program that allows you to adjust
the position of the screen on your display, just like the
preferences function. Works from CLI or WorkBench.
Includes source.
Author: Anson Mah

Snake A variant on the old "bouncing lines" program, this
on uses multiple vertices and Bezier splines. Includes
Author: KABjorke

Snap Snap takes a picture of the current front screen and
reduces it to produce an icon. Can produce icons of
a user specified size. Binary only.
Author: Nick Frabotta

= Drug tests; just say *NO*!
= Fred Fish Motorola Computer Division, 3013 S 52nd St, Tempe, Az 85282 USA
= seismo!noao!mcdsun!fnf (602) 438-5976

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