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8-Bit Classics

Sep 19, 2004, 8:05:43 PM9/19/04
Instead of having a special sale, I will let you pick what you want
and save! Take 20% off of your order from 8-Bit Classics! Use coupon
NEW20 when checking out.

What is new at 8-Bit Classics? Well, I have posted more items for
different systems, and still have plenty to add. It has taken me a
little longer than I thought, but getting there. I also have some
items that I am working on that are unique.

I am still also looking for Links! I have gotten a few, and added a
few myself of sites I felt or worthy that I frequent. Check them out
and help other site owners.

Still looking for reviews of products! If you own a product and have
a few minutes, please take some time to write a review and share your
opinion with others on that particular item (good or bad). You still
need to register to write a review, but registered users will get
addiitonal emails (if they choose) about upcoming products before they
are announced, additional discount coupons, and more. I might even
get a $ off coupon for the person who writes the most reviews.

Thanks to all who has visited and purchased from 8-Bit Classics! I am
hoping to be around for years helping the classic community with their


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