as you might or might not know, my Amiga died a couple of month ago and
I decided to quit any support concering my Amiga software products. This
starts somewhere at DiskSafe and ends in the MuLib package. Hence, if
someone's interested in continuing the development of all or some of
my Amiga software packages, there need to be a new maintainer for them.
Conditions are that the software remains maintained and freely available
under licence conditions similar to the one I had. I would *not* agree
to make all this GPL or LGPL.
Your skills should include either C (ANSI-C) programming for the one
half of the projects, and advanced Motorola 68K assembly programming
for the other half of the projects.
You'd further need to provide an Amiga (obviously), a C compiler, preferably
the SAS/C as this is what all the projects are based on, and a Motorola
Assembler, preferably the DevPac as I've been using a lot its macro
capabilities. The PhxAss is not sufficient for most assembly based
projects here.
Most of my "early works" (though not the MuLib package) are documented in
german, it might help if you understand a little bit.
Sources are completely backup'd and available as I've always been
rather paranoic about this issue, and for good reasons, as it
turned out.
Please sent applications to my regular email address at:
"Thor" will continue with excellent freeware programs, but on a
different platform. See for
a starter, and more to come in future.
So long guys, and Good Bye!
> So long guys, and Good Bye!
> Greetings,
> Thomas
What does this mean for Amiga OS 4.x development? I understood that you
were working there too?
Thanks for all great programs you have created, and for support here!
Thomas! Sad to see you leave. Can your Amiga not be fixed? You've
produced some great stuff over the years.
I'd have liked to continue support for your stuff, but I have neither
the time nor the expertise. :( Oh well...
Best of luck for whatever you choose to do. In the slim chance the
Amiga rejuvenates a bit, perhaps we'll see you back?