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How do you get a SINGLE character read?

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Robert Gatlin

Sep 28, 1992, 12:43:47 PM9/28/92
I am writting a program in C (Lattice) and need to read a single
character from the keyboard without having to wait for the user
to hit <CR>. I have tried to use the ansii getc() function, but
obviously waits for a <CR>. The I*M version of Turbo C has a
non-ansii standard function getch() which does what I want. Is
a similar function or workaround available for Amiga C?

| Robert Gatlin - Supercomputer Interconnect Components - Intel Corporation |
| ...!any-MX-mailer-like-uunet!!gatlin |
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Juergen Weinelt

Sep 30, 1992, 1:55:00 PM9/30/92
In article <> (Robert Gatlin) writes:
>I am writting a program in C (Lattice) and need to read a single
>character from the keyboard without having to wait for the user
>to hit <CR>. I have tried to use the ansii getc() function, but
>obviously waits for a <CR>. The I*M version of Turbo C has a
>non-ansii standard function getch() which does what I want. Is
>a similar function or workaround available for Amiga C?

Sure. Open a "RAW:" window, and use Read() from dos.library.
BTW, I think there's a special escape sequence for turning a
normal "CON:"-window (e.g. the AmigaShell) into a "RAW:" window.

If you need more info, mail me.

>| Robert Gatlin - Supercomputer Interconnect Components - Intel Corporation |
>| ...!any-MX-mailer-like-uunet!!gatlin |

-- Juergen

o _ Juergen Weinelt, Germany
| (_) \/\/ UUCP:!imart!hcast!jow

Doug Walker

Oct 1, 1992, 9:30:12 AM10/1/92

In article <>, (Juergen Weinelt) writes:
|> In article <> (Robert Gatlin) writes:
|> >I am writting a program in C (Lattice) and need to read a single
|> >character from the keyboard without having to wait for the user
|> >to hit <CR>. I have tried to use the ansii getc() function, but
|> >obviously waits for a <CR>. The I*M version of Turbo C has a
|> >non-ansii standard function getch() which does what I want. Is
|> >a similar function or workaround available for Amiga C?

Check out RawIO on Fred Fish disk #85 (Yes, 85). It contains
source to a function to change the console window to raw mode
based on a Lattice C filehandle. This still works with Lattice
and SAS/C version 5.x. Under 6.0, functions are provided in the
library to do this.

=*|_o_o|\\=====Doug Walker, Software Distiller====== BBS: (919)460-7430 =
*|. o.| || 1200/2400/9600 Dual
| o |// For all you do, this bug's for you!
usenet: bix: djwalker
Any opinions expressed are mine, not those of SAS Institute, Inc.

Rick Morrow

Oct 2, 1992, 8:12:26 AM10/2/92
In article <> (Robert Gatlin) writes:
>I am writting a program in C (Lattice) and need to read a single
>character from the keyboard without having to wait for the user
>to hit <CR>. I have tried to use the ansii getc() function, but
>obviously waits for a <CR>. The I*M version of Turbo C has a
>non-ansii standard function getch() which does what I want. Is
>a similar function or workaround available for Amiga C?

Here is a simple little routine that I use to get a 'hotkey' type of
response. Because of the use of the SetMode() function this routine is
effectively 2.x only.

----------------------------[ cut ]----------------------------------------

char GetHotKey()
char c;

FH=Input(); /* find stdin */

SetMode(FH, 1); /* switch stdin to RAW: mode (v36+) */

if(WaitForChar(FH, 0)) /* if there is a character available right away get */
{ /* it, otherwise don't wait. NOTE** there are problems */
/* with WaitForChar() with a timeout of 0 under 1.2/1.3 */

Read(FH, &c, 1); /* get waiting character */
else c=0;

return(c); /* return character if one was waiting, or 0 if none */

----------------------------[ cut ]----------------------------------------

I've found no problems with switching stdin to RAW: and not switching it
back, but you can switch it back to CON: before the return(c) if you like.
Also, there doesn't seem to be any problems with switching it to RAW:
every time, and since we _have_ to have it in RAW: for this to work, and
anything else can switch it to CON: then we have to switch it to make sure
we know its state.

Hope this proves helpful...

>| Robert Gatlin - Supercomputer Interconnect Components - Intel Corporation |
>| ...!any-MX-mailer-like-uunet!!gatlin |
> ______ _ ________ _ __ _
> / _____\ / \ __ __| | | |\ | |
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>| | ____/ /_\ \ | | | | | |\ \| |
>| | |__ | ___ \| | | | | ||\ \ |
>| \____/ | / \ \ | | |___| || \ |

/ Rick Morrow - \
\ North Bay - Ontario - Canada /

Klaus Seistrup

Oct 2, 1992, 3:00:40 PM10/2/92

Hi Juergen.

[30-Sep-92: Weinelt/All]

>> I am writting a program in C (Lattice) and need to read a single
>> character from the keyboard without having to wait for the user to hit
>> <CR>. I have tried to use the ansii getc() function, but obviously
>> waits for a <CR>. The I*M version of Turbo C has a non-ansii standard
>> function getch() which does what I want. Is a similar function or
>> workaround available for Amiga C?

JW> Sure. Open a "RAW:" window, and use Read() from dos.library. BTW, I
JW> think there's a special escape sequence for turning a normal
JW> "CON:"-window (e.g. the AmigaShell) into a "RAW:" window.

I'm new to this echo, so excuse me if I'm off-topic... But if you're running 2.
0+ the following code might do the trick:

#define CON 0L
#define RAW 1L

long c;
BPTR fh = Input();

c = FGetC(fh);


This has been tested and it works. If somebody out there wants a 1.3-version,
please contact me by E-Mail. :-)


/\ : *** Magnetic Ink *** . FidoNet 2:230/119
/ Klaus Seistrup @ : Ahornsgade 8A, 1.TH. -*- Tel: +45 35-372-171
/____\ : DK-2200 Copenhagen N | AmigaNet 39:141/110

* "Walking back through the hills of dry grass - coming upriver" *


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