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In Memory of Greg...

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Aug 20, 2002, 5:46:34 PM8/20/02


It has been a long time since I posted to the ANGs and I am sadden that
my brief return is only to bring bad news.

On 2002-08-19 around 3am EST, Greg Tallent passed away :(... . With the
permission of his Girlfriend I have include the following text...

Hello to all,

You don't know me, though Greg may have mentioned me. I am Melanie, his

I am writing this letter with great sorrow. For I must tell you all that
Greg passed away this morning about 3am EST. He's had an ongoing battle
with his diabetes as most of you may know. Well, Friday night we went to
the ER at the local hospital, Greg complaining with stomach cramps and
lower back pain. It was quickly discovered that he was having a
pancreatitis [attack]. This was his third attack in two years, only this
was the worst of all. All his blood work results were sooooo high that
he was admitted to CCU, where they worked on him & gave the best care
that was possible.

I loved Greg with all my heart and am thankful for what little time we
had together (less than a year). He will be missed by all....

If you have any questions, or wish to respond for any reason, please
send to *my* Email acct. I am sure [his] will be closed down soon. My
Email addy is: ms_mimi69 @ hotmail .com [rejoin address before sending].

The funeral will be held at Highlands Funeral home in Louisville. The
address is:

3331 Taylorsville Road
Louisville Ky

Phone # is: 502-451-4420
Fax # is: 502-451-4490

The viewing is today, funeral tomorrow... 11am - 3pm.

Take care and may God Bless... We will all miss Greg deeply.


...Greg's sharp wit and wealth of knowledge that many (including myself)
have enjoyed and appreciated over the many years here will be sorrily

So long,


Mark Stewart

Aug 19, 2002, 7:01:53 PM8/19/02

"Michael" <shotgun@invald!.com> wrote in message
Thank you for informing us Michael.

We are indeed saddened by Greg's passing.
His wit and humor will be missed. I had bought
some hardware from him once and he helped
me get it going.

Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Melanie and
Greg's family. May God bless and comfort you
in your time of need.


Kirk Strauser

Aug 20, 2002, 11:04:24 PM8/20/02

At 2002-08-20T21:46:34Z, Michael <shotgun@invald!.com> writes:

> It has been a long time since I posted to the ANGs and I am sadden that my
> brief return is only to bring bad news.

I was just thinking of you a few days ago. I am deeply sorry to hear this.
Kirk Strauser

James Boswell

Aug 21, 2002, 12:07:09 AM8/21/02

I think this sums it up.



Mike Leavitt

Aug 21, 2002, 12:37:50 AM8/21/02
Hello James Boswell

> <snip>
> I think this sums it up.
> :(

Right on. I learned a lot from Greg, and will miss him.
Mike Leavitt

Mike Woods

Aug 21, 2002, 1:14:48 PM8/21/02
Michael <shotgun@invald!.com> wrote in message news:<Xns9270964F2...@>...
> Hello,
> It has been a long time since I posted to the ANGs and I am sadden that
> my brief return is only to bring bad news.
> On 2002-08-19 around 3am EST, Greg Tallent passed away :(... . With the
> permission of his Girlfriend I have include the following text...

Damn, he will be missed by all.



Mike Woods


Aug 21, 2002, 6:14:20 PM8/21/02

"Mike Woods" <> wrote in message

True........Rest in Peace Greg. I've enjoyed
the arguments and discussion over the years.

Too many people in such short time.
An old Eric Swartz (sp) comment is coming true.
"The Amiga will outlive all of us"


Duncan Snowden

Aug 21, 2002, 9:10:51 PM8/21/02
On Wednesday, Angelo wrote:

> Too many people in such short time.
> An old Eric Swartz (sp) comment is coming true.
> "The Amiga will outlive all of us"

It's always hard to know what to say in these situations, especially when
others - who knew him better, after all - have already been so eloquent,
so I'll just say that I was thinking along the same lines myself.

Duncan Snowden.

Richard R. Johnson

Aug 22, 2002, 10:18:33 AM8/22/02

Michael wrote:

My condolences to you, your family and Michael's family. I will miss his
humor and knowledge. Good bye Mike and rest in Peace.
Team *AMIGA*

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Kirk Strauser

Aug 22, 2002, 12:12:19 PM8/22/02

At 2002-08-22T14:18:33Z, "Richard R. Johnson" <> writes:

> My condolences to you, your family and Michael's family. I will miss his
> humor and knowledge. Good bye Mike and rest in Peace.

Michael is still with us. He wrote to say that Greg is not.
Kirk Strauser
The Strauser Group -

Adam Kowalczyk

Aug 22, 2002, 4:15:27 PM8/22/02

My sincerest condolences, as Greg will be deeply missed.


Richard R. Johnson

Aug 22, 2002, 5:17:02 PM8/22/02

Kirk Strauser wrote:

You're right. Sorry. This goes to Greg's family.
Slap, slap.

Greg L. Kimnach

Aug 22, 2002, 8:11:18 PM8/22/02
"M" == "claimed thusly:

M> Hello,
M> It has been a long time since I posted to the ANGs and I am sadden that
M> my brief return is only to bring bad news.
M> On 2002-08-19 around 3am EST, Greg Tallent passed away :(... . With the
M> permission of his Girlfriend I have include the following text...

truly sad news. greg shall be missed greatly. my condolences to
his family, girlfriend, and all of his friends.

greg (non-hyphenated american)
I opted for Betamax, the world for VHS;
I for Amiga, the world IBM clones.
Multiculturalism is a euphemism for national division.
Blizzard2060/128MB, CV64/3D, Ariadne, AD516, Cable Modem
Esküszünk, Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább nem leszünk!

Hidehiko Ogata

Aug 22, 2002, 9:42:18 PM8/22/02
Michael wrote:

> It has been a long time since I posted to the ANGs and I am sadden that
> my brief return is only to bring bad news.
> On 2002-08-19 around 3am EST, Greg Tallent passed away :(... . With the
> permission of his Girlfriend I have include the following text...

Terrible news indeed... I've always enjoyed his helpful and informative
posts in csah.

My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
// }{idehiko ()gata "What did ya expect in an opera?
\X/ Amiga since '86 A happy ending?" - Bugs Bunny
RIP Chuck Jones 1912-2002

Hidehiko Ogata

Aug 23, 2002, 8:36:27 AM8/23/02
*gasp* Did I really post that?

My apologies to everyone; that .sig was really uncalled for :(.

Hidehiko, in shame

Brian E. Doe

Aug 22, 2002, 5:47:58 AM8/22/02
On 22 Aug 2002 01:10:51, Duncan Snowden ranted and raved about
<> in

Brian Team *AMIGA* NewsCoaster v1.53
Member "I Am Amiga" Fan Club

Brian E. Doe

Aug 24, 2002, 3:18:35 AM8/24/02
On Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:36:27 +0000 (UTC), "Hidehiko Ogata" ranted and raved
about <> in comp.sys.amiga.misc:

> *gasp* Did I really post that?
> My apologies to everyone; that .sig was really uncalled for :(.
> Hidehiko, in shame

No gomen nassai's necessary. It was an innocent slip, I'm sure. I didn't
even catch it until just now.

Hidehiko Ogata

Aug 26, 2002, 12:40:14 AM8/26/02
Brian E. Doe wrote:

> No gomen nassai's necessary. It was an innocent slip, I'm sure. I didn't
> even catch it until just now.

Domo Arigato, Brian-san *^_^*. My newsreader (NewsRog) tucks .sig's
away too... beware of the risk of modern technology!
// }{idehiko ()gata
\X/ Amiga since '86

Brian E. Doe

Aug 26, 2002, 5:42:56 AM8/26/02
On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 04:40:14 +0000 (UTC), "Hidehiko Ogata" ranted and raved
about <> in comp.sys.amiga.misc:

> Brian E. Doe wrote:
> > No gomen nassai's necessary. It was an innocent slip, I'm sure. I didn't
> > even catch it until just now.
> Domo Arigato, Brian-san *^_^*. My newsreader (NewsRog) tucks .sig's
> away too... beware of the risk of modern technology!


Brian Team *AMIGA* NewsCoaster v1.53
Member "I Am Amiga" Fan Club

Remove spam trap and add .jp to end of address for e-mail

Mike Wilkins

Aug 28, 2002, 12:14:34 PM8/28/02
in article Xns9270964F2...@, Michael at
shotgun@invald!.com wrote on 8/21/02 6:46 AM:

Hard to believe, he was a major part of the Amiga community. He often found
solutions to problems that were obvious to him but hidden from nany of us.
Sometimes ascerbic in his wit, seems he just might have been the gentleman
that impressed itself on the memory long after logging off.


My condolences to his family and friends.

Michael Wilkins - A4000T (stuffed to overflowing)

Kyoto, Japan.

Timothy Rue

Aug 30, 2002, 7:30:42 PM8/30/02
On 28-Aug-02 11:14:34 Mike Wilkins <> wrote:

>Hard to believe, he was a major part of the Amiga community. He often found
>solutions to problems that were obvious to him but hidden from nany of us.
>Sometimes ascerbic in his wit, seems he just might have been the gentleman
>that impressed itself on the memory long after logging off.

Oh, but we will always have google...

*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
*~ ~ ~ Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue What's *DONE* in all we do? *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
Web @ ^<--------<----9----<--------<

Troy Parker

Aug 30, 2002, 8:19:36 PM8/30/02
In article <>, Timothy Rue

> On 28-Aug-02 11:14:34 Mike Wilkins <> wrote:
> >Hard to believe, he was a major part of the Amiga community. He often found
> >solutions to problems that were obvious to him but hidden from nany of us.
> >Sometimes ascerbic in his wit, seems he just might have been the gentleman
> >that impressed itself on the memory long after logging off.
> Oh, but we will always have google...

...And Google records your posts as well.

Timothy Rue

Aug 30, 2002, 10:50:30 PM8/30/02

Did ya figer dat all out, by your lil ol'self?

Troy Parker

Aug 30, 2002, 11:46:35 PM8/30/02
In article <>, Timothy Rue

> >> Oh, but we will always have google...
> >...And Google records your posts as well.
> Did ya figer dat all out, by your lil ol'self?

Stay the hell off this thread, you have no class.
If you want to throw stones, throw them at someone that can defend
themselves, coward.

Someday you'll be the subject of a thread like this when your time
comes, show a little respect and grow up already.

Ed Dana

Aug 31, 2002, 5:29:05 PM8/31/02
Michael wrote:

[Greg Talent's passing...]

Damn! I leave the newsgroup and look what happens... :(

If I hadn't been playing with REBOL's NNTP capabilities I would never
have known.

So the Amiga Community has lost another fine member. I am truly sorry to
see it. I enjoyed my conversations with Greg and will sincerely miss his
sense of humor.

Everyday the community gets a little smaller... :(

Sincerely, |
Ed Dana | Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you
Software Developer | want to test a man's character, give him power.
1Ghz Athlon Amiga | -- Abraham Lincoln
=========== ===========

Ed Dana

Aug 31, 2002, 5:31:11 PM8/31/02

Jim Woods

Aug 31, 2002, 8:02:07 PM8/31/02

I have been away for a while.....what happened to Greg. I assume you
are referring to Greg Tallent?

Jim Woods

Timothy Rue

Aug 31, 2002, 9:48:30 PM8/31/02

You are right, you are a coward. Why else would you distort the facts in
order to troll?

Yes Troy, of course I know google records my posts. I often post for no
other reason but to place things into the search path, as evidence. And
my using a google link should have made that obvious to you.

But it is interesting how you continued to distort by attempting to
set follow up to alt.flame while obviously yourself posting to csam. That
really isn't very fair, but more like cheating.

It is also interesting how everyone who has past away or had serious
health problems, at least as far as Amiga community based public notice
goes, have also been ones to give me a hard time. Even the first, George
Noel, had health problems.

I suspect that like others have tried, you are trying to make something
other than what it is. That is trying to make me out to be something I'm

Why do you suppose that is, Troy? And given these google verifiable facts
of such efforts of others towards me.....

When your time comes, how will it happen? Will you simple miss the obvious
and step out in front of a speeding car?

Maybe the question to ask yourself is: Does Tim have such power? Or is
there some commonality amoung people who give Tim a hard time, regarding
their health and health habits? Perhaps a little bit of both?

There was a guy I knew where I was growing up, he'd tried to get me to
fight him, one time even throwing a few punches at me and throwing me to
the ground. I let people who were around watching this think what they
wanted. Then later he raped someone close to me. I still would not go
after him. Here is how he died. He drank and there was this railroad track
to cross if you went such and such place on foot. Don't know what
happened, but figured he'd gotten drunk and on a hot summer nite, layed
down on the cool track and passed out. The train hit him, balls first and
split him up to the rib cage. He didn't bleed much from what I heard, at
least untill they got him into surgery trying to save his life. After what
I understand was going into 8 hours of heavy surgery, he died.

There are others. Some who I have a much fuller understanding of their
situation. Yet it seems that whether or not I care.... well it doesn't
make much difference, they bring on themselves what they create. Like a
girl I knew and grew to care about, my mistake, agent training program.
But who fabricated the illusion of a threat of harm being directed at her.
It seems that illusion has now turned into reality, as a missing person,
false as the real case may be, she got others to help her fabrication that
in turn allowed her and others to commit crimes, even involving the help
of the police. Now she seems to be trapped in her illusion, she can really
be knocked off by anyone who feels they are at risk if she comes forward
in exposure, while in the illusion being more vulnerable of actually being
a victim where few would care or even know if she really became missing or

Tell me Troy, given the way people treat me, make stuff up about me, what
can I expect of these same people should something happen to me? Would I
somehow then be getting their support? How about you?

I really don't suppose it made much difference to Galileio (sp?) that the
church finally exonerated him in the early 1990s. It seems so clear that
that church was exonerating him because of a reduction in church
supporters due to such obvious wrongs........ and the child abuses.....

The house of god is not withing a building made of wood and stone, but
within you and all around you. Chop a piece of wood and you will find god,
turn over a stone and there god will be. It is you who chopped the wood,
you who turned over the stone. You bring many things upon yourself.

And you seem to want to throw stones by ignoring the obvious.....And then
claim it's not you, however obvious it is to others.

Stop ignoring the obvious, for your own well being. As it seems so obvious
that it is the obvious and ignoring it that will lead you into trouble.

Whether or not I care, makes no difference, it is up to you to do, to

Perhaps you need a few classes yourself, in self respect.

Eldor C. Luedtke Jr.

Aug 31, 2002, 10:47:43 AM8/31/02
On or about Sun, 01 Sep 2002 01:48:30 GMT Timothy Rue was bent over the
keyboard typing furiously about Re: Cheap shots Was:In Memory of Greg...

> On 30-Aug-02 22:46:35 Troy Parker <> wrote:
> >In article <>, Timothy Rue
> >wrote:
> >> >> Oh, but we will always have google...
> >>
> >> >...And Google records your posts as well.
> >>
> >> Did ya figer dat all out, by your lil ol'self?
> >Stay the hell off this thread, you have no class.
> >If you want to throw stones, throw them at someone that can defend
> >themselves, coward.
> >Someday you'll be the subject of a thread like this when your time
> >comes, show a little respect and grow up already.
> You are right, you are a coward. Why else would you distort the facts in
> order to troll?

<a LOT of crap sniped>

Tim, you make me SICK! I can even say that I really remember the man,
but I see NO reason for you to drop in to that thread with you crap,
show some respect, if you have nothing positive to say, just shut up!

I remember you from the last time I wandered in here, I could find
nothing to like about you then, I see less reason now to like you. I
talk about kill filing SG, but in truth, if I knew how to make it
work, you WOULD be in it (at least with Outlook Exasperator I know how
to do that). You ARE a blemish upon this groupe, now go play with
your VIC(-20?) and shut your face!



Maybe we should pray for SG, whoever that is.

Troy Parker

Aug 31, 2002, 11:03:08 PM8/31/02
In article <>, Timothy Rue

> >> Did ya figer dat all out, by your lil ol'self?
> >Stay the hell off this thread, you have no class.
> >If you want to throw stones, throw them at someone that can defend
> >themselves, coward.
> >Someday you'll be the subject of a thread like this when your time
> >comes, show a little respect and grow up already.
> You are right, you are a coward. Why else would you distort the facts in
> order to troll?

What distorted facts?

I think it's quite obvious who's post was the troll. If I stuck up for
you, would that be trolling?

> Yes Troy, of course I know google records my posts. I often post for no
> other reason but to place things into the search path, as evidence. And
> my using a google link should have made that obvious to you.

Isn't it obvious to you that Google records your lack of character when
you've repeatedly crapped on someone after their personal tragedies?

You have no shame.

> But it is interesting how you continued to distort by attempting to
> set follow up to alt.flame while obviously yourself posting to csam. That
> really isn't very fair, but more like cheating.

I set the followup to alt.flame because that's where the thread
BELONGS. Your post and follow-ups TO it do not belong in GT's thread.

> It is also interesting how everyone who has past away or had serious
> health problems, at least as far as Amiga community based public notice
> goes, have also been ones to give me a hard time. Even the first, George
> Noel, had health problems.

It's also interesting to note you behaved like an asshole when they
could no longer defend themselves, you low-class Coward.

> I suspect that like others have tried, you are trying to make something
> other than what it is. That is trying to make me out to be something I'm
> not.

No, I'm making it out to be EXACTLY what it is. You're an asshole for
behaving this way, google knows it, everyone here knows it, and I for
one was EXTREMELY offended you behaved that way in a thread about him
passing away.

You've sunk to a new low, even for YOU.

> Why do you suppose that is, Troy? And given these google verifiable facts
> of such efforts of others towards me.....

It's because you're an Asshole, Tim. It's as simple as that. If you
didn't behave like this, you wouldn't have this problem.

> When your time comes, how will it happen? Will you simple miss the obvious
> and step out in front of a speeding car?
> Maybe the question to ask yourself is: Does Tim have such power? Or is
> there some commonality amoung people who give Tim a hard time, regarding
> their health and health habits? Perhaps a little bit of both?

Stop amusing yourself, it's only interesting to you.

<Snip Tim's story about how all his enemies get killed>

> Tell me Troy, given the way people treat me, make stuff up about me, what
> can I expect of these same people should something happen to me? Would I
> somehow then be getting their support? How about you?

This isn't about how people treat YOU, it's about your treatment of
OTHERS. You have a big problem in that you fail to see yourself the way
others see you.

<snip rambling nonsense>

> Perhaps you need a few classes yourself, in self respect.

If you had any self respect, you wouldn't have made your initial
discusting post. What a low class piece of work you are.

Brian E. Doe

Sep 1, 2002, 12:13:19 AM9/1/02
On Sun, 01 Sep 2002 01:48:30 GMT, "Timothy Rue" ranted and raved about
<> in comp.sys.amiga.misc:

> You are right, you are a coward. Why else would you distort the facts in
> order to troll?

Tim, stop it right now! You ARE a coward, and completely without any class
whatsoever. This was a dead thread until you decided to drop your two cents
worth in, posthumously flaming the poor guy for stuff he said /in the past!/

The man is /dead/! Give it a rest, you insensitive bastard!

[snip delusional statements of grandieur]

Graham Briggs

Sep 1, 2002, 1:25:16 AM9/1/02
Jim Woods wrote:

> I have been away for a while.....what happened to Greg. I assume you
> are referring to Greg Tallent?

Greg sadly died a week or so ago, and many people have posted their
condolences on this newsgroup.

I think it is quite a clear indication of how sick, twisted and low that Mr
Tim Rue is to post what he has done in this thread. It is one of the lowest
and sickest things I have witnessed online, most possibly ever.

Have shame upon yourself, Mr Rue. And never expect sympathy from any of us
again. I feel that I can safely talk for many other people here after your
posts and say that you are not welcome ever again in the Amiga community.


Neil Williams

Sep 1, 2002, 7:53:34 AM9/1/02
On Sunday September 01 2002, Graham Briggs said to Jim Woods:

>> I have been away for a while.....what happened to Greg. I assume you
>> are referring to Greg Tallent?

GB> Greg sadly died a week or so ago, and many people have posted their
GB> condolences on this newsgroup.

One of the last things he posted was possibly the most insightful comment I've
heard regarding the World Wide Web. It was along the lines of 'I'd like to
mount the Web as a hard drive too ...then format the drive and start over..."

Neil Williams, - Uni, ug00026 at sees bangor ac uk
FidoNet 2:442/107.0 - Part time BBS:

Timothy Rue

Sep 1, 2002, 1:20:29 PM9/1/02


there are only cheap people taking shots at me, here.

Timothy Rue

Sep 1, 2002, 1:45:21 PM9/1/02

So, what are you saying? That I gave Greg some life back?

You are pathetic Brian, and I'm sure alot of people see right thru you.
And I'm glad you have self appointed yourself to be the Amiga community
spokesperson, for your foolishness really show what to expect.


Sep 1, 2002, 2:53:52 PM9/1/02

"Brian E. Doe" <> wrote in message

Don't worry, we're watching Mr. Rue very closely now.
He might still have the documents and the X29
discombobulator module so he might need some persuasion.
As for his unfortunate so called friends well we kept trying
for him but people get in the way sometimes unfortunately.
Mr. Tallent was a good agent in the fight against the "Rues"
out there, sadly Father time and Mother nature caught up
with him, he will be sorely missed.

Some black helicopters have been dispatched with tracking
sensors but Rue keeps his aluminum head gear on most of the
time now so it scrambles the signals. We'll keep trying. ;-)


Eldor C. Luedtke Jr.

Sep 1, 2002, 3:18:25 AM9/1/02
On or about Sun, 01 Sep 2002 17:20:29 GMT Timothy Rue was bent over the
keyboard typing furiously about Re: Cheap people taking shots by Timothy Rue

> On 01-Sep-02 00:25:16 Graham Briggs <> wrote:
> >Jim Woods wrote:
> >> I have been away for a while.....what happened to Greg. I assume you
> >> are referring to Greg Tallent?
> >Greg sadly died a week or so ago, and many people have posted their
> >condolences on this newsgroup.
> >I think it is quite a clear indication of how sick, twisted and low that Mr
> >Tim Rue is to post what he has done in this thread. It is one of the lowest
> >and sickest things I have witnessed online, most possibly ever.
> >Have shame upon yourself, Mr Rue. And never expect sympathy from any of us
> >again. I feel that I can safely talk for many other people here after your
> >posts and say that you are not welcome ever again in the Amiga community.
> >Graham
> there are only cheap people taking shots at me, here.

Your one sick puppy, no, I don't want to insult puppies, your a sick

Joona I Palaste

Sep 1, 2002, 3:28:25 PM9/1/02
Eldor C. Luedtke Jr. <> scribbled the following:

Is this the second or third time Tim Rue has insulted a recently
deceased Amiga community member? His arrogance and lack of manners is
utterly astonishing. I wonder what happens when Tim Rue dies, will
any one of us mourn for him?

/-- Joona Palaste ( ---------------------------\
| Kingpriest of "The Flying Lemon Tree" G++ FR FW+ M- #108 D+ ADA N+++|
| W++ B OP+ |
\----------------------------------------- Finland rules! ------------/
"As a boy, I often dreamed of being a baseball, but now we must go forward, not
backward, upward, not forward, and always whirling, whirling towards freedom!"
- Kang

Graham Briggs

Sep 1, 2002, 3:36:03 PM9/1/02
Timothy Rue wrote:

> there are only cheap people taking shots at me, here.

You are the one who essentially turned up at the passing away party where
people were passing on their condolences and started shouting insults about
the person who passed away.

In real life you would have received a damn good kicking for that behaviour.

Only cowards and sick perverts skulk away on the internet and behave like
you. Scum.


Jim Woods

Sep 1, 2002, 7:47:33 PM9/1/02
>Jim Woods wrote:

>> I have been away for a while.....what happened to Greg. I assume
>> you are referring to Greg Tallent?

>Greg sadly died a week or so ago, and many people have posted their
>condolences on this newsgroup.

Thank you for the information. I remember it wasn't that long ago
when we lost Patrick really hit me.

Both Greg and Patrick were always right there to help anyone with
questions and problems. I shall miss Greg too. He helped me a few

>I think it is quite a clear indication of how sick, twisted and low
>that Mr Tim Rue is to post what he has done in this thread. It is
>one of the lowest and sickest things I have witnessed online, most
>possibly ever.

>Have shame upon yourself, Mr Rue. And never expect sympathy from any
>of us again. I feel that I can safely talk for many other people
>here after your posts and say that you are not welcome ever again in
>the Amiga community.

I hate the bickering so I do my best to ignore posts to or from Mr
Rue. I don't know him and I don't want to.


Thanks again.

Jim Woods

Troy Parker

Sep 1, 2002, 7:32:26 PM9/1/02
In article <>, Timothy Rue

> On 01-Sep-02 00:25:16 Graham Briggs <> wrote:
> >Jim Woods wrote:
> >> I have been away for a while.....what happened to Greg. I assume you
> >> are referring to Greg Tallent?
> >Greg sadly died a week or so ago, and many people have posted their
> >condolences on this newsgroup.
> >I think it is quite a clear indication of how sick, twisted and low that Mr
> >Tim Rue is to post what he has done in this thread. It is one of the lowest
> >and sickest things I have witnessed online, most possibly ever.
> >Have shame upon yourself, Mr Rue. And never expect sympathy from any of us
> >again. I feel that I can safely talk for many other people here after your
> >posts and say that you are not welcome ever again in the Amiga community.
> >Graham
> there are only cheap people taking shots at me, here.

You are beyond despicable. It's truely appaling that you don't even see
the "wrong" in your actions. Unbelievable.

Troy Parker

Sep 1, 2002, 7:34:47 PM9/1/02
In article <>, Neil Williams

> Hi,
> On Sunday September 01 2002, Graham Briggs said to Jim Woods:
> >> I have been away for a while.....what happened to Greg. I assume you
> >> are referring to Greg Tallent?
> GB> Greg sadly died a week or so ago, and many people have posted their
> GB> condolences on this newsgroup.
> One of the last things he posted was possibly the most insightful comment I've
> heard regarding the World Wide Web. It was along the lines of 'I'd like to
> mount the Web as a hard drive too ...then format the drive and start over..."

:) I liked that, it was cute.

Neil O'Rourke

Sep 1, 2002, 7:57:04 PM9/1/02

"Joona I Palaste" <> wrote in message

Patrick Ford.
Greg Tallent.

> His arrogance and lack of manners is
> utterly astonishing. I wonder what happens when Tim Rue dies, will
> any one of us mourn for him?

There is something sickening about watching a person dance on graves...


Timothy Rue

Sep 1, 2002, 8:25:44 PM9/1/02

Timothy Rue

Sep 1, 2002, 11:10:53 PM9/1/02
On 01-Sep-02 19:25:44 Timothy Rue <> wrote:
>On 28-Aug-02 11:14:34 Mike Wilkins <> wrote:

>>Hard to believe, he was a major part of the Amiga community. He often found
>>solutions to problems that were obvious to him but hidden from nany of us.
>>Sometimes ascerbic in his wit, seems he just might have been the gentleman
>>that impressed itself on the memory long after logging off.

Anybody else want to be insulted (I have to assume that is what many here
thing it is) with a pointer to them in google giving me a hard time?

Eldor C. Luedtke Jr.

Sep 1, 2002, 12:18:14 PM9/1/02
On or about Mon, 02 Sep 2002 03:10:53 GMT Timothy Rue was bent over the
keyboard typing furiously about Re: In Memory of Greg...

> On 01-Sep-02 19:25:44 Timothy Rue <> wrote:
> >On 28-Aug-02 11:14:34 Mike Wilkins <> wrote:
> >>Hard to believe, he was a major part of the Amiga community. He often found
> >>solutions to problems that were obvious to him but hidden from nany of us.
> >>Sometimes ascerbic in his wit, seems he just might have been the gentleman
> >>that impressed itself on the memory long after logging off.
> >Oh, but we will always have google...
> Anybody else want to be insulted (I have to assume that is what many here
> thing it is) with a pointer to them in google giving me a hard time?

I don't follow your links anyway, you are useless, Greg was a man,
you, are sex gone to waste, your parents should be punished for
bringing you in to the world. I would like to cause you great amounts
of pain, but, since I can not do that, and I am aparantly too damn
stupid to filter you, I will *PERSONALY* ignore you, you pathetic, low
life, inbred moron, in MY world, you just died, you no longer exist.

> ---
> *3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
> *~ ~ ~ Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
> Timothy Rue What's *DONE* in all we do? *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*

What's done in what YOU do, *NOTHING*, jerk off.

Troy Parker

Sep 2, 2002, 12:25:07 AM9/2/02
In article <>, Timothy Rue

> On 01-Sep-02 19:25:44 Timothy Rue <> wrote:
> >On 28-Aug-02 11:14:34 Mike Wilkins <> wrote:
> >>Hard to believe, he was a major part of the Amiga community. He often found
> >>solutions to problems that were obvious to him but hidden from nany of us.
> >>Sometimes ascerbic in his wit, seems he just might have been the gentleman
> >>that impressed itself on the memory long after logging off.
> >Oh, but we will always have google...
> Anybody else want to be insulted (I have to assume that is what many here
> thing it is) with a pointer to them in google giving me a hard time?

You don't feel you've pissed everyone off and made enough enemies

You're pathetic.

Brian E. Doe

Sep 2, 2002, 3:59:59 AM9/2/02
On Sun, 01 Sep 2002 17:20:29 GMT, "Timothy Rue" ranted and raved about
<> in comp.sys.amiga.misc:

> there are only cheap people taking shots at me, here.

You can solve that /rea