Well, playing with emulation, and from the old days I remember Thor. On the
A600HD back thenit was only a dream to have, muchless did it worked, muchless
were there news. It was plain Thor, the offline reader I picked up from
Aminet, and I couldn't figure it out.
Much of the figuring out part I have supplened nowdays.
It doesn't seem simple with Thor. Nor is it mainstream, like the most
superlative Q-Blue.
What it can do is: news and QWK in 2, 3, 4 formats. Whether this is all really
possible I don't know, but I do know that reading news is the outmost ease,
agility and delight. Thor opens on it's own publicscreen, and you get the
message window, the conference list window and the message list window.
It's a bit more complex here, and it's a bit more not understandable. Without
MUI, hey, you couldn't miss neither with this one.
Configuring is smartest (i don't know whether this is even the only way) done
from the installer.
The best way is to get all 6 (or so) parts of the installation from Aminet,
simply take everything
that says Thorxxx.lha. Installation takes care of everything, and although
lasty, it does well and does
it all.
When started, Thor presents you with a message window in which it is explained
how to act further
and how to ramble all the way to the news reading on your own public screen in
The windows are green, I don't know -if it's a bother here - green - it's nice
all in all.
The menus and docks are hardly self explanatory. It's tough and it can
outsmart you. The toughest
thing you have to live with is that when you are writing a message in Thor, to
be sent to news, you
only get one shot at it. You press 'Write new', the internal text editor
opens, you write yours, and
the next time you're ever going to see your message is when it reaches you
back from the news server,
or maybe not even then. I still don't know this, I'm exploring with some
Hey, the reading is a marvell, font is a blessing, the windows are immaculate
hanging loosely on the
screen, and then you go.
Well, about all really.